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Thread: Hendrick and Company tgreads all here.

  1. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Thanks but no thanks, I really don't need Wayne Yung information for my Wck practice (as anyone can compare my art from youtube with Wayne's school YouTube and see the big different for themself), And have never touched it since my public isolation announcement from all of Wayne information.

    As now, we know in public forum and facebook of Hong Kong , by evidence of Wayne own email,

    Wayne Yung had denounced his sifu in 2011 and no longer a SCWC , and there are many SCWC sifus not just Wayne Yung.

    As wherether if Wayne is still a SCWC, or a represent of SCWC , spoke person, or his own version of SCWC create by his own .

    I leave them to sort out their issue themself, with respect, I isolate myself from it.

    Btw. Wayne had posting on behalf of SCWC mun, and Moduk ....etc In this forum.
    I feel sad to read the above Facebook link with email Wayne denounce his sifu.
    It is certainly by evidence , Wayne preach one thing and practice another toward his sifu and SCWC Mun.

    So, With respect, please leave me out of Wayne Yung issue here on.
    Interesting Hendrik, what you talk about me leaving from my Mun from someone posting to the Kungfuboard in Hong Kong. Anyone can post anything there. Now, you took that out and said I was leaving my mun. How can you prove that ?
    You can so easily believe anyone postings without any proof. I can imagine how you do your research. Why do you easily to conclude your emei wck story without any proof, evidence. Ah! your evidence is the GM FU signature only. Like now, without any proof, just somebody said you took it out and said I am no more scwc. Hahaha... I really appreciate your research attitude on your conclusion on emei.

    Did you have any my public announcement I left my mun ? You and your student Jim Reoselando, seems to bring some wrong information here. Can you prove your where your information coming from ? If you provide a wrong information here, I think the moderator need to judge his rumor on me. More, a lot evidence shown in the past, you had been caught lying, then you deleted your thread.

    In the last three weeks, I was handling my past sidai Mok Wai Keung, who left my sifu with his public announcement on 2/2/2013 last year, After leaving he still represented SCWC and our mun to say a lot in public. My sifu was notified and a public announcement was made two weeks ago. Whether Mr. Mok shown my letter to my sifu is real or not. I never read that. Is there any of signature there ? Is there any evidence there shown I was leaving my mun. If you have it, showing me. haha.. Remember Mok said it is a personal letter I gave my sifu via his daughters. Do you think I will give a persoanl letter about my leaving of my mun to Mr. Mok ? Do you think a replacement of me should be announced to public ? Do you seel that ?

    From all of that, I can show you, your emei wck research is not professional. You can believe something from facebook or internet, then you take it out and show to the public you get something. It is totally ridiculous. Your emei conclusion, your findings on my leaving my mun, hahaha... showing how high level of your reseach.

    To judge a matter, we need to see two sides, not only on one side. You just provide something you like people to know, but hiding my side's public announcements in the last two weeks. Is it your professional judgement to bring what Mok said only out.? Similar happened on your emei, you just showed Fu singature on your paper, then you made your OWN stories to the public. A casual lunch of GM Lee Kong, you said he had admitted white crane signature in your snt. Then you and your people announced to the public that wck is from emei and white crane. Like today, someone said about me, you brought up here without any proof. Are you sick ? Yes, you are really sick. You are a sick man, every day, emei, no matter in US, HK, China, Taiwan, and SEA, Every day you talked about your emei stories. People feel tired on your. YOu can see how many people visiting your emei thread in Kungfuboard in HK. Hahah... Jim, doesn't know any Chinese, but he can take those posting there and bring it here. Who instruct him to do ? Hahah...

    My sifu was retired in 2008 and pass the scwc Mun flag to me in 2009, and have a public announcement by the chief editor of NMH magazine in 2009. If I left in 2011, does our mun need to make a public announcemetn and a replacement. More, Robert Chu asked me to help to baisee my sifu, yes he did last october (but he already made public announcement no more related to SCWC Mun in the newspaper for 3 days), I had mentioned before in this forum, you also baiseed to my sifu, and my sifu agreed. Both you guys do you have any ethics, really fuxking you. Robert in his WCI thank my teaching on his SCWC and thanks my sifu family keeping the old kuits. What he said he also knew his sifu is sifu only, not his SCWC sifu. I thought you forget. Please check your WCI copy about what he said in his paper.

