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Thread: Reconsidering sexual repression?

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    The longer I live, the more I come to appreciate the aspect of me that is naught but mere animal.

    Makes perspectives very simple.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  2. #17

    The "W.H.O.R.E." (an androgynous term) has always been here. Don't forget it takes two. In the last 35 years or so there has been a manipulated shift in social attitudes to loosen sexual boundaries throught he encouragement of same sex relationships. The goal of which is population control. So, if you are in a situation where hetero women outnumber hetero men you will get that kind of behavior that sanjuro ronin mentions from that article.

    On a metaphysical level, the rise of feminine energy that is hitting this planet is AMAZING. It is affecting everyone in ways depending on their awareness.


  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
    On a metaphysical level, the rise of feminine energy that is hitting this planet is AMAZING.
    i dont think its amazing. i think its a disgrace.

    Honorary African American
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post

    On a metaphysical level, the rise of feminine energy that is hitting this planet is AMAZING. It is affecting everyone in ways depending on their awareness.

    Gaaaayyyyyy !!!!
    Psalms 144:1
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    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  5. #20
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    i miss the days when men acted like men, like the mongols and mao ze dong.

    Honorary African American
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  6. #21
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    I think there are a lot of dangerous and downright stupid mindforms being projected outwards about women.

    For one thing, there seems to be this idea that women's equality means they are the "same" as men in all these different ways.

    as an example, females in movies are portrayed as physically more powerful than males quite often. This is ridiculous. You know it, I know it but a lot of impressionable minds out there haven't a clue.

    I saw the movie Colombiana the other night. Interesting and completely implausible series of events. Just downright stupid to the point where it made an otherwise interesting tale of revenge into an utter pile of shyte.

    women aren't men and men aren't women and leaning one into the other on a social construct is mere deviance in my opinion.

    we have to celebrate the differences and find the egalitarianism where it really is.
    Soft, overtly liberal politically correct garbage makes the world stagger these days.

    I pretty much refuse to practice that. Facts are facts.

    Also, I can't believe the new 3 Musketeers has cast a women in the D'Artagnan character's role. yeesh...
    Last edited by David Jamieson; 10-04-2011 at 11:38 AM.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  7. #22
    sanjuro ronin,

    You are correct about that. It can result in that as well.

    One thing that I have observed about the ho mo sexual community is the pervasive presence of the feminine; even amongst those hard core types. The feminine presence, there, is greater than in the mainstream. If you look at the colors they use, purple, pink, magenta-- these are vaginal colors.

    Last edited by mickey; 10-04-2011 at 11:42 AM.

  8. #23
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    i am manly. i dont wear vaginer colors. i wear penus colors.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  9. #24
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    You guys worry about colours too much:
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    There are 7 colours in a rainbow.
    There are seven colours in the system of Chakras.
    These colours match those of the rainbow.
    Chakras represent allegorically all the features of being human from a every ancient and every modern perspecttive.

    gay folk are people too. They are as normal a human being as you or me. They aren't like you in their behaviours, but they are born, live, eat, bleed, die just like anyone else and that's good enough for me.

    I don't beef on chicks because they wear panties and bake cakes and like the d1ck, why should I bag on gays for it?

    As for what we "observe" of the gay community, most of that has already been filtered through the subjectivity of someone else. You wanna really know what gay folk are like, go befriend and hang out with some sometime. Because there is no substitute for real experience when it comes to knowing what's what.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by RenDaHai View Post
    I don't like the idea of the contraceptive pill. Hormones change behaviour, regularly changing your hormones changes personality.
    You are aware there are a number of women that use pills to CONTROL their hormone levels, right?.........

    But all that aside I think reduced birth-rate is probably a natural progression as a society advances. It is kind of scary to think we will soon be so hugely outnumbered by people from lesser societies. We could start cloning.....

    Kind of makes you glad for China's 1 child policy huh....
    Define "lesser societies."

    You act as if limiting population is a bad thing. And it has nothing to do with society advancing, unless you are referring to people that choose to put career progression higher in priority than family (a behavior not as often seen in less developed countries). However biologically, every organism on the planet has a tendency to self regulate population expansion. Humans, are seemingly in fact, the worst at exhibiting this trait. Its a vital element in proper resource partitioning to ensure ultimate survival of a species (and the community it should inhabit).

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
    sanjuro ronin,

    You are correct about that. It can result in that as well.

    One thing that I have observed about the ho mo sexual community is the pervasive presence of the feminine; even amongst those hard core types. The feminine presence, there, is greater than in the mainstream. If you look at the colors they use, purple, pink, magenta-- these are vaginal colors.

    And yet pink used to be a color reserved for men...

  13. #28
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    Seriously we're bringing homosexuality into this topic now? I've already, in the past couple years, posted about 2 or 3 dozen anthropological/sociological studies in various threads on this subject, that detail just why this western conception of homosexuality is not universal, conceptually incorrect, biologically misunderstood and just by and large utter BS. And I really don't care to go drudge them up again. But to summarize:

    1) Homosexuality is totally, utterly, completely natural.

    2) There is no god smiting these heathens. And if there is, he/she/it is an idiot for creating over 1500 species with scientifically documented homosexual behavior. Tell me, do giraffes and mountain goats go to hell?

    3) If so many different organisms retain such behavior, it must then have some species wide survival advantage, because nature doesn't waste energy on useless sh!t. My guess, it has something to do with adapting to limited resources, mates, etc. And ensuring that the most fit individuals are the ones reproducing.

    4) The western idea of homosexuality is not even existent in many cultures. There are some cultures in the world which EVERY member of their society exhibits this behavior. Some even have religious beliefs necessitating the acts. To them, there is no such thing as "gay."

    As far as "feminine" energy goes; most of this metaphysical, post-modernist pseudo-philosophy is BS in my book. Now if you want to talk about the real issue of how blurring gender roles seems to be throwing people into a crisis of identity (which is not even necessarily associated with sexual orientation by the way) then fine. But you need to be sure to understand the distinction between gender, a social construct, vs. sex, a biological distinction. Because too many people here, and in general, seem to be misunderstanding the differences.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCo KungFu View Post
    You are aware there are a number of women that use pills to CONTROL their hormone levels, right?.........

    Define "lesser societies."

    You act as if limiting population is a bad thing. And it has nothing to do with society advancing, unless you are referring to people that choose to put career progression higher in priority than family (a behavior not as often seen in less developed countries). However biologically, every organism on the planet has a tendency to self regulate population expansion. Humans, are seemingly in fact, the worst at exhibiting this trait. Its a vital element in proper resource partitioning to ensure ultimate survival of a species (and the community it should inhabit).

    1. Yes, People also fill themselves with antibiotics or blast themselves with radiation to control disease, but its not a great idea when your healthy.

    2. I mean less developed.

    3. A lower population is good. It happens because each life is better provided for in a developed country and so is more meticulously planned. Also because people want to spend more time on their own life development as you said. Its very rare to have say 9 kids in England but common in some less developed countries. So as countries advance their population increase slows.

  15. #30
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    I blame feminism.

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