
I have a 14 year old daughter who stopped eating in October of 2014 to protest her being in foster care.
Long story but I got custody of her back in January of this year. Suffice it to say there were no issues of abuse or neglect but I went into the hospital and being a single parent DFC's took custody of my kids.
You would think it would be simple to get them back but it is not, still have her two sisters in their custody.

Anyhow, she was in the hospital, different ones but steadily admitted, from October until March 3rd.
She has what they call a GJ Tube in her stomach to allow liquid formula to be administered by a pump to feed her.
The medical staff has been unable to offer any real definitive plan to get her back to eating normally.
She has started to eat a bit but I honestly do not know the best method to help her.

Last week her tube got dislodged and she had to be admitted for a day to have it replaced.
Since then she has been resistant to going back on her feeds.
Last night she actually fought me and I stopped as I did not want to hurt her.
Today she went to school and was a bit non compliant and ended up seeing the school counselor.
When I spoke with them they relayed that they had gotten her to talk and she is worried about the tube becoming dislodged again.

I am wondering if anyone would be able to offer any advise about how to get someone back to eating normally after an extended period of not eating.
Any help would be appreciated.