Hello all,
Thanks in advanced for any and all input.

I am a former student of Korean martial
Arts of which I attended classes for 10 years
Twice a week. In that time, I obviously witnessed
My health improve and realized the importance of
Learning from a qualified instructor with a lineage.
When I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve
After a vertigo episode with chest discomfort I exited
My school.
Everything stopped in my life. Yet, I have and had a good number of kung fu lessons, qi gong, mediation and tau chi forms that we all understand can and will improve overall
My feeling of leaving was a decision I do not regret. Why would a student put his instructor in a risky situation. There was nothing I felt could be done. I was going to slowly die as my valve narrowed until it was time for replacement. While waiting I was put on a chemical stint of beta blockers after a minor heart attack.

4 years after surgery, I'm still of the opinion
That training with an instructor is the only way
To train but rejoining a school for me isn't a smart
Decision. The chances of an instructor having experience
With a heart valve replacement will most likely be nil.
And so, I'm left with the question of which is about doing my own training without an instructor based on what I've learned? The danger is doing permanent damage. And so, I've been following the instruction from cardiac rehab only. 45 minutes a day of treadmill or bike but it is not kung fu. As of late, I'm finding swimming and water therapy very important. I also have access to a yoga studio which I can practice and meditate without interuption. And so, I'm beginning to ask...what short forms can I practice without having a bounding heart during recovery? What qi gong movements would help? How do I set my mind during practice? And there are many other experiences and thoughts to address. The bottom line is there are some minimal moderate levels of my kung fu training that apply and are very theraputic. Although, I'd like to learn from an instructor the liability of the situation can be very irresponsible on my part.

What are your thoughts?