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Thread: The industry needs oversight

  1. #1

    The industry needs oversight

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Lostin Austin
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    Thanks for sharing.

    I like the Gracie's take on the matter:
    The 10 Elements of Choy Lay Fut:
    Kum, Na, Gwa, Sau, Chop, Pow, Kup, Biu, Ding, Jong

    The 13 Principles of Taijiquan:
    Ward Off, Roll Back, Press, Push, Pluck, Elbow, Shoulder, Split, Forward, Back, Left, Right, Central Equilibrium

    And it doesn't hurt to practice stuff from:
    Mounts, Guards, and Side Mounts!

    Austin Kung-Fu Academy

  3. #3
    wow thats sad, but to put together a compilation like that makes it look like an epidemic. for a few bad apples
    Teaching traditional Ba Bu Tang Lang (Eight Step Praying Mantis)
    Jin Gon Tzu Li Gung (Medical) Qigong
    Wu style Taiji Chuan

    Teacher always told his students, "You need to have Wude, patient, tolerance, humble, ..." When he died, his last words to his students was, "Remember that the true meaning of TCMA is fierce, poison, and kill."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Not hard to regulate it at that level.

    1. require a special license to operate a gym of any type
    2. require background checks
    3. Have a door colour system similar to restaurants based on that system (red = you pay your dime, you take your chances/ green = this is a lawful institution)

    That should start it an prevent any tom **** and harry from providing services without the checkup.

    I can't get a desk job without a police check why should someone jut start a business with access to kids an not have that same requirement?

    Post your police background check on the wall.

    It's only 40 bucks or so to get it.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  5. #5
    anytime an adult has potentially unsupervised contact w children, there should be background checks and other mechanisms in place to ensure the safety of every child;

    background checks are straight forward, inexpensive and an excellent deterrent for people with a history; OTOH, they won't catch someone who has no record, and as such, each individual school should have clear policies and staff training regarding appropriate transparency for instructors who teach kids; just like i had to take a "Child Abuse Reporting" class to get my license, there should be similar requirements to operate a school that teaches kids; and this should go for any facility, be it gymnastics, dance schools, etc.;

    Quote Originally Posted by EarthDragon View Post
    wow thats sad, but to put together a compilation like that makes it look like an epidemic. for a few bad apples
    this is exactly the wrong attitude, trying to downplay it as being misrepresentative of the situation; it doesn't make it look like an epidemic, it makes it look like there are valid instances of this sort of thing happening; and while you want to call then a "few bad apples", I would suggest you might not have such equanimity if it was your kid who had been molested; fact is, if this helps raise awareness to the point that even one kid who would otherwise have been victimized is spared the experience, then it's worth it; as for the rest of the "good" apples, they should be proudly enthusiastic about demonstrating definitively that they are going to appropriate lengths to ensure to parents that their children will be safe at their school

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Makes me sick.

    We had 2 instructors in our area recently charged and convicted of the same crimes.
    It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand. - Apache Proverb

  7. #7
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I've been saying that for years

    It's the emergent theme from our Busted Martial Artists thread. The very notion that the slang 'karate rape' exists should be enough to invoke regulation. It would shake up the industry, but in all honesty, any industry that works with children needs regulation nowadays. How the martial arts industry has escaped notice for so many years is beyond me.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #8
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    Jan 2013
    I am all for regulating this industry and all others associated with teaching children, including the church.

    My wife and I would love to open a school here in N Texas but stories like these give us pause. It's mostly the liability issues that scare us away.

    Maybe if more teachers voluntarily post background checks and so forth it would start a trend where they could even capitalize on this. You know, something like the guy down the street doesn't have one but I do so everybody feels more comfortable coming to my school and therefore I make more money. Not only are you showing that you're safe, well as safe as a piece of paper could make you, but the bonus might be more business.

  9. #9
    To much Yang, not enough Yin, that Is what happens when people are out of balance.

    Most of these places are not balanced arts, just sport testosterone dens for predictors to dwell in, parents should be more aware that a grown man should not being interacting with a kid at a one on one level in any activities.

    Places like that should be group classes for kids with adult supervision, not adult participation.

  10. #10
    I don't mind regulation in a volunteer sort of way. If you want to take your kids to a known safe school, then you look for those certified teachers. But I would hate for a regulatory commission to have the authority to shut down a school that hasn't committed any wrong doing except for not being registered.

