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Thread: Lung Meridian (LU)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Honolulu, HI

    Lung Meridian (LU)

    Zhong Fu (LU-1) can be quite effective for mental and emotional disorders, as it opens a person to receive. When a person is overwhelmed with sadness this point will help them to relate to their suffering in a way which will enable them to move through it to what lies beyond. Dispersing helps a person to let go of the past and begin again. Depression, melancholy, conditions associated with a feeling of separateness, lonely; collapsed posture, imploded chest; sadness which produces a blockage in the chest.

    It regulates lung qi and stops cough; expands and relaxes the chest, nourishes lung yin. Treatment point for the lung. Commonly used for excess conditions such as pneumonia, whooping cough or tonsillitis, cough due to accumulation of phlegm. Full, painful chest, lungs tight; difficult respiration. Stagnation of qi, retention of phlegm; cough and asthma, chest pain, dyspnea. Shoulder and upper back pain due to stagnation of qi. Sore throat, dry cough, spasms and cough; thick mucus, nasal congestion; tonsillitis. Fever, excessive sweating, bronchitis with cough and wheezing; pneumonia; pulmonary infections, lung abscess, tuberculosis. Face swollen, skin painful, warm red cheeks; rosacea, congested capillaries. Eyes red, painful, swollen; conjunctivitis. Skin tumors..


    Yun Men (LU-2)

    (See picture. 6″ lateral from the anterior midline, immediately below the concave curve at the lateral end of the clavicle, directly above LU-1.)

    When a person believes they “can not,” this point can reveal something which they might aspire to. It can be very powerful for the treatment of depression, heavy grief or when someone is closed off. A person who is living under a cloud of misery has no feeling for the field of possibilities. They do not see the value of the life they are living. This point works to dispel stagnation in the chest, helping a person to see beyond their self imposed limitations. Few people have learned how to change their negative emotions, thinking.

    This point helps with cough, coughing fits; asthma, thoracic fullness, shortness of breath; bronchitis; tonsillitis; feeling of oppressive fullness and agitation of the chest; pulmonary congestion; tuberculosis. Pain in the chest shoulder and arm, pain on the back and shoulders; cannot raise arms. Nervous cough. Acne.


    Tian Fu (LU-3)

    (See picture. Upper Arm, 3″ below axillary fold, radial side of biceps brachii)

    When someone has withdrawn from life and relationships, or is unable to let go of old fears; people who are stuck in a cycle of repetitious negative feelings and dysfunctional patterns of behavior. Severe depression; blocked grief; people who feel locked up inside. Can turn a person in the direction of a path which is more meaningful, show them the life they have been missing. This point has a powerful psychological effect on all the emotional problems which can arise from lung disharmonies; depression, mental confusion and forgetfulness. Escapes by sleeping, dreaming, disassociating; loss of memory; delirious crazy talk. Facilitates self-remembering.

    It regulates lung function and help with Cerebral congestion, dizziness; claustrophobia, agoraphobia; vertigo. Depression and bronchitis. Asthma, cough; dyspnea with inability go catch the breath; increases oxygen to brain. Epistaxis, bleeding from nose and mouth. Poisoning by gas, carbon dioxide, etc. Problems of perception; eye problems, nearsighted, dim vision; ear problems, hard of hearing. Pain in the medial aspect of the arm; generalized swelling; tumors. Malaria.


    Xia Bai (LU-4)

    (See picture. Upper arm, 4″ below axillary fold, radial side of biceps brachii, 1″ below LU-3.)

    Problems of the heart organ. Cardiac pain and shortness of breath; nervous anxiety with palpitations; internal pains of the chest, pain in the medial aspect of arm, nausea; melancholia. Cough, coughing fits; thoracic fullness, dry heaves. Rheumatism of the joints.


    Chi Ze (LU-5)

    (See picture. Elbow, at cubital crease radial side of biceps tendon.)

