Quote Originally Posted by nautavac View Post
I may end up having to travel. I dont know how i can do it though. Was hoping someone on here might know someone around me. Would a good teacher from a respected lineage be very tolerant of me driving for class one day a week if that was all i could do? Work, kids, wife, like everyone else i understand, but a lot on my shoulders to add driving two to three hours one way and a lot of hardship on the family too. I think i will try the other suggestions and if no alternative exists probably will have to drive. I refuse to just give up, too interested in learning, using, and hopefully teaching way down the road sometime. We have too much need here for real martial art instructors. I know that i am sick and tired of reading about WC, watching movies about WC, and youtube videos of WC and just cant shake the thirst for WC, gonna have to do something about it soon. Thank you

A good teacher/SiFu shouldn't care about whether or not you travel to learn something you really want. I drive 9 hrs one way. Obviously I would prefer to drive across town and not across several states but as with most things in life...I've made my wing chun a priority goal/objective, etc and so don't mind.

Another option: get a small group together (say 6-12 folks) and then find a SiFu to 'come to your location'...i.e. intensive training weekends once a month, or perhaps quarterly seminars etc.