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Thread: Jade Egg

  1. #31
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    Yoni eggs

    Here's some news that pre-dates the Goop kerfuffle.

    Answers To All Of The Yoni Egg Questions You Have After Watching This Week’s ‘Real Housewives Of Atlanta’

    Photo by Getty Images

    By Abiola Abrams
    Jan, 03, 2017

    If watching Porsha take a “yoni egg class” on the last episode of RHOA left you wanting to know more about those special eggs, we’ve got you covered.
    Yoni power!

    This week my Intimacy Intervention inbox has been filled with goddesses like you wanting to know about the Yoni Egg. It seems that our sister Porsha Williams on The Real Housewives of Atlanta paid a visit to a Yoni Egg specialist, and now sisters want to know the full scoop.

    We’ll talk more about this over the coming months, but for now, here are the Yoni Eggs basics you need to know.

    Light a candle and close the shades. Let’s get all sacred feminine up in here.

    5. The first thing readers wanted to know is, “Abiola, what is the “yoni?”

    Your yoni on the surface is your female reproductive organs but it’s so much more, depending on how deep you want to go. Pun intended.

    The yoni is where life began for you and all humanity. The Sanskrit word that describes your sacred space means the source, the womb, and the vulva. The yoni, housed in your sacral chakra area, is the seat of pleasure and joy. Doubt me if you want to, but I think that your sacred clitoris with her 8,000+ nerve endings would agree.

    4. What are yoni eggs?

    The yoni egg, also widely know as the jade egg, is a polished stone in the shape of an egg, created to be inserted into your vagina. Jade eggs are believed to be Chinese in origin, used by concubines of the emperor for youth, sexual prowess and vitality.

    3. What are yoni eggs made of?

    The sky is truly the only limit, with eggs available in clear quartz, amethyst, banded onyx and more. Crystals are semi-precious stones which each emit their own vibrational healing energy or frequency. Therefore, you choose your yoni egg depending on your intention.

    Black obsidian yoni eggs are incredibly powerful with transformational energy. This egg is said to strengthen the root chakra, the seat of all of our issues with feeling safe and knowing that you are enough. Obsidian is a grounding stone that connects us to our power and the energy of Mother Earth.

    Rose quartz yoni eggs are all about love, love for your body, love for your partner, and love for your spirit and life. Rose quartz emits a beautiful healing energy of calm. This lovely pink stone is all about opening the heart chakra, which so many of us have closed. A rose quartz yoni egg may help you feel more connected to your divine self than ever before.

    Jade eggs are the most common of the yoni eggs and a good place to start. Nephrite jade emits a protective energy said to be one of devotion. Jade is an emotional healing stone, which is said to balance and stabilize.

    2. A jade egg exercise program has many benefits. Yoni eggs are said to cause emotional, sexual, physical and spiritual transformation and healing. As an alternative to common kegel exercises, you may strengthen your vaginal muscles and benefits include: decreased incontinence, retoning post-childbirth, increased orgasms. Some women also experiment with Ben Wa balls.

    Of course, this is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is meant to replace medical information. Consult with your own physician and health team to decide what’s best for you. Do not use a Yoni Egg if you are pregnant or wearing an IUD.

    1. What else do you need to know?

    Some yoni eggs are drilled with a hole where a string may be attached; although this is not necessary. Yoni eggs come in different sizes, small, medium and large. You may wish to purchase a box set of all 3. The size you choose to work with will change as you go deeper in your practice. You may choose to start with a larger egg and then work your way down to a smaller egg as your muscles tighten. Many women choose to enhance their yoni egg practice with their prayer practices, yogic, affirmation and meditation practices and/or sacred baths.

    To learn more about divine feminine energy and power, check out my last book, The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love. To try yoni eggs, visit Womb Wellness Expert and Tantrika Tracey Bryant, featured in our previous piece on Yoni power at

    How beautiful that we as women are now able to have open conversations about ancient knowledge that was only whispered about in previous generations. Brava for the yoni - and yay for yoni eggs.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #32

    The only health concern that the doctors pointed out is the risk of infection and that could be completely addressed by placing the egg inside a condom. The words "unsubstantiated" and "unscientific" simply mean that no studies have been conducted to prove or disprove claims of the use of such device. Paltrow could have avoided this by the use of an asterisk leading to a disclaimer.

    There has been no funk generated over the safety of ben wah balls and they have been around for years. Even a wrestler went by that name. There has been no funk generated over the sale of Baoding balls as ben wah balls. The risk of exposure to lead is great because China's lead extraction methods are not the best.

    The same risk of infection exist with dilldos and a wide spectrum of adult toys. Where are the doctors when it comes to these products?

    Last edited by mickey; 01-25-2017 at 11:57 AM.

  3. #33
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    For the record, mickey...

    We do NOT recommend the sale of Baoding balls as ben wah balls.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #34
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    Another authority chimes in

    Lifestyle / Sex and Love
    Is Putting Jade Eggs In Your Vagina As Crazy As It Sounds?

    The latest from Goop says there are benefits to the practice. Here's what doctors have to say.
    By Julia Malacoff | Jan 25, 2017
    Topics: sexual health,weird and wacky


    Fans of Gwyneth Paltrow's website Goop know that sometimes she advocates some pretty out-there health practices. From steaming your vagina to colon cleansing, she's covered a fair number of debunked and even inadvisable ideas. (Remember that whole $200 smoothie thing?!) Well, looks like she's back at it, because this week the site is featuring a new idea we've certainly never heard of before: putting eggs made of jade and other stones into your vagina. (Here, read up on colonics and 10 other bizarre health fads.)

