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Thread: Can TCMA and Christianity mix?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    I worship SwordMaster Jesus (the Return of).

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    If you practice TCMA, you will go to hell.
    Well first, you end up posting here... and after a few years in Kungfu Magazine Forums, hell hardly bothers you at all
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  3. #33
    "he's a druid"

    "what does that mean"?

    "they worship at trees".


    "but he's reformed...."


    "he can worship at just bushes".....
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Columbia, MO
    Quote Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
    "he can worship at just bushes".....
    Some bushes are worth worshiping.
    "I'm a highly ranked officer of his tong. HE is the Dragon Head. our BOSS. our LEADER. the Mountain Lord." - hskwarrior

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by pazman View Post
    Some bushes are worth worshiping.
    Quote Originally Posted by dlcox View Post
    At the very least kneeling before
    Welcome to the 1970's

  6. #36
    if the god of your choice doesn't mention TCMA specifically in his religious doctrine then I figure it's a matter of interpretation. And interpretations can be wrong. they're just someone's opinion. So ask God yourself. You don't need a go-between or an organization to talk to him. He certainly wouldn't need one to talk to you.

    the responses have been interesting and funny but seriously, you can decide for yourself. There isn't a pastor or theologian alive who has a better hotline to God than anyone else. Unless you think God is a Chicago alderman. Then you definitely want to know somebody.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by -N- View Post
    Welcome to the 1970's
    I seem to recall that North American bush survived into the mid 1990's but currently is on the endangered list
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  8. #38
    "Wild Beaver Alive and Well In Canada" local reports.... and in other news
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by PalmStriker View Post
    Jesus was very fond of Judoism.
    I'm pretty sure he would be a Krav Maga guy....
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    This is 100% TCMA principle. It may be used in non-TCMA also. Since I did learn it from TCMA, I have to say it's TCMA principle.
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    We should not use "TCMA is more than combat" as excuse for not "evolving".

    You can have Kung Fu in cooking, it really has nothing to do with fighting!

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Matthew 10:34
    New International Version (NIV)
    34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
    The old testement forbids graven images, yet the church certainly led to the production of many images of Jesus and Mary that were in effect worshiped. This led within Christianity to the debate over "icons" which at times was as violent as any crusade. Should we even mention that the old testement and the religion of Jesus himself taught that there is only ONE G'd.. and in many ways the doctrine of the holy trinity contradicts this.

    Or perhaps we should mention that prior to about 350 AD at least half of those who indentified themselves as Christians din't in fact believe in the trinity and when forced to either conform or be cast out, they left and became Muslims.

    Are martial arts in fact "religious"? Currenlty reading Meir Shahar and he argues rather convincingly that fighting was completely divorced from all these elements until the late Ming. He also has an entire chapter devoted to how Daoism,, Buddhism and Confucianism melted into eachother seemlessly, leading to the confusion so many westerners have as to what is really what

    But I digress
    The Catholics got rid of that commandment. They got the loophole on the idols and graven images that way. I know, it's weird, but they did it in the name of...?

    Tanakh 10 commandments: (abridged -exodus 20 if you're interested)
    1.You shall not have the gods of others in My presence.

    2. You shall not make for yourself a graven image or any likeness

    3. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain

    4. Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it.

    5. Honor your father and your mother

    6. You shall not murder.

    7. You shall not commit adultery.

    8. You shall not steal.

    9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, or whatever belongs to your neighbor."

    RC Church 10 Commandments:

    1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.

    2. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain

    3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day

    4. Honor your father and your mother

    5. You shall not kill

    6. You shall not commit adultery

    7. You shall not steal

    8. You shall not bear false witness

    9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

    10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #42
    You shall not kill

    You shall not steal

    You shall not bear false witness

    You shall not covet...

    Those are good rules, the rest is bullshit. But the last one has caveats and exceptions. Once you pass a certain standard of living, wanting more and more makes you a douche, but if you're starving and your neighbour has feasts every night, then yeah, you're gonna want some of that.

    Some parents don't deserve to be honoured.

    Adultery is complicated. You shouldn't steal kind of applies there. And yeah, it's a dick move to cheat on your significant other, married or not, but I don't put it on the same level as don't kill people, steal their shit then frame someone else for it...

  13. #43
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    You shall not kill

    You shall not steal

    You shall not bear false witness

    You shall not covet...

    Those are good rules, the rest is bullshit. But the last one has caveats and exceptions. Once you pass a certain standard of living, wanting more and more makes you a douche, but if you're starving and your neighbour has feasts every night, then yeah, you're gonna want some of that.

    Some parents don't deserve to be honoured.

    Adultery is complicated. You shouldn't steal kind of applies there. And yeah, it's a dick move to cheat on your significant other, married or not, but I don't put it on the same level as don't kill people, steal their shit then frame someone else for it...
    You could say that none of them are mutually exclusive and by abiding by them you can achieve an amicable social construct. But as humans are humans, you make good points.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
    ... prior to about 350 AD at least half of those who indentified themselves as Christians din't in fact believe in the trinity and when forced to either conform or be cast out, they left and became Muslims.
    The doctrine of the trinity developed over time.

    The earliest form of the "church" was a small Jewish community centered in Jerusalem. They practiced Judaism and held to the belief that Yehoshua (Jesus) was the prophesied Anointed One (mashiach/messiah) who would deliver them from Roman oppression.

    During the time that the Apostles and their immediate Jewish successors were in control of the movement, the teaching of the trinity was no where to be found (based on their writings).

    After non-Jews (Gentiles) were allowed to become a part of the movement, the "church" quickly grew to the point where non-Jews became the controlling force in the movement.

    Once the Gentiles had numerical control of the "church", the number of Jewish believers began to fade. In time, the Gentile believers disfellowshipped Jewish believers that did not forsake their Jewish religious practices. It was during this time that much of what modern Christians today believe was debated and formalized.

    No historical evidence tells us what actually became of the disfellowshipped Jewish believers. Some may have renounced their belief in the messiah and returned to rabbinic controlled Judaism. Some may have taken their beliefs to the grave. I know of no historical evidence that they converted to Islam.

    Mohammed was born in 570 A.D./C.E. which is hundreds of years after the events described above. The Quran was not codified until after the death of Mohammed in 632 C.E. Though some Muslims say Islam began in 610 C.E. when Mohammed received his first vision from the Archangel Gabriel.

    So, the idea that Jewish believers converted to Islam is highly unlikely, since their movement had died out a couple hundred years before.
    Richard A. Tolson

    There are two types of Chinese martial artists. Those who can fight and those who should be teaching dance or yoga!

    53 years of training, 43 years of teaching and still aiming for perfection!

    Recovering Forms Junkie! Even my twelve step program has four roads!

  15. #45
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