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Thread: #metoo (An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch)

  1. #136

    #MAGA not #MeToo

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    If this scumbag-idiot did wrongfully accuse Takei, and it certainly looks like that is the case, all I can say to the accuser is, "Karma is a *****."

    And this applies to anybody who wrongfully accuses another person of sexual misconduct. It negatively affects the perception of credibility (and belittles the experiences) of those accusers who have ACTUALLY been sexually assaulted/molested and are seeking justice in the right way. It also leaves a permanent stain on the reputation of the wrongfully accused.
    And for that very reason the #MEtoo "movement" has been totally discredited. The Judge Kavanaugh Confirmation proved this and showed that not only was the METOO movement a Marxist attack on society it was politically partisan. The movement backed the accusers and said they shoudl be believed without evidence. No responsible person believed them, they were obvious liars. Now three of the accusers have been criminally charged for lying and the fourth bundled off to the funny farm.

    #MeToo/#MeMarxist is not responsible for the climate in which sexual abusers have started to be exposed. The populist movement and the election of Donald Trump started this. If Hillary had been elected Weinstein would still be making feminist speeches and raping freely and no one would have ever come forward for anyone else. No one would have dared, no newspaper would have dared touch it with the Democrat machine in power. There was a genuine fear of Arkancide. And note that 95 percent of those exposed have been "feminist" Democrat men. #Metoo piggy backed themselves on the efforts of populists as a Marxist technique to destabilize society and empower Globalist Politicians.

    In all these Asian Democratic Countries the #metoo movement agenda is political destabilization by attacking men of power..
    . What is the intent of the MeMarxist movement - it is to create social destabilization and attack the political power structure. It has no intention of promoting harmony between men and women, it's purpose is to set one part of a society against another, This is pure Marxist technique which in it's original form started by setting the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. Since that no longer works in modern times and the communists actually killed the proletariat in large numbers as well, the technique is now altered is to set other kinds of groups against each other,women against men, colors against white, Islam against Christians etc.

    The case of China is very strange and absurd. You can't use Cultural Marxism against the Organization that invented it. Of course they protestors got arrested and disappeared.
    The one thing that is strange is that I cannot imagine anyone in China thinking they could get away with this. So they must have been devoted to martyrdom.

    Leta Hong Fincher, the author of Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China, described why government leaders are so alarmed by the activities of students like Yue: “All of these overlapping forms of movements, they are very destabilizing for the government. And we don’t know how stable the Communist Party is. And so this is another reason why the Party is so paranoid.”
    Leta Hong encouraged these women to be sacrificed as a "soldiers of the cause",. Either that or they wished to martyr themselves.. Leta with her writings fed fed them a bunch of baloney and sent them off to the chopping block. It is beyond ridiculous that the CCCP is "destabilized". Xi JinPing has now more powers that any previous chairman. he is a virtual emperor. Everyone in China knows this. The whole atmosphere of China now is that of being under a hard Party crackdown, it is no longer a pleasant or friendly environment for expat workers and business people Foreigners are leaving China in droves because of the hostility they get from all sides. The pendulum has swung toward absolutism and xenophobia.
    It is all political here very little to do with "helping women" Do they want to help women in China? - then tackle the mass sex slavery and sexual exploitation that goes on in China, with help from local authorities, instead of absurdly trying to take down the Party leaders.
    You know - "This is China!"
    So Metoo is nothing but MeMarxyou. They don't care what is true or not, nor what happened to the women that they encourage to complain, Their goal is to take down political power structures.

    She added: “It’s about believing that what you are doing is about justice, then you will have no fear.”
    Yeah just like what Chairman Mao said. No, the Party is jaded and wise to that, not a chance of success.


    Me Too BACKFIRED And Now Men Care LESS About Assault According to Gallup Poll

    Tim lists many other false accusations here. Of course it backfired, it was never meant to help women because you can only help women by helping both men and women together and promoting both Jsutice and Harmony without a political agenda.

    #Red Dye Series
    Last edited by wolfen; 03-19-2019 at 08:08 AM.

  2. #137
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfen View Post
    And for that very reason the #MEtoo "movement" has been totally discredited. The Judge Kavanaugh Confirmation proved this and showed that not only was the METOO movement a Marxist attack on society it was politically partisan. The movement backed the accusers and said they shoudl be believed without evidence. No responsible person believed them, they were obvious liars. Now three of the accusers have been criminally charged for lying and the fourth bundled off to the funny farm.

    #MeToo/#MeMarxist is not responsible for the climate in which sexual abusers have started to be exposed. The populist movement and the election of Donald Trump started this. If Hillary had been elected Weinstein would still be making feminist speeches and raping freely and no one would have ever come forward for anyone else. No one would have dared, no newspaper would have dared touch it with the Democrat machine in power. There was a genuine fear of Arkancide. And note that 95 percent of those exposed have been "feminist" Democrat men. #Metoo piggy backed themselves on the efforts of populists as a Marxist technique to destabilize society and empower Globalist Politicians.

    In all these Asian Democratic Countries the #metoo movement agenda is political destabilization by attacking men of power..
    . What is the intent of the MeMarxist movement - it is to create social destabilization and attack the political power structure. It has no intention of promoting harmony between men and women, it's purpose is to set one part of a society against another, This is pure Marxist technique which in it's original form started by setting the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. Since that no longer works in modern times and the communists actually killed the proletariat in large numbers as well, the technique is now altered is to set other kinds of groups against each other,women against men, colors against white, Islam against Christians etc.

    The case of China is very strange and absurd. You can't use Cultural Marxism against the Organization that invented it. Of course they protestors got arrested and disappeared.
    The one thing that is strange is that I cannot imagine anyone in China thinking they could get away with this. So they must have been devoted to martyrdom.