    When are mind and body lacks fluidity it leads to mental and emotional constipation; a build up of tension and toxins resulting in a lack of vitality, lethargy. The person feels squeezed and tense; rigidity is a key symptom, life seems to be hard, unyielding. When we are able to breathe, able to give and receive, life experience is nourishing and abundant. Life enters and energizes us with the breath. The cessation of breathing brings death. Physically we are of the earth and are supported by the earth, but the forces which animate us come from Heaven. We depend on the world we live in for material support, but it is Loving which makes life worth living. Openness is essential for receiving nourishment, and especially for spiritual nourishment. We align ourselves with the things we value, but if these things are unreal they lead us to grief. A person needing this point could have depression overlaid with fear, depression, or even madness. Someone who is bogged down; who is stuck in a sad condition; melancholia, with an edge of agitation. Much of what falls under the general label of mental illness is actually transformation which does not reach completion. Life mirrors our inner experiencing; this is what makes the evolution of consciousness possible. Many people are asleep to the message life is presenting them. Waking from the dream depends upon being upright and present within the experience, knowing ourselves as being in process, and accepting responsibility for our choices.

    This point Expands and relaxes the chest; clears heat; moistens dryness. Stimulates the descending of lung qi (energy). Lung heat, retention of phlegm in lungs. Bronchitis; fever, thick mucus, respiration painful; pneumonia. Asthma, chest fullness and pain; dyspnea, cough; nosebleed. Cold phlegm in the lungs, profuse sputum, shivering, sneezing. Deficient lung yin, used to cool heat, tonify yin and moisten dryness; dry cough, sore throat, tidal fever; dry mouth and tongue; tonsillitis, neck and throat pain. Pleurisy; congestive pulmonary tuberculosis; emphysema; a dry hacking cough, and rigid spine; hemoptysis; “without equal for spitting of blood.” Swollen abdomen; incessant vomiting and diarrhea. Heart pain, pain into the arm; hypertension. Wind diseases, especially in children; spasms or convulsions; chronic meningitis of children; erysipelas, psoriasis. Frequent need to urinate; renal pain; enuresis; weak bladder, atony of the bladder. Nervous paralysis; pervasive aches and pains; muscular spasm; rigidity of vertebral column, and neck; spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, cold in the arm; hemiplegia; quadriplegia.

  2. #2
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    Honolulu, HI


    Kong Zui (LU-6)

    (See Picture. Forearm, (palmar side), 7″ above the wrist, line joining LU-9 & LU-5.)

    Great depletion and emptiness, extreme hollowness. When there is a sense of grief: a void that needs to be enriched and filled; emptiness beyond expression. Powerful spiritual point, good to get warmth into the meridian. Tonification will increase the power for respiration and emotional exchange. Fear, tension headaches, metal mental stress. Acute asthma; effects larynx, throat problems. 5th chakra: inability to express oneself.

    This point Regulates lung qi (energy); descends and disperses lung qi; clears heat; stops bleeding. Often used for acute diseases and pain. Headache, fever without sweating (disperse to induce sweating). Cough, pain in the chest; sore throat; swollen throat; tonsillitis; hoarse, persistent cough; laryngitis, loss of voice. Asthma, wheezing, chest pain; pulmonary tuberculosis; hemoptysis. Stagnations or any articular troubles of shoulders and elbows, fingers cannot clench, weak or stiff joints, arthritis of thumb and index finger.


    Lie Que (LU-7)

    (See picture. Forearm, 1.5″ above the wrist crease, on most lateral aspect of radius

    This point effects connections; opens the Conception Vessel, increases receptivity. Harmonizes and balances the circulation. Regulation of hormones, particularly sexual hormones. Enhances the female quality, relaxes limitations around the expression of emotion. Receiving and elimination, connects the lung and large intestine, moves qi (energy) through the body. Emotional stagnation related to the lungs and the metal element. Suppression or incomplete expression of grief, sadness, etc. for the person who suffers their pain in silence. Helps a person to let go, and go with the flow; connect heart with kidneys. Treats breathing which is restricted by emotions such as worry, fear, frustration and depression. Loss of memory, yawning; nervous tremors; emotiveness. Laughs too easily, fantastic visions, hallucinations; forgetfulness; trembling; petit mal epilepsy; migraine. Has a calming effect on the mind, releases physical tension in shoulders, relaxes the chest; oppression in the heart.
    Stimulates the descending and dispersing of qi; Circulates Wei qi and releases the exterior. Command point for the Conception Vessel, yin energies; accelerates circulation of yin energy; acts on the sexual problems of women and of men, regulation of sexual hormones; supplies energy to all the meridians via the triple burner. Moves qi throughout the whole body; effective for expelling exterior wind; stimulates sweating.

