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Thread: Need Defense/counterattack advice

  1. #31
    High kicks are useless when you are in real close or grappling. I cant say what you should do cause I don't know what you know. If you want to beat him with your style then ask your teacher. If he can't help you around this problem he is not a good teacher. If you want to just beat on the guys ego a bit then get in close, use elbows and grapple as much as you can. Keep in mind the grappling IS NOT ground fighting and thats not what I'm saying to do. A huge double leg slam wouldn't be appropriate in a point sparring class that doesn't ground fight. Try using the throws, locks and short strikes from your own style. Close the gap and eat this kid up.

    Of course it may not be the kicks at all, he just may be better than you in all respects in which case you should probably leave it alone.

    If he's really rude tell your sifu you don't spar with people who aren't gentlemen and if he's a good teacher he'll know exactly how to handle that. If not, move on.

  2. #32
    After reading the rest of the comments it seems that the most common consensus is to close the gap. You simply don't wan't to be on the nasty end of a hard fast strike. The closer you are the less he can hurt you with his legs and the more chance you have of using his own power against him in the form of throws, short strikes and painful breaks/subs.

    Yeah? agree?

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    As a 3rd degree BB in TKD I can say this to you:
    Be the better fighter, period.
    I can also say that the vast majority of the advice given to you will work, if they guy is a complete cabbage.
    And if he's not?

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFist View Post
    Like some have suggested, you could see this as a way to expand your own skills.

    Don't let your own ego get in the way. People tend to get defensive when someone is better than them at something.

    Why not just be like "hey dude, you're pretty good with those high kicks"?

    Giving him validation might cut back on his c0ckiness a bit.

    Once the egos are removed you can probably learn more from each other.

    Maybe he'll even show you how to defend against them. TKD has methods for defending against its own techniques, right?
    It's one thing to take losing gracefully. It's another thing when the winner uses your loss to belittle you and it becomes negative. If the guy can't treat you right, you are better off without him in sparring class. The learning setting should be mostly positive. You may gain skills going against him but the negative psychological aspects of that sort of relationship cast the postives in a major shade. there are good fighters that will spar with you and be nice. Use them instead.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    After reading the rest of the comments it seems that the most common consensus is to close the gap.

    Yeah? agree?
    This is fine. Close the gap is great advice. But He's sparring here, so after a while the guy will get wise to his strategy, and he will tire. He won't be able to close consistently and so he will still have to learn how to deal with the hard end of the kick.

    His problem seems to be the kick is too fast. This is generally not because the guy kicking is really fast, it will be because our friend is perceiving the kick too late. He needs to position himself well to keep his field of vision wide. Then learn how to smash kicks.

    If it ever goes beyond friendly sparring, people who kick a lot leave their groin unguarded. Kick him in the happy sack.
    Last edited by RenDaHai; 03-03-2012 at 07:19 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    After reading the rest of the comments it seems that the most common consensus is to close the gap. You simply don't wan't to be on the nasty end of a hard fast strike. The closer you are the less he can hurt you with his legs and the more chance you have of using his own power against him in the form of throws, short strikes and painful breaks/subs.

    Yeah? agree?
    Just to close the gap is too "conservative". You need to run your opponent down instead.

    All attacks will have some open gap. When your opponent kicks at you, his body will lean back slightly. His standing leg will be the target for you to apply "欺(Qi) - Take unfair advantage of". If you can:

    - move your front leg between his legs,
    - touch you head to his shoulder,
    - put one arm on and over his shoulder,
    - make your chest to touch his chest,
    - use one arm to grab his kicking leg (or leading leg),
    - use one leg to hook his standing leg,

    as long as you can "deflect" your opponent's punches when you enter, you can "run him down". It's such a simple principle that can be use for counter attack (your opponent attacks first) or even initial attack (you attack first).

    In Chinese, it's called 合脯(He Pu) - chest touch chest. It can be used to counter a lot of moves.

    趁对方独腿站立身体重心不稳之机,我迅速使右脚上步,右腿冲入对裆中(致使对方身体重心越发不稳),向前梗 头、欺身挤压对方(头部挤住对方的头右侧,尽量与对方合脯),同时右手扒按对方的左肩(图75)。在上欺下 冲以及上手扒肩等动作的配合之下,迫使对方后仰倒下。
    动作要点:借对方抬腿拦踢身体重心不稳之机,迅速上步冲腿,大力欺身挤压对方,上下协调配合用 力。