    Leta Hong encouraged these women to be sacrificed as a "soldiers of the cause",. Either that or they wished to martyr themselves.. Leta with her writings fed fed them a bunch of baloney and sent them off to the chopping block. It is beyond ridiculous that the CCCP is "destabilized". Xi JinPing has now more powers that any previous chairman. he is a virtual emperor. Everyone in China knows this. The whole atmosphere of China now is that of being under a hard Party crackdown, it is no longer a pleasant or friendly environment for expat workers and business people Foreigners are leaving China in droves because of the hostility they get from all sides. The pendulum has swung toward absolutism and xenophobia.
    It is all political here very little to do with "helping women" Do they want to help women in China? - then tackle the mass sex slavery and sexual exploitation that goes on in China, with help from local authorities, instead of absurdly trying to take down the Party leaders.
    You know - "This is China!"
    So Metoo is nothing but MeMarxyou. They don't care what is true or not, nor what happened to the women that they encourage to complain, Their goal is to take down political power structures.

    Yeah just like what Chairman Mao said. No, the Party is jaded and wise to that, not a chance of success.


    Me Too BACKFIRED And Now Men Care LESS About Assault According to Gallup Poll

    Tim lists many other false accusations here. Of course it backfired, it was never meant to help women because you can only help women by helping both men and women together and promoting both Jsutice and Harmony without a political agenda.

    #Red Dye Series
    You are being absurd here in defense of nonsense against the face of positive social change for what?

    I mean what exactly is it that you think you are doing here Wolfen? Correcting a situation? Putting people in their place?

    People want to help the other 50% of the population get to the equality that they not only want, but that they deserve.
    Why you feel compelled to rain on that parade with your cherry picked semi facts, non facts and alt right musings is beyond me.

    Sometimes, things are better left unsaid. MeToo is not backfired and the concerns it raises are 100% legitimate.
    Simple stats would reveal that in an hour of reading. Stop playing what about here.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #138

    Get Woke, Go Broke

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    By Mona Charen

    Is the new Gillette razor ad a radical feminist attack on masculinity — the commercial embodiment of a woke sensibility?

    I was prepared to think so. But having watched it twice, I find a lot to like. (Oh, I bet you do! )

    That’s the cultural reform we so badly need. Any corporate volunteers? Apple? Google?

    Mona Charen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

    Yes, How wonderful Comrades. This is exactly what the male members of a Martial Arts Forum need - another Marxist attack on our society from a toxic female intent on bullying and abusing men. Yes we so desperately need to be reformed by sexist, Marxist females and who better to reform us and tell us all what to do than some all powerful, totalitarian, repressive social platform entities such as Facebook and Google?
    With Google, Facebook and Twitter, who needs the Red Guard? Being beaten up, imprisoned and exiled in person a is so, so yesterday.

    Imaging themselves to be men’s champions, they are actually defending behavior, like sexual harassment and bullying,
    That is a false equivalency. Comrade Mona is simply demonizing men and masculinity.
    And this statement is the "but" in her manipulative essay. It redacts all of her previous statements in which she pretended to "support" masculinity.

    I have no idea if it’s the best way to sell razors, but as social commentary, it’s not offensive.
    No, she has no idea, and purports to tell others how they feel. However, millions upon millions of Western Men have now boycotted Gillette. Welcome to Capitalism, Comrade Gillette. I'm sure your executives can find new careers as Intersectional Feminists in the propaganda department in Venezuela.
    Get Woke,Go Broke.

    Comrade Mona's hit piece on Men is from the radical Marxist alt-left and is shilled by the controlled media. These Marxists hate everything about traditional Western and American Society. By "reform" they mean "annihilation". They wish to destroy all Democratic and natural processes and put all human activities under centralized Government Control. The sources I present are the pieces missing from the the MSN Globalist Propaganda System . This is the mainstream of Conservative thought . The overwhelming majority of Americans reject the manipulative social justice warrior propaganda of the MSN. (The polls show only 15 percent belief in the MSN)
    It is good that they expose themselves for what they are in these articles The more they do that, the more the public will reject their absurd ideology and eventually the progressive left/alt-left will join such failed systems of thought such as the Flat-Earthers, the Shakers and Communism.
    Maybe one day, we can have actual liberals rejoin the Overton Window.

    New Gillette Campaign Razor-Burns Men

    As Bill Whittle states in this video, the ad is an attack on masculinity just by adding the word "toxic". The ad is also racist in showing only white guys doing "bad" things and black guys doing "good" things. It is masculine men that protect women. You cannot fight bullies and rapists by reading them essays from Intersectional Feminists.
    Masculinity and Femininity is part of history and is what makes the human race work. To "reform" it is genocide. Combating rape etc is a matter of the psychology of criminality in human beings and a matter best addressed in the criminal Justice System with laws and due process not Social justice lynch mobs.

    #Red Dye Series.
    Last edited by wolfen; 03-20-2019 at 01:37 PM.

  4. #139
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    But who cares? Do you feel less of a man because someone made an ad that vents their frustration with the social construct?

    Do you think that frustration should just be silenced? Or is it better to work through it as a whole?

    You don't live under any illusion of the kind of society we live in right? Where women are tier 2 citizens, men have most of the wealth and power at all levels and women are shut out or ridiculed for simply being women.

