From a press release:
An original creation
Dominique Saatenang
90 minutes
“Inspired by a true story.”
“The unprecedented intersection of martial arts,
cinema and circus.”

The African Bruce Lee is the first black Buddhist monk and the only foreigner in the world to become a member of the famous and mysterious Shaolin Monastery, world renowned for its millenia of martial arts training. Scanning the globe to spread the culture and wise precepts of Shaolin Temple as a modern vigilante, one night, under the big top, he comes to the aid of young circus performers caught in a violent battle for the heart of beautiful Liu, the Chinese dancer. Committed to eradicating this world of the hatred that corrupts the soul, he sends the youths to study at Shaolin so they can transform their hatred into spirituality. To defend and no longer attack. Unfortunately, the rules of the Temple are otherwise: no foreigner, no woman can be admitted. For the African Bruce
Lee, the only way to achieve his goal: he will emerge victorious in a great duel with the monks where he will demonstrate his Shaolin art. If he fails, the Temple will forever close its doors to the outside world.

Shaolin Black and White is a show that tells of cultural diversity in the light of Shaolin martial arts, on a backdrop of travel. The originality of this show lies in the multi artistic fusion of acts made famous here by Shaolin monks, truly cinematic stunts, and performances inspired by the world of circus and theater. Dominique Saatenang’s surprising and atypical career, world citizen and polyglot, known worldwide as the African Bruce Lee, inspired him to create this cultural and artistic encounter. A fusion of arts and cultural hybrid perfectly describe the show that will unfold before the eyes of the beholder. Spectacular ambiance with a backdrop of Sino African music. Chilling stunts. Poetry by touch. A show of graceful force. Such is the audacity of this modern tale combining references to the cinema of American superheros and Asian martial arts. The show depicts artistic, sporting, and educational values and perseverance in a world threatened by violence and hatred. A show like “a ring of paradise in a hard mad world” in the words of a great lady of the circus. In addition to its touring show, Shaolin Black and White, a bona fide troupe of multidisciplinary talents, develops personalized concepts for special events of international stature.
The website (not ready yet):

Dominique Saatenang was featured in African Disciple By John Brown in our Shaolin Special 2011.