Quote Originally Posted by Pipefighter View Post
Absolutely true. but is that a good thing?
Allegedly, the Romans were a small farming community who created their own mythological history of being the descendants of the might Romulus. Gradually they started taking over more land because they felt it was their destiny.
The USA had a destiny to manifest at one point too, and so did the Germans, etc...
I believed the Pilgrims were our forefathers until i got to college
Does holding a mythology/"history" near and dear benefit training or society? I wonder which happens more- a legitimate technique is passed on because of an ancient history, or a concept is lost because the ancient history fills the place where a gentle jab to the nose would have been a more valid lesson?
Great post.

In response, I think it depends. If the story inspires action that is informed by reality, it could be good. If it inspires action just to inspire that action, it can make us into the tool of others. The truth value of the story does not necessarily determine which of those responses it inspires.