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Thread: July+August 2016

  1. #16
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    final meme

    Tomorrow, the SEP+OCT 2016 drops.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  2. #17
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    Slightly OT

    BOOKS + COMICS // JANUARY 3, 2017

    Maul (no longer Darth) has done pretty well for himself since Obi-Wan Kenobi sent him tumbling down a Naboo generator core. He’s discovered (and lost) a brother, built (and lost) a vast criminal empire, and now in Star Wars Rebels has gone back to his original goal: revenge. But there are still parts of Maul’s life that we’ve never seen before. And that’s about to change.

    In a new five-issue miniseries, Star Wars: Darth Maul from writer Cullen Bunn and artist Luke Ross, Marvel Comics will explore the former Sith’s early years in a story set before Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. spoke with Bunn about what we can expect from this peek into Maul’s past, which kicks off February 1 with the release of issue #1.

    Exclusive reveal: Movie variant cover. Tell us about Darth Maul.

    Cullen Bunn: This series takes place shortly before the events of The Phantom Menace. We’re following Darth Maul at a point when his anxiousness, his impatience, and his thirst for vengeance against the Jedi is at an all-time high.

    He’s growing frustrated. He’s been taught to hate the Jedi. He’s been trained to kill them. But his master, Darth Sidious, has told him to bide his time, to keep himself hidden. This is driving Maul crazy, so we see him venting his anger by testing his skills against some of the nastiest creatures and cutthroats in the galaxy. During one of his missions, though, he learns something of interest. A powerful crime lord has captured a Jedi Padawan, and only a few people know about it.

    Maul sees this as an opportunity to test his mettle against those he hates, so he sets out to find this Jedi. He has to operate in secret, though, because his master would not approve. What made the timeframe before the events of The Phantom Menace the best place to tell this story?

    Cullen Bunn: The setting gives us a chance to see Maul in a new light. We don’t know much about him in before the events of The Phantom Menace. This lets us explore a different side of his personality and add some important new events and characters into his backstory.

    In addition, the pre-Phantom Menace galaxy has a different feel and tone from what you’ve seen in the other Marvel comics, so that helped to set this book apart. Maul’s journey has revealed him to be many things. He’s been an attack dog, a broken man, and currently in Star Wars Rebels, he’s someone desperately searching for validation. Who is he in your story?

    Cullen Bunn: I wanted to show a man with all of the aspects you describe. In The Phantom Menace, we saw him as a chained beast, pacing angrily as he waited to murder Jedi, but we really only glimpsed a small part of his personality.

    In later iterations, he showed how cunning and devious he could be, and we saw hints of grief and loss and even guilt. I figure those things were all part of his personality, and I wanted to depict a well-rounded Maul in this series. He’s younger than he was in any of his on-screen appearances, but there are still shades of the man he will become.

    Exclusive reveal: Star Wars Rebels variant cover.

    Main cover by Rod Reis.

    Variant cover by Rafael Albuquerque.

    Variant cover by Mark Brooks.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  3. #18
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    Continued from previous post What can you tell us about Maul’s relationship with Darth Sidious?

    Cullen Bunn: The relationship between a Sith Master and apprentice is not a kind one. We’ll see a bit of contentiousness between the two. Maul is railing against the edicts his master has put before him. Sidious is taking delight in seeing these rules make Maul more and more angry, more powerful in the dark side of the Force.

    But this is a story about a student rebelling against a very cruel teacher. I feel like this tale helps to shape everything that happens between Sidious and Maul from this point forward.

    Exclusive reveal: Action figure variant by John Tyler Christopher. The design aesthetic of the prequel trilogy, particularly The Phantom Menace, is vastly different than later Star Wars stories. Has that influenced the writing/art for the series?

    Cullen Bunn: Definitely. As I said earlier, the time period affords this series a different look and tone. I wanted to show off several locations that would have fit well into the prequel trilogy. We’ll be visiting some familiar locales as well as some new places in the Star Wars galaxy.

    Exclusive reveal: 40th anniversary variant by Terry and Rachel Dodson. What’s the one thing you want fans to take away from this series?