    All nature of problems in the lungs, chest and throat. Afflictions of breathing, asthma, wheezing, shortness of breath. Common cold; frontal and lateral headaches; chills, cough, headache and stiff neck; nasal obstruction; chest disorders with heavy mucus; rhinitis; asthma, hemoptysis. Problems which manifest along the route of the channel; particularly any indications that deal with the mouth and face; unilateral head or facial pain; migraine; toothache; facial tics; facial paralysis; deviation of mouth and eyes; trigeminal neuralgia; difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, eating food, speech difficulties; lockjaw, etc. Arthritis of the shoulder; pain or stiffness of the neck and nape. Skin disorders associated with wind invasion: urticaria; pain and itching on the front of the body, skin inflammation; burns from any source, chemical, fire, sunburn; sties on the eyelids. Troubled digestion (food does not descend), epigastric pain; constipation, retention of poisons and toxins; painful abdomen, serious diarrhea. Frequent and profuse urination; excessive perspiration; edema or water retention. Hormonal and sexual imbalances; limbs and bones feel icy cold, excessive shivering. ***** pain, pain during emission. Problems after delivery, lumbar pain, cold in the naval.


    Jing Qu (LU-8)

    (Forearm, 1″ up from LU-9, on lateral side of the radial artery.)

    Meridians operate as channels for the distribution of energies to the mind and body; and gutters to clear away the sewage and toxic refuse. The pathways of energy must be clear in order for things to flow; when the flow stops poisonous energies accumulate and spread through the body. Spots, boils, colds, mucus and problems with elimination can appear as an indication that the body is struggling to rid itself of toxic ideas and experience. Cynical, skin clogged. Flushes the system so false ideals and toxic feelings can be washed away; for purging the whole system. When heat and cold are out of balance on the body surface, one part can be cold and another very hot, especially the hands – palms hot/dry or wet/hot. Moxa is forbidden on this point.

    Regulates the lungs, expands and relaxes the chest; Courses wind, regulates temperature and sweating, fever and chills, feverish but without perspiration. Sore throat, chronic throat problems. Asthma, cough, coughing fits; dyspnea, contracted panting, back and chest tight, breathing difficult; esophageal spasm or pain, chest pain with vomiting. Sudden cardiac pain, heart pain, pericarditis; chest pain radiating to the upper back. Pain in the wrist; hot sensations on the palm; malaria. Toxic accumulations, serious rheumatism.

  3. #3
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    Honolulu, HI


    Tai Yuan (LU-9)

    (Forearm, on wrist crease, on radial side of radial artery.)

    A profound place for finding a correspondence between Heaven and Earth, when life is going to hell and a person is falling into the abyss. Impossible Deep. For complete lack of order, mental chaos and instability, for the patient who feels their life is cracking up, they are worried, maybe even desperate. A spiritual journey to the depths of our being, connection to the Source. Instability and chaos are met with nourishment, security and Love. Nervous crisis; palpitations with irritability and agitation, crazy talk, vicious speech. Insomnia from internal agitation. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold. Malaise; feelings of insecurity, exhaustion; shivering from cold. To understand the blood (which unites Spirit with the Form), we need to understand the blood/Earth connection; the movement of Spirit within the blood. The central atom in the hemoglobin molecule is Iron.

    Source point, best point on the channel to tonify the lungs. Declining energy and blood. Resolves phlegm; suppresses cough; calms wheezing. Chronic cough and asthma; bronchitis, pains in the chest from breathing; cannot breathe in the cold; atonic respiration; sore throat, dryness in the throat. Lung abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis; emphysema; hemorrhaging, spits blood. Asphyxia, collapse; concussion; effects of poisoning, radiation. Influential Reunion of arteries and veins; effects blood circulation, increases oxygen absorption, influences the pulse. Circulation problems, arteries, veins; poor circulation, cold hands and feet; varicose veins. Heart weakness and pain; weak pulses, acrotism; coma; cardiac pain. Eyes red, painful, congested, conjunctivitis; cataract; keratitis. Pain or lack of strength in wrist or forearm; cold hands and feet; skin very tender and painful to touch; can’t hold or grasp objects, complete lack of sensation in tips of fingers; pain on the lateral side of the arms and elbows; pain on the shoulder and back. Migraine.


