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Thread: Shaolin Yijinjing Gengmenpai qigong seminar with Dr. Jiang Feng in Cbina, Nov. 2012

  1. #1

    Shaolin Yijinjing Gengmenpai qigong seminar with Dr. Jiang Feng in Cbina, Nov. 2012

    First, an introduction. My name is Grady. I am an American, a former attorney who has lived in China full-time since 2008. I am a tudi (apprentice by ceremony) and sometimes translator for Dr. Jiang Feng, whose knowledge I have pursued since our first meeting in China in the summer of 2007.

    I am not a regular poster on this forum, although I have lurked occasionally over the years, as you can see by my registration date. Despite this forum being primarily dedicated to martial arts and less to qigong, self-cultivation & meditation, I post this notice here in the hopes that it will find its way to other like-minded seekers.

    For those of you who don’t know my Shifu, Dr. Jiang, he is a qigong master & practitioner of Chinese medicine who was fostered by the itinerant monk Xuan Kong in his youth, and who as a result of his training displays a range of extraordinary energetic abilities such as the tangible projection of “electric-like” qi, pyrokinesis, telekinesis, etc. which are commonly associated in the English-speaking world with “thunder path Daoism”, “LeiShanDao”, “John Chang’s MoPai”, “YinYang Gong”, etc.

    Despite being comparatively unknown in the West, Dr. Jiang’s qigong and medicine are quite famous in Asia. He has seen patients in dozens of countries, and has provided treatment to more than one Southeast Asian royal family member and head of state.

    There are a few videos of Dr. Jiang which have been posted over the years by various parties on youtube, some against Shifu’s wishes and some with his approval. I merely provide a link to one here, which includes a short lecture in Chinese on the nature of qigong and its relationship to medicine, as well as a very small demo of Shifu projecting his yang qi in order to burn a small hole in a sheet of paper:

    Recently Jiang Shifu has invited me to bring to China a group of Westerners who are interested in beginning training in the particular sect of Shaolin Yijinjing of which Dr. Jiang is the 5th generation headmaster, following the passing of his own master this past year. These doors open and close unexpectedly, and Shifu’s invitation was quite a surprise to me. Despite continuing to regularly treat patients from all over the world, to my knowledge the last time he welcomed a group of Westerners to come and learn his material this openly was in 2007.

    The explicit goal of these practices is to achieve the most basic skills in our qigong method, the ability to collect qi in the dantian and then project this very objectively tangible, “electric-like” qi into another person.

    An absolutely crucial requirement for success in these practices is an evaluation of the prospective student’s meridian system, and based on that evaluation an individually tailored “empowerment” which is subsequently given by Shifu. This empowerment essentially consists of an “irrigation” (guanqi) of specific meridians and the opening of specific points with the master’s qi.

    It has been Dr. Jiang’s experience that with proper empowerment and with correct, diligent, daily training, the basic skills can be achieved in a matter of a few years. Without empowerment the achievement of the basic skills is a matter of a few decades, if indeed it is possible at all.

    As I am not yet qualified to perform such empowerments, and as Dr. Jiang has strongly curtailed his foreign travel in recent years, the seminar will take place near his home in the magnificent Yellow Mountain area of Anhui Province, an ancient center of cultivation in China.

    This seminar will last for 10 full days, tentatively scheduled for the 4th-14th of this November, 2012. I would like to have been able to give more than this 2 months notice but I am obliged to follow Dr. Jiang’s schedule. The tuition fee for the 10 days is $4000 dollars US, with lodging & airfare to be arranged separately.

    This seminar will consist of an initial evaluation and empowerment by Shifu, as well as training both mornings & evenings in the jinggong (“quiescent methods”) and donggong (“moving methods”) of Dr. Jiang’s yijinjing qigong system with either myself or one of the more senior Chinese students assisted by me.

    This is my first time conducting such a seminar, and I am not a professional speaker or a professional tour guide. As such I am strictly limiting participation to 10 people, no more than that. If less than 10 people are interested that’s all the better, as a small group will have access to more personal attention from Shifu and myself.