    Cullen Bunn: I want readers to have a much better, much deeper understanding of what makes Maul tick. I want readers to fear him, respect him, and even feel a little pity for him.

    Justin Bolger is Lucasfilm’s Star Wars social media strategist and he doesn’t like the Empire… he loves it. Catch him occasionally on The Star Wars After Show and talk Star Wars with him on Twitter @TheApexFan.
    Darth Maul is the property of Lucasfilm/Disney, so Ray has no input on any of this, but he'll always be Darth Maul to me.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #19
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    Darth Maul Star Wars video game cancelled

    This is becoming my Darth Maul thread.

    Concept art from cancelled Darth Maul Star Wars video game

    Thanks to Game Informer, we’ve got a look at some concept art for an abandoned Darth Maul video game, which was in development at Red Fly Studios between 2010 and 2011 under the title Star Wars: Maul, before the plug was pulled by LucasArts prior to Lucasfilm’s sale to Disney.

    In addition to Darth Maul (complete with cybernetic legs), the concept art features a new Jedi Knight, several Sith Lord, the Sith Emperor, and New Empire Officers and Stormtroopers; take a look here…

    Darth Maul

    Nexus Wan (Jedi Knight)

    Darth Tigran

    Darth VaGhal

    Darth Nix

    Sith Advisor

    Sith Emperor

    New Empire Imperial Officer

    New Empire Stormtrooper

    Let us know your thoughts on the concept art in the comments below, and if you want to know more about the game head on over to Wookieepedia.
    Sith chicks are kinda hot. How do you pronounce Darth VaGhal anyway?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #20
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    Bring back Darth Maul!!!

    Maul has returned in Star Wars Rebels, but he's not voiced by Park (it's animated), so he doesn't come off nearly as menacing.

    Ray Park ready to bring Darth Maul back to the 'Star Wars' universe
    By Jim Slotek, Postmedia Network
    Monday, March 13, 2017 12:30:44 MDT PM

    He’s still best known for something he did at 22, portraying the demonic Sith-Lord Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

    But as a teen, Ray Park had another plan for breaking into film. It involved getting noticed by Jackie Chan.

    “I was a member of the British wushu team and taekwondo team, and I traveled to places like Malaysia when I was 15, with my teachers and masters,” says Park, who’ll be a featured guest at Toronto ComiCon this weekend.

    “My film education was Hong Kong cinema. I grew up watching Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee and Sammo Hung. My goal was to win as many competitions as I needed, go to Hong Kong and learn the film business as one of Jackie Chan’s apprentices.

    “But I kind of did a 180,” the Glasgow-born, London-raised actor says over the phone from his Los Angeles home.

    While teaching gymnastics at a London youth sports centre, he got to tumbling with professional stunt men. “It was known within the school that Mortal Kombat (Annihilation) was looking for someone who knew wushu style.”

    An audition later, he ended up doubling for Rayden (James Remar).

    Mortal Kombat got him noticed by Star Wars stunt coordinator Nick Gillard, who enlisted Park in a week of stunt/fight auditions, capped by the day George Lucas visited the set. “On the fifth day, they dressed me up as Darth Maul. Nick was saying, ‘This is kind of like your real audition.’

    “I just fell into the character, from the first day of rehearsal.” For the prequels, Park says, Lucas wanted Jedi who were more physical than in the original trilogy. “He really wanted to show them in their prime, which worked for me. I used a lot of animal styles and martial arts styles to help me with the character.”

    Park’s career got a further boost while he filmed The Phantom Menace’s climactic fight scene between Darth Maul and Jedis, Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor).

    On-set were visitors Bryan Singer and Ralph Winter, director and producer of X-Men.

    “It was dark in the studio, and the contact lenses blurred my vision, so I didn’t know they were there. A month later, I got a call from Ralph Winter asking if I was going to be in L.A. anytime soon and would I like to try out for X-Men. I used every penny I had to jump on a plane to get there.”