    Yu Ji (LU-10)

    (Hand, on thenar eminence, midway along first metacarpal, palmar edge of bone.)

    Helps the patient to see that it is worth getting well, especially in those who might be rejecting the warmth and comfort they need. People who are rigid in outlook need warmth more than anything else. When the intellectual aspect dominates a person feels isolated; cut off from their own feelings. there must be a unity of thought with feeling. Warms the cold metallic isolated “don’t touch me” person who is locked up inside, lacking emotional warmth and receptivity, too desperate to communicate with the Heart within. Malaise, fear, anguish; chagrin, emotional distress, melancholia; insomnia. As we breathe we participate in the reciprocity of Life, we draw qi (energy) into our body and energy into our Being. People may cling too much to the Mother (food etc.) but we need active relations with others; we need to be able to give and to receive.

    Regulates the lungs; dispels heat; abates fever. High fever with headache; flu without perspiration; aversion to cold, pneumonia. Throat dry and thirsty; moistens the throat, yellow coated tongue, fever, headache, vertigo; sore throat; tonsils, larynx – dryness or inflammation; pain, hoarseness; loss of voice; hemoptysis; tidal fever. Perspires a lot. Cough causing pain in the chest and back, cannot breathe, shortness of breath. Chattering of teeth, from cold, nervousness, or from malaria. Harmonizes the stomach, stomach pains with anorexia, abdomen painful even without food; bleeding gums, loose teeth; infantile malnutrition syndrome. Alcoholism. Breast inflammation, abscess. Paralyzing rheumatism; deviation of the vertebral column? Rheumatic wind. This point is useful for skin disorders: if skin is cold silvery and flaky: tonify; if skin is hot ugly and red: sedate.


    Shao Shang (LU-11)

    (Thumb, radial corner of nail.)

    Supplies enough energy to get by. Like the convenience store we go to when we run out of necessities, gives temporary support. This can useful for the patient who is in a crisis, struggling to get on while passing through a critical stage of growth. Relief from tension, worries, asthma, chest complaints, helpful with decisions and planning.
    Expels Wind (both exterior and interior); stimulates the dispersing and descending of energy; soothes the throat; opens the Orifices. Swelling and pain in the throat; emergency cases and fainting; restores yang. Febrile diseases, thirst; Wind cold sweating and aversion to cold; inability to perspire; pneumonia; violent perspiration; chattering of the teeth; shivering. Commonly used (with bleeding method) for heat stroke; severe throat conditions; and when wind heat is developing into Internal heat. Useful as a first aid point for sunstroke, children suffering from tonsillitis, high fever, fever convulsions (bleed) – effective in adults too but reaction not so immediate. Cough and painful coughing fits; chest pain; throat pain, dryness, redness or swelling; nose obstructed or bleeding, epistaxis; tonsillitis; mumps; asthma. Wind Stroke, seizures; coma; heat stroke, delirium, disorientation; cerebral congestion (red face, suddenly falling); acute or chronic meningitis of children; spasms and frights in children; tonic or clonic convulsions. Vomiting or fullness of the epigastric region, digestive problems, gallbladder obstructed? Eczema; pain and stiffness of the fingers; numbness in the hands and arms; hot sensations on the palms; insomnia, night sweats. Some sources say that during pregnancy there is a risk that using this point may deform the child.

  4. #4
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Potential Tuberculosis cure?

    Artemisinin is also known as qinghao su (青蒿素)

    Published: Dec. 19, 2016

    Robert Abramovitch of MSU's Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. Courtesy photo.

    Contact(s): Robert Abramovitch , Sarina Gleason
    A centuries-old herbal medicine, discovered by Chinese scientists and used to effectively treat malaria, has been found to potentially aid in the treatment of tuberculosis and may slow the evolution of drug resistance.

    In a promising study led by Robert Abramovitch, a Michigan State University microbiologist and TB expert, the ancient remedy artemisinin stopped the ability of TB-causing bacteria, known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, to become dormant. This stage of the disease often makes the use of antibiotics ineffective.