    Today, I don't care how you said bad on me from Mok's writing. Two weeks ago, he had been not my Mun member any more. What he said, I will handle later, no need you to bring all non-proof wordings, and make it becomes yours and announce here.

    In my last posting few weeks ago, I had mentioned don't bring me out again on your postings any more, you fuxking Jim Roseland bring me out again by your instructtion.

    My papers in New Martial Hero in the last four year about the Redboat WCK, just on my persoanl research only, and share to the public only. Those someone may agree and may not agree. There is no definite point of view I need convince anyone to believe. More, those are not showing the turth in the reality in the past. Just RESEARCH FROM MY POINT OF VIEWS ONLY. Jim, Hendrik, both you like to twist and bring all them out and said all I present there are the truth .. WHY I ALWAYS SAID YOU TWO GUYS LIKE TO TWIST SOMEONE WORDINGS TO SUIT YOUR NEED. I never do that, but you two fuxking guys always do that.

    Like the Flying snake in my paper, I just said it is 'similar' only, but not concluded it is emei snake. More, you had been caught by me you twist the 麟 to 鱗 to make your emei dream.

    Every one here, please make clear your mind again. how come Cho's family they don't have the original kuit, and this guy he has. More, no people talking about emei in the past 200 years, but he brought it out with his kuit. Interesting!!!

    As Hendrik comes to me, he show the emei snake, then I studied it from my understanding, Before that, I studied White Crane 12 joints 10 years ago, it is also similar to our flying snake. However ,I never concluded any in my papers. Jim, how much Chinese you understand, If you don't understand any Chinese, please be not made use by others to show your foolish in fornt of me. Dont' bring out any my Chinese paper to challenge. All are my personal views only from different sides. Yesterday was White Crane, today is emei, tomorrow maybe wck on shaolin, wudong.. Just my persoanl interest, dont twist anything, IF you don't need to show public, please ask me first before showing to the public

  2. #362
    Posting from my facebook

    Wayne Yung
    9月3日 · 已編輯
    *** 蛇鶴詠春門聲明 ***

    莫偉强先生去年在其面書上發表了公開聲明。斷然離開家師。聲明內更清楚表明。自發表聲明當天起。今後其本人 及其功夫會一切事項均與家師無關。其名字隨即在本門師承表刪去。
    自莫先生離開家師後。感謝莫生一直關懷本門事項。處處對本門指導。亦感謝莫生雖已離開本門。在外還積極於蛇 鶴詠春事項。今後本門蛇鶴詠春事項自有本門師兄弟姐妹們承擔。不必莫生閣下再操心! 亦希望莫生不要再與本門蛇鶴詠春扯上任何關系。謝謝! 多謝合作! -- Ridha Lhiba
    Wayne Yung 的相片。
    Wayne Yung 的相片。
    Wayne Yung 的相片。
    18則分享讚好讚好 · · 宣傳 · 分享
    David Ying 、 Yu Ming 、 Pauciullo Gilberto 和其他 7 人都讚好!
    Wayne Yung
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  3. #363
    All from my facebook announcements about Mok Wai Keung.

    Wayne Yung
    * * * 嚴正聲明 * * *

    繼本門(蛇鶴詠春門)上星期發出聲明、有關莫偉強先生於去年2013年2月2日與家師羅昭榮先生段絕關系後 ,在本周本人受到莫先生及一位姓劉先生分別在其面書、其他面書群組中及「華山論劍」中不段作誹謗、公開本人 私人信件等,須知香港有法。

    家師常以門規中「虛谷懷至善 武德自芬芳」教導處事,受批評時、以「真的假不了,假的真不了」待之。

    現有關劉先生對本人已作私人道歉及把其對本人相關信息全都在面書及華山論劍中刪除,家師勸勉以虛懷若谷處理 。現亦希望莫先生跟隨劉先生榜樣,把這次事件平息。

    最後,莫先生若然再有類似事情發生於本門人士,本會將連同在這次所搜集得來所有有關對本人誹謗、盜竊及私隱 被公開的相關信件證據及本通知,定必交由本會律師報警投案。
    35則分享讚好讚好 · · 宣傳 · 分享
    David Ying 、 Kim Fung 、 Mike Tse 和其他 5 人都讚好!


