...those three bows at the end of the Biu Jee, at least in most of the Yip Man Ving Tsun lineages, i think.

It's not that long ago that i was lucky enough to learn the Biu Jee from my sifu, but because of that, I do realize that my understanding of the movements is nowhere near where it should be.

That said, I've been thinking a lot about the three bows. I know for a fact that whatever I know about it so far is the seed planted by my sifu, but was wondering how others viewed it.

I've seen my si tai gong in a video talk about how it's to train the body so that if someone pulls the arm, the body and head will not move with it (which i personally dont fully understand yet, but i guess i will one day after training more)

I've been taught by my sifu that bowing and coming back up trains using the rising of the body with the hands to give them a type of rising energy supported by the entire body.

I've also seen other lineages in which they claim the bowing is a deep practice that completely strengthens a persons Ving Tsun.

For the most part, these forums to me are a place to learn about new ideas that I could later bring to my kung fu family and learn more about as I ask my sifu new questions. So I'm very interested in hearing different views on this movement from those who are willing to share. What are your views?

(inb4 answers like, "just keep training," i assure you i will, but that's not the type of answer i was hoping for lol)