Yes , we love drama, is this not the TCMA martial art of the Red Boat Opera? If we chooze to dress up in ornate silks and heavy make-up to kick your asses, we will maintain that privilege.
Yes , we love drama, is this not the TCMA martial art of the Red Boat Opera? If we chooze to dress up in ornate silks and heavy make-up to kick your asses, we will maintain that privilege.
Last edited by PalmStriker; 06-17-2014 at 08:24 PM.
Nice post, SKM.
It may sound overly PC to many people, but regardless of how understandable the reasons for it may be, racism, nationalism, sectarianism, etc. are based on ignorance of "the other". Having lived overseas, and having met many people from many places, I learned long ago that lumping individuals together into monolithic groups is based on fallacy. Within every racial group, nationality, etc., are individuals who would treat you warmly and risk their own well-being to help you (not you personally, but a general "you"), as well as others who would gladly throw you under the bus. Plus a whole lot of people who would be indifferent. That goes for our own racial and national "groups" as well. If we can be aware that statistically every group has individuals who are genuinely good souls, as well as those who are capable of pure evil, and varying degrees of in-between, how then can we ever paint whole groups as "the good guys" or "the bad guys"? The truth is never so black and white.
Okay, rant off. Carry on.
"Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
"We are all one" - Genki Sudo
"We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
"Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander
WC Academy BJJ/MMA Academy Surviving Violent Crime TCM Info
Don't like my posts? Challenge me!
Or you guys in the WC forum can simply accept the fact that IF were going to moderate this forum like we SHOULD, there would be no WC forum.
Simply because YOU guys ALLOW the drama to happen because YOU feed it.
Ignore stupidity and it will cease.
"let him rave so all my know him to be mad"
Get it?
Know, if YOU guys really want a good forum with good solid discussion that is NOT the laughing stock of the rest of the forums, then it falls on YOU to make it so.
Stop giving voice to the wackos and start participating in decent and productive discussions.
If you keep calling out the wackos as wackos THEY will leave.
Psalms 144:1
Praise be my Lord my Rock,
He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !
Good points SR. And this certainly applies to a lot of the recent activity here! But I would also like to point out that there is more to it than just the wackos. Aside from the trolls and wackos, many discussions degenerate and go down the toilet when people started insulting and name-calling each other. Not treating people respectfully as one would in an actual face to face conversation is a significant part of the problem in my opinion.
Let's see if I can take a page out of Twenty's book. If actually getting punched in the face were part of people's training, they most likely wouldn't be talking sh!t online where they wouldn't in person. They'd know better. So just ignore the sh!t talkers and don't get into with them. They're offering nothing anyway.
Getting rid of a forum would be censorship. I personally do not support censorship. Even getting rid of a of a branch of this forum would not stop the bandwidth hogging some people do. The co-option of this forum is done by very few people and they would just go to other threads and hog the bandwidth there also. They could be banned, but that is also a form of censure that I do not support. Talking to a person on this forum the way you would talk to them face to face is the best option. Argument and disagreement can still be civil. The main thing I see with argument on this forum is that it does not come out of personal experience and/or research, but rather from something read or from what somebody else says. That is not all together bad if someone else's statement or research backs up what you have already said, and if you cite them. If you do not cite other research, then you are ripping them off and committing plagiarism, which I see a lot of on this forum. Do you have original ideas, original training you have developed, interesting experiences; met interesting people during your training odyssey? I would personally like to read such things, but for the most part, save for just a few rare instances that gems are given on this forum, it is becoming stagnant. You have run off all of the seniors. They do not want to waste time sharing their wisdom on this forum. Running people off by your own indiscretion is also a form of censorship. Some of you say, "If you cannot take it, leave." What about people who can "take it" and still leave? Talking is not fighting and fighters do not talk very much. Given how much time some of you spend on this forum, I can tell you do not train much, if at all. You have never been in a fight; trained until you drop, or lived a fighter's life. If you are a fighter, your presence would be scarce yet to the point when you do check in. I am spending the time to tell you what I see you doing. I want the seniors to come back. I want to talk to them. This is all I will ever say again regarding this issue.
SKM I agree with everything you said except this part:
Talking is not fighting and fighters do not talk very much. Given how much time some of you spend on this forum, I can tell you do not train much, if at all. You have never been in a fight; trained until you drop, or lived a fighter's life. If you are a fighter, your presence would be scarce yet to the point when you do check in. I am spending the time to tell you what I see you doing
Time spent on any forum is directly related to access and how much free-time one fits in. It has nothing to do with how much you train your martial art. I'm here fairly regularly right now because I spend a lot of time at a desk and have the opportunity to pop in here as a break from other work. I'm sure others have a similar circumstance. That does not mean that I don't train in the evenings when off work. To draw a conclusion that just because someone is able to post regularly in a forum that they must not actually train and fight is illogical.
Seeing how prolific some people post I am doubtful of how much time they train.
Sorry, but if you can post numerous times a day, even to include different forums, then I am not convinced of the training time spent.
I mean last time I check we were all limited by the same 24 hour day.
I am sure there are some who post fairly often who do train, but for some of the more prolific posters, especially considering some of the "rubbish" spouted I am highly doubtful. But, hey that may be just me and my perception. I recall Jim Thorpe was reported to not train much but was an extremely gifted and talented athlete. Perhaps some of those posting are the "Jim Thorpes" of the Wing Chun world and need less training time then the rest of us.
What chi sau is, or isn't, or is, or wait, what is it..:
Great point. In all honesty, this wing chun forum really is the laughing stock of the internet. I can't find a training partner whose heard of it and doesn't think it's a sad ego exercise for very insecure people.
The only thing the troll majority has proven here is that it's more interested in flexing their egos and pretending to be online martial arts superstars than providing one, single, solitary piece of real legitimate video evidence of any of them backing any of those claims up.
"My WC works because I'm awesome and I said so"... and you guys actually waste time even replying to that, much less investing any amount of your time into arguing someone with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old? Stop being complicit in this embarrassment already.