    Apology from Mok's friend Chi Bun Lau.

    Chi Bun Lau
    Chi Bun Lau
    2014-9-09 9:03
    Chi Bun Lau
    翁師傅, 對不起, 我失言, 對閣下及貴會做成之麻煩, 深感歉意. 請諒. chi bun LAU

    Wayne Yung
    2014-9-09 21:18
    Wayne Yung
    劉生,代人出頭要小心事情背後,否則真是自找麻煩,回不倒頭,你已不是第一位。請看昨夜掛的源 頭因素就楚

    Wayne Yung



  4. #364
    Jim & Hendrik,

    Open your eyes and don't take something on one said and say bad on the others. As a honest people. don't twist anything, but you did becaue both you are not honest. Also, know that, GM Lee Kong also here to resolve the problem. However, I wouldn't bring him out to make my stories, but you did. hahaha.....


    Suki Tao
    8月28日 · 已編輯

    從修練蛇鶴詠春四大要领。弱可變強。女可勝男。非是女人拳這麼簡單。am730 , 27-28/8/2014— 標籤︰Alan Wong 、嚴義松、趙卓明和另外 40 人。
    讚好讚好 · · 分享
    Suki Ka Yan 和其他 78 人都讚好!

    James Ho 影得咁矇,典睇呀?
    8月28日 13:55 · 讚好 · 1

    Suki Tao 篇印的字……同上!
    8月28日 13:58 · 讚好

    James Ho 貢勁?
    8月28日 14:06 · 已編輯 · 讚好

    Waikeung Mok 你對蛇鹤詠春門認識有幾多,有人绸上作文章,口說功夫、吹牛皮放大炮
    8月28日 17:50 · 讚好 · 1

    Suki Tao 有疑問,請直接向蛇鹤詠春~翁國榮師傅查証……!
    8月28日 18:58 · 讚好 · 2

    Ho Hung Sun 現在,武術,是運動,打雷台,都是運動,現代武術家,個個都是老友,從前,打生打死,现在完全不同(武術一 家),
    8月28日 19:58 · 讚好 · 5

    Waikeung Mok 你都不認識蛇鹤詠春門,你寫來做什么,叫人問肥仔,1979年本人教打擂台,他還未學蛇鹤詠春門,着緊開浪 衭,不知所為
    8月28日 19:59 · 讚好 · 1

    Waikeung Mok 翁先生不要再在绸上作文章,不要再放蛇鹤詠春門詩苟,口訣買出來,同門大多不同意、
    8月28日 20:06 · 讚好 · 1

    Ho Hung Sun 莫師傅,各師各法,你地都是同門,現在大家練武,求開心,不要勞氣。
    8月28日 20:06 · 讚好 · 2

    Waikeung Mok 詠春不事女人拳,不識就不要寫
    8月28日 20:12 · 讚好 · 1

    Suki Tao 無論是那一門派,個人修為與武德都是重点,此帖只供有興趣人仕分享,對任何門派之爭,不想在此 爭辯……!
    8月28日 20:13 · 讚好 · 2

    Waikeung Mok 修為武德有沒呀,.有幾會坐下飲茶談談謝謝
    8月28日 20:26 · 讚好

    Ho Hung Sun 系,飲茶, 吹吹水,現在武術.自得其樂,大家都是老友.
    8月28日 20:30 · 讚好 · 4

    Waikeung Mok 好好
    8月28日 20:30 · 讚好 · 1

    Kwok Kwan Lik 我撑翁師傅!我支持你!
    8月28日 21:29 · 讚好

    Ho Hung Sun 不要再講了,個個都是老朋友。
    8月28日 21:32 · 讚好 · 2

    Kwok Kwan Lik 係!
    8月28日 21:34 · 讚好 · 1

    馮志剛 收到
    8月30日 0:30 · 讚好

    尤嘉福 各位前輩,各有意見好正常,世界之大,很難找到完全一樣兩個人,功夫有高低,各有自己看法,百花齊放,各發 其言,互相包容,互相尊重,吹水也是一種文化。
    8月30日 7:26 · 讚好 · 6