    The construct as it is is what is broken. Using generalisms to point it out is effective. I mean, just look at how many guys got upset about the razor commercial?
    I thought it was crass and ham handed, but ultimately that's ok in the end because for some, it is true. For those who enjoy the rewards of this world simply because they are male well, I suppose they would feel that their entitlement is being attacked because they've become used to excusing the bad parts of it in favour of maintaining the entirety of it.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  5. #140
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Anna = $3.5M flop

    Does 'Anna' Mark the End of the Line for Luc Besson?
    1:00 AM PDT 6/28/2019 by Scott Roxborough

    Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images
    Luc Besson

    The film's $3.5 million domestic bow was the worst-ever for the French director, who has faced sexual assault allegations and whose EuropaCorp shingle is fighting to survive amid a string of pricey flops.

    Anna was supposed to be Luc Besson's comeback movie.

    After the galactic flop that was Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) — the $180 million sci-fi epic grossed just $250 million worldwide, far below expectations — Besson's new action thriller was designed to remind audiences what they love about the French action helmer.

    The film — about a young woman who becomes a KGB assassin in Cold War Russia, starring supermodel-turned actress Sasha Luss — features Besson's trademark style of hyper-kinetic, female-fronted action of the kind that made the director's Lucy and La Femme Nikita worldwide hits.

    But when Lionsgate's Summit label released Anna last weekend, the movie misfired, earning just $3.5 million in 2,114 theaters, the worst-ever bow for a Besson-directed film in the U.S.

    The flop comes at a particularly bad time for Besson, who is struggling to keep his debt-laden company, EuropaCorp, from collapse and has recently faced a flurry of #MeToo allegations.

    In May 2018, Belgian-Dutch actress Sand Van Roy filed a complaint, accusing Besson of drugging and raping her at a Paris hotel. On Nov. 28, five more women came forward in a report in French investigative magazine Mediapart, alleging sexual misconduct. In total, nine separate women have accused the director of sexual assault and harassment.

    Following Van Roy's allegations, Lionsgate put the release of Anna on hold and only confirmed a release date for the film after the Paris prosecutor's office dismissed the rape charges, saying an investigation failed to turn up sufficient evidence to support the woman's allegation.

    Lionsgate picked June 21 for Anna, giving the film a high-profile summer bow. But the distributor did the minimum in the way of promotion for the film, with no pre-release screenings for press and little-to-no media beyond trailers and a handful of TV spots.

    It's a pattern that looks to be repeated internationally. Lionsgate U.K. has done next to no marketing for the movie, which bows in Britain on July 5. Anna is nowhere to be found on the company's website or Twitter feed. Even Rambo: Last Blood, which goes out in the U.K. in September, has a bigger presence, with Lionsgate U.K. promoting the teaser trailer released last month.

    Similarly, StudioCanal, which has Anna in Germany (July 15) and Australia (Sept. 5) has done little to let Besson fans know the movie is coming.

    “There's been next-to-no marketing, no trailer push, no real news from the distributor,” says Ines Walk, editor-in-chief for Moviepilot, an online portal for German film fans. “No one really has it on their radar.”

    While the #MeToo allegations against Besson may have impacted the distributor's release strategy (StudioCanal did not respond to requests for comment), Walk says it has likely had little impact on local audiences. “#MeToo allegations have far less impact in Europe than than in the U.S.," she says. "That's why you see, sadly, that films by Woody Allen or Roman Polanski still do repetitively well here."

    Instead, Walk believes, for a younger demographic, Besson's action brand may have passed its sell-by date.

    “There seems to be a generational changing of the guard going on, with older directors losing favor among younger film fans that make up the core audience for action movies,” she argues. “It's something we are seeing, to a lesser extent, with Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan as well, this older generation of film makers are generating less excitement among our users than younger directors such as (Blade Runner 2049 helmer) Denis Villeneuve.”

    This is all bad news for Besson, who is struggling to save EuropaCorp, the production and distribution company he founded in 1996. The beleaguered firm was put under court protection in France last month and given six months to restructure its debt. EuropaCorp has been bleeding money for years — it posted a $101.2 million loss in its latest half-year results, reported in December. That follows a $93.9 million loss over the previous 12 months and a $136.5 million loss in the 12 months before that (the company did not respond to requests for comment for this report).

    The company's follow-up to box office bomb Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets was submarine thriller Kursk, which sank without a trace. The movie, starring Colin Firth, Matthias Schoenaerts and Léa Seydoux, earned just $5 million worldwide — including a paltry $775,000 in France — and failed to find a U.S. buyer.

    Last July, EuropaCorp signed a distribution partnership with Pathé, the group that bought out EuropaCorp's chain of French theaters in 2016. Pathé last month released EuropaCorp's Nous finirons ensemble, Guillaume Canet’s follow-up to his 2010 box office smash Little White Lies. The sequel grossed $22 million in France, above half that of the original. Pathé will also handle Anna's release in France.

    Besson has already sold off much of EuropaCorp's silver, offloading its French TV division for $13 million and hawking the company's Roissy Films library — some 500 titles — to French group Gaumont for an undisclosed sum. The company also cut into overhead, chopping costs 34 percent in the last fiscal year to $15.5 million. Besson even quietly shuttered his Paris-based film school last July. All this was done in order to reduce debt and refocus EuropaCorp on its core production business.

    The company confirmed it is in bailout talks with Pathé for a possible debt-for-equity swap, which would see Pathé take a majority stake in EuropaCorp in exchange for a cash infusion to allow the struggling company to restructure its debt. EuropaCorp said it was in negotiations with other potential buyers. Besson and his holding company FrontLine still own 38 percent of the company, while Chinese investors, which put $67 million into the company in 2016, hold 28 percent.

    EuropaCorp has few assets left aside from its remaining back catalog, now valued at $160 million, according to its own estimates. Besson's company, which used to release around 10 films a year, currently has no movies in production.

