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Thread: Obamacare website

  1. #1

    Obamacare website

    $634 million dollars and three years later is a piece of crap.

    For all the computer people here, if you were given almost a billion dollars to spend and three years what amazing website would you have made?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i would sympathize with you, but Obama is black.

    Honorary African American
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i would sympathize with you, but Obama is black.
    Half black. His mother was white. A lot of people who want him to be the first black Presidebt always forget this fact.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    Half black. His mother was white. A lot of people who want him to be the first black Presidebt always forget this fact.
    Would he be able to use the bathroom of his choice in the 1950s?
    "I'm a highly ranked officer of his tong. HE is the Dragon Head. our BOSS. our LEADER. the Mountain Lord." - hskwarrior

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    $634 million dollars and three years later is a piece of crap.

    For all the computer people here, if you were given almost a billion dollars to spend and three years what amazing website would you have made?
    I don't know. My cousin learned html from CodeAcademy last week. He made a website about his pet dog. He did it for free. I'll call up the President and see if he needs any help.
    "I'm a highly ranked officer of his tong. HE is the Dragon Head. our BOSS. our LEADER. the Mountain Lord." - hskwarrior

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by pazman View Post
    Would he be able to use the bathroom of his choice in the 1950s?
    I see your point but we aren't going by 1950's racist standards. We are going by today's standards where you can actually google his parents.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    I see your point but we aren't going by 1950's racist standards. We are going by today's standards where you can actually google his parents.
    Ok, so then should I google one of the thousands of examples of idiots in just the past week saying or posting racist remarks to our only half black president?

    As for the original point, I'm not super great with coding. But even in I were, I wouldn't be so naive to assume creating a gov't site is as simple as most private crap on the internet. Do you even have any idea how many hits even the most low level federal sites get from attempted hackers in just a single day? There were things done wrong in making the site. But to think that its just some easy thing to throw together, like many are stating, is asinine. Much like every **** and Sally that seem to think that just because they can find the milk coupon in the Sunday, that they are qualified to weigh in on matters of global economy.

  8. #8
    You know your shit is weak when you have to attack the website rather than the bill itself. Still waiting to hear a republican offer up a better idea. Apparently the Heritage Foundation creation isn't "conservative" enough. What a sad joke. Anyone who thought such a monumental change in policy ever had a chance of a smooth transition is a moron anyways. Most of these guys know that, they're just being opportunists. I have a lot of criticism for Obama, but the ACA isn't one of them. At least not the way it's being attacked from the right. My real issue with the ACA is that it doesn't go far enough. At the very least it should have had a public option. Obama can blame himself for that one though, he compromised when he didn't have to with some fucked up expectation of getting some bipartisan love from the other end. The GOP are like your loser uncle. Give an inch, they want a yard. Give a yard, they want a mile. It's an old tactic. Drag the center to your side and criticise everyone and everything so much that it starts to seem reasonable to those who have short memories.

  9. #9
    Good in theory not so much in practice, especially if they have you submitting private info via the website due to hackers it's liable to get that private info. Not sure what other way they could have carried this over, maybe a phone number or something and obviously everyone wants to be covered with health insurance.

  10. #10
    You would have a point if your info wasn't already already available to those with the skills to hack a gov site and get away with it. Yeah, it can happen. But it can also happen at your bank, the DMV, whatever. And it does happen. It is what it is. We are in a transitional phase as we head down the digital road and it will be a few generations before we really land on our feet in this. We are on unprecedented technological frontiers as far as the speed of advancement is concerned. Like Obamacare, except on a WAY bigger scale, this transition will not and is not starting off smoothly. Nature of the beast. You can't stop it. If people don't like it, they can go live a subsistence lifestyle and see how that goes. The genie is outta the bottle on this one.

    What you guys really need is medicare for everyone. Period. It's doable, many nations have been doing it for awhile now and the quality of care is good and access remains pretty good too. Don't believe all the tards who say it's not working. I live it, and it's better than what I went through living in Cali. By far.