    In an article titled "Better Sex: Jade Eggs for Your Yoni," the site interviews Shiva Rose, an actress and well-known holistic blogger. She explains how she came to be a fan of inserting jade eggs into her vagina not only for spiritual reasons but also to help tone the pelvic floor muscles. ("Yoni," FYI, means "sacred place," and refers to a woman's womb.) According to the site, "the strictly guarded secret of Chinese royalty in antiquity—queens and concubines used them to stay in shape for emperors—jade eggs harness the power of energy work, crystal healing, and a Kegel-like physical practice." Mmmkay.

    We've seen our fair share of spiritual practices get pulled into the wellness world (like, um, yoga) and these days crystal healing isn't really that out there. But putting the crystals inside yourself does seem to take things to a whole new level. Rose explains to Goop that "jade eggs can help cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, increase control of the whole perineum and bladder, develop and clear chi pathways in the body, intensify feminine energy, and invigorate our life force. To name a few!"

    Aside from the spiritual aspects of this practice, which can't really be measured or proven, what's most interesting is the claim that these eggs could potentially have similar effects to Kegel exercises. "Vaginal weights have been around forever and have been used to strengthen the muscles in the vagina after childbirth and to assist with continence," says Michael Cackovic, M.D., a maternal-fetal medicine physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. He also adds that it's helpful when Kegels have a focal point, meaning that you have something to "push" against while doing the exercise. That being said, "there is no evidence, studies, trials, or FDA approval for jade eggs." (BTW, here are 10 things you should never put near your vagina.)

    There are, however, some not-so-desirable potential risks of using a foreign body such as a jade egg, says Angela Jones, M.D., a board-certified ob-gyn. "Foreign bodies in the vagina can disrupt its pH and potentially lead to vaginitis or other infections," she says. Not to mention, jade is a porous substance, meaning it can carry bacteria inside you. "Certainly using them when pregnant or menstruating would potentially increase the risk of infection," Cackovic seconds. Plus, using these with physical birth control methods like an IUD or vaginal ring could potentially increase the risk of pulling out the device by accident when removing the egg, he says.

    As for the other health benefits mentioned? "Not possible," says Cackovic. "The claim that these can cure hormonal imbalance is just plain physiologically impossible and biologically implausible," he says. Jones adds that there's no way these prevent uterine prolapse, a condition where the uterus slips from its normal position into the birth canal. "I don't think there is anyone that should waste their money on these jade eggs," she says.

    So, it would appear that we have another case of a mostly unsubstantiated health suggestion from Goop. Though the site does have a disclaimer on the story stating that "the views expressed in this article intend to highlight alternative studies and induce conversation," it's hard not to imagine that someone might try this at home and then regret it later. Hopefully, women will do as the website suggests and consult a doctor before trying this.
    I need to add this website now
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #35
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Fox News is down with Jade Eggs...

    ...or at least, they used to be.

    There's a video if you follow the link.

    Can you lift weights with your vagina to boost sexual health?
    By Lindsay Carlton Published December 01, 2016

    When women want to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles they usually do Kegels, exercises where you repeatedly contract and relax the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor. But sex expert Layla Martin recommends a different type of workout to her clients— vaginal weightlifting.

    Martin, a Stanford University graduate who focused on immunology, behavior and sexuality, completed a 21-month Tantric Yoga program in 2013 and a 500-hour Tantra teacher training certification in 2016. She first learned of jade egg use in Thailand and did her jade egg teacher training through Tao Tantric Arts under female teachers with over 30 years’ experience. Tao Tantra focuses on preserving sexual-creative energy, according to the Tao Tantric Arts website.

    Using a tool called the jade egg, Martin teaches women how to lift 1 to 3.5 ounce weights with their vaginal muscles, which she claims will strengthen the pelvic floor and help with several health issues including incontinence, post birth-rehabilitation and uterine prolapse.

    Uterine prolapse occurs when the muscles that support the uterus become lax, allowing the uterus and cervix to protrude through the vagina. Symptoms of uterine prolapse can include urine leakage or retention, constipation, problems with sexual intercourse and seeing the uterus or cervix coming out of the vagina. About 30 to 40 percent of women will develop some form of pelvic organ prolapse in their lifetime, according to a 2014 study published by F1000Research.

    While vaginal weightlifting sounds like modified Kegels, it may help with prolapse by tightening pelvic floor muscles, said Dr. Kecia Gaither, an OB-GYN in New York City.

    "Your pelvic musculature supports the pelvic organs, your bladder, your rectum and by doing a series of exercises, it helps to strengthen this to prevent prolapse, or basically your organs slipping through the musculature," Gaither told

    To use the jade egg as a strengthening tool, the user attaches a string through a tiny hole on the narrow end of the egg, then inserts the opposite end into her vagina. She can then attach a weight to the string and uses the jade egg to engage her pelvic floor and deeper muscles in the vaginal canal to lift the weight. Recommended exercises include hip corkscrews, pelvic swings and egg pull-ups and push-downs.

    “[You’re] working on the ability to pull in and up with the egg so eventually you can move the egg through the vaginal canal,” Martin said. “It really builds the muscular systems ability to pull up, which is really helpful for prolapse.”

    Martin recommends lifting with the eggs three times a week for about 10 minutes.

    “You can actually pull your muscles or overdo it just like the gym and experience soreness, so it’s really important to start light and then build up with more intensity,” Martin said.