    The lone bright spot is EuropaCorp's TV production division, which saw revenue jump nearly 80 percent to $22.5 million last year due to delivery of NBC's Taken. Besson has three new English-language series in development: The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc Sec, Gray and American Flagg.

    But if Anna tanks worldwide in the manner it has stateside, even great TV will unlikely to be enough to save Besson's bacon.
    #metoo (An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  6. #141
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    Stinky Pete was a dick

    By Kyler Geoffroy | Jul 2 2019, 5:00am
    Disney Quietly Deleted a #MeToo Scene Out of the Latest Release of 'Toy Story 2'
    The company bought Pixar in 2006, and has a history of editing its films after the fact.

    A hallmark of early Pixar films are the faux blooper reels that accompany the closing credits for films such as Toy Story 2, A Bug's Life, and Monsters, Inc., where characters like Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and Mike Wazowski flub lines, pull pranks, and participate in various on-set shenanigans. Many of these bloopers reference real-life Hollywood culture, like the irritable Mr. Potato Head screaming “Get my agent on the phone!” after being forced to act next to a Barrel of Monkeys, or the little green aliens casually discussing their burgeoning film careers, with one proudly noting that he may soon be starring in a toothpaste commercial.

    Last month, discovered that one of these self-referential bloopers appears to be conspicuously missing from the new release of Toy Story 2, all new 4K Blu-ray versions and all new digital downloads. The scene depicts a casting-couch-esque moment involving the film's antagonist Stinky Pete (voiced by Kelsey Grammer) and two Barbie dolls. It bears a striking resemblance to many of the allegations of sexual misconduct in Hollywood that have been reported in recent years as part of the growing #MeToo movement.

    "And so you two are absolutely identical?" Stinky Pete lecherously asks the two dolls with a chuckle, blissfully unaware of the camera trained on him. "You know I'm sure I can get you a part in Toy Story 3," he says as he grasps one of their hands. Only then does he realize he's being watched, and sheepishly ushers the dolls out of his toy box with a line about welcoming them back whenever they need more acting tips. He then ogles the dolls' butts as they pass by him before the scene cuts to the next blooper.

    The full end credits can be seen here; the now-deleted scene starts at approximately 3:29.

    Toy Story 2 was first released in 1999, before any kind of mass public dialogue about workplace harassment and assault in the film industry had taken place. The scene was still present in 2010 Blu-ray versions of the film, yet was silently removed from the recent rereleases that came out in June of this year.

    Pixar has faced its own reckoning in the #MeToo era. Toy Story 2 director John Lasseter stepped down from the company permanently following an extended leave of absence after allegations of workplace sexual misconduct (a longtime staffer said Lasseter was known for "grabbing, kissing, [and] making comments about physical attributes") came to light. In a memo to staff, Lasseter apologized for unspecified “missteps,” and acknowledged that he had made some on his team feel “disrespected and uncomfortable.” In addition, Rashida Jones quit Toy Story 4 due, she said, to a company culture "where women and people of color do not have an equal creative voice."

    Disney, which bought Pixar in 2006, has a long documented history of editing its films after the fact, particularly those featuring controversial racial or sexual scenes. Neither Disney nor Pixar responded to multiple requests for comment on why they had decided to remove the scene; these requests noted that the blooper in question was still included in the official Disney UK YouTube clip of all Toy Story 2 bloopers. Subsequent attempts at reaching Disney and Pixar for comment were made, at which point VICE noticed the Disney UK video that included the blooper had also been quietly removed from YouTube. It is still viewable via the Internet archive. We have not yet received comment from the company on the deletion of the initial scene or the YouTube video's subsequent removal. VICE has also reached out to digital rental services Amazon and Apple for comment on when or how this edit was made on their platforms. As of press time, we have not heard back.
    Personally, I'd love to see Song of the South again, just to see how it plays out now.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  7. #142
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    Spacey case dropped

    I used to like Spacey's work because he had this creepy vibe. Now I can't watch him because it hits too close to home.

    NEWS JULY 17, 2019 1:50PM PT
    Kevin Spacey Sexual Assault Case Dropped in Nantucket
    Senior Media Writer


    Nantucket prosecutors have dropped a sexual assault case against actor Kevin Spacey, citing the “unavailability” of the complaining witness.

    Spacey had been accused of groping an 18-year-old busboy at the Club Car restaurant in July 2016. He was charged with indecent sexual assault, and a trial was set to be held in the fall.

    However, the case has been teetering on the brink of dismissal since an evidentiary hearing last week, during which the accuser invoked his Fifth Amendment rights.

    Spacey’s attorney, Alan Jackson, had sought access to a phone which contained texts from the evening of the alleged incident. The accuser has said that the phone is missing.

    Investigators had scanned the phone and returned it to the accuser in December 2017. Jackson alleged that the accuser and his mother had manipulated text messages on the phone, and asked at the hearing whether the accuser was aware that manipulating evidence is a crime. After a recess, the accuser’s attorneys said that he would not answer additional questions.

    The young man had sued Spacey in civil court last month. His attorney, Mitchell Garabedian, dropped the suit a week later without giving an explanation. Garabedian later told local media that the dismissal was not the result of a settlement.

    “My client and his family have shown an enormous amount of courage under difficult circumstances,” Garabedian said in a statement on Wednesday.

    Spacey still faces a criminal investigation in Los Angeles and another in London. Scotland Yard recently questioned the actor on allegations from six individuals, dating from 1996 to 2013. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office declined to prosecute yet another case, from 1992, last year, citing the statute of limitations.

    A massage therapist has also sued Spacey in federal court in Los Angeles, accusing Spacey of trying to kiss him and forcing him to touch Spacey’s genitals during a session in October 2016. That case remains pending.