    Do you think any of those old masters who came to whatever country they are in illegally would risk going to the authorities to get registered? Nope they just wouldn't teach and we'd all be the worse for it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    I don't think that would happen. If a school has a brick-and-mortar, it wouldn't take that much to meet some regulatory standards. Almost every other industry that teaches children - swimming, day care, you name it - meet such standards. True, it would be another fee and if the school was on the edge, it might just push it out of business. There would surely be a profound impact at first, but given the tarnish to the reputation of the martial arts, it is needed.

    As for those old 'illegal' masters, if they don't have their green card, they probably aren't operating a legal business anyway so they wouldn't be beholden to these regulations. Underground backyard or garage teaching will always be with us. And most of those don't teach kids anyway.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Orion Paximus View Post
    I don't mind regulation in a volunteer sort of way. If you want to take your kids to a known safe school, then you look for those certified teachers. But I would hate for a regulatory commission to have the authority to shut down a school that hasn't committed any wrong doing except for not being registered.

    Do you think any of those old masters who came to whatever country they are in illegally would risk going to the authorities to get registered? Nope they just wouldn't teach and we'd all be the worse for it.
    You have that right, government is way over regulating enough already.

    Maybe make prostitution legal, would that get rid of some of these perverts ?, probably not, I think some are just born that way.?

    But any open school should be monitored or a least observed or inspected to follow certain rules when working with kids.

  13. #13
    Can't watch the vids at the moment, so can't comment on them, but it's definitely something that needs to be addressed. I once worked at a local YMCA in child care, and they required background was a pretty painless process. There's no reason that somebody who is intent on opening a business that plans on having kids in its clientele (and, let's be honest, that's 90% of MA schools that open) can't go through that process. Of course it's not going to eliminate the problem, but it's SOMEthing...a fairly painless step in the right direction.

    I really don't think the magnitude of this problem is fully understood by most. It's absolutely devastating not only to those involved, but the MA community as a whole. And it doesn't matter what political cubbyhole you take up in the MA world (if you're inclined to do so), the general public will tend to view the MA community as a single, culpable entity. There's gotta be SOME kind of regulation for any institution that is going to be dealing with children regularly, ESPECIALLY an institution in which the instructors laying their hands on the students is going to be a common occurrence (whether it's to correct a posture, help them stretch, whatever).

    Relevant story with no real point: A few years back, when I was living in San Jose, some folks from out of town who were moving into the apartment complex I was living in asked me to help them move. The landlord pointed them in my direction because I was kind of a big guy at the time (compared to average) and he new I could always use some extra scratch. When we took a break for lunch, we all sat around a pizza and shot the ****. During that period, it came to light that the son of the family (I'd have to guess he was 18-21) had been a victim of sexual harassment as a kid via the TKD school he attended. I don't know how we fell on the subject (we were not discussing MA at all), but the family spoke about it pretty freely. Soon after that topic came up, they asked me what I did for a living. I had never felt so ashamed in telling a group of people that I was a martial arts instructor.

    I don't know, whenever this stuff comes up, I really take it personally. As cliche as that "the children are our future" line is, I look at it as 100% correct. If you want to change the world, affect the children. Not like this.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
    You have that right, government is way over regulating enough already.

    Maybe make prostitution legal, would that get rid of some of these perverts ?, probably not, I think some are just born that way.?
    Maybe not...but it would end an exercise in futility. They don't call it the world's oldest profession for nothing. It would certainly be safer if it were legal, since it's never going to go away.

    I'm not in favor of more government regulation either. It ALWAYS seems to prove ineffective. Voluntary certification is a better way to go, IMO. If enough schools start doing it themselves, then it will apply pressure on the other schools and concerned people will ask to see the certification.

    I think that beats another inefficient government agency mucking things up.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Orion Paximus View Post
    I don't mind regulation in a volunteer sort of way. If you want to take your kids to a known safe school, then you look for those certified teachers. But I would hate for a regulatory commission to have the authority to shut down a school that hasn't committed any wrong doing except for not being registered.

    Do you think any of those old masters who came to whatever country they are in illegally would risk going to the authorities to get registered? Nope they just wouldn't teach and we'd all be the worse for it.
    I disagree with your sentiment. If someone is in a country illegally, they should gtfo and do it the right way and get in line.

    Each and every "school" absolutely must follow guidelines and adhere to them or face being shut down. If you are running an institution with access to children and their education physical or otherwsie, then I am all for closely regulating that.

    And yeah "karate rape" being a term is a huge indicator that it doesn't matter about the secret agent spy garbage that people try to sell themselves with.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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