    Park tried out for the character of Pyro, but was eventually offered Toad. “I wasn’t too thrilled about it. I knew what he was like in the comics, and I was like, ‘Oh, I’m going to have to wear prosthetics, he’s a hunchback. Everybody wants to be Gambit or Wolverine, and I’m playing a bad guy again.

    “And Bryan said, ‘Don’t worry about the comics. This is an opportunity to come up with something fresh and different.’”

    And he got to use his own voice (Darth Maul had been voiced by British comedian Peter Serafinowicz).

    These days Park hears speculation of Darth Maul showing up in the Han Solo prequel – mostly from convention fans. “I’m like, ‘Awright, maybe they will ask me back. My nose is still big, and my ears are still the same, and I still know how to handle a light sabre.”

    Toronto ComiCon runs Friday thru Sunday at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. For tickets and info, visit

    Twitter: @jimslotek
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #21
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    This is a spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen Solo: A Star Wars Story. But if you haven't by now, I doubt you care.

    Star Wars: A Complete History Of Darth Maul

    Solo: A Star Wars Story is a surprising movie for a lot of reasons, but it's the unexpected cameo appearance of Darth Maul that has people talking most. And for good reason, seeing as the last time most movie-goers saw Darth Maul he was cut in half and sent plummeting down a reactor shaft, leaving audiences to assume he died (he didn't).

    For fans of Star Wars animation, Maul surviving his bisection at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi is old news, and in both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, Maul reemerges from the shadows, seeking revenge. In fact, Maul's role in those series (as well as the comics) is where the bulk of his character's journey is explored, finally giving fans the look at the villain they've been wanting ever since he first shrugged off that cloak and ignited his double-bladed lightsaber.

    With his cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story, a new chapter is added to Darth Maul's story, but some viewers may still be unclear about when this cameo appearance falls in his personal timeline. For that, we've outlined Maul's history, explaining when this cameo falls and what it might mean for the character's film future.


    Well before he was a Darth, he was simply Maul. Born on Dathomir to Mother Talzin - leader of the Force-wielding witches, the Nightsisters - Maul and his brothers, Savage Opress and Feral, were trained from an early age to be warriors. Talzin was a close ally of Darth Sidious, and often the Sith Lord would come to Dathomir to learn new and dark Force powers from the witch. She had hopes of one day becoming his apprentice, but when Sidious noted the great potential in her son, he chose Maul instead.

    Maul quickly became deeply entrenched in his Sith training, even visiting Malachor - home to an ancient Sith temple - where Sidious made him inhale the ashes of Sith warriors slain by the Jedi so he could experience their anguish and pain. From that moment on, Maul carried a deep hatred for the Jedi that was so powerful, Sidious needed to repeatedly reign him in lest he reveal the existence of the Sith too soon. To satisfy his bloodlust, Sidious sent Maul on a mission to kill pirates who were attacking Trade Federation ships, but Maul soon learned of a captured Jedi padawan and jumped at the opportunity. Hiring a group of bounty hunters (among them Cad Bane and Aurra Sing), Maul was successful in locating and killing the padawan in combat, satiating his revenge for at least a moment.


    Come Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Sidious - or rather, Senator Palpatine of Naboo as he was known publicly - began putting his plan to bring down the Republic into motion. He secretly conspired with the Trade Federation to establish a blockade of Naboo, forcing then-Queen Amidala to seek assistance from the Senate. Palpatine manipulated Amidala into calling for a vote of no confidence in the Chancellor, enabling himself to then be voted in as the new leader, consolidating his power within the Republic.

    While this political scheming was taking place, Sidious dispatched Darth Maul to eliminate the Jedi - Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi - who had been sent to accompany and safe-guard Amidala. Maul tracked the Jedi to Tatooine, where they had stopped to repair their ship (and coincidentally pick up a young slave boy and potential Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker), briefly fighting with Qui-Gon before they could escape.

    Later, during the climactic showdown between the Trade Federation's droid army and the combined forces of Naboo, Maul got his chance to duel the Jedi in The Phantom Menace's now iconic "Duel of the Fates" sequence. It's during this duel that Maul kills Qui-Gon, but in retaliation, Obi-Wan gets the upper hand on Maul, slicing him in half and kicking him into the seemingly bottomless pit of Naboo's reactor shaft.