    In a statement on Wednesday, the Cape and Islands District Attorney’s office said it met with the Club Car accuser on Sunday to discuss the status of the case.

    “The complaining witness was informed that if he chose to continue to invoke his Fifth Amendment right, the case would not be able to go forward,” the office said. “After a further period of reflection privately with his lawyer, the complaining witness elected not to waive his right under the Fifth Amendment.”

    The only other avenue, the D.A.’s office said, would have been to grant the accuser immunity from prosecution and then force him to give testimony. However, the office stated that that approach would damage the accuser’s credibility, making a prosecution untenable.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #143
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Sophia Huang Xueqin freed

    “Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.”

    Chinese #MeToo activist Sophia Huang Xueqin freed from detention, lawyers and sources say
    Author of landmark workplace harassment survey was arrested nearly three months ago for ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’
    She is ‘healthy and still in good spirits’ while ‘under heavy surveillance’, a source tells the Post
    Laurie Chen
    Published: 7:00am, 18 Jan, 2020

    Chinese women’s rights activist Sophia Huang Xueqin has been released after nearly three months in detention, according to sources and her lawyers. Photo: Thomas Yau

    Chinese women’s rights activist Sophia Huang Xueqin has been released after nearly three months in detention, according to her lawyers and sources familiar with her situation.
    Huang, 32, was released on Friday, about two weeks before the Lunar New Year – traditionally an occasion for family unions.
    “She is healthy and still in good spirits. Her activities are restricted now and she is under heavy surveillance,” said a source close to Huang who wished to remain anonymous. “But police are keeping her passport, computer and mobile phone.”
    In a message sent to friends after her release, Huang wrote that it would not be convenient for her to meet with them now.

    #MeToo: Speaking out against sexual harassment in China

    “One second of darkness does not make people blind,” she wrote.
    Huang became a leading figure in the Chinese #MeToo movement in recent years. In 2017, the former state media journalist conducted a pioneering nationwide survey of workplace harassment in the news industry and was a vocal advocate for victims.
    She was detained last October on the charge of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, a vague offence that is often used by mainland authorities to silence dissidents and rights activists.
    Huang was initially held at Baiyun District Detention Centre in Guangzhou before being placed under “residential surveillance” in an unknown location.
    In the months leading to her arrest, Huang had published two essays reporting her observations of the summer protests in Hong Kong. She was about to start a law degree at Hong Kong University when her passport was confiscated in August by mainland authorities, preventing her from leaving the mainland.
    Huang was among a number of mainland activists who have got into trouble for sympathising with, or supporting, the Hong Kong protests that broke out seven months ago. The unrest initially was tied to an extradition bill that would have allowed the transfer of fugitives to jurisdictions with which Hong Kong does not have a treaty, including mainland China.
    The proposed legislation has since been withdrawn and the protests have evolved into an anti-government movement.
    Mainland authorities have imposed strict controls on any public discussions and reporting of the continuing unrest in the city.
    Sign up now for our 50% early bird offer from SCMP Research: China AI Report. The all new SCMP China AI Report gives you exclusive first-hand insights and analysis into the latest industry developments, and actionable and objective intelligence about China AI that you should be equipped with.
    This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Chinese #MeToo activist out of detention
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #144
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Weinstein convicted

    Film producer Harvey Weinstein arrives at New York Criminal Courtroom during his ongoing sexual assault trial in the Manhattan borough of New York City on February 24, 2020. Photo by Eduardo Munoz/Reuters
    By — Michael Sisak, Associated Press
    By — Tom Hays, Associated Press

    Nation Updated on Feb 24, 2020 12:13 PM EST — Published on Feb 24, 2020 11:44 AM EST

    NEW YORK — Harvey Weinstein was convicted Monday of rape and sexual assault against two women and could be sent to prison for decades, sealing his dizzying fall from powerful Hollywood studio boss to archvillain of the #MeToo movement.

    He was convicted on charges stemming from a 2006 sexual assault and a 2013 rape. The jury found Weinstein not guilty on the most serious charge, predatory sexual assault, that could have resulted in a life sentence.

    The most damaging conviction, for the sexual assault of production assistant Mimi Haleyi, would carry a maximum sentence of 25 years.

    Weinstein, 67, had a look of resignation as the verdict came in, and was seen talking to his lawyers shortly after.

    The verdict followed weeks of often harrowing and excruciatingly graphic testimony from a string of accusers who told of rapes, forced oral sex, groping, masturbation, lewd propositions and that’s-Hollywood excuses from Weinstein about how the casting couch works.

    The conviction was seen as a long-overdue reckoning for Weinstein after years of whispers about his behavior turned into a torrent of accusations in 2017 that destroyed his career and gave rise to #MeToo, the global movement to encourage women to come forward and hold powerful men accountable for their sexual misconduct.

    The jury of seven men and five women took five days to find him guilty.

    The case against the once-feared producer was essentially built on three allegations: that he raped an aspiring actress in a New York City hotel room in 2013, that he forcibly performed oral sex on Haleyi and that he raped and forcibly performed oral sex on “Sopranos” actress Annabella Sciorra in her apartment in the mid-1990s.

    Three additional women who said they, too, were attacked by Weinstein also testified as part of an effort by prosecutors to show a pattern of brutish behavior on his part.

    The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sex crimes unless they grant permission, as Haleyi and Sciorra did.

    Jurors signaled their struggles with the Sciorra charges four days into deliberations. On Friday, after reviewing sections of her testimony and related evidence, they sent a note to the judge indicating they were deadlocked on the counts but had reached a unanimous verdict on the others. After some debate in the courtroom, the judge ordered jurors to keep deliberating.