    The study is published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology.

    “When TB bacteria are dormant, they become highly tolerant to antibiotics,” Abramovitch said, an assistant professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine. “Blocking dormancy makes the TB bacteria more sensitive to these drugs and could shorten treatment times.”

    One-third of the world’s population is infected with TB and the disease killed 1.8 million people in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or Mtb, needs oxygen to thrive in the body. The immune system starves this bacterium of oxygen to control the infection. Abramovitch and his team found that artemisinin attacks a molecule called heme, which is found in the Mtb oxygen sensor. By disrupting this sensor and essentially turning it off, the artemisinin stopped the disease’s ability to sense how much oxygen it was getting.

    “When the Mtb is starved of oxygen, it goes into a dormant state, which protects it from the stress of low-oxygen environments,” Abramovitch said. “If Mtb can’t sense low oxygen, then it can’t become dormant and will die.”

    Abramovitch indicated that dormant TB can remain inactive for decades in the body. But if the immune system weakens at some point, it can wake back up and spread. Whether it wakes up or stays ‘asleep’ though, he said TB can take up to six months to treat and is one of the main reasons the disease is so difficult to control.

    “Patients often don’t stick to the treatment regimen because of the length of time it takes to cure the disease,” he said. “Incomplete therapy plays an important role in the evolution and spread of multi-drug resistant TB strains.”

    He said the research could be key to shortening the course of therapy because it can clear out the dormant, hard-to-kill bacteria. This could lead to improving patient outcomes and slowing the evolution of drug-resistant TB.

    After screening 540,000 different compounds, Abramovitch also found five other possible chemical inhibitors that target the Mtb oxygen sensor in various ways and could be effective in treatment as well.

    “Two billion people worldwide are infected with Mtb,” Abramovitch said. “TB is a global problem that requires new tools to slow its spread and overcome drug resistance. This new method of targeting dormant bacteria is exciting because it shows us a new way to kill it. ”

    The National Institutes of Health, MSU AgBioResearch and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the research. Other MSU researchers involved in the study include Huiqing Zheng, Christopher Colvin and Benjamin Johnson in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, as well as collaborators from Sweet Briar College and the University of Michigan.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  5. #5
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    lung cleansing

    Heck I'd go to Antarctica just to see it before it melts away.

    My cousins went. They said they met a lot of really well traveled people there because it's one of those 'last places on earth' destinations.

    Chinese tourists seek ‘lung cleansing’ trips to Antarctica and Iceland as smog worsens

    Tiananmen Square: Residents in Beijing wear masks to protect themselves from the air pollution CREDIT: GETTY
    Soo Kim, travel writer
    17 JANUARY 2017 • 2:46PM

    The growing issue of air pollution in China has caused several of its residents to plan “smog escapes” in search of clean air in far-flung places such as Iceland and Antarctica.

    Online searches for keywords including “smog escape”, “lung cleansing” and “forests” were found to have tripled in the midst of the country’s ongoing smog problem, according to the “Smog Escape Travel Ranking” survey by Ctrip, a travel search website based in Shanghai, Bloomberg reports.

    An elderly man walking through heavy smog at a the Temple of Heaven park in Beijing in December 2016 CREDIT: GETTY

    The Seychelles, the Maldives and Iceland are among the destinations residents think will offer the freshest air, according to Ctrip, while Phuket in Thailand, Bali, Jeju Island in South Korea and the city of Sanya on Hainan Island in south-east China are among the most popular island getaway spots sought by Chinese tourists.

    Heavy pollution levels have led 62 Chinese cities, including Beijing, to issue health alerts. Pollution was found to be at medium or higher levels in 186 cities, and 25 have been issued with red alerts – the highest warning level – by the country’s ministry of environmental protection.

    While most of the pollution stretches from the south-west to the north-east of China, residents of the capital were found to be most keen for a smog escape, according to the report by Ctrip.

    The recommended level of exposure to PM2.5 particles – ones that pose the greatest health risks – is no more than 25 micrograms per 24 hours, according to the World Health Organisation.

    But the concentration of these particles was measured to be 475 micrograms per cubic metre around Beijing’s Tiananmen Square earlier this month.

