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Thread: Juan Carlos Aguilar: Shaolin gym owner arrested for torture and murder

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Houston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by ngokfei View Post

    Shaolin Temple was 1st and foremost a Buddhist Religous Temple.

    Sure they've accepted lay disciples at times but nothing like the commercial aspect of it today.

    I would guess that 90% of their activities is the propogation of martial arts.

    As such they don't follow typical regulations that put individiuals in a laymen's position for quite some time not unlike a "Prospect" who wants membership in a MC.

    Usually there is a trial period before an individual is ordained some of the regulations are:

    "The Ten Precepts upheld by śrāmaṇeras are:

    Refrain from killing living things.
    Refrain from stealing.
    Refrain from unchastity (sensuality, sexuality, lust).
    Refrain from lying.
    Refrain from taking intoxicants.
    Refrain from taking food at inappropriate times (after noon).
    Refrain from singing, dancing, playing music or attending entertainment programs (performances).
    Refrain from wearing perfume, cosmetics and garland (decorative accessories).
    Refrain from sitting on high chairs and sleeping on luxurious, soft beds.
    Refrain from accepting money."

    I would make the assumption that they would have to be Buddhist just to qualify.

    My issue is the commercialization and the bad seeds that come from it and yes there is alot of it going on in the martial arts in general.
    Ngokfei, christian priests and pastors strive to follow rules like that as well. Noone can ever be born to adhere to these principles and never violate them. Its a daily lifestyle commitment. To sit here and dismiss modern shaolin because of the things you posted is indeed absurd. It happens in all religions not just shaolin.

    I see nothing wrong with Shaolin promoting martial arts in general or even commercializing it. Money is a need for survival in the year 2013. You said it martial arts is a business in the west as well.

  2. #77
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    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    Quote Originally Posted by rett View Post
    Hindsight and all that, but all the creepy knife-fetish stuff in that youtube video should have been a warning sign. Training form is one thing, but lovingly caressing a rambo knife and sliding it into its sheath with bedroom eyes? Putting that to chanting in front of a Buddha statue is just plain bizarre.
    Hmm, I have seen this a lot in performances from Silat groups. Their forms are often really intimate looking dances with their blades. You don't see that in western schools, because we are much more "Matter of fact" about stuff. However, if you go to, you will see what I mean.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  3. #78
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    El falso shaolín

    mi espanol es muy malo. como se dice 'shanked' en espanol?

    El falso shaolín, aislado en prisión tras ser agredido
    Día 29/07/2014 - 15.11h
    Otro interno le atacó en el patio con un cepillo de dientes afilado que le provocó una herida profunda en el cuello

    Juan Carlos Aguilar, el falso monje Shaolín

    Juan Carlos Aguilar, el falso monje shaolín acusado del asesinato de dos mujeres en Bilbao, fue herido de gravedad en la cabeza y el cuello por otro recluso de la prisión de Dueñas (Palencia), que le atacó con un cepillo de dientes afilado, según confirmaron a ABC fuentes del centro penitenciario. El ataque tuvo lugar ayer a la hora del paseo, sobre las 17 horas, cuando Aguilar se hallaba en sus horas de patio junto a otros «quince o dieciocho» internos más. Uno de ellos, de origen canario y de perfil psiquiátrico, se abalanzó sobre el falso shaolín con el objeto punzante, que previamente había pasado sin ningún problema el detector de metales. Aguilar fue trasladado de inmediato al hospital Río Carrión de la capital palentina, ingresado de urgencia con heridas de pronóstico reservado debido a que la puñalada del cuello estuvo «a punto de afectarle la carótida», según las fuentes consultadas.

    El falso maestro «shaolín», profesor experimentado de artes marciales, no pudo sin embargo defenderse ante el ataque del preso, muy corpulento, de 1,90 metros de estatura y 130 kilos de peso. Cuatro funcionarios que reaccionaron de inmediato para aplacar al agresor también recibieron lesiones hasta que lograron reducirle, tras ajustarle una sujeción mecánica. Aguilar fue llevado a la enfermería del penal de Dueñas, donde le pusieron dos grapas para cerrar la herida de la cabeza, aunque dada la profundidad de la herida del cuello se le trasladó de inmediato al hospital.

    «Fue directo a por él, sin mediar palabra. El motivo según parece es que Aguilar es muy mediático y según dijo después, pensó que agrediendo a un famoso posiblemente le trasladarían a un psiquiátrico», aseguraron a ABC fuentes de la prisión, que destacan la tranquilidad en la reacción del agredido. «No es conflictivo, no presenta ese perfil de agresividad que sí tienen otros internos. Él es más bien tranquilo, excesivamente tranquilo», insisten desde el centro penitenciario, que confirman que hasta ahora no había tenido ningún otro incidente en la prisión pese a que es «muy conocido» por el resto dado su historial mediático.

