From reading on forums I gather that WSLVT primarily focuses on the upstairs (boxing) with an equal focus on fast / aggressive footwork, etc.

My question is: does the WSLVT have much in the way of footwork training drills? Kicks? Kicking / leg attribute drills? etc? [The few times I've seen PB kick it looked like the basic straight kick from CK that accurate to say?]

I recently read on a WSLVT website that you guys have the typical YJKYM...but to you it is training the leg (individually, yet done at same time) to support the punch mechanics. Is this accurate? Do you guys do any single-leg training?

Secondly, are the legs of WSLVT also conforming to LLHS/LSJK/LSDD etc?

Are your leg methods also 'pole-centric'?

Thx in advance for any technical discussion...
*sorry for so many questions...