I am not sure if it was here or else where . Someone had posted how boxers are great at blocking. I informed him that is not entirely true. We cover. We already know what is likely to be sent our way. The vast majority of boxers punch in standard combinations. Boxing those that do not, really makes you look bad. Me, I probably always looked bad anyway.

But with the things I have been pressing for, answers really and why not if I think maybe one has not thought enough or looked at it from different angles or perspectives.
Explored. See what you may be missing.

So, it bothers me. WHY ? WHY? WHY? It drive me nuts!!!! Why not cover. So I Googles "wing chun covers" . This is what I found. Same as I learned in boxing.


Side note, drop down and look at the wonderful comic book illustrations. I assume Duncan approved these. Maybe not. But maybe he showed what he did to the guy that drew them. What do I see ? A freaking long as swing, in the form of a slap, assuming trail marks are at least in part documenting the event. Coming out of the sticks and into the city. Can not attacks from far away also be efficient ? Does it always have to be what is closest ? When the target that presents is open and the best and maybe the only attack you have to hit it is from a position and distance that that appears will take to long when looking at it from third person angles.