    While Weinstein did not testify, his lawyers contended that any sexual contact was consensual and that his accusers went to bed with him to advance their careers.

    The defense seized on the fact that two of the women central to the case stayed in contact with Weinstein through warm and even flirty emails — and had sex with him — well after he supposedly attacked them.

    The hard-charging and phenomenally successful movie executive helped bring to the screen such Oscar winners as “Good Will Hunting,” “Pulp Fiction,” “The King’s Speech” and “Shakespeare in Love” and nurtured the careers of celebrated filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith.

    Weinstein now faces charges in Los Angeles. In that case, announced just as the New York trial was getting under way on Jan. 6, authorities allege Weinstein raped one woman and sexually assaulted another on back-to-back nights during Oscars week in 2013. One of those women testified as a supporting witness at the New York trial.

    The trial was the first criminal case to arise from a barrage of allegations against Weinstein from more than 90 women, including actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Salma Hayek and Uma Thurman. Most of those cases were too old to prosecute.

    During the trial, Weinstein regularly trudged into the courthouse stooped and unshaven, using a walker after recently undergoing back surgery — a far cry from the way he was depicted in court as a burly, intimidating figure whose eyes seemed to turn black with menace when his anger flared.

    Many of Weinstein’s accusers described him as a “Jekyll and Hyde” character who could be incredibly charming at first, making jokes and showing interest in using his immense power to help their careers.

    But that was an act, they said, meant to gain their trust and get them to a place — often a hotel room or an apartment — where he could violate them.

    “If he heard the word ‘no,’ it was like a trigger for him,” his rape accuser testified.

    Special investigation: They reported sexual harassment. Then the retaliation began

    Several women testified that Weinstein excused his behavior as the price for getting ahead in Hollywood. One said that when she laughed off his advances, he sneered, “You’ll never make it in this business. This is how this industry works.”

    The jury heard lurid testimony that Weinstein injected himself with a needle to get an erection, that his genitals appeared disfigured, that he sent Sciorra a box of chocolate *****es and that he once showed up uninvited at her hotel room door in his underwear with a bottle of baby oil in one hand and a video in the other.

    The prosecution’s task was made more complicated because two of the women at the very center of the case didn’t just abandon Weinstein after the alleged encounters: Haleyi testified that she had sex with him two weeks later, while the rape accuser whose name was withheld said she had a sexual encounter with him more than three years afterward.

    Like Haleyi, she sent Weinstein friendly and sometimes flirtatious emails, such as “Miss you big guy” and “I love you, always do. But I hate feeling like a booty call.”

    During a cross-examination from Weinstein’s lawyers so exhaustive that she broke down in tears on the stand, the woman said she sent him flattering emails and kept seeing him because she was afraid of his unpredictable anger and “I wanted him to believe I wasn’t a threat.”

    To blunt that line of questioning, prosecutors called to the witness stand a forensic psychiatrist who said that most sexual assault victims continue to have contact with their attackers and that they hope what happened to them “is just an aberration.”

    During closing arguments, Weinstein lawyer Donna Rotunno charged that Weinstein had become “the target of a cause and a movement” — #MeToo — and asked the jury to ignore “outside forces.”

    “This is not a popularity contest,” she said.

    She said the case against Weinstein amounted to “regret renamed as rape,” arguing that the women exercised their free will to try to further their careers.

    Prosecutor Joan Illuzzi-Orbon told the jury that Weinstein considered himself such a big shot in Hollywood that he thought he could get away with treating women as “complete disposables.”

    “The universe is run by me and they don’t get to complain when they get stepped on, spit on, demoralized and, yes, raped and abused by me — the king,” she said, mimicking Weinstein.

    Rumors about Weinstein’s behavior swirled in Hollywood circles for a long time, but he managed to silence many accusers with payoffs, nondisclosure agreements and the constant fear that he could crush their careers if they spoke out.

    Weinstein was finally arrested and led away in handcuffs in May 2018, seven months after The New York Times and The New Yorker exposed his alleged misconduct in stories that would win the Pulitzer Prize.

    Among other men taken down by the #MeToo movement since the scandal broke: news anchors Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose, actor Kevin Spacey and Sen. Al Franken.

    Weinstein, the product of a working-class family from Queens, achieved success at two movie studios he created with his brother Bob: Miramax — named for their parents, Miriam and Max — and then the Weinstein Co.

    The Weinstein Co. went bankrupt after his disgrace. A tentative settlement was reached last year to resolve nearly all lawsuits stemming from the scandal. It would pay Weinstein’s alleged victims about $25 million. Under the proposed deal, Weinstein would not have to admit any wrongdoing or personally pay anything; the studio’s insurance companies would cover the cost.

    Weinstein’s efforts to silence his accusers and thwart journalists who sought to expose his secrets included hiring Black Cube, an Israeli spy agency staffed by former Mossad agents. Asked one day as he left court why he hired that firm, Weinstein turned to a reporter and said: “For days like this.”

    I can't watch a Weinstein co movie now and not think of this.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  10. #145
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    Weinstein gets 23

    Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in prison in landmark #MeToo case

    Mimi Haley, one of his accusers, said she hoped the sentencing was long enough for the once-powerful Hollywood mogul to acknowledge "what he's done and to be truly sorry."
    March 11, 2020, 8:07 AM PDT / Updated March 11, 2020, 10:38 AM PDT
    By Daniel Arkin, Adam Reiss, Erica Byfield and Daniella Silva

    Harvey Weinstein, who was convicted of rape in a landmark #MeToo trial, remained defiant as he was sentenced to 23 years in prison Wednesday, even as a group representing his accusers said "no amount of jail time will repair the lives he ruined, the careers he destroyed."

