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Thread: What will you do if you are a passenger on bus 44?

  1. #1
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    What will you do if you are a passenger on bus 44?

    It's a 11 minutes short film, but it can generate a lot of interested discussion on "why do we need to train MA?"

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  2. #2
    Two years ago I had reconstructive knee surgery, in china. Had to wear a plastic cast for three months. At the same time I had some jealous bf of this girl calling me and threaten me. This situation, change my whole perspective on fighting. Besides going back to my ninjutsu training days using weapons, attacking vital areas, and using environmental awareness and strategies.

    During that time I walked with a cane [hanbo,short stick in ninjutsu] I carried a pointy ball point pen in my pocket, that was for the most vulnerable part of the human body, the eyes. And changing my route often, so as not to be easily followed[i lived in some small little maze type area "hu tong" style.

    First off give them what they want. If things did get physical, I think in this case lethal force would be justifiable. So I would have to try to take out an eye. Use whatever is available as a weapon, gain some distance. Never fight a weapon unarmed, unless there is no other option, first gain some distance, and use something as a weapon.
    Last edited by wiz cool c; 03-06-2014 at 08:36 PM.

  3. #3
    The bystander effect. Weird phenomenon. I'll intervene if I think I can help. I'm not walking into any bullets though. Kinda depends on the opportunities presented. Maybe you do something, maybe you sit down, stfu and not catch a bad one. Depends.

  4. #4
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    We also don't want to be stupid by "not doing anything" and let the bus driver to kill us. If we have to die, it's better to die as a hero to be killed by knife than to be killed by that bus driver as a coward.

    If you watch the movie, when that guy approached to the other guy (who had a knife) from behind, if he had any MA skill, he could knock/take his opponent down. He only had to deal with one opponent. His other opponent was raping the bus driver at that moment. Sometime we may use the excuse that we don't need to fight in 21st century so we don't have to train combat. How about trying to use our MA skill to save other's life, or to prevent some woman from been raped? Is that what "侠(Xia) is all about? To help the weak to fight against the strong.

    Do we still have any "侠(Xia) - help the weak to fight against the strong" left in the modern world?
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 03-07-2014 at 07:12 PM.

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  5. #5
    It depends. People have this hero complex where they envision this great sacrifice to save the heard or whatever. But I think it's just as likely that you get hurt or worse, and whatever was gonna happen before happens anyways. It's hard to tell how far somebody will go when they have done something wrong and have a weapon. Maybe they kill you, freak out and run away, maybe they don't run away and things get much worse. It depends.

    As far as the story is concerned, I liked it. But I think it would have been better if it ended when she kicked him off.

    He didn't know the bus was going to crash, so that isn't and shouldn't be a factor in the decision to intervene. But yeah, if you have the means to win and think you can win and happen to see an opportunity, do what ya gotta. An act of aggression at that level forfeits ones rights to personal security in my opinion. But that's just me. And it's obviously easier said than done. I have seen many good people stand by and watch nasty stuff.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    I have seen many good people stand by and watch nasty stuff.
    If we just stay within this movie.

    - There are no firearm involved.
    - There are not even a sword involved.
    - It's just a 6 - 8 inch short knife.
    - You only have to deal with one guy.
    - You may even be able to attack him from behind.

    If you can pick up a rock from the ground, you can be as deadly as your opponent.

    This is also a good reason to carry some weapon when you travel to a remote place like in that movie. When I traveled to the silk road in China, I carried a dagger much longer than that guy had in that movie. I even had this belt on my waist.
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 03-07-2014 at 07:46 PM.

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  7. #7
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    That was a well-made film. My only criticism of it is the guy smiling at the end. I thought that was inappropriate.

    In terms of doing something, I think Syn brought up some great points. It really depends upon the particular situation. Each is different.

    I would say that, unless or until one is faced with such a scenario, anyone can only guess what they would do. Sometimes those we think would take action if the opportunity presented itself either do nothing, or actually make the situation worse for everyone else, just to save themselves. And OTOH, sometimes it happens that people you may think are zeros...nobodies...rise to the occasion. That's not uncommon.