    Take each other's one-legged standing body of instability, I quickly on the right foot step, in the right leg into the crotch (resulting in each other's gravity more instability), MI, bully who squeeze each other forward (crowded living each other's head to the right to the head, as far as possible with the other breast), while grilled right by each other's left shoulder (figure 75). Bully down on and under the coordination of actions such as Braised shoulder started, forcing the other fallen backwards.
    Action points: borrow each other's legs to stop playing instability of body weight, rapidly step on red legs, strong bully who squeeze each other, and coordination.
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 03-03-2012 at 07:53 PM.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    And if he's not?
    Then none of these "advices" would work, I can't tell you that they wouldn't work on me unless the other guys is a the better fighter, in which case he would be the BETTER fighter anyways, know what I mean?
    It's not as if a TKD guy has NEVER had anyone try to "close the gap and use their hands/sweep".
    Psalms 144:1
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Then none of these "advices" would work, I can't tell you that they wouldn't work on me unless the other guys is a the better fighter, in which case he would be the BETTER fighter anyways, know what I mean?
    It's not as if a TKD guy has NEVER had anyone try to "close the gap and use their hands/sweep".
    Isn't this the main thing? It's good to talk about all the different startegies to use against what, but at the end of the day, it's the better fighter that's going to be able to do what he wants to his opponent 90% of the time. There are too many what if's with these scenarios.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brule View Post
    Isn't this the main thing? It's good to talk about all the different startegies to use against what, but at the end of the day, it's the better fighter that's going to be able to do what he wants to his opponent 90% of the time. There are too many what if's with these scenarios.
    100% correct, that is why I never give advice on these matters, other than train hard and be the better fighter.
    You always want to fight YOUR fight and not allow the opponent to fight his/her fight and you can only do that by being the better fighter, period.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    It's one thing to take losing gracefully. It's another thing when the winner uses your loss to belittle you and it becomes negative. If the guy can't treat you right, you are better off without him in sparring class. The learning setting should be mostly positive. You may gain skills going against him but the negative psychological aspects of that sort of relationship cast the postives in a major shade. there are good fighters that will spar with you and be nice. Use them instead.
    Yeah I agree, but it's generally best to not go into it with the assumption that the other guy is a d.ick.

    Of course if he is, yeah... I don't like training with people with egos, either.
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  11. #41
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    1. sucker punch
    2. learn the grabbling. no one can resist the grabbling.
    Last edited by bawang; 03-05-2012 at 06:31 PM.

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  12. #42

    Need Defense/counterattack advice

    Quote Originally Posted by luismtzr View Post
    Hello Guys;

    i need defense/counterattack advice from you guys; here's the story:

    I'm a student at a Kung Fu School (for over a year); and a couple a weeks ago a new student arrived; and as usual we always welcome new students and try to help them in any way to accelerate the learning process; but in this case; this student came from a Taekwondo school and according to him; he is a black belt (Taekwondo); so anyways; we usually do sparring 2 times a week; and this guy is very good with high kicks and is kicking the shxxit out of other students, i give him a good fight but i sometimes i can't avoid his taekwondo high kicks; and the problem is that he is very arrogant and ****y with the rest of the class; and i tought that it was just me noticing that but i was right; one day i was taking a sh!t at the academy (he didn't know that i was there) and he entered the restroom with some other guy and started talking trash about other students and saying that he was the best; and i tried to ignore that but he started beating the youg and newer students and that makes me mad.

    so what would be the best defense and counterattack with Taekwondo style?


    What that TKD guy is telling you is that TKD is alot better than kung fu , and
    he ' s the best , better tell your kung fu sifu about this situation , and what style of kung fu are you learning anyway ? TKD you have to watch out for the kicks and when you have the chance , move in fast . Once they feel that you ' re better than them , they get intimitated , and they use more advance TKD techniques , against the people who are beating the **** out of them .

    Kung fu does have defense and counterattack against kicks , I don ' t know what style of kung fu you ' re learning or what level of kung fu you ' re in so I can ' t give you anymore advices .

  13. #43
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    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    @ lance......

    Your such a troll
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  14. #44
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    Ok Guys;

    here's an update:
    we had continuous point sparring yesterday; and luckily we were the second match of the night; so we were not tired and i had the opportunity to do what i was training from your advice, it wasn't that easy but all pieces started to fall in position, first i tried the sweep; i didnt' sweeped hard enough so i just hitted the leg but it did the job; he loosed balance and he went down (no points but that was ok), then i started to teased him so he can start kicking those high kicks; (he landed some side kicks) and viola; he started with the high kicking; so i rushed a couple of times and use some of my wing chun exp and hit him in the head and stomach(no points to punch in the face but who cares); so he started to see that i was rushing and ofcourse he was waiting for that; so i tried some back kicks and finally one landed right there in the family jewels (no points either but the message was delivered ); he was kind of frustated and the sifu stopped the match and sent me to do some push ups; this guy didn't spar for like 20 min and then he went back with some other guy.

    after we finished class; i asked him if he was ok and that i was sorry for the kick in the nuts; he said that it was a good match; then i just told him that he needs to stop been an a$$ hole in class; otherwise everyone else would start looking for ways to hurt him; he just pulled his shoulders up and walked away, so i guess he will continue to be a with the other students.

    Anyways the message was delivered and let's see what is his reaction in the next couple of days.

    Thanks everyone for all your advice; i tried just some of them because it's hard and it takes a lot of practice (i practiced the counterattack just the weekend with some friend at my house); i will continue to practice the graplin and the takedowns, i'll keep you posted.

    Thanks again

  15. #45
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    good deal! just keep being a good example and perhaps he will improve his attitude after some time.
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