    The sentencing was a seminal moment for the #MeToo movement, which sparked a worldwide reckoning on sexual assault and harassment more than two years ago. Weinstein, a once-celebrated Hollywood mogul, said ahead of his sentencing that he was worried about the movement's implication for men and due process.

    A jury convicted Weinstein last month of third-degree rape of Jessica Mann, a former aspiring actress, and a count of criminal sexual act in the first degree against Mimi Haley, a former "Project Runway" production assistant.

    Weinstein was sentenced to 20 years for criminal sexual act in the first degree and three years for rape in the third degree to be served consecutively for assaulting the two women in New York. He was also sentenced to 10 years of post-release supervision for both charges.

    The former producer could have got as little as five years, but the judge's decision was much closer to the maximum 29 years he faced. The judge also said Weinstein must register as a sex offender.

    Arriving in a wheelchair, Weinstein spoke ahead of his sentencing and addressed his role in the #MeToo movement, saying he believed "thousands of men are losing due process" and he was worried about the country.

    He said he had "no great power" in the industry and couldn't "blackball anyone." He said he believed he had legitimate relationships with his accusers.

    He added that he had not seen his children since the first article was published about the allegations against him, which he described as "hell on earth."

    Several of his alleged victims sitting in the front row of the court cried as the judge read the verdict. Weinstein was led out of court immediately after in his wheelchair.

    Ahead of the sentencing, Haley said that Weinstein's assault scarred her deeply, mentally and emotionally, and "crushed a part of her spirit." She said if he were not convicted, she believed he would victimize women "again and again and again."

    Mimi Haley walks into the courtroom for the sentencing of Harvey Weinstein on March 11, 2020 in New York City.Roy Rochlin / Getty Images

    Haley said she hoped the sentencing was long enough for Weinstein to acknowledge "what he's done and to be truly sorry."

    Mann said Weinstein "used his power over the powerless" and her experience was "a recurring nightmare." She asked for him to receive the maximum sentence, calling it accountability for Weinstein.

    "I'm not here to give any more power over to the man who stole my body," she said.

    Lead prosecutor Joan Illuzzi-Orbon also asked for a maximum or a near-maximum sentence Wednesday, saying Weinstein "would never have been stopped from hurting more lives."

    "He has been using and abusing people his whole life," she said.

    Jessica Mann walks into the courthouse for the sentencing of Harvey Weinstein on March 11, 2020 in New York City.Roy Rochlin / Getty Images

    Donna Rotunno, an attorney for Weinstein, said the sentencing in the case was "obscene" and "obnoxious" and "did not speak to the evidence that came out at trial." She said the sentencing was "cowardly" and she was "overcome with anger" at the decision.

    Silence Breakers, a group that represents prominent Weinstein accusers, said after the sentencing that Weinstein's legacy "will always be that he's a convicted rapist."

    "He is going to jail — but no amount of jail time will repair the lives he ruined, the careers he destroyed, or the damage he has caused," the group said.

    Weinstein defiant at sentencing: 'I wasn't about power, I was about making great movies'
    NBC News legal analyst Danny Cevallos said the decision was "effectively a life sentence" and could have implications for his upcoming sex crimes case in California.

    If he were to be convicted in that case, his New York convictions "will be treated as very serious prior convictions," which could lead to harsher sentencing in the second criminal case, Cevallos said.

    Weinstein, 67, faced a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of 25 years on the criminal sexual act count. The third-degree rape count carried a maximum penalty of four years behind bars.

    The former film industry titan has denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex and pleaded not guilty in the New York case. His lawyers have said they will appeal the conviction.

    In a filing last week, prosecutors pressed for a "fair and just punishment" without specifying a prison sentence for Weinstein. They outlined a series of sexual harassment and assault allegations against him, as well as claims of abusive behavior in the workplace.

    The filing said the judge presiding over the case, Judge James Burke of the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan, is permitted by law to "consider all aspects of a defendant's life and characteristics," as well as a "broad spectrum of information" in weighing a sentence. Burke had advised jurors to consider only specific allegations laid out in the formal charges.

    Weinstein's defense attorneys, for their part, requested that he be sentenced to five years. Damon Cheronis, one of the ex-producer's lawyers, argued that his client deserved leniency because of the "collateral consequences" he has faced due to the wave of allegations against him and the New York trial.

    "Weinstein cannot walk outside without being heckled, he has lost his means to earn a living, simply put, his fall from grace has been historic, perhaps unmatched in the age of social media," Cheronis wrote in a letter to Burke.

    Cheronis alluded to his client's "serious, ongoing health concerns." Weinstein, who entered the courthouse most days hunched over a walker, was sent to Bellevue Hospital over concerns about high blood pressure and heart palpitations after his convictions. He was later transferred to an infirmary at the Rikers Island jail.

    In all, more than 80 women have accused the disgraced Oscar-winning producer behind "Pulp Fiction" and "The King's Speech" of sexual assault and harassment going back decades, though the charges were based primarily on allegations from Haley and Mann, who each testified during the trial.

    The flood of allegations against Weinstein, first reported in October 2017 by investigative journalists at The New York Times and The New Yorker, fueled the global reckoning over sexual misconduct by powerful men in entertainment, the news media, finance and other high-profile industries.

    He still also faces a sex crimes case in Los Angeles, where he is charged with raping one woman and sexually assaulting another in separate incidents on two consecutive days in 2013. He has yet to enter a plea in that case.

    The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office is in the process of extraditing Weinstein for arraignment, DA Jackie Lacey announced after the sentencing.

