As many of you know, I have a traditional background, but spent several years training judo and muay thai, which I still train currently, however last year I returned to TMA and began training in ngo cho. I am a question asker - I can't help it, it's just me. I trained regularly, both on my own and in class. I have only missed three classes in the past year, two of those were due to work.

I was shown a form and both the instructor and I were curious of the origin, so I began to look into it. During my journey, I ran across one of the five disciples of my grandmaster. he is a very open guy and once he realized I trained in his style, he became an open book and encouraged me to ask questions. So I did. I took the questions back to my instructor, who had me ask the disciple questions of his own. between my questions to the disciple and my questions to the instructor, he finally told me that he was kicking me out of the school because he thinks that I am questioning the authenticity of what he teaches and that I am improperly influencing his other student. He did agree to let me stay to continue the forms I was working on - we had sessions focusing on those so I could learn them more quickly - and now I am gone. Ironically, his other student that I was supposedly a bad influence on has now left as well.

Anyway, I found an impressive instructor who teaches bak mei and have now begun training with him. He has already encouraged me to ask questions, so it's all good so far.