    If you are interested in this opportunity please PM me here on the forum. I have set up a private forum where more specific questions about Dr. Jiang, myself, our sect of Yijinjing qigong, etc. can be answered and details of the November seminar can be addressed. I will reply to your PM with forum access info.

    I am aware the Dr. Jiang is a controversial person to some people in the qigong community. I am also aware that the tuition is no small amount of money. In short, you get what you pay for. I myself was very skeptical when I first met my teacher five years ago. Slowly over time my skepticism has been satisfied.

    Dr. Jiang not only has the skills, perhaps even more importantly he has a proven track record of his ability to pass these skills on to his students, moreover he has a genuine willingness to teach Westerners, provided of course they demonstrate themselves to be of good character.

    I truly believe this is the opportunity of a lifetime for someone interested in genuine qigong with tangible, objectively verifiable results, something more than mere illusory sensations. Otherwise I would not be personally involved.

    I welcome any and all inquiries, via PM please. I will do my best to respond to everyone in a timely manner.

    Last edited by grady; 10-31-2012 at 02:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Columbia, MO
    Hello grady,
    Your teacher might be interested to know that he can easily earn US$1000000 if he can demonstrate these skills.

    Taking the challenge will also help promote interest in Chinese healing methods.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by pazman View Post
    Hello grady,
    Your teacher might be interested to know that he can easily earn US$1000000 if he can demonstrate these skills.

    Taking the challenge will also help promote interest in Chinese healing methods.
    I think all of us who have been personally exposed to someone with abilities like Dr. Jiang's, or such as a John Chang or a Wang Liping, have had the same thoughts.

    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they don't consider their own abilities "paranormal", but in my experience once people like these achieve their results, they just aren't that motivated to go around proving them to every skeptic ... even a famous skeptic who teases with a large monetary reward.

  4. #4
    I don't know your sifu and I don't want to say anything unfair but here someone claims that a doctor named zhai jiangfeng is a con artist and that he uses technology in his tricks.

    So just make sure that he hasn't hidden any machines in his clothes or in the room when he shows his superpowers.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by xinyidizi View Post
    I don't know your sifu and I don't want to say anything unfair but here someone claims that a doctor named zhai jiangfeng is a con artist and that he uses technology in his tricks.

    So just make sure that he hasn't hidden any machines in his clothes or in the room when he shows his superpowers.
    Thanks for the words of caution.

    Unfortunately this kind of slander is all too common in the qigong community.

    This article was published based on an interview with a disgruntled student in 2007.

    That student has since publicly retracted his defamatory statements.

    I was certainly skeptical when I first witnessed Shifu's abilities (which I don't think are "superpowers"), indeed I would counsel anyone who is not initially skeptical to mind their credulity.
    Last edited by grady; 08-27-2012 at 02:08 AM.

  6. #6

    Shaolin Yijinjing Gengmenpai qigong seminar with Dr. Jiang Feng in China, Spring 2013

    Dr. Jiang has permitted me to begin to organize a subsequent seminar here in mainland China for those interested in formal empowerment and instruction in our qigong method as early as March, 2013.

    If you are not familiar with Shifu you might find it instructive to peruse the following discussion here on the Taobums forum:

    I would prefer to arrange things as early as possible within the month of March, particularly given how late Chinese New Year will fall this year and also given that tourist season in this part of the country goes into full swing by April 1st, but we do have some flexibility.

    I invite those sincerely interested either in this seminar in particular or our Yijinjing art in general to PM me directly, and I will point you in the direction of our private forum where we are in the process of discussing the details (dates, tuition, etc.).

    Once again I should be able to open this up free of charge to those who are interested in coming solely for diagnosis and potential treatment by Shifu, either for pre-existing medical conditions or simply for those looking to take their health & vitality to the next level.

    This time the seminar location will likely be in the immediate vicinity of Shifu's new 100+ bed hospital (focusing on pre-Cultural Revolution traditional Chinese medicine, to be distinguished from modern TCM) which is currently under construction in the Yellow Mountain district.

    Best to all,

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