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Thread: To the moderator, enough is enough.

  1. #1

    To the moderator, enough is enough.

  2. #2
    Hendrik, I have made no threats just simple and totally factual statements of which I am perfectly willing to go that extra mile and attest to by signing and posting a legally recognised document .... something you fail to be able or willing to do which would reasonable indicate that you don't have faith within or even believe the very statements you have made on this forum.

    And yes your 100% right, this is no place for politics and negative contributions such as using a well recognised Master's name and reputation as is the case with Sifu Lee Kong and Sifu Yung and so called quotes (Which have been factually proven did not exist) to bolster your own agenda as you have plainly done so here!

    Sorry Hendrik, but your just being plain silly and well rather childish now, Crying foul after the milk has been spilled is not a defence for your actions and statements here. So whinging and whining and trying to involve the moderators and evoking the rules of this forum will not save you.

    Nothing I have posted here is defamatory nor incorrect. As stated I am willing and readily able to put my name to same via a legally recognised document.

    You started this thread yes, but you don't "own" the rights for others to discuss here so telling me to "get out of your 'threat'(sic)" isn't going to cut it with me. You are not a moderator, simply a member like everyone else is. I'm not slagging you off nor am I putting you down using overly emotive language. I am however simply stating the facts and I have as much right as anyone else here to take part in this discussion and this forum.

    I'm not going to simply "go away" cause you don't like the truths and the facts of the very matters you have raised here.

    So once again Hendrik,

    I have full permission to post Sifu Lee Kong's comments on this issue! He has stated in full that he is ok with me stating this and in getting his message out. I am more than willing to sign the required Legal Documentation to this effect and then publish same here!

    Hendrik I ask you now, where is your proof, where is your signed Legal Testament to what you write here?

    Where is your 100% solid written and fully signed, documented proof that I have breached Sifu Lee Kong's privacy on this matter?

    Once again I call upon you to:

    Call upon you to issue a proper and full public apology to both Sifu Lee Kong (Whose name you used without his verification and who you attributed false statements to) and Sifu Yung (who you attributed false statements to, s attempted to sully his reputation via your own actions and used his material without his expressed permission)

    Secondly ....

    I will await your reply and your public apologies for the wrongdoings you have so publicly and wrongfully stated and imputed here in relation to myself in your attempt to imply I am a liar and some one who has impugned upon the rights and privacy of others all of which borders on defamation as it has been posted in such a public manner and forum.

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  3. #3
    To the Moderators,

    Why is a person allowed to start a thread, make some highly questionable claims and then when the thread goes "pear-shaped" for the original poster, that poster is able to completely remove that thread and the very factual and salient points made on same?

    Secondly, why is a person able to make false (and in what many countries around the world would consider at the least slanderous, bordering on defamation) statements in a thread and call upon the rules claiming politics, breaches of privacy (when such is not the occurrence). Should not that person apologise and retract said false statements as is common and best practice throughout the world or at the very least those statements removed from record?

    Why is this guy even allowed to post here after being proven factually and resoundingly to be lying and misrepresenting others?
    Last edited by Minghequan; 06-10-2014 at 04:33 AM.

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Minghequan View Post
    To the Moderators,

    Why is a person allowed to start a thread, make some highly questionable claims and then when the thread goes "pear-shaped" for the original poster, that poster is able to completely remove that thread and the very factual and salient points made on same?

    Secondly, why is a person able to make false (and in what many countries around the world would consider at the least slanderous, bordering on defamation) statements in a thread and call upon the rules claiming politics, breaches of privacy (when such is not the occurrence). Should not that person apologise and retract said false statements as is common and best practice throughout the world or at the very least those statements removed from record?

    Why is this guy even allowed to post here after being proven factually and resoundingly to be lying and misrepresenting others?
    I don't know you but I think you may want to consider that Hendrik is his own worst enemy. The more he posts the more he shows what a fraud he is. Let him talk DNA iPhone race car let him put up forged documents and quote other frauds and let him misrepresent things. The more he does the more people will catch him in his deception. All frauds have followers but I think most sensible people see Hendrik for what he is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    ᏌᏂᎭᎢ, ᏥᎾ
    I'd have told all of you involved to take this obnoxious crap elsewhere already. This is not offered as a platform for airing each other's dirty laundry and bickering over nonsense. If you have so much time on your hands, keep it on your Facebook like other weirdos and quit cluttering these forums.

    Also, 30 lashes to the next person to post in obnoxiously bold red letters.

  6. #6
    I don't know you but I think you may want to consider that Hendrik is his own worst enemy. The more he posts the more he shows what a fraud he is. Let him talk DNA iPhone race car let him put up forged documents and quote other frauds and let him misrepresent things. The more he does the more people will catch him in his deception. All frauds have followers but I think most sensible people see Hendrik for what he is.
    TC101, That is true and I believe 100% correct and factual but the problem with this if he is not properly called upon for his statements regarding well known and reputable people within the Martial Arts who by no fault of their own get used by Hendrik in his strange attempts at his own self-validation and that of his agenda then he will simply continue on his merry and harmful (to the reputations and words of others) way.

    In his "Sergio White Crane report" thread he started and then removed when his lies were brought to light, he made several statements attributed to Sergio (his friend?) and Sunny Ho (who has most likely never met) and Sifu Lee Kong (Who he quoted incorrectly and falsely) which were factually proven to be his lies thus implicating the very people he was posting about!!!