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  12. #12
    Finally there is some good news about obamacare.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    You know your shit is weak when you have to attack the website rather than the bill itself. Still waiting to hear a republican offer up a better idea. Apparently the Heritage Foundation creation isn't "conservative" enough. What a sad joke. Anyone who thought such a monumental change in policy ever had a chance of a smooth transition is a moron anyways. Most of these guys know that, they're just being opportunists. I have a lot of criticism for Obama, but the ACA isn't one of them. At least not the way it's being attacked from the right. My real issue with the ACA is that it doesn't go far enough. At the very least it should have had a public option. Obama can blame himself for that one though, he compromised when he didn't have to with some fucked up expectation of getting some bipartisan love from the other end. The GOP are like your loser uncle. Give an inch, they want a yard. Give a yard, they want a mile. It's an old tactic. Drag the center to your side and criticise everyone and everything so much that it starts to seem reasonable to those who have short memories.
    What's more important: food or healthcare?

    There are so many people that don't have access to quality food on a daily basis. Since we all need quality food why didn't they pass an "Everybody gets quality free food bill"?

    We would have less obesity, less hypertension, and on and on. If I'm starving I don't need healthcare.

    The point is that there are lots of pressing problems but Obama used his political power on this. Good thing he signed an executive order to close Gitmo. I'll bring the family to see it as a tourist attraction...oh wait it's still open.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    What's more important: food or healthcare?

    There are so many people that don't have access to quality food on a daily basis. Since we all need quality food why didn't they pass an "Everybody gets quality free food bill"?

    We would have less obesity, less hypertension, and on and on. If I'm starving I don't need healthcare.

    The point is that there are lots of pressing problems but Obama used his political power on this. Good thing he signed an executive order to close Gitmo. I'll bring the family to see it as a tourist attraction...oh wait it's still open.
    You guys didn't pass an "everybody gets free health care" bill, so that's kinda moot. And for the record, your food supply prices ARE kept artificially low. Same with fuel and a million other things. Check oil prices in countries who don't do that, not counting the major producers. You really wanna go down this path? Cause I got a lot more.

    Sure, you can criticise Obama on a ton of things. The man was a constitutional law professor. I mean... really. Don't get me started. But as far as the ACA goes, it's way better than what was(wasn't) there before. Still a piece of shit, but not because of what the right is saying. And it is progress none the less. Better than nothing. It helps close some avenues that were being used to take advantage of people, so that's good.

    I'm interested in what would be a better idea that doesn't involve a single payer system?

  15. #15
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    You guys didn't pass an "everybody gets free health care" bill, so that's kinda moot. And for the record, your food supply prices ARE kept artificially low. Same with fuel and a million other things. Check oil prices in countries who don't do that, not counting the major producers. You really wanna go down this path? Cause I got a lot more.

    Sure, you can criticise Obama on a ton of things. The man was a constitutional law professor. I mean... really. Don't get me started. But as far as the ACA goes, it's way better than what was(wasn't) there before. Still a piece of shit, but not because of what the right is saying. And it is progress none the less. Better than nothing. It helps close some avenues that were being used to take advantage of people, so that's good.

    I'm interested in what would be a better idea that doesn't involve a single payer system?
    There are natural born citizens who do not want to see other natural born citizens get access to Stuff. Those same natural born citizens fall into certain categories and they are as follows:
    1. They feel they have a right to low cost healthcare just because!!!!!!
    2. When insurance companies started to drop policyholders because of 'substandard policies' those same people (who were against ACA) refused to get that extra coverage for their own loved ones as they appeared that they preferered to be bankrupt instead of taking care of their brethren. They felt that their priviledge was being tramped upon Instead of blaming the insurance companies, they blame POTUS. I say if those people want to take care of their loved ones, return the guns and ammunition and the AKs and they will definitely be able to afford healthcare for the family for at least 5 years Here's the math 2 x 2 AR-15s + x boxes of ammunition + 2x X AK's + ammunition + range time x 5 years +? Of course, if every member has an AR15 then it might approach 10 years for health care coverage. I jest but you see my point.

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