    Aguilar fue detenido el 2 de junio del año pasado por la Ertzaintza mientras agredía hasta la muerte a una de sus dos víctimas en su gimnasio de Bilbao, dos chicas de origen colombiano y nigeriano, con las que tuvo contacto a través de círculos de la prostitución. Los investigadores hallaron los restos descuartizados de la primera víctima en su centro de formación de artes marciales.

    Desde julio pasado permanece interno en la prisión de Dueñas a la espera del juicio, que se abrirá en otoño. Se halla en régimen cerrado, en una celda individual, aunque durante las 4 horas diarias de patio sí coincide con otra quincena de internos, con los que mantiene una «actitud distante», según las fuentes. «No se relaciona con nadie, no es el típico preso delincuente común. Está apartado. Le acusan por los delitos que tiene, pero hasta ahora no había protagonizado conflictos», señalan desde la cárcel. El resto del tiempo, Aguilar permanece «tranquilo» en su celda, donde lee y ve la televisión.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    ᏌᏂᎭᎢ, ᏥᎾ
    Three meals a day, scheduled workout times, and television in his cell? Is he at a resort? Better conditions than he had at Shaolin... well, except for the getting shanked part.

  5. #80
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    “taught her what life is about.”

    I'm sure I have a photo with Juan Carlos somewhere, however I'm kind of afraid to look for it.

    Can Bilbao’s kung fu killer be held responsible for his actions?
    Bogus Shaolin monk Juan Carlos Aguilar faces life in prison for the slaying of two women in 2013
    Jesús Duva 27 AGO 2014 - 15:47 CEST

    Fake Shaolin monk Juan Carlos Aguilar in an image taken from one of his videos.

    The trial of Juan Carlos Aguilar, the bogus kung fu master who murdered two women in Bilbao last year, is due to begin this fall. Basque Country regional police say that Aguilar, who has refused a psychiatric examination, is mentally fit to appear before the court.

    However, in 2010 Aguilar was diagnosed with a cyst on his left temporal lobe, which can affect memory and behavior, and was treated with pharmaceuticals. Aguilar has repeatedly referred to the “tumor” in his statements to police, saying that it produced rage attacks.

    The first of the two murders to which Aguilar has confessed took place on May 25, 2013. In the early hours of that morning, he picked up Yenny Sofía Revollo Tuirán, a 40-year-old single mother with two children, in the center of Bilbao. He then took her to his gym on Máximo Aguirre street, where he tied her up and then killed her. Police say he took photographs of himself with the victim’s naked body, which he then dismembered, removing fingerprints and her breast implants. Part of the remains were scattered in garbage bins or thrown into the river that runs through the city, some pieces he burnt, and others were stored in his apartment and in the gymnasium.

    In 2010 Aguilar was diagnosed with a cyst on his left temporal lobe, which can affect memory and behavior

    A week later, Aguirre returned to the center of Bilbao, and in the early hours of June 2, picked up Maureen Ada Otuya, a 29-year-old Nigerian woman, and took her to his gym. After having sex with her, he then tied and gagged his victim and for the next nine hours repeatedly beat and tortured her. Finally, at 3pm, she was able to reach a window, from which she called for help.

    When police arrived, they found Aguirre covered in blood, and Otuya unconscious. She died two days later. After searching the premises, police found several bags containing the remains of Revollo Tuirán, along with a variety of weapons, as well as pornographic videos and photographs.

    One of the victims of the bogus kung-fu master, Maureen Ada Otuya.

    Police later discovered that Aguirre maintained a series of relationships with several female students. One, Ana, told police that she was Aguirre’s novice, and that he had “taught her what life is about.”

    The police discovered that Aguirre was often violent to the women he had relationships with. One woman described him as “arrogant, manipulative, and selfish” and that he ran the gym “like a sect.”

    José Miguel Fernández López de Uralde, the lawyer representing the father and brother of Otuya, say that Aguirre “enjoyed having sadistic sexual relations with defenseless women, beating them and then taking photographs.” Police say that they discovered photographs of a naked woman who had been bound and blindfolded standing in front of the body of Revollo Tuirán. Initially, the police believed that Aguirre might have murdered other women.

    When I realized she was dead, I tried to get rid of her. I had a sense of reality mixed with loss of control”

    “We came across this killer by chance,” said a member of the team investigating the case last year. “It was not the result of an investigation. In that case we would have been under intense pressure in the knowledge that there was a killer out there and that we had to track him down. We are calm because he is in custody and cannot kill anyone else, but we have to look into his past and find out when he first killed and whether he did so on more occasions.”

