Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
For simplicity, all my combos are "I attack first". I don't like to think "If you do .... I'll do ...". Instead, I like to think, "When I do ..., if you respond ..., I'll do ...". It may be similiar but "I'll do ..." is a much smaller set to consider if I attack first.
Even when atacking first, there are different situations whether you or the other person creates them.

You can use direct or indirect method. You might emphasize speed, or you might choose to focus on power methods. You can emphasize control and sensitivity for subtle entry and takedown. Or you might use more boxing type hit and run methods to confuse and set up a take down. Even when you initiate, your combinations will change depending on the skills, preferences, and attributes of the other person. He may be flinchy, or he may be as aggressive as you and prefer close range. He may be bigger or stronger. He may prefer to punch, or kick, or grapple. He may be good at redirecting your attacks. You might want to set up a pivoting or circular attack vs. a linear. One time you talked about chasing hands. Maybe you want to use that, but you also might have methods that control or prevent the need to chase hands.

My focus is not forms, but if you are going to do them, you can use them to document all the variations of how you apply your system theory. More to things than just "Hulk smash..."