You guys LOVE the drama.
Maybe its a WC thing, maybe you guys just love the whole "armchair warrior" thing, maybe its a type of LARPING for you, who knows?
Shihing said it best, it is YOUR forum and if you guys want it full of drama...
That said, we do have limits to our patience and it is best NOT to provoke TOO much.
Certain things that are not acceptable and will get you banned:
Slanderous accusations ( accusing someone of something illegal/unethical with no proof)
Racist remarks or accusing someone of racism.
Coming back under a different IP after being banned without asking for permission.
Using other peoples private conversations (email and PM's) without their permission.
Things like that.
Psalms 144:1
Praise be my Lord my Rock,
He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !