Originally Posted by
SoCo KungFu
Oh dear lord. We don't need esoterics in this thread. This topic has been beaten to death both here and other forums. Wah Lum is contemporary wushu. They don't fight. They don't train to fight. They don't teach applications. And anyone from "back in the day" that claims they did is spinning stories. Everyone here knows of the mass exodus of any talent that fled WL for greener pastures. And I'm sure this will **** some people off, but most of those names, also never taught fighting. And those that did, didn't teach it from WL material. And yes, that is insider knowledge. No, I won't be dropping names and slandering a couple men who, knowing them, probably do not even have a computer to come here and defend themselves. I might be an ass, but I'm an ass to people in person, or some **** like that.
The only reason WL is not put in the same category as Shaolin-Do is because Chan Poi has at least some semblance of a legit lineage, even if no one can figure out what the hell it actually is.
OP, if you want to be a gymnast. Sure, WL will do that fine. But if you want to learn to fight, avoid WL like the plague.