    Kwok Man Cheung 武術門派成了中國武術的限制,阻碍武術的發展,在公開談到門派,總是是非多多,我們幾時才可暢 所欲言?
    8月30日 7:43 · 讚好 · 4

    Ho Hung Sun 武健講場 - 翁國榮 鄭景銓


    男性骨架比女性大,體能又較女性強,是否代表女性在格鬥方面不可能勝男性?古代格鬥,誰的身軀高大、身形健 碩和力量較大者易勝。在經驗累積下,格鬥 已成一套有攻防意識的藝術,稱為「武術」。現在不同武術流派,有「南拳北腿」、「內外家拳」之别,各有特色 。北方拳術一般是長橋大馬,善於中、長距離的技 擊,而南方拳術多中、近距離的打法。外家拳多以剛勁、硬橋、硬馬見稱,鍛煉身體外部為主如鐵臂、肌肉等。而 內家拳則以柔見稱,非對抗性,以修練內部、強壯 身體為主,各擅勝場。
    南拳多是剛烈的拳術,蛇鶴詠春則是南派近距離貼身少有的內家拳,是以「柔、順、定、聚」四大要領作修煉。修 煉者的身體必須鬆「柔」,才能做到反應 快,動作靈敏,後發先至,迎接對方攻擊;「順」是順應對方來勢,不作任何對抗性擋格如欄、按、撥等,用最小 的力量轉移攻擊方向,不硬碰可免受傷;「定」是 對敵時要心無雜念,方可反應自如,得心應手;「聚」是以整合力來打擊對手弱點,一擊即中。
    從修煉蛇鶴詠春的四大要領,弱可變強,女可勝男,非是女人拳這麼簡單。當然,各家各派有其特色,高低當然要 看個人修為,並非某種拳法最強或練習者男女之別。

    8月30日 12:36 · 讚好 · 5

    Ho Hung Sun 其實,用文字,推廣武術,都是好事.
    8月30日 12:45 · 讚好 · 5

    James Ho
    James Ho 的相片。
    8月30日 13:10 · 讚好 · 1

    吳振輝 本是同根生,相煎何太急。
    8月30日 16:55 · 讚好

    James Ho 能夠推動「蛇鶴詠春」,已经係十分值得高興才是。
    8月31日 13:47 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    Scott Lo 蛇鶴詠春源於五枚師太,觀看蛇鶴雙搏而悟,女仕注重容顏和胸脯,所以上中路非常嚴密,加上女仕無下路之憂, 所以小看女人拳之人,往往吃上了大虧。個人認為這是世上最好的上中路功夫。
    8月31日 16:58 · 讚好

    James Ho 蛇鹤好似唔係源於「五枚」 的。
    8月31日 17:12 · 讚好 · 1

    Scott Lo 五枚不是始創人,是誰?請指教!嚴詠春是五枚徒兒,這點的確無容置疑。
    8月31日 18:43 · 讚好

    James Ho 至善→申錦(二傳)→羅梯雲(三傳)→羅定周(四傳)→羅昭榮(五傳)
    8月31日 18:52 · 讚好 · 4

    葉仲生 若凡蛇鶴都與五枚有關,那豈不是洪拳都是五枚傳下的?因洪拳都有蛇鶴啊!
    9月1日 11:22 · 讚好 · 1

    吳振輝 莫師傅,但人家是蛇鶴詠春門代表來的啊,為什麼不能談論蛇鶴詠春門的事呢?當時莫師傅你也在場的啊不是的嗎 ?翁師傅原來1978 年入門喎
    9月1日 22:20 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 2

    Suki Ka Yan Mok師傅,你點做師傅架?把口咁衰!有鬼人服你咩!請你自重下,唔好痴蛇鶴詠春門既光!影衰哂!!!你至 不知所謂....真係好心你收啦!呵呵
    9月3日 12:25 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 1

