Despite my infintessimal low level and intellectual background in Daoist (civilian vs religious) thought, the limited exposure has allowed me to see an insight that is unparralled!
That being said, my experiential distinction is that present Western though only follows a logical 1,23, process that is severely limited though it has an important function for a modern society. Based on the Western model people, who create from an ancestral and artistic level are considerd 'off the wall (to be polite) whereas the one who writes down stuff, studies it, engages in intellectual skill building are considered the 'real ones' (for lack of a better word) at this time. Western oriented discourse is to objectify the experience, tear it apart, verbalize it, then print it out for regurgitation. Platonic definitions tend to go for a rationalistic aestethic as opposed to a natural, creative and innate illumination that enlightens the soul. Let us study it instead of feel the easthetic of natural music, movement or artistic brillance oooopssss!