    After the birth of her first child, 34-year old Sarrah Bolin suffered from uterine prolapse.

    "I was definitely frustrated and I also considered the option of possibly having surgery,” Bolin, of Austin, Texas, told

    Treatment options for prolapse include a vaginal pessary, which holds the uterus in place, and surgical repair of the damaged tissues.

    Bolin's doctors recommended she do Kegels, but when her symptoms continued to progress she tried vaginal weightlifting. After a few days of lifting, Bolin noticed more strength in her vaginal muscles and within a couple of weeks, her prolapse symptoms were gone.

    "It has helped tremendously. My vaginal muscles have strengthened and they continue to," Bolin said. “I use the jade egg every single day and after a few days of using one specific weight, I’ll be able to increase the weight limit.”

    Strengthening the vaginal muscles can also help a woman's sexual health.

    “By increasing your tone, you increase the pleasure when you have sex to enhance your orgasmic experience,” Gaither said.

    While Martin teaches some of her clients to use vaginal exercises for specific health conditions, she also offers a class for women looking for more passion and pleasure in their sex lives.

    “A lot of women don't pay attention to the deeper vaginal muscles but those are the source of a tremendous amount of pleasure and even cervical orgasms,” Martin said. “You do work with the jade egg deep inside in the vaginal canal and really learn to access those deep vaginal muscles."

    Martin does not advise women who are pregnant or suffer from frequent yeast infections to weight lift.

    For more visit
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #36
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    vajayjay vs. heels

    Extended Scene: What's Porsha Williams' Favorite Sex Position?
    See more from the hilarious yoni ball class (including vaginal weight lifting).
    Oh heck. What the hell did I just watch?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #37

    Huff Post bashes Paltrow’s new age woo

  8. #38
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    That time of the forum again...

    There's a 'time of the month' pun to be made here, but I'm not going to work at it that hard.

    "Vaginal Kung Fu" Could Be the Secret To Better Sex
    MAY 2, 2017

    Kim Anami/Instagram

    If Kegels just aren't cutting it for you, there's another way to work out your pelvic floor muscles: vaginal weightlifting.
    In her video on the subject, Lisa Masterson, MD defines vaginal weightlifting, which she calls "vaginal kung fu," as the practice of contracting the pelvic floor muscles that run from your pubic bone to the base of your spine in order to hold objects in place. The pelvic floor is essential for supporting several organs, including your bladder, uterus, and bowel.
    While there isn't extensive research on the area of the pelvic floor, studies have shown that vaginal weightlifting can treat a number of common conditions women experience due to weak pelvic floor muscles, including urinary incontinence, which affects roughly one in four women over the age of 18.
    Another attractive reason to strengthen your pelvic floor and try vaginal weightlifting is that it could lead to better orgasms. How? Dr. Masterson explains in her video that a strong pelvic floor gives women more control internally during penetrative sex. Experts say this allows for stronger grip during sex and more intense contractions during orgasm.
    How does vaginal weightlifting work? Often people will use insert objects like jade eggs, squeeze the pelvic floor muscle to hold it in place, and add more weight to the egg using the string attached to it. (Check out the Instagram account of vaginal weightlifter Kim Anami for some truly awe-inspiring snaps of this pursuit.) Dr. Masterson also recommends swinging any added weight backwards and forwards for even more of a challenge and clenching the muscles for 10 seconds at a time before giving yourself a break. Before you buy any weightlifting objects, though, do your research: Some doctors point out that jade eggs are porous, making them difficult to keep clean, and also advise people to never leave objects in their vagina for extended periods of time. There are options other than jade eggs, including vaginal weights and cones.
    Check out Dr. Masterson's full explanation of vaginal weightlifting below.

    Vaginal Kung-Fu is a new practice and it can help with intense orgasms
    Published May 2, 2017, 7:57 pm ISTUpdated May 2, 2017, 8:11 pm IST

    It helps women strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and eventually get a better orgasm

    The jade stone is supposed to be swung forwards and backwards like a pendulum regularly. (Photo: Pixabay)

    Women are always looking to have better orgasms and while there are many methods, they might most often not even work as desired. A new practice that is being adopted by many people involves a different kind of weightlifting and is known to be quite a game changer for women who want better orgasms.

    According to a report in Refinery29, there is a new method called vaginal weightlifting and is said to be an ancient Taoist practice that has been there for quite a while. The exercise also called Vaginal Kung-Fu uses an egg-shaped stone attached to weights with a string and inserted in the vagina to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The jade stone is supposed to be swung forwards and backwards like a pendulum regularly so that women can get better orgasms than they ever had before.

    The exercise with the stone makes the muscles contract and hold on to it thus helping in the strengthening of the muscles. It also has other benefits like controlling pee while peeing accidentally in unwanted places and also helps with smooth labour.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #39
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    Deceptive goop

    When Gwyneth's Goopy Jade Eggs get Busted...

    Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop product claims 'deceptive,' watchdog group says
    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 8:08 pm, Wednesday, August 23, 2017

    Gwyneth Paltrow attends book signing at goop-in@Nordstrom at The Grove on June 8, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. Goop has come under fire for a number of products the site sells, with a watchdog group criticizing various health claims in the site's product marketing. Photo: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images For Goop
    Photo: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images For Goop

    Gwyneth Paltrow-run lifestyle website Goop is being called out again for its wellness products, after a consumer watchdog group cited more than 50 instances in which the site offered "deceptive" health claims in marketing for its products.
    The group has filed a complaint with the California Food Drug and Medical Device Task Force to look into Goop's marketing practices.
    Truth in Advertising compiled a list of instances it felt Goop falsely claimed that its products (or third-party products) could "treat, cure, prevent, alleviate the symptoms" for a variety of health issues, from thyroid dysfunction and infertility to uterine prolapse and hormonal imbalance.
    "These [Goop-endorsed products] include crystal harmonics for infertility, rose flower essence tincture for depression, black rose bar for psoriasis, wearable stickers for anxiety, and vitamin D3 for cancer," wrote in a blog post on its site Tuesday.
    "The problem is that the company does not possess the competent and reliable scientific evidence required by law to make such claims."
    The group fired off a letter to Paltrow and the Goop group about its findings, asking on Aug. 11 that the company modify how its content, in what labelled as "illegal health claims." The group gave Goop a deadline of Aug. 18 to make changes to the product descriptions, before they took its issues with the site to the California Food Drug and Medical Device Task Force.
    At its preset deadline, the group felt that the changes Goop made were not enough and sent a letter to California regulators.
    In a statement to BuzzFeed News, a Goop representative said that "while we believe that TINA's description of our interactions is misleading and their claims unsubstantiated and unfounded, we will continue to evaluate our products and our content and make those improvements that we believe are reasonable and necessary in the interests of our community of users."
    The representative went on to say that the company felt it "responded promptly and in good faith to the initial outreach from representatives of TINA and hoped to engage with them to address their concerns. Unfortunately, they provided limited information and made threats under arbitrary deadlines which were not reasonable under the circumstances."
    Paltrow and Goop's health claims have come under fire for various products over the past few years, since its jump from a beauty newsletter to selling wellness products. Goop made past headlines for promoting $120 Body Vibes stickers that were allegedly made with "the same conductive carbon material NASA uses to line space suits," saying the stickers would "rebalance the energy frequency in our bodies." (NASA, in turn, refuted those claims, and a former chief scientist at NASA was quoted as saying, "Wow. What a load of B.S. this is.")
    Goop was also criticized for selling jade eggs, claiming that inserting the egg-shaped stones into a woman's vagina would balance hormones and improve the user's sex life. That information was disputed by San Francisco obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Jennifer Gunter, who said that using the jade egg as directed could lead to bacterial vaginosis or potentially deadly toxic shock syndrome.
    The site also drew recent comparisons to radio show host Alex Jones's InfoWars and the two sites' shared love for selling wellness items with questionable health claims.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #40
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    Kim Anami

    Holistic Sex Coach Kim Anami’s ‘5 Laws of Orgasms’
    OCTOBER 4, 2017 by SARAH BAN

    Image via Kim Anami

    Kim Anami, holistic sex and relationship coach, is best known for her mind-boggling ability to lift objects—surfboards and chandeliers are two—with her vagina. (She inserts a jade egg, which is fastened to a string attached to the item of choice.) But she doesn’t do it for the shock factor, though it certainly inspires some jaw dropping. Anami, who’s online school offers salons such as Vaginal Kung Fu, Sexual Mastery for Men, and Coming Together for Couples, doesn’t think her vaginal prowess should be inconceivable. In fact, all women can lift with their vagina and maintain a sky-high libido and achieve multiple, g-spot-sourced orgasms. Every. Single. Day. We got the scoop on Anami’s does what many consider the impossible (along with her famed 5 Laws of Orgasms).

    Organic Authority: You live by your 5 Laws of Orgasms. Let’s talk about each. First is: “Every woman, every orgasm.” What do you mean by this?

    Kim Anami: Every woman is capable of having every type of orgasm: clitoral, G-Spot, cervical, ejaculatory. I guarantee it.

    OA: Second rule: “One is never enough.” This probably sounds daunting for a lot of women considering many don’t’ even have one period. Why are multiple orgasms so important?

    KA: The more the merrier. Prior to contrary belief women are naturally insatiable and multi-orgasmic creatures. Orgasms are powerful mechanisms of release and self-actualization for women. They ought to be part of every woman’s personal growth regime.

    Image via Kim Anami

    OA: What are some first steps you can take to reach multiple orgasms?

    KA: Breathing deeply throughout arousal and orgasm. Knowing that you can have several and they are good for you.

    OA: The third rule is “An orgasm a day.” What changes can you see when you prioritize daily orgasms?

    KA: Daily pleasure lubricates your life. When you are connected to your sexuality and own it, you are more powerful in life, love, and career.

    OA: Fourth rule: “Go deep.” Deep in what way?

    KA: “Go deep” means go deep into the vagina. The most pleasurable and life-changing orgasms—G-spot and cervical—are in the vagina.

    Gourmet sex combines emotional openness with sexual abandon.
    OA: And lastly, the fifth rule: Let it go. What do you think are the main obstacles to allowing yourself to surrender? What can we do to start letting go?

    KA: Opening up emotionally and letting down one’s guard is an ongoing practice even in healthy relationships. It’s important to do the inner work both as a individual and with your partner, to create an open, honest, and trusting space, where you feel safe to show up and be vulnerable.

    Many things can prevent this, like old defense mechanisms or wounds from previous relationships or your family of origin. Or just not knowing what it even looks or feels like to live from a place of open-heartedness. This is the work I do—showing people what is possible and helping them to get there.

    Image via Kim Anami

    OA: You talk about gourmet sex vs. junk food sex. What an analogy: eating fresh, healthy, high-quality food every day will keep your body strong and happy, while going to Burger King everyday will leave you lifeless and heavy.