    Suki Ka Yan 果個邊個黎架???有病架???
    9月1日 23:30 · 讚好 · 1

    Waikeung Mok 能推動蛇鹤詠春門事好,但不要作大,
    9月2日 21:34 · 讚好 · 2

    Waikeung Mok 2oo9年科枝大學文化交流,相片中間右是我,o5年以成立了,蛇鹤詠春門国術總會(莫偉强,社圓註册 看
    9月2日 21:44 · 讚好 · 2

    Waikeung Mok 把口衰到不夠你衰,你是肥仔候蟲
    9月2日 21:49 · 讚好 · 1

    Waikeung Mok 你想知他幾是學問一問他的師傅同他的同門
    9月2日 21:51 · 讚好 · 2

    Suki Ka Yan 幾時成立關咩事!你識野小就梗係話人作大啦!證明你對蛇鶴詠春不了解,推動蛇鹤詠春門唔洗你喇,你又唔係蛇 鶴詠春既...唔通阿豬阿狗成立個乜乜物物會系前面加蛇鶴詠春門就係嫁架咩!
    9月2日 22:56 · 讚好 · 3

    Suki Ka Yan 話人肥仔,你連專重人都唔識,你點教徒弟丫!呀莫先生唔通你有兩撇鬚又稱你二撇雞???!!!你咁做人點得 架!
    9月2日 23:11 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    Waikeung Mok 是亞狗狗女
    9月2日 23:14 · 讚好

    Suki Ka Yan 雞仔!哈哈
    9月2日 23:15 · 讚好 · 1

    Kai Kong Mok 論武功俗世中不知邊個高或者絕招同途異路我想請問咁多位武林高手,點解個標題寫到好似賣春藥廣 告咁好笑嘅
    9月2日 23:38 · 讚好 · 2

    David Yuen 樓上位莫生,妒忌係冇用既,唔識字就係唔識字。而且聽講你已經脫離左師門,以後同蛇鶴詠春再無關係。既然再 無關係,亦都唔好掛住蛇鶴詠春個名招遥撞骗。
    9月2日 23:46 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    Wayne Yung 其實作大作小要講個人修為。對蛇鶴的了解。話我作。莫生請作给我看。我1978 跟隨家師至今。雙脚跪地拜師。不像莫生2004 拜師2005 年不足一年就教。家師任命當本門總会会長。閣下也在場。我隨家師30 多年。閣下呢。
    9月2日 23:45 · 讚好 · 3

    Suki Ka Yan Kai Kong Mok 你著返件衫先講啦!你似賣春藥就真!
    9月2日 23:46 · 讚好 · 1

    吳振輝 Kai Kong Mok你唔講我又唔覺得似,不過呢你都係最好問翻Suki Tao 哪。因為係佢分享。
    9月2日 23:50 · 已編輯 · 讚好

    Kong Lee 菩提本無樹,何處惹塵埃。以和為貴!
    9月2日 23:50 · 讚好 · 4

    Kai Kong Mok 樓上位大師,雖然我都是姓莫,但系就唔喺乜春嘢蛇貓狗拳,衹喺路人甲黎睇熱閙,睇下你幾條老柴,到底爭論乜 柒嘢
    9月2日 23:50 · 讚好

    Wayne Yung 蛇纒鶴顶你都不識。柔順定聚你都不識。正式二趾拑羊馬是甚麽你都不知。請不要公開話我作。莫生你不認識就唔 好亂批評。
    9月2日 23:59 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 1

    Waikeung Mok 作多的文章
    9月2日 23:53 · 讚好

    吳振輝 Kai Kong Mok你唔係指埋我係果幾條老柴啊?
    9月2日 23:55 · 讚好 · 1

    Suki Ka Yan 雞仔,叫你d人吾好講大話!著返件衫先講
    Suki Ka Yan 的相片。
    9月2日 23:56 · 讚好 · 1

    Kai Kong Mok 咁多位武林大叔大嬸,不如早啲瞓啦!咁夜都唔訓好傷身滴!
    9月2日 23:57 · 讚好

    Suki Ka Yan 姣滴!你訓啦去
    9月3日 0:00 · 讚好 · 1

    Suki Ka Yan 徒弟變師弟!吾知講乜!
    Suki Ka Yan 的相片。
    9月3日 0:08 · 讚好 · 2

    Wayne Yung 剛叔。是這姓莫挑釁多時。已年多了。他公然去年2 月岀声明説家師不是。五倫不分。跟家師断绝関係。他的名字早已於去年在本門師承表除下。不再是本門人。家師 念他曾為本門致令不作對外 公開声明。今天他説是我門人。多批評本門事務,。人家在推廣。佢作破壞。何解。
    9月3日 0:15 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    Kai Kong Mok 叫邊個剛叔,喺唔喺叫我
    9月3日 0:19 · 讚好 · 1