    And, for years, the image of Maul's bisected body plummeting down that shaft was the last anyone saw of him - until Lucasfilm Animation found a way to bring him back.


    Simply saying that Maul survived his injuries and fall wouldn't be enough. If fans were going to believe that Maul lived, there would need to be consequences from his failed duel with Kenobi. And there were, with Maul's subsequent exile bringing him to his absolute lowest.

    Channeling his hatred for Kenobi, Maul was able to use the Force to escape the reactor shaft, landing in a trash container and eventually winding up on the junkyard planet, Lotho Minor. Giving his mind over to the dark side, his powers not only healed him, but forged his new lower spider-like body, but the pain, hatred, and years of exile took a toll on his mind. For years, Maul lived in the bowels of Lotho Minor, turning more wild and feral until one day, his brother, Savage Opress, came to find him.


    Savage Opress brought his brother home to Dathomir, where Mother Talzin used Nightsister Magik to heal Maul's body and mind, forging him new legs from the scraps of battle droids. Together, Maul and Savage became a new master and apprentice, a new Sith, and they set their sights on destroying the Jedi - especially, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    To lure out Kenobi, they began wreaking havoc across the galaxy. Maul would cross lightsaber blades with Kenobi on multiple occasions during the Clone Wars, but he was never able to finish what he started. Maul eventually forms an alliance with Pre Vizla and the Mandalorian terrorist group known as Death Watch. Alongside the group, they built a coalition of crime syndicates - the Shadow Collective - and used them to conquer Mandalore. This led to him confronting Obi-Wan but also drew the attention of Palpatine.

    Sidious fought with the duo, eventually killing Savage but spaces Maul as part of a plot to lead him to Mother Talzin, hoping to kill the witch once and for all. Talzin is eventually killed, leading to a battle that sees Maul fight against Sidious, Count Dooku, and General Grievous before retreating.

    At the same time, what remains of the Shadow Collective was in ruins, but Maul manages to escape with just enough loyal forces and return to Mandalore. There, he resumed control of the planet, if only for a short while. In the final days of the Clone Wars, Maul is ousted by Republic forces led by Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. Ahsoka and Maul duel briefly during the battle, before Maul escapes into exile once again.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #22
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    Continued from previous post


    Maul's appearance in Solo: A Star Wars Story (played by Ray Park and voiced by Sam Witwer) is the newest piece of information we have about him. Very little is actually revealed in the scene, but it does suggest that Maul has been very busy in the years after he was overthrown on Mandalore.

    In the film, after Qi'ra kills Dryden Vos and assumes his position of leadership within Crimson Dawn, she contacts the real leader of their criminal operation via hologram - Maul. He listens as Qi'ra relays to him what has transpired, placing the blame for Vos' death on Becket and Han. They then make plans to continue their work, signaling that either in future Solo movies or another Star Wars spinoff (possibly Boba Fett), Qi'ra and Maul are high up on the list as potential antagonists

    Whether or not Crimson Dawn is the second coming of the Shadow Collective - which included such gangs as Pyke Syndicate, Black Sun, and the Hutt Clan - also remains unclear, but it's obvious Maul is continuing to ally himself with whomever he believes can help him achieve his goal: killing Obi-Wan Kenobi.


    Maul was previously last seen in Star Wars Rebels, set a few years before A New Hope. He met the crew of the Ghost, a small Rebel cell, on the planet Malachor while they were searching for a weapon they believed capable of destroying the Sith. Maul had crashlanded on the planet years before, and immediately set about manipulating them; he befriended Jedi-in-training Ezra Bridger, who helped him find the Sith Holocron. Sensing a strong connection to the dark side within the boy, Maul planned to make the boy his apprentice, but his turn on the Ghost crew didn't go well: it was only when Darth Vader turned up that he's able to make his escape.