    Police have tried to build up a picture of Aguilar’s life since 1994 when he returned from China, where he claims to have trained at the Shaolin Temple in Henan province. Aguilar’s 20-year career in martial arts seems to have been a largely commercial venture, rather than a spiritual one.

    In 1996, after failing to set up a Shaolin franchise in Berlin, he focused his energy on becoming the official representative of the order in Spain. By the late 1990s, his business was flourishing and he became a familiar face on television and in newspapers and specialist magazines. But former pupils say he demanded obedience and money from those who had trained under him and sought to go their own way. By now, he had changed his name to Huang C. Aguilar and began styling himself as a Shaolin master.

    But the Shaolin Temple Spain, the only center in the country recognized by the Shaolin Temple in China, has confirmed that Aguilar is neither a Shaolin master nor a monk. Shi Fu Carlos Álvarez, a master and instructor at Shaolin Temple Spain, said that Aguilar “lacks all of the requisites to be a monk. Unfortunately, many Chinese certificates are obtained in an irregular manner,” he added.

    Aguilar’s 20-year career in martial arts seems to have been a commercial, rather than spiritual, venture

    Aguilar now faces two 25-year murder sentences, and from his comments to police, could be looking to reduce his sentence by claiming some kind of diminished responsibility on medical grounds. He has repeatedly referred to the cyst on his brain when talking to the police, saying that in December 2008, while on a climbing expedition at 5,500 meters, he was overcome by a feeling of imminent death. “From that day on, my thinking has slowed down, I lose my train of thought, and it feels as though my brain is stopping.”

    He told police that his first victim began to “rave” when he took her back to the gym, causing him to suffer “an attack of uncontrolled rage” due to the “tumor” on his brain. “When I realized that she was dead, I tried to get rid of her. I had flashes of perception, and a sense of reality mixed with loss of control. This has been going on for four years.”

    Jorge García-Gasco Lominchar, the lawyer representing Revollo Tuirán’s brother and one of her children, describes Aguilar as “messianic.” But he argues that Aguilar committed the crimes to which he has admitted because he lost control, not his mind, and that the cyst on his brain had nothing to do with his actions. Tamara Martínez, the lawyer representing a private prosecution on behalf of the Clara Campoamor women’s group, also dismisses the idea that Aguilar is in any way mentally unfit to stand trial. “He is very clever, very calculating, and very manipulative. He knows how to connect with people, and took advantage of his reputation and television appearances,” says Martínez.

    Francisco Javier Beramendi, Aguilar’s lawyer, has refused to comment on whether he will be defending his client on medical grounds. “I never talk about my cases, and so far there has been no definitive resolution here,” he said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Songshan View Post
    Ngokfei, christian priests and pastors strive to follow rules like that as well. Noone can ever be born to adhere to these principles and never violate them. Its a daily lifestyle commitment. To sit here and dismiss modern shaolin because of the things you posted is indeed absurd. It happens in all religions not just shaolin.

    I see nothing wrong with Shaolin promoting martial arts in general or even commercializing it. Money is a need for survival in the year 2013. You said it martial arts is a business in the west as well.
    "Noone can ever be born to adhere to these principles and never violate them"? --> How do you want to know? Just because it doesn't appear in your horizon?
    Also there is a difference between making a small fault in your personal Buddhist practice and installing a whole system of falseness.

    "Money is a need for survival in the year 2013." --> Money is not a need for survival. Fertile land, clean water, sun and rain is a need for survival,- and maybe in addition a good community. Also 2013/2014 there are plenty of people, who willingly live almost without money and try to further develope ways of living without money. They are obviously too few, so they are ignored by the multitude. Of course it is much less comfortable to join them instead of letting money rule your life.

    Do you need money to practice Shaolin kungfu? At Shaolin temple there are also masters who already have been there, when the temple had no money, who have always been practicing kungfu and never sold their art. They are also very few.

    It is not that you don't have any choice. It is your choice, where you want to belong to.

  7. #82
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Trial starting

    Spain: 'Shaolin Kung Fu Master' Juan Carlos Aguilar facing life in jail for torturing and dismembering women

    Gareth Platt
    By Gareth Platt
    April 13, 2015 21:11 BST
    18 12

    Juan Carlos Aguilar

    The trial of a self-styled 'Shaolin Master' accused of torturing and killing two women in Spain is to begin on Friday 17 April 2015.

