Nah, to get your hair standing up you're gonna have to go all out. A lil table top one will just spark when the charge/gap is right. You attach the neg side to a wand and bring it close. They aren't anything to write home about, but fun for a small kid, harmless and easy to build.

I made this thing when I was bored one day a few years ago and had this little negative ion generator laying around. I saw something similar in a book somewhere, don't remember. So... I went from a battery bank to a small low wattage power inverter (just the guts) to the ion generator to a metal pad that went against my leg and another that went down to my foot(to ground) and just wrapped it up with a tensor bandage to keep it all in place. You can put your hand over something like sand and it's like a lil sand storm. Would look like magic to a kid for sure. But don't touch any electronics, it's not a good look. In fact, make a point to remove all electronics from your reach.