    KA: Gourmet sex combines emotional openness with sexual abandon. Like a gourmet meal, it is a multi-layered experience. The meal that enriches you feeds you on every level: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
    Instead of trying to force sex at the end of the night, when most people are exhausted, give yourself a huge neurotransmitter and hormonal boost first thing in the morning.
    OA: Speaking of — is there a food or habit you’ve decided to remove from your life entirely?

    KA: Alcohol, drugs, smoking, sugar, gluten, GMO, and non-organic food. I don’t touch any of them. I’m more in tune with my own natural rhythms and my spiritual guidance and intuition is strong.

    OA: Do you have any unusual or uncommon habits for the sake of health and wellness?

    KA: I refuse to eat GMO food. When eating out, this means going into the kitchens and speaking to the chef. I find out the trace ingredients in everything and what oils are used in the foods for dressings and cooking. Then I school them on why not to use GMO ingredients. I make myself a total pain in the ass when I go out to eat—on purpose. The more people who do this—demand non-carcinogenic food—the more restaurants will pay attention and think about their choices to provide food that nourishes, not harms.

    OA: Please describe your average morning.

    KA: Morning sex. I tell all my clients to set their alarm 30 minutes earlier and start their days off with a bang. Instead of trying to force sex at the end of the night, when most people are exhausted, give yourself a huge neurotransmitter and hormonal boost first thing in the morning. It’ll pack more punch than your breakfast smoothie.

    OA: What’s your natural pick-me-up for the inevitable 3pm energy crash?

    KA: A “coffee-break” self-pleasuring session. Using the Tantric and Taoist breathing techniques I teach, I gain energy through a five- to 15-minute self-pleasuring break and then go back to work!

    OA: Do you do anything unique or unexpected to maintain radiant skin?

    KA: Having lots of sex and ingesting lots of ejaculate, surfing and harvesting sunshine and Vitamin D between 12 PM and 2 PM every day (i.e. peak hours). This anti-sunshine myth has to go. Vitamin D, built up through progressive tanning, is an antioxidant and prevents cancer.

    OA: What’s your honest opinion on exercise? Love it, like it, hate it?

    KA: LOVE IT, NEED IT. Surfing is my favorite exercise. It’s cardio, endurance, and strength-training all-in-one.

    OA: What are the words you live by?

    KA: If you’re not scared ****less, you’re not aiming high enough.

    Kim deserves her own thread now.
    She has clearly risen to become the Jade Egg authority in the West.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #41
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    Jan 1970
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    Prudent to post this here now, yes?

    How To Clean Your Jade Egg

    Anna Thea Expert Love, Self
    November 30, 2017

    There are a number of methods, actually.

    The jade egg or yoni egg is a powerful tool for women. It is important to know how to clean your jade egg. And I will give you that important information below. Though I will say, the idea of the jade egg not being sterile and causing problems is something I would like to also address.

    We live in a yoni-phobic society. Women are expected to have a yoni that is sanitized and devoid of anything other than a flowering smell. That is impossible. Your yoni has a unique scent and I would like to invite you to get to know it.

    I believe it is important for every woman to learn more about the jade egg, in general. Knowing how to clean your jade egg is just a small part of the journey with this ancient wisdom. I have used the egg for many years and it is important if you would like to receive the deeper benefits, to demystify the jade egg practice.

    My teacher, Saida Desilets, does a great job offering deeper teachings of the jade egg practice. I feel so lucky to have been exposed to her teachings back in 2005 when I was certified as a Spiritual Sexual Educator.

    There are a number of methods for how to clean your jade egg. You need to choose which one is best for you. And you might even make up a new one!

    There is so much information on the internet about how to clean your jade egg and how to use it. Here are some ideas:

    Wash it with warm/hot, soapy water and dry it with a clean, dry cloth.

    Make sure to wash it with whatever cleanser you use on your most sensitive skin — something natural, organic, and non-abrasive.

    If the egg is drilled, make sure you blow through the hole to clear out your magical "yoni juice" out of the hole so it doesn’t dry up inside the hole making it harder to get out.

    Soak your yoni egg in a cup of water with 3 to 4 drops of food-grade hydrogen peroxide to sterilize.

    Dip it in almost-boiled or just-boiled water to sterilize.

    Spray colloidal silver on your yoni egg, including inside the drilled hole.

    Use tea tree essential oil or lavender essential oil similar to the way mentioned previously with colloidal silver. Tune into what your yoni likes. I personally like lavender or tea tree oil. I don't overuse it and when I do use it I often rinse the excess with warm water before putting the egg inside me.

    Free yourself from thinking that you have to know how to clean your jade egg...beyond clean.

    The main thing is to not get freaked out or anal retentive about keeping your egg sanitized and sterile. If you find yourself doing that with your yoni egg, you might want to look at your attitude about your yoni.

    Do you like how she smells? What is your attitude about her natural discharge? What type of relationship do you have with your yoni?

    Remember that your yoni has natural bacteria. The bacteria is important to keep her balance and healthy. She doesn’t need to be douched or sanitized and neither does your egg.

    I mean, do use common sense. Don’t put a yoni egg inside you if dried up vaginal juice was accidentally left to dry inside the hole. Don’t pick your yoni egg up off the floor or ground and put her inside of you.

    Think about your toothbrush. Do you sanitize your toothbrush? Yes, you do get new toothbrushes but you probably use your toothbrush quite a few times before throwing it away. The inside of your mouth is loaded with bacteria. You aren’t soaking your toothbrush in hot water or some sterilizing agent between each use…right?

