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Thread: Jade Egg

  1. #46
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Continued from previous post

    Laying the stones just like an egg

    Cherie Wallace is a devotee of the eggs, saying they've improved her sex life

    Cherie Wallace, a full-time carer and mum-of-four from Wolverhampton, first tried out yoni eggs two years ago, after becoming interested in New Age practises more generally.

    The 31-year-old now has eight different crystal sets of three, costing £300 in total, and also runs an online store where she sells them.

    "The first ones I tried were rose quartz, which is a mild, loving stone supposed to open the energy centres in your heart," says Cherie, who wears yoni eggs every other day.

    "You start off with a large stone, and as your vagina gets used to it and your pelvic floor gets tighter, you can eventually train yourself to wear smaller ones.

    "They are easy to insert and don't hurt - at first they can be a bit cold but you can warm them in your palm and you get used to them. You feel a tampon more."

    Cherie holding one of her sets of eggs

    While most of the eggs have strings that allow you to take them out more easily, more experienced users such as Cherie can use ones without these - but they're harder to remove.

    "To get them out you have to 'push' them out by straining - it's a bit like doing a poo but from your front," she says.

    Before using them, Cherie burns sage in order to 'cleanse' her eggs from negative energy, and also washes them with warm, soapy water.

    "I also check for any cracks, as bacteria can go into them, putting you more at risk from infections. I always buy my eggs from places that have a certificate guaranteeing that they are made from real, smooth crystal."

    Experts warn against the use of the eggs
    Tania Adib, Consultant Gynaecologist at the Lister Hospital in Chelsea, says she wouldn't recommend that women use the yoni eggs, for the following reasons:
    "If you're putting objects inside the vagina they need to be properly cleaned, as otherwise you can run the risk of getting bacterial infections.
    "There's also a possibility the eggs could get stuck inside you, leading to the possibility of lacerations, aka deep cuts, in the skin of the vagina: these can be painful and again cause infections. Women who have gone through the menopause are particularly at risk, as your vaginal walls get thinner during this time.
    "Using the yoni egg for several hours can cause your pelvic floor to spasm and contract, leading to pain in the pelvic area.
    "I'd advise women to do kegel exercises instead, as these are scientifically proven to be safe and there are many research studies pointing to their effectiveness in training the pelvic floor.
    "It's true that when women are stressed it can affect their hormones, however there's no evidence to say that using yoni eggs make women feel calmer - trying out yoga or meditation for relaxation is safer."
    I use eggs while I have sex

    Cherie says that she 'wears' the eggs while having sex with her husband around once a week, and says they have made her feel more *****.

    "The red Jasper stone is the best for sex, as it is believed to be able to raise your sexual energy," Cherie says.

    "I've noticed a rise in my libido, and whenever I use them I find I have better and more intense orgasms.

    "My husband can't feel the egg when he's inside me, and he loves it as it makes sex more pleasurable and exciting. It's a really great thing to do as part of experimenting with each other as a couple."

    She also masturbates with specialist wands designed from the same stones as her yoni eggs - and says they give her the same effects.

    Cherie also uses wands made out of the same crystals to masturbate, and cleanses them with sage

    Kirsty said one of the reasons she tried the eggs in the first place was that she feared the quantity and quality of her orgasms would start to decline if she didn't keep her vagina toned.

    Just two weeks after trying the eggs for the first time, Kirsty said she had more intense orgasms and more 'control' with her vagina.

    "My husband says sex has never been better," she says. "I feel like a teenager again: who needs a designer vagina when you can exercise your way to better sexual health?"

    The eggs gave me a very quick labour

    Cherie had her fourth child in August, and while she didn't use the eggs during the first trimester as she wanted to be careful, she did in the last six months - and credits them with giving her an easier labour than normal.

    "My labour only lasted two hours, and I didn't need any stitches," she says.

    "My three others were harder and I needed stitches after - the only thing I've done differently is using the eggs."

    Cherie says her fourth labour was easier thanks to the eggs

    But while Cherie can't say exactly how it's worked, she believes using yoni eggs have changed her vagina for the better.

    "Despite the fact I've had four kids, I can hold in my wee for ages and have excellent bladder control - my doctors are so surprised. My cervical examinations have also all been completely clear."

    Kirsty feels that the eggs have worked in the same way for her - and as well as improving her pelvic floor, she says she now has super strong bottom muscles and upper thighs and a tighter, flatter stomach.

    She says: "I think it’s important we talk about how the eggs work and more importantly what they can help a person do."
    There should be a global competition for strongest vaginas - like a jade egg olympics.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    cute title

    cracking up...

