Well you and I have always agreed on this issue lol

I think the other thing people don’t realise is how in contact sports PEDs are actually needed by some people whose careers might otherways be finished and the research some athletes do in order to understand them.

I know of one pro level MMA guy who spent months trying to recovery from a shoulder injury who became so intimate with PEDS and how they effected the body you could have sworn he was a doctor, he never used them in the end but the temptation for pro level guys to use them to recover from the injuries they come to have is huge

People come up with the sports, make bigger and bigger demands on the athletes who compete them complain about HOW they get to the end point the fans demand……retatred

As for PEDs being taken by people wanting to look like their idol, well how stupid must you be to willingly take all the risks of something for non or the rewards?