    Kenny Cheng 君子納於言而敏於行,請不要再互相批評,自貶身價。

    武術跟學術一樣,都是經過慎思明辯才達致完滿,當中必定有不盡相同的意見,但不同意的看法,但不等於要攻擊 人身攻擊。


    9月3日 0:23 · 讚好 · 2

    Wayne Yung 莫生。自2009接任會長後。一直致力發展蛇鶴詠春。今天在世界各地亦有人知曉。本人所做有甚麽得罪閣下。 請告知。閣下應知你的声名己有法律效力。既不是本門人。本人及本門事務不関閣下事。何必自帶烦惱。去年你的 声明。已傷害了家師。他老人家一手教出來的。多年只有你閣下一個,試想將來你的徒兒對你這樣,閣下如何,鶴 根何在。閣下應知蛇鶴事早已你無関。請不要再以甚麽同門相稱。再者。本門師兄弟妹均以師兄弟妺相稱。绝不稱 呼同門
    9月3日 1:08 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    Wayne Yung 相信明天知会家師及開会發表一個公開声明來離清界缐。免閣下再花時公開関心本人及本門事務。
    9月3日 0:38 · 讚好 · 3

    Wayne Yung 莫生
    1. 我隨家師習蛇詠春是1978年,當時我穿的是牛仔褲,並不是開浪褲
    2. 不知你提的是甚麼台,未隨家師時,上台領獎就多......查看更多
    9月3日 1:00 · 讚好 · 2

    Waikeung Mok 你有你一會,我有我一會,各自為政'因何貴會要在我fb發佈你會事項,本人現聲名各冇関係,勿再在本人動態 發表你會的事。

    9月3日 4:56 · 讚好 · 1

    Siu Pun Fung 學36年,比我老公早入門,因何在2oo8年武術滙演上,我老公當住6o多個門派面前致謝羅昭榮師父容許佢 式授徒(有錄音做証)時,不上台抗議?(因你自稱學了36年),又不問羅昭榮師父点解吾叫你教人?要叫我老 公教?什麽也是講天份的!
    9月3日 6:27 · 讚好 · 1

    Kai Kong Mok 琴晚達摩祖師爺報夢同我講;嗱天下武功岀少林,佢老人家話要家和萬事興,因為家衰呢就會口不停,家陣都已經 係進入咗網絡嘅時代,又唔鬼係著住古裝嘅老時代,仲搞乜叉嘢門戶之爭,再嘈嘈閉,祖師爺就會叫當今天朝嘅少 林寺四大國家級武術高僧;
    Kai Kong Mok 的相片。
    9月3日 9:14 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    Suki Ka Yan 雞仔走了!雞仔咪又係路過發表言論,網絡時代係咁架啦!
    9月3日 22:26 · 已編輯 · 讚好

  5. #365


    I have no interested in your issue.

    Again, please leave me out of these.

  6. #366
    Hendrik, remember David, my sidai, you had discussed with him as well a lot about the Redboat Tai Ping rebellions, and I also introduced you who he is with YKS. IN the struggle above, Mok got crazy that night and blamed a lot of people that night, the following nights too. Lee Kong also joined me to resolve the Mok's problem in the following night. See. Do you think I was leaving my mun in 2011 ? Or I make a game in 2011 to play around with you today. However, I think you may make your ykws kuits with emei like before your bring your kuit and emei out some times ago, but that is what I guess, no definitely getting proved from you.

