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Thread: Beng Bu Quanpu of Cui Shoushan

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    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    North Canton, OH

    Beng Bu Quanpu of Cui Shoushan

    Alex posted an image of the quanpu of Beng Bu written by Cui Shoushan on this thread;

    Here is my attempt at translating the text:

    崩 补 - bēng bù
    Collapse & Insert

    闪 步 闪 肋 臂 - shan bù shan lèi bì
    Dodging Step, Dodge Ribs & Arm

    左 右 二 阴 阳 - zuǒ yòu èr yīn yáng
    Yin & Yang both on the Left & Right

    右 蹬 蹋 掌 - yòu dèng tà zhǎng
    Right Tread Step & Palm

    左 右 低 叫 双 绑 掌 - zuǒ yòu shuāng jiào shuāng bǎng zhǎng
    Left & Right Lower Provoke & Double Bound Together Palms

    左 封 右 挑 右 补 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu tiāo yòu bǔ chuí
    Left Seal, Right Lift & Right Insert Strike

    左 封 右 叠 肘 - zuǒ fēng yòu dié zhǒu
    Left Seal & Right Folding Elbow

    左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu bēng chuí
    Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

    顺 手 牵 羊 隔 肘 随 - shùn shou qiān yáng gé zhǒu suí
    Sideward Hand Leads the Sheep to Separate Elbow

    左 採 右 扑 肘 - zuǒ cai yòu pū zhǒu
    Left Pluck & Right Pouncing Elbow

    右 封 左 外 梁 - yòu fēng zuo wài liáng
    Right Seal, Left Outer Beam

    左 插 掌 - zuǒ chā zhǎng
    Left Thrust Palm

    右 補 捶 - yòu bǔ chuí
    Right Insert Strike

    漏 搌 懇 捶 - lòu zhǎn kěn chuí
    Leak Wipe Earnest Strike

    斜 身 向 已 xié shēn xiàng jǐ
    Slant Body Toward Self

    力 劈 華 山 至 膝 - lì pī huà shān zhì xī
    Powerful Chop to Mount Hua Arrives at Knee

    右 封 左 打 - yòu fēng zuǒ dǎ
    Right Seal, Left Strike

    右 左 臂 肘 - yòu zuǒ bì zhǒu
    Right Left Forearm Elbow

    犀 牛 割 下 - xī niú gē xià
    Rhinoceros Cuts Downward

    左 起 超 天 肘 - zuǒ qi chāo tiān zhǒu
    Left Raise Past Sky Elbow

    屯 肘 錯 捶 - tún zhǒu cuò chuí
    Stamping Elbow Mistake Strike

    左 指 路 右 點 精 - zuǒ zhi lù yòu diǎn jīng
    Left Point to Road, Right Dot Energy

    上 步 双 抽 - shàng bù shuāng chōu
    Advance Step, Double Draw

    摘 星 换 月 - zhāi xīng huàn yuè
    Pluck Star, Exchange Moon

    双 分 双 捆 - shuāng fēn shuāng kǔn
    Double Divide, Double Bind

    肋 臂 - lèi bì
    Helping Arm

    固 耳 阴 阳 叠 掌 - gù ěr yīn yáng dié zhǎng
    Solid Ear Yin Yang Folding Palms

    連 環 措 捶 学 - lián huán cuò chuí xué
    Continuous Placed Strikes Science

    双 封 左 天 分 - shuāng fēng zuǒ tiān fēn
    Double Seal, Left Sky Divide

    左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu bēng chuí
    Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

    右 膝 磕 瓜 - yòu xī kē guā
    Right Knee Collides with Melon

    斧 劈 脚 - fǔ pī jiǎo
    Axe Chop Kick

    雙 叫 起 膝 蹬 蹋 - shuāng jiào qi xī dèng tà
    Double Provoke, Lift Knee Trample Step

    右 措 捶 - yòu cuò chuí
    Right Place Strike

    挑 抱 捶 变 玉 環 - tiāo bào chuí biàn yù huán
    Lift & Embrace Strike Becomes Jade Ring

    左 右 插 肘 - zuǒ yòu chā zhǒu
    Left & Right Insert Elbows

    螳 螂 搖 步 挺 身 - táng láng yáo bù tǐng shēn
    Praying Mantis Sweeping Step with Erect Body

    As always, corrections, critiques and comments are appreciated.
    Last edited by mooyingmantis; 06-09-2012 at 12:40 PM.
    Richard A. Tolson

    There are two types of Chinese martial artists. Those who can fight and those who should be teaching dance or yoga!

    53 years of training, 43 years of teaching and still aiming for perfection!

    Recovering Forms Junkie! Even my twelve step program has four roads!

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