Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
Is it a marketable degree?
Probably not so much at the bachelor's level. Forbes just released a report talking about the 10 most undesirable jobs. Anthropology / Archaeology was number one on the list. Most of what I've read states a person isn't marketable until they have at least a Masters, which is what I'm at least going for.

An anthropology PhD student explained the reason that undergrads are not marketable is because they don't really have a specialty. For instance, the undergrad program at my school has you taking classes on archaeology, linguistics, culture, and animal behavior. This is nice and all, but you really can't use any of this in the real world. It is only when you go onto grad school and chose a focus that you become attractive. Since I'm going to focus on physical anthropology with an emphasis on primates, I could get work as an animal researcher, a field researcher, an animal keeper or behaviorist at a noted zoo, or even a teacher.