    David Yuen 樓上位莫生,妒忌係冇用既,唔識字就係唔識字。而且聽講你已經脫離左師門,以後同蛇鶴詠春再無 關係。既然再 無關係,亦都唔好掛住蛇鶴詠春個名招遥撞骗。
    9月2日 23:46 · 已編輯 · 讚好 · 3

    You should understand the whole story, please don't take someone saying without any proof and make your own words there to the public. Similar to your emei wck story, you made a lot of your mixing to your sifu wck and produce a ykwc with emei, and saying to the public, without emei , no wck. Hahah... Like to ask what Cho's family wck is, what scwc is, what pin sun is, what yip man is, what pao fa lin wck si, what leung jan wck is, all in the past. Wake up lah! Even it is real, no one can prove because no any source. Just you believe only, no need to make too much effort to convince people to make your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

  7. #367
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post


    I have no interested in your issue.

    Again, please leave me out of these.
    If you have no interested in my issue, why you bring me here again. Jim Roselando he doesn't know any Chinese, interesting, who asked him to bring those posting here under my *** 蛇鶴詠春門聲明 *** thread created 2014-09-03, 11:55 PM More you emei yik kam 易金系詠春小練頭與峨眉十二庄關係的探索 thread created on 2014-09-08, 03:50 AM just after my thread.

  8. #368

    1. You are free to speculate whatever you like or think on me . I am ok with it . I have open up everything for public examinations.

    The following is Grandmaster Ku Chai Wah kuen kuit which has emei 12 zhuang kuen kuit in it which had been identify by Gm Fu the gate keeper of Emei 12 zhuang.

    So, does Ku also make up his kuen kuit with emei?

    Since you claim many time here you are the good friend of Ku, please ask him to explain why is his kuen kuit similar to mine has emei 12 kuit in it.

    2. Again, I am not interested in you issue with SCWC.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Hendrik; 09-17-2014 at 09:31 AM.

  9. #369
    Quote Originally Posted by ccwayne View Post
    If you have no interested in my issue, why you bring me here again. Jim Roselando he doesn't know any Chinese, interesting, who asked him to bring those posting here under my *** 蛇鶴詠春門聲明 *** thread created 2014-09-03, 11:55 PM More you emei yik kam 易金系詠春小練頭與峨眉十二庄關係的探索 thread created on 2014-09-08, 03:50 AM just after my thread.

    Jim is Jim. I am me.

    Jim is a student of Pin San, SPM.... And know many Chinese Wck Grandmasters both in china and overseas. Jim study Chinese , Jim associate with Chinese martial art community . He is his own person.

    Please do not get mix up.

  10. #370
    Hednrik, don't twist words from Mok. You said there are evidence I left scwc from my email. show me. Why you don't go to ask
    1. David Yuen
    2. Robert Chu
    3. Richard Criss(USA)
    4. John Mark Ng (Singapore)

    You should know Richard and John, he came early this year, and we all went to visit my sifu in Feb 2014. the other photos, we had yumcha with my sifu, sihing, sidai, David Yuen there too in November 2012, Paul came to HK baisee to me. Before you said I denounce to my sifu in any email, showing to the public the what you said email first. Also, Mok also need to prove the printed copy from my Hotmail account. hahaha.... I don't have any hotmail account. He mentioned in the other posting that the email from my hotmail account. Please go to check. Why your people like to twist words to make yours.

    Richard, John, Theodore Wang, Alex Peh, all your folloers before and referred to me by you, why all of them, today including me opposed you, why ? do you think about that? Richard early this year see how you changed face to me and going to Sergio. All in my postings here telling the truth, but you are keep lying a lot here. Why because you have your own Agenda. Few weeks ago, I had warned you that never bring me here again, and I don't like to invovle any with you. However, you asked Jim come and attack and make some nonsense information from Mok here, MOre, you also bring the same info to attack. Told me how many scwc sifus in HK, in the world? you seem you know a lot.

    Fuxking Jim, You are really foxl, and be made use by others. As Robert asked me to make use of Sergio. Making use of others, not my practice, because of muduk and morel. Do you have, Hendrik. ? All you these emei guys, do you like to make use of others to achieve your goals. Do you have any mind to think who is right who is wrong ? I don't think so because all you lose your mind because of $$$$ as emei story being accepted.

