Celestial remaking Magic Blade with Tencent

By Kevin Ma

Fri, 18 September 2015, 16:05 PM (HKT)
Production News

Hong Kong's Celestial Pictures Ltd 天映娛樂有限公司, owner of the Shaw Brothers library, is partnering with newly established Tencent Pictures 騰訊電影+ to produce a remake of The Magic Blade 天涯・明月・刀 (1976).

Directed by CHOR Yuen 楚原, the wuxia film is about two swordsmen who put their rivalry aside to fight an evil sorcerer.

Celestial says that it will use Tencent's internet platform to take a transmedia approach to the remake, expanding the film's story to multiple platforms. The IP began with Tencent's Magic Blade game and will continue with the feature film.

Two years ago, Celestial signed a deal with The Weinstein Company to remake Come Drink with Me 大醉俠 (1965) and The Avenging Eagle 冷血十三鷹 (1978). Neither of the projects is ready for production.

At a press conference held in Beijing, Tencent Pictures also announced that it was creating an alliance with GUO Jingming 郭敬明 on his latest project L.O.R.D.: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties 爵跡. It is also participating in the film adaptation of popular game Warcraft and striking a strategic alliance with Wanda Cinema Line Corporation 萬達電影院線股份有限公司.
Bummer that there's been little progress on the Avenging-Eagle & Come-Drink-with-Me remakes.