Over the years I have had the opportunity to train with several teachers. All have different approaches and emaphasis on training.

One teacher wanted us to workout super hard, killing us in every session. Forcing us to adjust and to adapt during the work out. However, some people never could keep up and were not able to perform properly during class. While overly exhausted they could not execute stances, postures or structure properly, thus in my opinion creating bad muscle memory habits.

Another teacher only wanted to train the stances, posture and structure while we had the energy to devote to focusing on proper training. While we had plenty of energy and focus to put to proper stance, posture etc etc, the workouts were not as exhausting and no one was getting into "Shape".

This has nothing to do with sparring / resistance class. Both had sparring / Shuai Chiao / fighting drills / San Shou etc etc. This training was strictly basic skills class.

Which way do you go? Is there a middle ground?