    Knowing how to clean your jade egg is all about having a relationship with it and your yoni.

    Think of how to clean your jade egg as a relationship. A relationship between your yoni and your yoni egg. You don’t need to be prim and proper…just real! And not real clean either. Some women douche and it can actually be harmful.

    The most important thing about knowing how to clean your jade egg is knowing that clean is clean enough. And that your yoni is clean enough too!

    Your yoni is perfect and beautiful just the way she is. She can handle a "normally" clean egg.

    I have used my yoni egg for over 12 years. All I have done is make sure the hole is clean right after it comes out by blowing through it. I also wash the egg with hot water from the sink. Rarely, if ever, have I run boiling water over my egg. The hot water from the sink has been good enough.

    If I feel I want my egg to be a bit cleaner I use tea tree oil or lavender to clean it. See what resonates with you. My yoni has had no problems. Again, use common sense regarding the cleanliness of how to clean your jade egg but don’t go overboard. Don’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be.

    I know you wouldn't put something unclean inside your vagina. But again, you don’t have to overly sterilize it.

    The main point here is yes, know how to clean your jade egg but don't get anal retentive about it. And if you do find yourself overly concerned with keeping your egg beyond squeaky clean, you probably have the same attitude about your yoni. And the truth is, your yoni just wants to be accepted the way she is.

    Anna-Thea is an intimacy coach, author, and teacher. In her Manifesting More Pleasure course, she includes teachings about the jade egg practice. To learn more, visit her course page and if you would like to purchase a jade or rose quartz egg, visit her website.

    This article was originally published at Reprinted with permission from the author.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  12. #42
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Coffee enema + Jade egg = ?

    She may not be a trusted health advisor but I give her props for marketing.

    Why Gwyneth Paltrow Is Not Your Trusted Health Advisor
    The actress’ Goop website promotes health gear and diets. It also has pushed vagina eggs and coffee enemas. That has brought it some harsh criticism.

    Gwyneth Paltrow is widely known for her Academy Award-winning performance in the 1998 film, Shakespeare in Love.

    She’s also popular with many comic-loving cinema fans for her role as Pepper Potts in the Iron Man series.

    Paltrow is also known as the founder and owner of Goop, a lifestyle website that features healthy living content, style advice, and a robust e-commerce section that sells all the products you need to live the Goop life.

    The website, in fact, has become popular enough that it just completed its second Goop Health Summit, held in New York City this past week.

    It’s Goop that’s added the word “controversial” before Paltrow’s long list of accomplishments and acclaims.

    Goop, which started in 2008 as a newsletter Paltrow produced herself, is today a multimillion dollar lifestyle brand with product extensions, licensing agreements, educational summits, and even a print magazine.

    Alongside stories about what florals are best to wear in the winter, you can find vitamin packs geared to helping you work faster and stronger.

    Beside a story about the parasites hiding on a playground, you can find cautionary pieces about asbestos in cosmetics.

    The Goop mission is to help you navigate a world that’s filled with toxic and potentially dangerous products.

    “We take a curious, unbiased, open-minded, and service-centric approach to the work we do,” Goop writes on their website.

    But that “unbiased” approach has left many skeptics in its wake — and with some evidence to back up their suspicions.

    Goop and its controversies
    Take, for example, a $66 jade egg that raised eyebrows and ire last summer. The egg’s promise, the site says, is “to increase sexual energy and pleasure.”

    Goop writes that their “beauty guru/healer/inspiration/friend” Shiva Rose turned them on to jade eggs, calling it a “strictly guarded secret of Chinese royalty.”

    When the egg first hit Goop’s site, the condemnation was swift.

    “We’re never particularly surprised when our stories break the internet, but we were surprised by the reception of the jade egg, which stirred up a formidable debate about the practice,” Goop editors wrote in a piece that followed the egg’s release.

    They then backed up their sexuality boosting stone ovum with letters from fans who said the practice has worked wonders for them.

    Carol Queen, PhD, the staff sexologist at Good Vibrations, co-founder of the Center for Sex & Culture, and author of “The Sex & Pleasure Book: Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone,” calls the jade egg “too good to be true.”

    “I’ve been horrified by a lot of her sex-related items because it doesn’t seem that either she or her doctor associates know enough about sexuality, the genitals, etc.” Queen told Healthline. “She also hasn’t chosen to find someone who does know a lot and, of course, if she did, she might have fewer things to sell.”

    Queen says any attention to sexuality and sexual health is likely always a good thing, but the jade eggs — and many of Goop’s other products meant to promote sexual energy — are just a bridge too far.

    “A person can be credulous when it comes to alternative claims, and if they don’t know enough about health and sexuality to begin with, they won’t be able to easily assess whether what they are hearing is correct information,” she said.

    “Now, the placebo effect is a thing, and if a person believes that the item has a positive effect on their vaginal health, they are touching themselves to insert it, focusing on that area of the body, actually caring for its wellbeing, all this might have some good effects,” Queen added. “The ‘but’ of this statement has to do with the energy the stone supposedly possesses and that’s not a scientifically sound idea. It’s also about the egg itself. It won’t be a comfortable size for everyone. It can be difficult to insert if it’s too big for an individual. It can be even harder to take out. And stone isn’t always a safe material to insert into the body. It can have microfissures that might collect bacteria, for instance.”

    More recently, a $135 coffee enema stirred the unease of many medical experts.