    03 FEBRUARY 2019
    Cracking the truth on vaginal eggs
    A stone egg inserted into the vagina is believed to provide a series of health benefits.

    Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop to pay $145k over vaginal egg claims

    Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle website Goop has agreed to pay $145,000 over its claims about vaginal eggs, after the California Food, Drug, and Medical Device Task Force filed a complaint against the company.

    Vaginal eggs may not be all they're cracked up to be.

    Love eggs, yoni eggs, jade eggs, vaginal jade eggs... There are even more names for the device than there are benefits.

    These eggs are made from a variety of materials; however, the most common are smoothed rose quartz, black obsidian or nephrite jade.

    These stones are believed to strengthen vaginal muscles, increase libido, enhance feminine energy, improve physical appearance and prevent and alleviate uterine prolapse.

    In order to reap these health benefits, the egg needs to be inserted into the vagina.

    In an interview with Women’s Health, medical doctor and sexologist Dr Elna Rudolph states that the egg should only be inserted for about 15 to 20 minutes at a time. “I wouldn’t advise anybody wear one 24/7 – you need to relax your pelvic floor at times.”

    Loud criticism

    Over the last year, the love egg has come under scrutiny and a lot of criticism after Goop, the affluent lifestyle site owned by actress Gwyneth Paltrow, published an article praising the incredible healing qualities of the stones.

    The story, now removed from the site, stated that the stones can provide women with various vaginal health benefits.

    Gynaecologists, however, emerged in droves to deny any health benefits attributed to the stone and claimed that there was no scientific evidence to back the claims made by the site.

    In an interview with Health, gynaecologist Dr Jen Gunter warns that using these eggs can be really harmful, “The stones are really porous, so I’m not sure how they could be cleaned or sterilised between uses… [It’s] especially an issue when one of the recommended ways to use it is sleeping with it in. We don't recommend that tampons or menstrual cups be left in for longer than 12 hours, and those are either disposable or cleanable."

    Speaking to Vogue, physical therapist Stacey J Futterman Tauriello, who specialises in pelvic-floor rehabilitation, states, “Saying that [a jade egg] can alleviate uterine prolapse is absurd. Prolapse is a laxity of ligaments. [Strengthening] the pelvic floor helps support those organs, but it doesn’t change the structure of them.”

    Insufficient scientific evidence

    Last month the Goop site had to settle a R2 075 000 lawsuit over the health benefits the site attributed to the egg. According to court documents, the claims about the egg made by the site were not backed with scientific evidence.

    In a statement, Goop noted, “This settlement does not indicate any liability on Goop’s part. While the company has not received any complaints regarding these product claims, it is happy to fully refund any Goop customer who has purchased any of the challenged products.”

    The vaginal jade eggs are still for sale on the lifestyle site.

    Image credit: iStock
    Lauren Mitchell
    That being said, more people prolly know goop from this whole jade egg kerfuffle.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #48
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Put Away The Jade Eggs And Garlic: This Doctor's 'Vagina Bible' Separates Fact From Fiction
    August 29, 2019

    In her new book, "The Vagina Bible," OB-GYN and New York Times columnist Dr. Jen Gunter separates myth from medicine about women’s bodies. (Courtesy Jason LeCras)

    Editor's note: A gentle warning to listeners across the country, this hour will address mature subject matter.

    OB-GYN and New York Times columnist Dr. Jen Gunter advises her patients — and her hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers — to put away the jade eggs, the garlic, and to stop listening to Gwyneth Paltrow. In her funny, fact-based book, Gunter separates myth from medicine about women’s bodies.

    Dr. Jen Gunter, obstetrician and gynecologist. Author of "The Vagina Bible" and columnist for The New York Times. (@DrJenGunter)

    From The Reading List
    Excerpt from "The Vagina Bible" by Jen Gunter


    Get highlights, extras and notes from the hosts sent to your inbox each week with On Point's newsletter. Subscribe here.

    I HAVE A VAGENDA: for every woman to be empowered with accurate information about the vagina and vulva.

    One of the core tenets of medicine is informed consent. We doctors provide information about risks and benefits and then, armed with that information, our patients make choices that work for their bodies. This only works when the information is accurate and unbiased. Finding this kind of data can be challenging, as we have quickly passed through the age of information and seem to be stalled in the age of misinformation.

    Snake oil and the lure of a quick fix have been around for a long time, and so false, fantastical medical claims are nothing new. However, sorting myth from medicine is getting harder and harder.

