Been a while since i posted something, but over the weekend i watched two kung fu films, both were more recent, and im sure have been talked about so if this gets moved im sorry for the extra work.

Rise of the legend:

Saw this first and i was a bit disappointed, the way they betrayed Wong fei hung makes me feel like this wasnt a wong fei hung film, he was angry and vengeful, and the whole storyline of the gangs was just a mess i felt like there was a better way to tackle this film, also i wanted to see some ACTUAL HUNG GAR return to a wong fei hung film, but instead we got corey yuens wushu wire fu, sammo hung was great as the lead villian and the guy who played wong fei hung wasnt bad either, he just didnt give me that wong fei hung feel. 6/10

second film

Brotherhood of the blade:

I liked this one much better, even though some of the choreagraphy had alot of quick cuts, the story was really intriguing, the characters needed just a bit more depth and could have been fleshed out a bit more, the ending kind of turned me off but thats just cause i didnt like how it went down, not because it wasnt good. all and all i liked it. 8/10