    Dozens of cities in China spend many winter days under a thick, grey haze, caused chiefly by thousands of coal-burning factories and a surplus of inefficient vehicles. Locals can be seen walking around the city wearing masks, while others remain in office buildings to avoid the toxic air.

    Earlier this month, officials in Beijing announced it would be deploying a new environmental police force to help fight the war against smog, focusing on pollution from open-air barbecues, garbage incineration and the burning of wood and other biomass.

    The city also said it would be closing 500 factories that have been a source of pollution, while 2,560 other companies would be forced to clean up their operations. High-polluting vehicles will also be restricted in the city from next month, the Beijing Daily reports.

    “The root cause of the region’s smog problems, from a long-term perspective, is the unclean industrial and energy mix, which require big changes,” Chen Jining, the country’s minister of environmental protection told the Xinhua News Agency.

    The ministry is reviewing emergency plans for the 20 cities in the country facing the highest amount of air pollution, the minister said.

    The Beijing Tourism Development Commission also reported a 24 per cent decrease in visits to the city’s popular tourist sites, dropping to 1.84 million visitors between December 31 and January 2. But the cause for the decline is unclear and wasn’t specifically attributed to the city's air pollution problem.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
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    NorthEast Region, N. America
    RE: Lung Meridian
    I see those pictures of the cities of China and I feel, just wow.... how can human beings allow themselves to do this to their environment. I know, it is greed-- industry, money, "the machine." But pollution on this level should never have been allowed to exist, it is a crime against humanity, a crime against the planet, and a crime against all life.

    If environmental policies are de-regulated in the US by a bunch of billionaires, will some of the cities in the US look like these pictures of Chinese cities in another 10-20 years? In fact, some places already have problems in the US, such as entire communities exposed to uranium. I do not believe hell is a place one goes to after passing over, but that people can create their own experience of heaven or hell, including (especially) in this earthly existence. In order to avoid such a dire future, people will need to "grow up." Their attitudes towards wealth, industry, and power needs to change. They need a shift in values, not decisions fueled by the "bottom line" or profit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MarathonTmatt View Post
    RE: Lung Meridian
    I see those pictures of the cities of China and I feel, just wow.... how can human beings allow themselves to do this to their environment. I know, it is greed-- industry, money, "the machine." But pollution on this level should never have been allowed to exist, it is a crime against humanity, a crime against the planet, and a crime against all life.

    If environmental policies are de-regulated in the US by a bunch of billionaires, will some of the cities in the US look like these pictures of Chinese cities in another 10-20 years? In fact, some places already have problems in the US, such as entire communities exposed to uranium. I do not believe hell is a place one goes to after passing over, but that people can create their own experience of heaven or hell, including (especially) in this earthly existence. In order to avoid such a dire future, people will need to "grow up." Their attitudes towards wealth, industry, and power needs to change. They need a shift in values, not decisions fueled by the "bottom line" or profit.
    That will be very difficult to accomplish when a high percentage of CEOs are "psychopaths". Apparently, psychopathic tendencies are considered a plus, as they allow many in positions of power, including top CEOs, to do what they do ruthlessly and effectively, without hesitation or conscience. Unfortunately, a psychopath (or sociopath) is unable to consider the benefit or needs of anyone but themselves. Even when such people appear to help others, it's only for the purpose of appearance and ultimately of benefiting themselves in some way. Psychopaths are simply the way they are until the day they die; they cannot be taught to empathize with others or care about whatever doesn't benefit themselves in the short or long term. And also unfortunately, in this society, money and greed usually win out, even (or especially) when the beneficiaries of it already have more money than they could ever need.

    Sorry for going OT.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 01-20-2017 at 10:37 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt 4 2019!

    This thread mentions Artemisinin & Malaria.

    There's a short BBC news video behind the link.

    How Chinese traditional medicine helped beat malaria

    Chinese scientists used ancient traditional medicine to find a cure for malaria in the 1970s.

    Artemisinin was discovered by exploring the medicinal properties of a herbal remedy from the 4th century.

    It can cure most forms of malaria with very few side effects and has saved millions of lives all over the world.

    Professor Lang Linfu was one of the scientists involved in its discovery.

    Witness History: The stories of our times told by the people who were there.

    13 Mar 2019
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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