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Thread: Fut Gar

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Markham, ON

    Fut Gar

    Hi everyone! I'm currently training in Fut Gar and I'm curious if there are any other practitioners out there? I've created a group to invite everyone from all lineages who may be still active.
    This is the link to the group page: <>

    Also I'm curious about the lineages in general. I'm interested in the history and how the style came to be. More importantly, how did your version of the style come to be? I apologize if I'm overstepping my boundaries, but I'm curious about your stories. I am open minded to any and all information you can provide. I just want to clearly map out the whole Fut Gar family so that if I were to settle anywhere in the world, I'd know exactly where my family is. I don't really have much classmates who do the same style as me, and I did some research and all the information I find kind of blows my mind. It's a lot for me to take in, especially with all the different modifications and lineages out there. This is my way of organizing my thoughts, so if anyone ever asked me about the family tree, I'd be able to tell them with full confidence.

    Fut Gar - Sky

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Theres Different lineages of Fut Gar and different kinds of Fut Gar such as the Hood Kar Pai Lohan system . Leong Tin Chee s Fut Gar and Ark Yuey Wongs Five Family system then there is Silum Fut Ga kun Fut Gar from Hawii . And Who knows how many Fut Gars there are in Mainland China and South East Asia ,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Markham, ON
    Quote Originally Posted by Firehawk4 View Post
    Theres Different lineages of Fut Gar and different kinds of Fut Gar such as the Hood Kar Pai Lohan system . Leong Tin Chee s Fut Gar and Ark Yuey Wongs Five Family system then there is Silum Fut Ga kun Fut Gar from Hawii . And Who knows how many Fut Gars there are in Mainland China and South East Asia ,
    That's amazing! I never knew there were so many. I always thought that the system was set in stone like how I see most Wing Chun schools in Ontario with the standard sequence of hand forms and weapon graduation. This kind of puts my mind at ease knowing that there are different lineages and that the system may vary between all of them. Your words have given me full confidence in my lineage. I was afraid that if I were to take my art to another country people would judge it and point fingers as they do between Wing Chun and Wing Tsun. Now I know that wherever I go I'll be representing my family tree and its teachings.

    Fut Gar - Sky

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    Besides being the name of a specific style, Fut Gar is also a generic term in HK and China, just as Siu-Lum is generic.
    Fut Gar Lo-Hawn Kuen can also
    be Hung Kuen as the names were interchangable.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    Fut Gar is also a generic term in HK and China, just as Siu-Lum is generic.
    Fut Gar Lo-Hawn Kuen can also be Hung Kuen as the names were interchangable.
    First, I do not think that Fut Gar is also a generic term in HK and China. But Siu-Lum is generic. Fut Gar is a sub-style of Siu-Lum. As for Siu-Lum is generic, the system has gone through centuries of absorbing techniques from outside the temple, and techniques from the temple also got spreaded to the martial art world. Therefore, with such mix and match, the training database of Siu-Lum has become huge.

    Second, I do not agree that Fut Gar Lo-Hawn Kuen can also be Hung Kuen as the names were interchangable. In Hung Kuen, the Lam's family lineage has Fut Gar techniques integrated into their training curriculum.


    Hong Kong

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fut Gar is literally "Buddha family" so, technically, it kind of is a generic term for buddhist type martial arts that likely source back to Shaolin temple.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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