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Thread: Dear mods, why do you allow so much drama here?

  1. #46
    There is no such thing as real wing chun researchers. Wing chun history is a myth and is lost. Move along. The only people interested in the history have an agenda and that agenda is claiming what they do is original better and superior WITHOUT getting in the ring.

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Sihing73 View Post

    Several years ago I tried to moderate on a more involved manner.
    I deleted posts and threads where people made attacks on one another and which did nothing to further the art of Wing Chun.

    Unfortunately, that is not what the majority of members here wanted.
    People seem to enjoy the tension and like to argue rather than, imho, either train or try to exchange ideas and or learn from one another.

    As I have said on more than one occasion, this is YOUR forum not mine so I will defer to those who post here and allow them to mold the environment.

    I have other things going on so I do not come here as much as I used to. I am reliant on members here to bring things to my attention and when they do so I will act accordingly.

    However, this is your forum and until the majority of people desire change I will observe with sadness how childish some can be.
    but isn't that kind of like letting the lunatics run the asylum? I mean, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, the people causing drama prefer drama, and remain a majority because no one wants to be around so much childish bs. They're always going to be the majority, just like 100 people throwing poop at each other in an auditorium are always going to be the majority of people who want to be in that room even though it seats 10,000. It's a false majority. Poop stinks, and no one wants to be around it.

    I mean come on look at this thread, the drama here is like a bacteria that can't help but infect everything on this site with petty bs... You can't have a cohesive community that doesn't have a minimum level of expected civility towards one another, otherwise you end up with behavior that wouldn't be tolerated in any level in the real world.

    If I can make a suggestion, why don't the ego-driven drama people here just post videos of them interacting with people the same way in public as they do here? That way we can kill two birds with one stone, we'll all get to see if their self-aggrandizing statements about WC translate on video since I've yet to see any troll on here put their online martial arts super-stardom dreams at any risk and say "here's a video of me sparring with a boxer I've never met" (and why the eff would you guys take anyone seriously who wouldn't post that?), and they'll learn some valuable lessons on how interacting with human beings actually works in the real world.
    Last edited by Miguel; 06-16-2014 at 01:11 PM.

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    but isn't that kind of like letting the lunatics run the asylum? I mean, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, the people causing drama prefer drama, and remain a majority because no one wants to be around so much childish bs. They're always going to be the majority, just like 100 people throwing poop at each other in an auditorium are always going to be the majority of people who want to be in that room even though it seats 10,000. It's a false majority. Poop stinks, and no one wants to be around it.
    Considering you dont post or start threads why are you here?
    You have a thing for poop?

    I mean come on look at this thread, the drama here is like a bacteria that can't help but infect everything on this site with petty bs... You can't have a cohesive community that doesn't have a minimum level of expected civility towards one another, otherwise you end up with behavior that wouldn't be tolerated in any level in the real world.
    Heres the thing, it isnt the "real world".... its an internet forum. If youre looking for a "cohesive community" go join a hippy commune

    If I can make a suggestion, why don't the ego-driven drama people here just post videos of them interacting with people the same way in public as they do here? That way we can kill two birds with one stone, we'll all get to see if their self-aggrandizing statements about WC translate on video since I've yet to see any troll on here put their online martial arts super-stardom dreams at any risk and say "here's a video of me sparring with a boxer I've never met" (and why the eff would you guys take anyone seriously who wouldn't post that?), and they'll learn some valuable lessons on how interacting with human beings actually works in the real world.
    Great, off you go and start that thread.
    I look forward to your first video

  4. #49
    1. I didn't delete any post as this refer to.

    2. Do not put words in Gm Lee kong mouth. Sergio and him met. You were not there. Got nothing to do with you.

    3. You are welcome to post Gm Lee Kong statement with signature on this case.

    If you have the statement from Gm Lee kong, post it .
    If you don't that clearly show you it is none of your business. But a self righteous act trying to make yourself important.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minghequan View Post
    Thanks but here's the problem: Hendrik starts a thread wrongly quotes Sifu lee Kong, and wrongly states that Sifu Lee Kong personally endorses Sergio to teach White Crane and then when found to be telling complete lies, Hendrik quickly deletes the entire thread so no trace of the facts can be viewed by anyone seeking to know the truth!

    And that is what is wrong here. Hendrik should not be able to start a thread to push his barrow and then when said thread goes 'pear-shaped " for Hendrik because of his lies ... wham bam he deletes it ads if nothing happened!

    How is deleting threads allowing people around here can figure out who is who?

    I'm not on a witch-hunt here but I am concerned that when someone is clearly telling outright lies and fabrication and then factually proven to be telling lies ... those facts can simply be erased by the person telling the lies because that person got caught out red-handed!!!

    And one last thing, my teacher is not Sifu Lee Kong .... he is my friend. My teacher is Sifu Lin Yuan Dun.

