That's a pretty authentic tsunami.

Chinese tourists injured after ‘tsunami pool’ malfunctions at water park
Scores of swimmers at theme park near North Korean border were injured by a sudden tidal wave that operators say was caused by damaged electronic equipment
Some of the 44 people injured suffered fractured ribs after problem with wave-generating machinery caused accident
Laurie Chen
Published: 5:59pm, 31 Jul, 2019

Forty-four tourists were injured by a bigger-than-expected wave at a water amusement park in northeast China. Image: Youku

Forty-four tourists have been injured by a bigger-than-expected wave at a “tsunami pool” in northeast China, according to a local government announcement.
The incident occurred at Yulong Shuiyun Water Amusement Park in the city of Longjing near the border with North Korea.
Five people were still being treated in hospital for injuries, including fractured ribs, but their condition is stable, according to a notice posted on Weibo by the Longjing city government on Tuesday.
“According to the initial stages of the investigation, the incident was caused by a power cut that damaged electronic equipment in the tsunami pool control room, which led to the waves in the tsunami pool becoming too big and injuring people,” the notice said.
The park had closed down the tsunami pool while an investigation was ongoing, the notice said.
A video clip of the incident published by online news outlet Beijing Time shows a sudden tidal wave overwhelming dozens of swimmers, including screaming children and families, in a large pool at the theme park.
A theme park worker told Beijing Time on Tuesday that an “accidental breakdown in machinery” caused the incident.
“Online rumours say that a worker wrongly operated the controls, but in reality it was a problem with the equipment,” the employee was quoted as saying.
“The park closed for a day for repairs, but the investigation is over and the park will open as usual tomorrow.”
44 tourists were injured after a giant wave swept through a “tsunami pool” in northeast China. Photo: Weibo

The water park is billed as the biggest of its kind in the Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Jilin province and contains various attractions.
In May, two people died and 12 were injured after falling off a water slide at a children’s theme park in Sichuan province, southwest China.