    Juan Carlos Aguilar, who previously ran a martial arts gym in Bilbao, stands accused of the murders of Nigerian Maureen Ada Otuya and Colombian Jenny Sofia Rebollo.

    Aguilar, who claimed to have trained with Chinese monks and made several appearances on Spanish television, was arrested by Basque police in June 2013 while allegedly carrying out a savage attack on Otuya at his gym, Zen 4.

    After luring Otuya to his gym, he reportedly tied and gagged her before proceeding to beat and torture her for several hours. However, his victim was finally able to crawl to the window and alert the police.

    When officers arrived they found Otuya unconscious and Aguilar covered in blood. The woman, who worked as a prostitute, later died in hospital.

    After his arrest, Aguilar also confessed to murdering Rebollo, whose remains were found scattered in the gymnasium as well as in his apartment. Police claim Aguilar took photos with his victim's body before dismembering it, removing her breast implants in the process.

    Although some sections of the Spanish press originally claimed Rebollo was a prostitute, this has been vehemently denied by the victim's friends, who claim she worked as a hairdresser.

    Police have said that Aguilar maintained a series of relationships with female students, while the lawyer representing Otuya's family has claimed he "enjoyed having sadistic sexual relations with defenseless women, beating them and then taking photographs."

    The jury will be chosen on Friday, and then Aguilar will give his own testimony before the court. Spanish prosecutors have demanded that he be sentenced to 40 years in jail.
    I should really dig up a pic with Juan. I know I must have one somewhere.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Hey now. One of my Shaolin nicknames is the 'real fake monk'...

    ...and I haven't killed anyone.....


    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
    Does one have to kill people in order to be called a fake/fraud by Shaolin?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #84
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    Jan 1970
    I didn't know that the institution would be sullied by the errant actions of 1 out of thousands of adherents.

    I mean, if that was true, the Vatican would've been closed ages ago for all it's deviant priests and bishops and cardinals.

    As for Shaolin, there's plenty of orange robed fake asses out there right now! due dilligence and you can't buy wisdom and all that.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  10. #85
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    As I said earlier, I knew Juan Carlos personally

    I trained alongside him at Shaolin. We even went to the Dengfeng Sanda fights together. He was extremely skilled as a martial artist - blindingly fast, well rooted, and could even handle the acrobatics. Prior to this incident, I would have called him my friend. I was completely shocked when this story broke. He had a dark side, but I never imagined it was this dark. A lot of martial artists have a dark side. This case is incredibly extreme - unprecedented in many ways.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #86

    Posts deleted. Time to move on from this.


  12. #87
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I trained alongside him at Shaolin. We even went to the Dengfeng Sanda fights together. He was extremely skilled as a martial artist - blindingly fast, well rooted, and could even handle the acrobatics. Prior to this incident, I would have called him my friend. I was completely shocked when this story broke. He had a dark side, but I never imagined it was this dark. A lot of martial artists have a dark side. This case is incredibly extreme - unprecedented in many ways.
    Exactly. He never had any intention of doing anything but with what he was taught except serve his dark side. It's not anyone's fault that the guy was ultimately a failure, anyone can trick anyone into believing anything when it gets right down to it.

    Being a Freemason, there are several instances of fellas joining in, believing themselves to be regarded as something and then going on to commit murder. These people are outliers and all institutions have them and deal with them.

    No method, no system, no institution will ever change anyone on the inside lest they let that and want that to happen. All methods, all system and all institutions, being only constructs are subject to exploitation such as this.

    At least, this is my point of view. I do not believe there is any such thing as a perfect human. Just people who try harder to get there.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    New Mexico
    ""Money is a need for survival in the year 2013."

    Friends of the "Harvard business" abbot.....just because it's said with righteous indignation doesn't make it anything but street corner.
    Besides, they're not talking rice and medicine money here? P-r-o-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n
    "The perfect way to do, is to be" ~ Lao Tzu

  14. #89
    So that old myth about the bad guys never being able to advance enough, etc because it is just not in them or being weeded out before they learn anything of real value was just that. A myth.

    Mr. Jamieson I was DeMolay. My Grandfather was a 32. Reason I was DeMolay. I personally never cared for it. He enjoyed very much being a Mason.

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
    So that old myth about the bad guys never being able to advance enough, etc because it is just not in them or being weeded out before they learn anything of real value was just that. A myth.

    Mr. Jamieson I was DeMolay. My Grandfather was a 32. Reason I was DeMolay. I personally never cared for it. He enjoyed very much being a Mason.
    Cool. I really enjoy being a mason. It's quite interesting and a lot of fun really.

    And yes, some of the worst people have pretty high level skill. Many examples of that.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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