Quote Originally Posted by rett2 View Post
I’d like to ask two questions about that.

Are those things filmed or recorded and made available for critical scrutiny? Or have they just been reported.

Also, even if those things do occur, and appear to be "supernatural" in some sense of the word, why does that mean the explanation has to be demonic possession? Couldn't there be other supernatural explanations? For example speaking a dead language could be (for those who believe in the supernatural) an expression of reincarnation. Other inexplicable phenomena might be expressions of telepathy, or simply supernatural physical strength. Can one automatically equate "something supernatural" with "demonic possession"?
Yes, there are archives of videos and such and no, not just anyone can see them and yes, investigative journalist have seen them and Yes, the majority were concluded to NOT be possessions.
Again, no one is going to scream out "demon possession" with 1 or 2 lines of evidence.
My point is that it takes A LOT for something to be viewed by the RCC as an actual possession and when all the evidence is there, one is hard pressed to find a different conclusion.