    The enema, named the Implant-O-Rama, was listed as part of the brand’s “Detox Guide.” The other items listed in the guide (scrubs, saunas, and such) look to cleanse every pore, pocket, and pleat of your body, but the enema was the target of much indignation.

    Enemas had a heyday in the alternative medicine world in the early 1900s, but as word spread of the potential dangers, the colon cleanses waned in popularity.

    In fact, in 1919, the American Medical Association condemned the use of colon cleanses. More recently, the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology said in a statement that coffee enemas are “not merely useless but potentially dangerous.” The Mayo Clinic reports that coffee enemas have been to blame for several deaths.

    Despite these warnings, enemas and colon cleanses have seen a robust return as the rise of “alternative” medicine increases in popularity.

    Paltrow’s Goop is perhaps the most high-profile proponent of the practice, but they’re certainly not alone.

    “In the past, we referred to lotions, potions, and elixirs with unproven efficacy as snake oils,” Zach Cordell, a registered dietitian nutritionist and an assistant professor of nutrition at Daytona State College in Florida, told Healthline. “We still have many of these around today, where people will use scientific sounding words, pick and choose what they want to believe, and it will bring people in. If you have a big soapbox to stand on, you are likely to have a larger payout.”

    Despite numerous requests by Healthline for comments on this story, Goop officials did not make a representative from their organization available for an interview.

    What’s Paltrow’s responsibility?

    Alongside these controversial products are seemingly harmless items such as bath soaks and menstrual cups.

    The latter is listed as an alternative to pads and tampons, “many of which are made with harmful chemicals,” the Goop site states.

    “Her celebrity gets people in the door and perhaps the controversy does, too, but she’s just one very high-profile player in a field that has a long history [of] alternative therapies,” Queen said. “Not everything that can be described that way is problematic, nor is it likely that all the things sold on Goop are dangerous. But a customer might want to do a little due diligence on items they’ve never encountered, or ask themselves if there are ways such an item might be unsafe.”

    But Donna Flagg, creator and founder of Lastics & Lastics Body, a body products company, says Goop and Paltrow are only a vessel, not a maker, for these products and their claims.

    “Goop is essentially a retailer, a store. My opinion, with regard to Goop and Gwyneth, is that she is a target for one of two reasons, but more likely it’s some combination of both,” Flagg said. “One, she sells a lifestyle, but more importantly, a philosophy which challenges much of the establishment. That philosophy touches all aspects of our lives. That makes her a broader threat than, say, a company making moisturizers. Through her business, she exposes a lot of companies and their practices who do not want to be exposed.”

    “Two, she is a famous, beautiful, and beloved woman,” Flagg continued. “This gives her tremendous influence among her audience, influence that is authentic, which no amount of money can buy.”

    Flagg adds that these larger companies may try to discredit her influence by promoting the controversies.

    “Generally, the responsibility of claims falls on whoever makes the product,” Flagg said. “Manufacturers formulate, test, and package the products. They are the ones who have the information about their product’s performance, not the retailer. A retailer is a customer of the manufacturers, and treated as such.”

    For their part, Goop writes, “We test the waters so that you don’t have to. We will never recommend something that we don’t love, and think worthy of your time and your wallet. We value your trust above all things.”

    However, their process for selecting items and retail partners isn’t transparent.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #43
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    Continued from previous post

    What do you do about Goop?

    Cordell says Paltrow and Goop have the large platform to promote their health and wellness products, their body positive messages, and many of their claims because of Paltrow’s star and popularity.

    And, he concedes, the film star and brand promoter does some great things with that stage.

    “I am a critic of some of their practices but admit that some of Gwyneth’s approaches are valid. Her recommendation for body positivity is beneficial, and her approach to lifestyle change is helpful rather than diets, is accurate,” he said.

    Still, Cordell says, some of the claims aren’t sound or even ethical, and that can leave a naïve audience susceptible to the “snake oils” of celebrity health claims.

    “There are some truths and half-truths mixed in with product placement that promise health results that the science cannot back up,” Cordell says. “Along with that, Goop and other celebrity influencers skate a very dangerous line of giving medical advice that is not grounded in science, and providing goods with claims that are unsubstantiated by research.”

    “If a medical provider such as a doctor, nurse, or dietitian were to promote practices with unproven scientific claims,” he said, “there could be consequences, such as coming under review by the licensing board, being sued for malpractice, or losing your license to practice.”

    Dr. Charlie Seltzer, a Philadelphia-based weight-loss expert, agrees with Cordell’s assessment of the advice.

    “In a direct sense, Goop is probably more irresponsible and misguided than dangerous,” Seltzer told Healthline “The cleanse information, which appears to be pretty prevalent [on their website] is ridiculous. There is no real science behind the ideas or claims, and I almost get the feeling Goop is encouraging self-diagnosis.”

    Seltzer says there’s room for “alternative” approaches to healthcare and wellness in today’s modern medical environment, but that information should still be based on sound and vetted information. That, Seltzer says, isn’t coming from Goop.

    “My issue is that people with no real experience or qualifications are giving advice on how to be healthy based on anecdotes and bad science,” he said

    So how do you know what the balance is? How do you find a healthy point on the axis between modern medicine and fully alternative?

    “You should become as educated as possible to make an informed decision,” Seltzer said. “If you don’t want to do that, find a practitioner you can trust and ask him or her. One of my favorite parts of my job is to explain to patients the different approaches to treatment, what the research says, and what are the risks and potential benefits of each avenue.”