    Lying about the statements of people such as Sifu Lee Kong is not nonsense but proven fact and I would be happy to take it elsewhere even to not post at all if only he would honestly own his mistakes and harmful (to the good reputations of good Martial Artists who did not want to be raised in this matter in the first place until he did so) yet proven untruths.

    Why is Hendrik even allowed to post here after being proven factually and resoundingly to be lying and misrepresenting others more than just once but multiple and multiple times???

    LFJ, Okay I agree with you about the posting in "red" .... but the idea of whips kinda excites me!!! (it's a joke!).
    Last edited by Minghequan; 06-10-2014 at 05:19 AM.

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Of course you know my strategy when members call out the mods here.

    I ban everyone. 'cept for the mods, of course. You gentleman must sort your differences amicably or you can't play here anymore.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #8
    He said "gentlemen". He must be lost.

  9. #9
    I'd ban the mods, too. Quadraphenia and all.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Minghequan View Post
    To the Moderators,

    Why is a person allowed to start a thread, make some highly questionable claims and then when the thread goes "pear-shaped" for the original poster, that poster is able to completely remove that thread and the very factual and salient points made on same?

    Secondly, why is a person able to make false (and in what many countries around the world would consider at the least slanderous, bordering on defamation) statements in a thread and call upon the rules claiming politics, breaches of privacy (when such is not the occurrence). Should not that person apologise and retract said false statements as is common and best practice throughout the world or at the very least those statements removed from record?

    Why is this guy even allowed to post here after being proven factually and resoundingly to be lying and misrepresenting others?
    You know as well as others that forum mods are part time and volunteer. It is unreasonable to expect them to make people apologize for other people. And both slander and defamation require proof of damages. You don't have that.

    They did allow you to post your rebuttal in threads that had nothing to do with it. That seems fair, considering that even that can be disruptive to the conversations of others.

    Your right to put out what you see as the truth in regards to something does not trump other people's right to discuss a specific topic. If the mods force him to apologize to you, then they have to force you to apologize to those whose threads may be derailed in the pursuit of your cause, we'll all be apologizing all day. And then only John will be discussing Wing Chun.

    Originally I saw a problem with this idea. Not so much anymore.

    Really, the stuff that makes you mad is like a fifth that John clearly simply shakes off every day. I've not seen him argue or flame against people who make preposterous claims, and he puts out the content because of this. Even when others have valid reasons they think he's wrong, he defends his point without following them around from thread to thread or flame wars. I'm pretty sure he's a bot.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    I have full permission to post Sifu Lee Kong's comments on this issue! He has stated in full that he is ok with me stating this and in getting his message out. I am more than willing to sign the required Legal Documentation to this effect and then publish same here!
    Well you don't have my permission to publish same cr@p here, so kindly cease and desist.

    If you want to talk about just about ANYTHING else, that is OK.
    "Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
    "We are all one" - Genki Sudo
    "We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
    "Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander

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  12. #12
    I think a good rule of thumb is if you realize that you and two or three other people are arguing with a group of two or three others everywhere, even if YOU have a legitimate gripe, the others probably don't. I sympathize with issues between individuals, but don't sympathize with roving bands who think they are protecting the universe while totally disrupting other people's time on the forum.

  13. #13
    So ..... Your saying you support Hendrik lies?

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Minghequan View Post
    So ..... Your saying you support Hendrik lies?
    No, though I don't actually know or care what they are at this point. Considering that no one is really paying attention, I'm not sure what damage is done.

    Nor do I support your forgetting that you don't have any right to expect others to take up something YOU chose to do. You choose to do it, make separate threads for it, but just because a thread other people are on happens to have Hendrick appear on it does not mean your derailing those other people's time on the forum is okay.

    Wanna get involved in my arguments about politics with my brother-in-law in every thread you go to? No? There's a reason.

    This forum isn't yours. It is public. The best way it functions is if people ignore people they consider trolls, deal with situations that involve claims without imposing on other members, and otherwise try to keep things on topic to a reasonable degree.

    As I said before in response to your question on the other thread, if you have no set number of threads that you can intercede in to counter Hendrick without thinking that you are unfairly involving others that have nothing to do with it, then, in regards to others besides Hendrick, you are simply not in the right in your belief that your goals on the forum supersede everyone else's.
    Last edited by Faux Newbie; 06-11-2014 at 12:02 AM.

  15. #15
    Hendrik starts a thread wrongly quotes Sifu lee Kong, and wrongly states that Sifu Lee Kong personally endorses Sergio to teach White Crane and then when found to be telling complete lies, Hendrik quickly deletes the entire thread so no trace of the facts can be viewed by anyone seeking to know the truth!

    And that is what is wrong here. Hendrik should not be able to start a thread to push his barrow and then when said thread goes 'pear-shaped " for Hendrik because of his lies ... wham bam he deletes it ads if nothing happened!

    How is deleting threads allowing people around here can figure out who is who?

    I'm not on a witch-hunt here but I am concerned that when someone is clearly telling outright lies and fabrication and then factually proven to be telling lies ... those facts can simply be erased by the person telling the lies because that person got caught out red-handed!!!

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

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