  5. #50
    Nice attemp , read your own previous posts.
    You are just a twisting words middle man with empty shell , Trying to make yourself important from nothing.
    With or without you, there is no different. That is the weight of your significant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Fong View Post
    Hendrik, Sifu Wayne Yung had answered Keith KPM about your incomplete SNT. Do you find Keith KPM still asking Sifu Wayne Yung an open apology? The answer is on the "Sifu Sergio report on White Crane" thread that was deleted by you before. He explained clearly what complete and incomplete in traditional Kung Fu. That is your thread, and you should read it. I can repeat what he said.

    1. your video not showing you play a complete set, but showing you play on and off, and seem what you are trying to recall. It is not a full set SNT.
    2. Complete or incomplete not meaning the form playing only. Sifu Wayne yung mentioned clearly, the way how to play and the application of the individual techniques in the form.

    Keith got this answer and clearly he never asked Sifu Wayne Yung about any apology AGAIN. Today, hendrik, can you show us a full SNT playing, the way how to play and the application of that. If you cannot, you are still working on your ykwc SNT. You should know what I mean. Also, he real name of your ykwc is Ban Chun Cho's family wck, not Hendrik ykwc.

    GM Ku and his people can play smoothly under a camera, why you cannot play it smoothly today under a camera. In KFO, sure no one see how you play a FULL set of your SNT smoothly, without any stop, think and play actions, there. You make your ykwc SNT mysterous and make use of Sergio to promote. For what ? ......

    You should read what Sifu Wayne Yung ask you to read about his conversation with Robert Chu. I believe most people around including Keith KPM waiting for you OPEN apology to Sifu Wayne Yung.

    I hope this thread will not be deleted in the coming future, because we need to let the future historians and REAL wck researchers to read.

  6. #51
    1. I didn't delete any post as this refer to.

    2. Do not put words in Gm Lee kong mouth. Sergio and him met. You were not there. Got nothing to do with you.

    3. You are welcome to post Gm Lee Kong statement with signature on this case.

    If you have the statement from Gm Lee kong, post it .
    If you don't that clearly show you it is none of your business. But a self righteous act trying to make yourself important.
    Hendrik, Hendrik, Hendrik ... you keep telling lies so much to the point that you sound like you actually believe them!

    Fact: You have deleted more than one thread on this forum!

    I have signed a Legal Statutory Declaration as to myself having the permission of Sifu Lee Kong to post his thoughts and statements here. That Legal Document has been certified by a legal Justice of the Peace.

    This is far more than anything you have said, done or written here so who is willing to back up their talk here? ..... Not you!

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    1. I didn't delete any post as this refer to.
    Maybe not, but you sure like deleting posts that dont go your way

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Nice attemp , read your own previous posts.
    You are just a twisting words middle man with empty shell , Trying to make yourself important from nothing.
    With or without you, there is no different. That is the weight of your significant.
    You are really funny. You asked me to read my previous posts, but those posts are on the thread "Sifu Sergio White Crane Report", which was deleted by you. There were a lot of posts against you there, showing that you are a liar too. You don't like to leave the future wck historians and wck reseachers to find out you are a liar and emei wck script writer too. Then you removed the thread.

    You just showed the picture of Sergio with lunch with GM Lee Kong and Sunny So only, and you, as a spokesman of them make your own story about the GM Lee admitting any dna of White Crane there.

    Jim Roselando just showed some pictures with GM Fu, then you guys in high profile make your stroy about GM Fu admitting any your SNT kuit with emei images.

    Do you have any written endorsements from both GM Lee and GM Fu ? It is interesting that what you do, you don't need to show anything. However, some others bring out the facts, but you need ask them to prove. Are you sick ? Who are you ? You seem you are a cult leader.

    You ask others to show their permission. Before you asking, don't you think you need to show yours first ?

    1. Showing us GM Lee admitting the DNA of White Crane and GM Fu stating emei kuit in your SNT kuit with their signatures.
    2. Showing us you got permissions from Sergio, Sunny So and GM Lee, you post their picuture out. Do you know there is privacy policy in your country ?

    Hendrik Santo, you are really sick, you are sick on

    1. your emei dream
    2. your Hendrik ykwc SNT, not Cho's family Ban Chun Wck.
    3. your formuale 2014
    4. your agenda with others to twist the wck origin and history to make your own.
    5. your name in the wck history
    6. your Hendrik ykwc SNT replacing the existing Yip Man wck.
    7. your big money Hendrik ykwc SNT business.

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    Staying home, do your 'Unbeatable Emei ykwc SNT(葵花寶典)'. In the world, you should know that ONLY, you know emei and wck, and you are the only one REALLY knowing what Wing Chun Kuen is. There was no any ancestors in the past and also no any new comer in the future. Only you!!!
    Last edited by Daniel Fong; 06-16-2014 at 08:42 PM.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    And it shall come to pass in this way, all things given equal authority, and then some. For it is written in the ancient Texts of Han~ "There will be but one". If I am to interpret this correctly, it can mean only one thing..... and that is, (secret hand posturing) there will spring forth many false accusers of lesser intelligence, doubters all, who will manifest proclamations of disdain and whatnot which can in actuality only be seen as the prophecy of the Emei Mountain Monkey King that chose as His closest compatriot a snake like essence of a man standing in bow stance. Not with darts or arrows are we to understand the true meaning of this divine relationship, it would take the minds of commoners a millionfold to fathom the purity and heralded nature of such wu. It is not our domain to speculate.

