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Thread: Chinese Brass Knuckles or a bag of coins to the face, lol

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    You use claymores for your dild0? Now that is disturbing!
    we got another huang aguilar on the loose

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    we got another huang aguilar on the loose
    Just to clarify...

    This is a Claymore:

    They are about 5 feet long and are not to be used as sex toys as great damage will occur with 5 feet of blade up your arse.

    Secondly, I don't think the murdreous fake monk would know what to do with a Claymore.

    I have a's nice but I can't carry it around for self protection, so instead I take my Kung Fu with me everywhere.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.

    Arrow BRASS Knuckles WorkOut

    Here's a vid I just watched featuring a Brass Knuckles form. I personally like the Japanese yawara as a hand weapon of choice and have a much heavier version made out of solid steel billot, one end flat, the other a solid brass (turning) finial for point strikes. Switch-hand use like a single yawara. Knucks are just sooooo illegal to carry.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Cat's Eyes

    I've been seeing a lot of these for sale lately, especially at the music festivals that I work (oddly enough). I remember having few pair back in the day when they were still under the radar and available through mail order (we're talking like the 80s now). I think we used to call them 'mystical cats' or something like that. I remember giving my college gf one and she was delighted.

    What are ‘cat eyes’? TSA issues warning over uptick in passengers carrying prohibited item to checkpoints
    by: George Gandy, Michael Bartiromo
    Posted: Sep 7, 2024 / 06:38 PM PDT
    Updated: Sep 7, 2024 / 06:38 PM PDT
    An increase in the number of “cat eyes” being carried through airport checkpoints in Upstate New York has prompted a warning from TSA officials.

    “The frequency in which we are seeing these items among carry-on items is disappointing,” said Bart R. Johnson, a federal security director for the TSA, said in a statement included with a recent TSA news release.

    Cat eyes are a weapon similar to brass knuckles, albeit with points shaped like a cat’s ears. Users place their fingers through the “eye”-shaped portion of the weapon — often kept on keychains for self-defense — and close their fists so the sharp edges are pointed outward, allowing one to slash or gouge with a swing of their fists.

    Like brass knuckles, cat eyes are also prohibited from carry-on bags. In 2023, the TSA also clarified that cat eyes are classified as “club-like items” in response to TSA officers confused over their permissibility.

    “Clarifying that TSA considers cat-eyes to be a type of brass knuckle will simplify training and operational requirements and provide clarity to the public,” reads a section of a 2023 amendment to a larger interpretive rule regarding prohibited items.

    If discovered in a carry-on, passengers can either choose to re-pack cat eyes in a checked bag, return them to their home or car, or surrender them to the TSA.

    But, also like brass knuckles, cat eyes may be illegal to carry in certain states or jurisdictions.

    “Should the bag need to be opened for some reason and there is an illegal item in the bag, TSA will be required to report it to local law enforcement,” the TSA writes in its rules surrounding brass knuckles.

    The TSA said the cat eyes discovered in Upstate New York are either made of metal or hard plastic, both of which are banned from carry-on bags.

    “Our officers are diligent in their duties and are good at spotting these weapons using the technologies at our checkpoints,” said Johnson. “I commend them for their continued vigilance and ask travelers to be equally diligent themselves and leave these items at home when packing for a flight.”

    A representative for the TSA could not confirm the exact number of cat eyes detected at Upstate New York checkpoints as these types of items are “not individually tracked,” but that the agency is seeing “a lot” in Upstate New York. They are also “common elsewhere,” she added.
    Some day this might need it's own indie thread but for now I'm posting them here: Chinese-Brass-Knuckles-or-a-bag-of-coins-to-the-face-lol and on the Sword-Canes because it's such a TSA thing.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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