Fourth Hao is the nickname of Hao Henxing, teacher to Zhang Kaitang.

This is a story of Through the Branches combined with information on White Ape. A famous character from Chinese literature.

One thing that I neglected to mention in the article is that during the Ming Dynasty, White Ape and Qi Tian Da Sheng, the Sun Wukong character, had the exact same introduction.

Originally they were distinct from each other, but there is a period of time lasting maybe several hundred years where the distinction between the two is a bt muddied up a bit.
Here is their common quote, this is what they would say as the walked on stage.

Conquering the misty peaks of lofty mountains coming and going as I please.
Climbing mountains and crossing the peaks I display my bravery.
Overturning rivers and stirring the seas I flourish my magic powers.
Mounting the clouds and riding the mist I ascend the violent rain, throwing rocks and hacking sands with my demonic wind.

When idle I climb harsh mountain ridges of the thousand year old tree.
In boredom I play at the summits of the 10,000 foot pine.
In the evening I'm holding fruits while the apes cry at the moon.
During the day I'm at the foot of the forest as tigers roar with the wind.

占斷煙霞萬里峰. 任吾來往自縱橫. 爬山過嶺施英勇. 翻江攪海顯神通.騰雲駕霧昇狂雨. 走石砍沙起怪風.

閑攀峻嶺千年樹. 悶戲巔峰萬丈松.夜隨獻果猿啼月. 晝件林前虎嘯風.

White Ape Swings Through the Branches