  10. #55
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    ᏌᏂᎭᎢ, ᏥᎾ
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    1. I didn't delete any post as this refer to.
    As this refers to? So you're not denying having deleted any threads or posts, just the reason for why you did so.

    You previously made the statement that you've never deleted anything you posted. That is an outright lie.

    I remember moderators (Sihing) restoring old threads that Kevin used to delete. So I'm sure the moderators could pull up all the threads you've deleted so you don't get away with this lying. You deleted the posts of everyone who participated in those threads, but you are not a moderator. Who are you to delete what others post?

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    You guys LOVE the drama.
    Maybe its a WC thing, maybe you guys just love the whole "armchair warrior" thing, maybe its a type of LARPING for you, who knows?

    Shihing said it best, it is YOUR forum and if you guys want it full of drama...

    That said, we do have limits to our patience and it is best NOT to provoke TOO much.

    Certain things that are not acceptable and will get you banned:
    Slanderous accusations ( accusing someone of something illegal/unethical with no proof)
    Racist remarks or accusing someone of racism.
    Coming back under a different IP after being banned without asking for permission.
    Using other peoples private conversations (email and PM's) without their permission.
    Things like that.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  12. #57
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LFJ View Post
    As this refers to? So you're not denying having deleted any threads or posts, just the reason for why you did so.

    You previously made the statement that you've never deleted anything you posted. That is an outright lie.

    I remember moderators (Sihing) restoring old threads that Kevin used to delete. So I'm sure the moderators could pull up all the threads you've deleted so you don't get away with this lying. You deleted the posts of everyone who participated in those threads, but you are not a moderator. Who are you to delete what others post?
    Yes, we can bring back any "deleted" thread.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  13. #58
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    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    You guys LOVE the drama.
    Maybe its a WC thing, maybe you guys just love the whole "armchair warrior" thing, maybe its a type of LARPING for you, who knows?

    Shihing said it best, it is YOUR forum and if you guys want it full of drama...

    That said, we do have limits to our patience and it is best NOT to provoke TOO much.

    Certain things that are not acceptable and will get you banned:
    Slanderous accusations ( accusing someone of something illegal/unethical with no proof)
    Racist remarks or accusing someone of racism.
    Coming back under a different IP after being banned without asking for permission.
    Using other peoples private conversations (email and PM's) without their permission.
    Things like that.
    And maybe some of us just thinks its funny.......... carry on chaps!

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Racist remarks or accusing someone of racism.
    This just remind me sometime ago I stated my brother in law (also my TCMA teacher) personal story and someone accused me as racism.

    During the WWII, in a Japanese invasion China battle field, my brother in law killed a Japanese soldier in cross range by his dagger on top of his riffle. He hated his enemy so much (because during the Japanese invasion, one of his family members was killed by the Japanese), he open his enemy's chest, took out his enemy's heart, and ate it. The vine of that heart broke his front tooth. all his life until his death, he didn't fix his front tooth.

    Sometime I'm not sure when a Jewish said that he doesn't like Nazi, should it be considered as "racism"?

    More opinion -> more argument
    Less opinion -> less argument
    No opinion -> no argument

  15. #60

    put it all down

    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    This just remind me sometime ago I stated my brother in law (also my TCMA teacher) personal story and someone accused me as racism...During the WWII, in a Japanese invasion China battle field, my brother in law killed a Japanese soldier in cross range by his dagger on top of his riffle. He hated his enemy so much (because during the Japanese invasion, one of his family members was killed by the Japanese), he open his enemy's chest, took out his enemy's heart, and ate it. The vine of that heart broke his front tooth. all his life until his death, he didn't fix his front tooth...Sometime I'm not sure when a Jewish said that he doesn't like Nazi, should it be considered as "racism"?
    Thank you for sharing this John. During WWII, my father helped liberate the camps after the Bataan Death March. He said they loaded human skeletons onto the ships and upon sight of them, he went to the stern of the ship and puked his guts out. After he did that, he arose with an intense, burning hatred for Japanese people that lasted the rest of his life. Move forward 50 years and he is in a group counseling session at a local hospital. Across from him sat an elderly Japanese woman, whom he of course focused in on, making sure he told his story to the group while looking at her. She listened without saying or expressing anything. At the end of his discourse, she spoke, and looking at him told how her entire family had been shot for sneaking food to American POWs incarcerated in Japan. He said he was stunned. He learned something that day and I never heard him say a negative word about Japanese again. He told me this story just before he died. The monks used to tell me, all the time, "Put it all down!"

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