    Later on, Maul visits the crew of the Ghost once again, wanting to combine the Sith and Jedi Holocrons and reveal their secrets. He manages to trick Ezra into doing just that and the pair of them experience visions: Ezra's reveals to him the key to defeating the Sith, showing him an image of twin suns, while Maul's vision reveals to him that Obi-Wan Kenobi still lives. Combining the Holocrons also left a mental link between Maul and Ezra, which the former Sith uses to manipulate the young Jedi into joining him on Dathomir. There, Maul employs the magic of the Nightsisters to give their visions some clarity, learning that Kenobi not only lives but he's on Tatooine.

    Maul leaves to hunt is former nemesis, but is unsuccessful in locating Kenobi, so he again tricks Ezra, planning to use the boy as bait to lure out the old Jedi Master. It works, and sensing that Ezra is in danger of being attacked by Tusken Raiders, Obi-Wan reveals himself. Maul then confronts Kenobi and the two duel - though this is not the flashy, acrobatic fighting of their youth, but a very quick and measure fight of only a few strikes. In the end, Kenobi slashes Maul across the chest, delivering a fatal wound. Before he dies, Maul wonders why Kenobi has hidden on such a remote, barren world, asking him if the young farmboy he's watching over from far is the true Chosen One. Kenobi responds, "He is", and Maul dies, uttering with his last breath, "He will avenge us."


    Though we now know how Maul truly dies, his cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story makes it abundantly clear Lucasfilm isn't through with the character yet. After this appearance, there's an opportunity for Maul to reappear in a Solo sequel, a new spinoff, or possibly even his own movie. No matter what, it seems safe to assume that this cameo is not the last we've seen of him.
    I reviewed some of Maul's story arc in my July+August 2016 cover story Ray Park: The Force of Wushu.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #23
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I hope this was a hack

    I follow Ray's gram and missed this. I hope it's because he got hacked. This sounds fake.

    'Star Wars' Darth Maul Series Possibly Cancelled After Ray Park's Shocking Instagram Post
    Nobelle Borines

    There is little doubt that Star Wars fans are currently hyped up after it was revealed that Lucasfilm are developing more live-action shows that will air on Disney+. After all, one of the shows is said to be a follow-up to Solo: A Star Wars Story that would focus on Darth Maul and his criminal network known as Crimson Dawn.

    Disney might not push through with a 'Star Wars' series after the Darth Maul actor's controversy! (Photo: Pat Loika/Flickr/CC BY 2.0 )

    But, is it possible that the studios have changed their mind about the project after Darth Maul actor went viral on social media? There are speculations that the Maul series could be cancelled due to the Phantom Menace star's shocking Instagram post.

    Last week, it was revealed during Comic-Con@Home that Disney and Lucasfilm are developing several new shows that will air on Disney+. One of the shows mentioned was a Solo: A Star Wars Story spin-off that would follow Darth Maul as well as the other gangs involved with Crimson Dawn.

    Needless to say, the news had people excited about the idea that Maul will be portrayed by Ray Park, who had initially played the former Sith Lord in The Phantom Menace as well as Solo. Unfortunately, the good news would soon be followed by a truly shocking update.

    Just a day after the Darth Maul series was teased, fans were surprised when Ray Park suddenly started trending on Twitter. This led to speculations that the actor had shared an exciting update about the show.

    However, it was revealed that Park had actually posted an NSFW video on Instagram that showed the stuntman being "serviced" by his wife. Although the video has since been taken down, it didn't take long before people started sharing screenshots and commenting about the actor's startling actions.

    For now, it is unclear why Ray Park had shared the video on Instagram. Although some believe that the actor's account was hacked, others claim it was Park himself who had posted the video as a form of revenge on his wife who was allegedly cheating on him.

    Park has yet to release a statement about the incident and this has led to speculations that he will not be brought back to play Maul in the upcoming Star Wars series.

    Disney and Lucasfilm have yet to make an official announcement about the upcoming Star Wars shows. However, some already believe that the studios might decide to cast a different actor for the role of Darth Maul after Ray Park's scandal. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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