    If the representative of an ogranization left, do we need to have a replacement and make announcement to public. Of course yes, otherwise, no one knows. More, in the last few years,we got the Cutural Heritage of Hong Kong wck. Three HK wck lineage get it, YipMan, PaoFaLin, and SCWC. the movie scwc advisor, SCWC in the MBA program. .... Hendrik, all you know that. You are really poor. SCWC just floated up in 2009 8th January, please read above NMH page. How much I help my SCWC mun to achieve, how much other people working on. YOu fuxking guy come and took my stuff, and left. making announcement to public to make your emei dream. Karmar goes to you now.
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  11. #371
    Dont twist words. all people knowing who is Jim, the relationship with you. hahaha.... Why he comes to make such wordings on me. Hahaha... because you are lonely, you like to play game. One side you say leaving you, but the other side you keep playing games and ask your student Jim to shoot me. I think you forget you told me Jim roselando is your only student. In your email, you kick him out, and in his email, he called you sifu. Like what Jim said, all still in your and my mailbox.

    In Mok's matter, I really fuxk you both two off. Without making any clear on the matter, you post something that are being resolved here. Hahaha... Totally making fun to the public.

  12. #372
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post

    1. You are free to speculate whatever you like or think on me . I am ok with it . I have open up everything for public examinations.

    The following is Grandmaster Ku Chai Wah kuen kuit which has emei 12 zhuang kuen kuit in it which had been identify by Gm Fu the gate keeper of Emei 12 zhuang.

    So, does Ku also make up his kuen kuit with emei?

    Since you claim many time here you are the good friend of Ku, please ask him to explain why is his kuen kuit similar to mine has emei 12 kuit in it.

    2. Again, I am not interested in you issue with SCWC.
    How many times I mentioned Ku is my good friend ? please let me know how many. Just once. Sure you told me in email and Jim's email about your relationship, not on Pin Sun.

    Your kuit I found there are a lot of tricky points. Where it from? Who wrote it? why there are simplified characters mixing with traditioanal characters, A lot of people asking you before. Todayk, you ask me to ask Ku, really funny. How to prove those writing from Ku ? Similar case happend on Mok's writing, not getting proved, then posted here, resolved already. Someone here asked expert and saying that the writing should be from a non Chinese, because different writing styles there.

    Of course you are not interested in scwc now because you think you get sufficient enough. Hahah...

    You and Jim like to keep me here, it is totally ok now. I think all readers in this thread can see who start the struggle first. You are low grade and unqualified researchers.

    Last year april time, I helped you to resolved conflicts with Ku, and you promised not to bring any trouble to them in SEA, Howeve, just one month later, you attacked again. I find you are really sick, and like to play this type of game, However, someone posted you posting to my facebook wall about some one bring confilict between you and Ku, from Hong Kong classical wck. If not going to Sergio..... Are you really sick ? You can imagine a lot. I like to keep away from you, but you are always missing me. hahah.... Go to see doctor, don't let yourself become serious,
    Last edited by ccwayne; 09-17-2014 at 10:38 AM.

  13. #373
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dahlonega, GA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post


    I have no interested in your issue.

    Again, please leave me out of these.
    Hendrick, wasn't it you who mentioned Wayne as supporting your views and research?
    Now that he is directly posting that your got it wrong you now want nothing to do with him

    Unless of course you were referencing another "Wayne" then perhaps you could clarify who it is that supports your views named "Wayne".
    Then again, I will not hold my breath waiting for you to actually answer any questions, including my own.

    FWIW, I have uncovered new research that indicates that "Ancient Aliens" landed in China and taught what has become known as Wing Chun to some of the people and they passed it on to future generations. I have seen the ancient scrolls giving the secret songs and poetry which were written on a metalic substance which, though bendable, will not rip or tear. Of course you need the special glasses and special stones to read the scrolls.

    I have it on good authority that the "Aliens" will return sometime in the future and at that time will unify all of the different branches of Wing Chun. Those who will not accept their word will be cast out and forced to practice Tae Bo.

    Wherever my opponent stands--they are in my space

  14. #374

    Wck unique Jin type from the fusion of fujian white crane and emei 12 zhuang

  15. #375
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sydney, Australia
    Hendrick, wasn't it you who mentioned Wayne as supporting your views and research?
    Now that he is directly posting that your got it wrong you now want nothing to do with him
    Yep, thats how Hendrick rolls........

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