Rank the order that you feel these training methods are of importance to the development of a person's Kung Fu training. I omitted sparring/grappling because "most" would agree this is most beneficial. I am curious as to how others view these training methods.

They are: Forms, Shadow Boxing, Line Basics, Stance Training, Heavy Bag Work, Mitt Work, Footwork Drills

Mine are:

1. Mitt Work-Setting up powerful combinations and having a good holder who pushes you is second only to sparring IMO.

2. Shadow Boxing-Puts everything together, and good shadow boxing should work at sparring when you have no one to spar with.

3. Footwork Drills- Clockstepping, weight distribution, working angles, judging distance, all from good footwork. After the novice stage I would trade this with Bag Work.

4. Heavy Bag Work-Builds power and stamina along with other benefits.

5. Line Basics- Good for putting together combos and teaching correct technique.

6. Forms-At the advanced stage, good for referencing techniques and application withing the system of study.

7. Stance Training-Static stance training improves strength and dexterity to a point, transitional stance training can work similar to Footwork Drills. Not at the top but still of importance.

Rank and explain!!