    “For the most part, however, the information is just ineffective and a waste of time to read or try to do,” he added. “I’d encourage anyone taking advice from Goop to run it by a knowledgeable, qualified healthcare professional.”

    Readers of Goop’s articles and advice may find beneficial elements among their stories. After all, articles like “10 Brands That Really Care” promotes companies that give back or make their products from sustainable sources. “What to Eat When You Have the Flu” is a rundown of comforting foods almost no one could quibble with — chicken soup made the list.

    But nestled among those innocuous articles are some claims that Queen, and skeptics like her, hope you’ll take with a grain of salt.

    “Jade eggs, wasps’ nests, vaginal steaming, and coffee enemas are all somewhere on the continuum that goes from pretty bad for you to deeply bad for you,” Queen said. “I’d like to see her stick to selling yoga gear, personally.”
    Thread: Gwyneth & Goop
    Thread: Jade Egg
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  14. #44
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    $145,000 Jade Egg

    I'm idly curious about how these items were dis-proven.

    Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop Pays $145,000 Over Jade Vaginal-Egg Claims
    By Christopher Palmeri and Lucas Shaw
    September 4, 2018, 5:04 PM PDT

    Gwyneth Paltrow Photographer: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

    Goop Inc., the lifestyle company founded by Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow, agreed to pay $145,000 to settle allegations it made unscientific claims about the benefits of three products.

    The case involved Goop’s Jade Egg, a $66 item inserted into vaginas to enhance sexual energy; the Rose Quartz Egg, a similar product; and Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend, a tincture.

    Goop advertised that the eggs could balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles and increase bladder control, according to a statement Tuesday from Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, who was part of a task force of California district attorneys that negotiated the settlement. Goop sold Inner Judge Flower as helping prevent depression.

    In addition to the settlement, Goop agreed to refund money to customers who purchased the products and stop making claims about their efficacy.

    Goop, which is based in Santa Monica, California, said it disagreed with the prosecutors’ position and did no wrong, but wanted to settle the matter quickly.

    “Goop provides a forum for practitioners to present their views and experiences with various products like the Jade Egg,” Erica Moore, the company’s chief financial officer, said in an emailed statement. “The law, though, sometimes views statement like this as advertising claims, which are subject to various legal requirements.”
    Gwyneth & Goop
    Jade Egg
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #45
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    UK's strongest vagina

    EGG HEADS The UK’s strongest vagina that can weight-lift tins of baked beans and amazing orgasms: Meet the women reaping the benefits of Gwyneth’s bonkers ‘jade’ eggs
    After Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand Goop was recently forced to pay out thousands for making unscientific claims about the healing properties of 'jade eggs', there are still plenty of women who swear by them

    By Natasha Wynarczyk and Alley Einstein
    14th September 2018, 10:54 amUpdated: 14th September 2018, 10:58 am

    KIRSTY Wright has a special talent: she can lift more than a kilogram of baked beans from her vagina - and says her private parts are the strongest in the UK.

    The 49-year-old is one of thousands of women who believe that inserting 'yoni' eggs into their vaginas on a regular basis have improved their sex lives, bladder control - and even allowed them to embark on unique weightlifting regimes.

    Kirsty Wright claims to have the UK's strongest vagina

    Yoni eggs are stones made from crystals such as jade and rose quartz and have become popular with some women putting them inside their vaginas to improve their health.

    Fans of the eggs say they work in a similar way to kegels - pelvic floor exercises prescribed to women after they give birth - as they force the vaginal wall to contract in order to keep them in place.

    When Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle company, Goop first started selling jade eggs in 2017, they sold out immediately.

    And they've still got a large following online and in social media groups such as Yoni Egg Rocks and Priestesses of the Jade Egg, where hundreds of women get together to share tips about how to use them.

    However medical experts say there is no evidence that these eggs work, and Goop was recently forced to pay £112,514 after it was sued for making unscientific claims about their benefits.

    Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle site Goop paid a settlement due to false claims about the health benefits of vaginal eggs

    While all Gwynnie's customers have been offered a full refund, Sun Online speaks to the British women who aren't prepared to give up their jade eggs just yet.

    'I wear an egg inside my vagina all day'

    Kirsty, a businesswoman from Cheshire, started using yoni eggs in 2011 after having her third child, Johnny.

    "I was worried about my pelvic floor and vagina muscles being weak and not as tight," says Kirsty, who now sells them on website Jade Eggs Global.

    The first time Kirsty put them in, she said her vagina felt "quite loose", and she only kept them in for a few minutes.

    The controversial jade eggs are still on sale on Goop for £50

    But as she got used to the eggs she began to gradually increase the length of her 'workout' sessions, building up to hours and eventually a full day.

    “After some workouts I felt muscle soreness like you’d encounter after a gym session. Not only was my vagina becoming stronger but my lower back, bottom and stomach were as well," she says.

    Kirsty Wright with one of her beloved yoni eggs

    Eager to learn more about what she could achieve, Kirsty made contact with Tatyana Kozhevnikova, a Russian expert in yoni eggs and the woman with the "world's strongest vagina".

    "She showed me how to lift weights with the eggs inside me," recalls Kirsty.

    Kirsty started using Tatyana’s method of using a string attached to the inserted egg to hold weights to further improve her vaginal strength lifts.

    Kirsty has trained herself to weight-lift up to 1kg using her vagina

    "They fit easily into a sling which attaches via string to the egg. The most I have lifted in 900 grams and once a kilogram," says Kirsty.

    "Tatyana can lift over 10kg, but you don’t need to go over half a kilo to get the benefits."
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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