    In addition to social media feeds that constantly display medical mes saging of variable quality, there are the demands of a headline-driven news cycle that constantly requires new content-even when it doesn't exist. With women's bodies, there are even more forces of misdirection at work. Pseudoscience and those who peddle it are invested in misinformation, but so is the patriarchy.

    Obsessions with reproductive tract purity and cleansing date back to a time when a woman's worth was measured by her virginity and how many children she might bear. A vagina and uterus were currency. Playing on these fears awakens something visceral. It's no wonder the words “pure,” "natural,” and “clean” are used so often to market products to women.

    Members of the media and celebrity influencers tap into these fears with articles about and products to prevent vaginal mayhem, as if the vagina (which evolved to stretch and tear to deliver a baby long before suture material was invented) is somehow so fragile that it is constantly in a state of near catastrophe.

    Why The Vagina Bible instead of The Vagina and Vulva Bible? Because that is how we collectively talk about the lower reproductive tract (the vagina and vulva). Medically, the vagina is only the inside, but language evolves and words take on new meaning. For example, "catfish" and "text" both have additional meanings that I could never have imagined when I was growing up. “Gut” is from the Old English for the intestinal tract, usu ally meaning the lower part (from the stomach on down) but not always. It's actually a very imprecise term; yet it has been embraced by the medical community and is even the name of a leading journal dedicated to the study of the alimentary (digestive) tract, the liver, biliary tree, and pancreas.

    I have been in medicine for thirty-three years, and I've been a gynecologist for twenty-four of them. I've listened to a lot of women, and I know the questions they ask as well as the ones they want to ask but don't quite know how.

    The Vagina Bible is everything I want women to know about their vulvas and vaginas. It is my answer to every woman who has listened to me pass on information in the office or online and then wondered, “How did I not know this?”

    You can read the book in order from front to back or visit specific chapters or even sections as they speak to you. It's all good! I hope over the years many pages will become worn as you go back to double-check what a doctor told you in the office, to research a product that makes wild claims about improving vaginas and vulvas, or help a friend or sexual partner out with an anatomy lesson.

    Misinforming women about their bodies serves no one. And I'm here to help end it.

    From the book THE VAGINA BIBLE by Jen Gunter. Copyright © 2019 by Jen Gunter. Excerpted with permission by Kensington Publishing Corp.

    New York Times: "Your Vagina Is Terrific (and Everyone Else’s Opinions Still Are Not)" — "When I was in my 20s and already a doctor, I still let my sexual partners believe they were the experts in female anatomy, despite the fact that I was studying to be an OB/GYN. These men would tell me things that were untrue and I would count ceiling tiles while they fumbled around in the wrong ZIP code, if you know what I mean.

    "Instead of correcting them, I just nodded and faked my share of orgasms because I prioritized men feeling comfortable over my own sexual pleasure.

    "It’s enraging that faking orgasms to satisfy a man’s sexual script has not been confined to the trash heap of bad history. Studies tell us that up to 67 percent of women who have experienced penile-vaginal intercourse have faked orgasms. All for reasons painfully familiar to me: not wanting to hurt my male partner’s feelings, knowing I won’t be listened to, feeding his ego or simply wanting the sex to end.

    "We rarely talk openly about what’s required for a woman to have a good sexual experience, and so many heterosexual women learn the mechanics of sex and female orgasms from movies (most of which are written, directed and produced by ... men). What I like to call the three-strokes-of-penetration-bite-your-lip-arch-the-back-and-moan routine."

    Washington Post: "Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop touted the ‘benefits’ of putting a jade egg in your vagina. Now it must pay." — "We need to talk about Gwyneth Paltrow's vaginal eggs. Again.

    "For the uninitiated, these are the egg-shaped jade or quartz stones sold through Goop, Paltrow's new-age wellness company and lifestyle brand. Per Goop, women are supposed to insert said eggs into their vaginas — and keep them there for varying periods of time, sometimes overnight — to 'get better connected to the power within.'

    "For $66, one can buy a dark nephrite jade egg, which allegedly brings increased sexual energy and pleasure. Or, for $55, there is the 'heart-activating' rose quartz egg, for those who want more positive energy and love. Until recently, a page on Goop's website promised that the eggs would 'increase vaginal muscle tone, hormonal balance, and feminine energy in general.'

    "Those claims were, well, a stretch, with no grounding in real science, according to a consumer protection lawsuit filed by state prosecutors representing 10 California counties. On Wednesday, state officials and Goop announced that they had settled the suit, with Paltrow's company agreeing to pay $145,000 in civil penalties.