    Last month, there was an article in the paper about an elderly local man who was a boy in WWII Germany. He told of the horrors that happened when the Russian soldiers went into Germany after the surrender, and how his entire family, and friends, were purposely betrayed by a grandmother who had always been devout, respectable, trustworthy, etc. She panicked and loudly revealed where they were hiding in a basement, hoping that the Russians would spare her for doing so. She was spared, but the other women were raped, the men beaten or worse. He never forgave his grandmother for that act of cowardice. The point being that you often cannot predict how someone will act in such a situation until it happens.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    If we just stay within this movie.

    - There are no firearm involved.
    - There are not even a sword involved.
    - It's just a 6 - 8 inch short knife.
    - You only have to deal with one guy.
    - You may even be able to attack him from behind.

    If you can pick up a rock from the ground, you can be as deadly as your opponent.

    This is also a good reason to carry some weapon when you travel to a remote place like in that movie. When I traveled to the silk road in China, I carried a dagger much longer than that guy had in that movie. I even had this belt on my waist.
    If you want to stay within the movie.... the best option is everyone grabs a bag and rushes both of them. Unfortunately that kind of coordination is highly unlikely in a violent public setting amongst strangers. If you were all friends, it would be easier to make happen. I can't even count how many times I've seen violent people get put down in a group setting where everyone knows eachother. Weapons and all. And usually a lot of alcohol.

  9. #9

    I figured out the end as soon as the driver told the guy to get off the bus.

    When you are in such a situation where and when to move can be a problem because there may be people already on the bus who are in cohoots with the robbers. The question really is are they worth dispatching with finality? I found the rape very disturbing and worth the response of sending those guys to hell.

    Then the question will be whether the courts will honor you and the deceased?


  10. #10
    Strategy for engagement,

    When they are off the bus, hurt and incapacitate the guy holding the bag in such a "way" that will cause the other guy to lose his stiffness.

    What do you guys want to do to the other guy?


  11. #11
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    No_Know's Say:Crotch and Choke and Choke as an Approach

    Grab the crotch of the collector, then grab his throat and squeeze. Confront the Thief-rapist person [without presuming some attacks-approaches I can't know how he'll act react which I need because what I do is further based on opponent action] standing-walking up-on him to a scuffle with me boiling the frog to choke him offering tea[bringing my thumbtip to meet my index fingertip behind his esophagus].

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  12. #12
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    If pat experiences are anything to go by, what I would 'do' is end up in a ball on the floor getting a good kicking. Sometimes that's all you can do.

  13. #13
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    If you train TCMA, you finally find an opportunity in your life time that you can kill a bad guy and be able to get away from any court issue, why would you want to let the chance to pass by? Will you want to use this opportunity to test whether your "finish strategy" that you have trained all your life and see whether if it will work or not?

    Since you are going to get to that guy (who has a knife) from behind, you can use a simple "haymaker leg block" to take him down backward. By using your forearm to hit on his face (from behind), and bring his head all the way down to the ground. Let his head to hit on the ground, and see if you can truly "crack his skull". Will he be able to use his knife in the whole process when his body is falling backward? I don't think so.

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  14. #14
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    Looking at it in a different way

    Looking at it in a different way

    When you board a bus, plane, boat you are putting your life in the driver hands. At all cost the driver should have your safety as first thought. It was a sad, nasty situation what happened to the driver but in no way should she expected her passengers to put them self at risk. In no way she should have drove them to there deaths. The terror she encountered made her a terrorist.

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  15. #15
    Heard the fable in so many versions when I was a kid.

    The morals of the tale are

    to take charge of a situation/crisis actively and to defuse it before it gets worse.

    1 a handbag or briefcase to defuse a short blade.

    2 wrap a t shirt around your forearm to defuse the short blade

    3 slam the door when the bandit existing

    4 use a belt to whip against a short blade to keep the distance

    5 use a rock, sand

    6 use

    or drive the bus and run over the bad guys

    Think and think something bigger than a pocket knife.

    Outweapon, outnumber, outsmart

    etc etc

    Never let a disturbed and hurt girl/person drive a bus.

    Use a cell phone to text 911

    etc etc

    Protect yourself first then save others if you can.

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