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Thread: Kung fu training regime

  1. #1

    Kung fu training regime

    What do you think is a good training regime, just curious is all. Do you practice forms and strikes one day and do cardio and weights another? Let's hear it gentlemen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Greenville, SC
    This is how I used to train Xingyi:

    Day A -
    1. Start session with joint mobility drills
    2. 10-20 min. Zhan Zhuang (mainly San Ti)
    3. ~30 min. of Form/Xing work at various speeds.
    4. Stretching and relaxation drills

    Day B -
    1. joint mobility drills
    2. 2-3 rounds of shadowboxing and/or fast form work
    3. 3-5 rounds on the heavybag (1-2 min. rounds)
    4. Strength Training (varied but always a combination of Barbell, kettlebell, and bodyweight drills)

    I'd alternate these days during the week taking a day off here and there depending on how I felt. I'd also spar a couple times a month.

    Now I don't really train Xingyi and I focus mainly on shadowboxing, pad work, heavybag work, and zhan zhuang. I still do some of the basic Xingyi forms (mainly just the 5 fists) a couple times a week in a slow, Taiji-ish manner.

    Train Hard,
    Josh Skinner

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    just curious, how many of you guys after warm up (stretching and joint loosening) do some form of cardio specific work before setting into conditioning/form/technique/sparring etc? if so what type of cardio do you usually do? running, jumping rope, forms, etc. do you switch it up with a cycled routine or stick with the same thing?
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    just curious, how many of you guys after warm up (stretching and joint loosening) do some form of cardio specific work before setting into conditioning/form/technique/sparring etc? if so what type of cardio do you usually do? running, jumping rope, forms, etc. do you switch it up with a cycled routine or stick with the same thing?
    I might do a round of light shadowboxing or jump rope...nothing really strenuous, just enough to get the heart pumping a bit.

    Back when I worked forms more often I'd just start off doing them slow, then work into upping the speed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    just curious, how many of you guys after warm up (stretching and joint loosening) do some form of cardio specific work before setting into conditioning/form/technique/sparring etc? if so what type of cardio do you usually do? running, jumping rope, forms, etc. do you switch it up with a cycled routine or stick with the same thing?
    i normally do some form of cardio before joint mobility and dynamic stretching in the morning, either a 30 minute walk with the dogs or 3 minutes of shadow boxing doesnt have to be much just enough to get the blood flowing and be loose
    before MMA we will do running round the gym and various moving dynamic stuff, shuffles, lunges etc, before grappling the same plus either shrimping drills of pummeling. Before kung fu we will do joint mobility then we will run, do buddy carries, do repeated double leg shots into lifts up and down the sifu wrestled in college so warm ups can be tougher than my MMA one lol

    before my personal conditioning sessions i do the parisi warm up, so its 6 -8 minutes stationary warm up drills, 6 or 7 mins movement drills and 5 mins ground based mobility work, ill follow this with a quick 3 min round of movement drills again to get my heart rate back to where it needs to be before the serious conditioning stuff
    or ill shadow box for 10 minutes and then do my forms no stop for 20 minutes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    i'm wondering how many people have the same experience as me. in kungfu we run roughly 1-2 miles after stretching and joint warm up. in judo we do about 10 minutes of various running/skipping continuous. we'll run forward, backward, sideways both sides, cross stepping both sides, skip forward and backward and then end with sprints both forwards and backwards.

    none of the other MA schools ive been to have ever employed running as part of the warm up.

    my kungfu teacher grew up in a cambodian buddhist monestary so we did the customary small circle running both directions in the school. in judo we also do those running routines in a circle around the dojo.

    ultimately i like the method we use in judo because i believe those different types of runs are also used in combat. back peddling, side stepping, cross stepping. so it doubles as cardio and footwork training at speed.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    i normally do some form of cardio before joint mobility and dynamic stretching in the morning, either a 30 minute walk with the dogs or 3 minutes of shadow boxing doesnt have to be much just enough to get the blood flowing and be loose
    before MMA we will do running round the gym and various moving dynamic stuff, shuffles, lunges etc, before grappling the same plus either shrimping drills of pummeling. Before kung fu we will do joint mobility then we will run, do buddy carries, do repeated double leg shots into lifts up and down the sifu wrestled in college so warm ups can be tougher than my MMA one lol

    before my personal conditioning sessions i do the parisi warm up, so its 6 -8 minutes stationary warm up drills, 6 or 7 mins movement drills and 5 mins ground based mobility work, ill follow this with a quick 3 min round of movement drills again to get my heart rate back to where it needs to be before the serious conditioning stuff
    or ill shadow box for 10 minutes and then do my forms no stop for 20 minutes
    thats funny as i was typing that last post you put this up. sounds pretty similar to what im used to.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    sitting meditation 30min, yi jinjing 30min, iron palm 1 hrs (including zhan zhuang and warmup qigong)

    noon: weight lifting (mon wed fri sund)

    afternoon: stomach excercise, neck exercise, iron shirt 1 hr ( +qigong+ warmup)

    night: spear technique 200 times, longfist technique 200 times, warmdown relaxation qigong
    Last edited by bawang; 08-22-2012 at 05:13 PM.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    i'm wondering how many people have the same experience as me. in kungfu we run roughly 1-2 miles after stretching and joint warm up.
    If you go to Thailand, all the Thai Boxers run several miles prior to morning training.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by donjitsu2 View Post
    If you go to Thailand, all the Thai Boxers run several miles prior to morning training.
    Shaolin monks also

  11. #11
    Qi Gong
    Zhan Zhuang(Golden Bridge and all basic combat stances)
    Flexibility training
    Footwork then combat sequences
    Zi Fa Dong Gong

    Qi Gong
    Yi Zhi Chan
    100+ kicks, then combat sequences
    Zi Fa Dong Gong

    October I'll be adding yijinjing and Iron Wire to my training.

    "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
    - Sun Tzu

  12. #12
    Thanks for the input

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