    "Specifically, the suit called out Goop's jade egg, its rose quartz egg and its 'Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend' as products 'whose advertised medical claims were not supported by competent and reliable science,' according to the Santa Clara County district attorney's office. For example, the flower essence blend had been marketed as a blend of essential oils that could ward off depression.

    "And the jade eggs? They had developed a reputation — and a backlash — of their own."
    Grace Tatter produced this hour for broadcast.

    This program aired on August 29, 2019.
    Jade Egg
    Gwyneth & Goop
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #49
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Gwyneth is just toying with her customers now

    JANUARY 10TH, 2020
    Gywneth Paltrow Is Selling A Candle That Smells Like Her Vagina
    By Amanda Prestigiacomo

    Rich Fury/Getty Images for Girlboss

    Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is selling a candle that smells like her vagina at $75 a pop for her lifestyle and wellness company Goop. The name of the candle is none other than, you guessed it, “This Smells Like My Vagina.”

    Paltrow first came across a scent that she said reminded her of the smell of her own vagina, she claims. The scent was then finalized for the “This Smells Like My Vagina” candle, which reportedly sold out within hours of its test run.

    “This candle started as a joke between perfumer Douglas Little and GP — the two were working on a fragrance, and she blurted out, ‘Uhhh … this smells like a vagina,'” Goop outlined.

    The smell then “evolved into a funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected scent,” according to the company.

    “That turned out to be perfect as a candle — we did a test run … and it sold out within hours,” Goop bragged. “It’s a blend of geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed that puts us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.”

    Goop, clearly, is not a traditional brand. In 2018, for example, the wellness company settled a six-figure lawsuit surrounding their “vagina eggs,” which were promoted to help regulate females’ hormones and negate menstrual cramps.

    “It turns out, contrary to Goop’s advice, shoving a large egg made out of a porous mineral into the recesses of your lady-regions may not be the best treatment for conditions like endometriosis,” The Daily Wire reported. “Apparently, Goop knew — or, according to a complaint filed by the California consumer protection office, Goop should have known before they marketed this product, as well as a ‘flower essence’ they claimed treated depression, to consumers on their website.”

    “The health and money of Santa Clara County residents should never be put at risk by misleading advertising,” the attorney for the California consumer protection office said in a statement. “We will vigilantly protect consumers against companies that promise health benefits without the support of good science … or any science.”

    Paltrow again made headlines for her “progressive” ways last month, this time for gifting herself a ******** for Christmas.

    The Daily Wire reported on the ad:

    After Gwyneth shakes herself up a couple of Martinis, the narrator says “someone’s double-fisting” as she struts through the kitchen with her libations.

    “The holidays are work, so don’t be afraid to ask for help with lighting, and food, and style, and hair, and hair, and hair,” the narrator cheekily continues. “Find your favorite look, or eleven of them. Look fabulous in each one, and get super high… In your heels, of course.”

    The ad then takes a salacious turn by reminding people to treat themselves to a little self-service, but only after doing “something for others.”

    “Do something for others but don’t forget about No. 1,” the narrator says as Paltrow pulls a ******** from a Christmas stocking and keeps it for herself. “Yes, that is a ********.”

    The ad finishes with the narrator wishing everyone a “happy holidays from G. Label.”
    This would make a great joke gift tho...if it wasn't $75. For a candle. Gwyneth wtf?

    Gwyneth & Goop
    Jade Egg
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    KUNG FU VAGINA - The Music Video!


    "Everybody wants a Kung-Fu gina / It starts with a jade egg from China!"

    Two white women have created a racist music video to promote vagina eggs according to World of Buzz.

    Sex and relationship coach Kim Anami and director Shae-Lee Raven created the music parody titled ‘Kung Fu Vaginas’ based on Carl Douglas’ 1974 hit ‘Kung Fu Fighting’.

    Featuring an array of Asian clichés including chopsticks, kimonos and lanterns, the tone-deaf video is stereotypical at best and downright racist at worst.

    Lyrics include:

    “Everybody wants a Kung-Fu gina! / It starts with a jade egg from China! / No need for lube or saliva / To become a vag messiah!”

    “We don’t need a funky Thai Vag, to shoot ping pongs with pizzazz / We just build the muscle up to chop a board down!”

    “It’s an ancient Taoist art, of lifting weight with your parts! / Come on girls let’s flip and regain the power between your hips!”

    “You’ll become your own **** messiah / When your ejaculate puts out fires!”

    In other news, an Oregan bar has drawn criticism for using racist signs and for mocking a customer with a racist accent.

    Last year, Steven Crowder released a similar parody of ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ about Coronavirus.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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