    Daniel Arkin
    Daniel Arkin is a reporter for NBC News.

    Adam Reiss
    Adam Reiss is a reporter and producer for NBC and MSNBC.

    Erica Byfield

    Daniella Silva
    Daniella Silva is a reporter for NBC News, specializing in immigration and inclusion issues, as well as coverage of Latin America.
    Hopefully this will lead to more reckoning.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #146
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    Abruptly shut down

    Between this and what's happening with Alibaba, PRC is making moves...

    APRIL 14, 2021 5:17 AM UPDATED 3 HOURS AGO
    Closure of online feminist groups in China sparks call for women to 'stick together'

    By Reuters Staff

    3 MIN READ

    BEIJING (Reuters) - Several Chinese feminist channels on Douban, a popular social networking forum in China, were abruptly shut this week, triggering online anger and prompting calls for women to “stick together”.

    The sign of Chinese social networking forum Douban is seen under a magnifying glass near a mobile phone displaying the Douban app in this picture illustration taken April 14, 2021. REUTERS/Florence Lo/Illustration
    Douban has closed at least eight feminist channels, citing extremism, and radical political views and ideological content, women’s rights supporter Zhou Xiaoxuan wrote on social media.

    “I firmly support my sisters on Douban, and oppose Douban’s cancellation of feminist channels,” said Zhou, who in 2018 filed a sexual assault suit against a national TV anchor, fuelling China’s #MeToo movement.

    Reuters on Wednesday found that the groups mentioned in Zhou’s post were no longer accessible, though other feminist channels and content existed on Douban - one of China’s earliest online forums with discussion channels on a host of themes.

    Privately owned Douban did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

    The deleted Douban channels included groups with links to the so-called “6B4T” movement, a variant of feminism originating from South Korea that urges women to refrain from relationships with men, reject religion and stop buying products such as a corset that are hostile to the female gender.

    The closures prompted social media users to create new Douban channels in hopes of resurrecting the groups, while the hashtag “women stick together” sprang up on China’s Twitter equivalent, Weibo, garnering almost 50 million views.

    “We should stick together,” one Weibo user wrote. “Otherwise ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ will be our tomorrow.”

    China says it seeks to empower women and protect their rights, but it does not tolerate activities and discourse - online or offline - that it feels could agitate social order or signify defiance to its authority.

    In 2015, authorities arrested five activists, later dubbed the “Feminist Five,” who were planning to demonstrate against sexual harassment on public transport. They were released a month later.

    “Generally, online platforms conclude that the government dislikes feminism, so they tend to restrict feminism,” New York-based feminist activist Lv Pin told Reuters.

    Reporting by Ryan Woo and Colin Qian; Editing by Alison Williams
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  12. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Hopefully this will lead to more reckoning.
    Yeah, I really hope it is. Btw, do you have any info about Jack Ma's right now?

  13. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlypotion View Post
    Btw, do you have any info about Jack Ma's right now?
    I post about Ma here
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #149
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    Kris Wu

    Rapper Kris Wu, One of China’s Biggest Stars, Accused of Sex Abuse
    A 19-year-old former fan's allegations have sparked an enormous outcry in China, while major brands, such as Louis Vuitton and Porsche, responded by cutting ties with the actor-model-singer.


    JULY 19, 2021 7:33PM

    Chinese Canadian rapper turned actor Kris Wu, one of China’s biggest stars, has been dropped by a slew of major brands after he was accused of luring young girls, including teenagers, into having sex with him.

    The allegations have generated a tsunami of social media outcry in China, with many demanding Wu quit the entertainment industry and leave the country for good.

    The controversy began with allegations made by 19-year-old former fan Du Meizhu, who says Wu, 30, lured her to his home when she was just 17 with the promise of an audition, but proceeded to ply her with alcohol and have sex with her after she had blacked out. On Sunday, Du gave an interview with the Chinese internet site NetEase, saying that she knew of at least eight other women — two of whom are minors — who allege similar experiences with Wu. The age of consent in China is 14.

    Wu publicly denied the accusations and said he was filing a defamation suit.

    Wu first rose to fame in Asia as a member of popular K-pop boy band Exo, but he returned to China in 2014 to explore a solo career as a model, singer and actor. He has become one of China’s most bankable stars — a TV variety show staple, the face of dozens of major fashion campaigns in the country, a reasonably popular actor and a successful solo artist. He has appeared in several major Chinese box office hits including Mr. Six (2015) and Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (2017), as well as a few Hollywood films — which were aiming to court the China market — like Vin Diesel’s xXx: Return of Xander Cage and Luc Besson’s megabudget misfire Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

    Chinese tabloid Global Times reported that Wu previously attempted to pay Du about 500,000 yuan ($77,166) to stay quiet with her story. The 19-year-old has since begun repaying the funds and stated that she wishes to pursue legal proceedings against Wu.

    As of Sunday evening, Global Times said, the topic “NetEase interview with Du Meizhu” had been viewed over 1.66 billion times on China’s Twitter-like social media service Weibo. On the service’s entertainment hotlist, eight of the top 10 searches were related to Wu.

    As one of China’s most visible celebrities, Wu is the face of scores of brands in the country, including Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Porsche, Lancôme, L’Oréal, Kans, Master Kong Iced Tea, Tuborg Brewery, household cleaning products maker Liby, kitchen appliances manufacturer Vatti, streaming platform Tencent Video and Tencent video game King of Glory.

    By Sunday, nearly all of the Chinese brands had dropped him and many of the international companies had begun to distance themselves.

    Louis Vuitton issued a brief statement Monday evening on Weibo, saying that it “takes the allegations against Kris Wu very seriously and has suspended its relationship with Kris Wu until the outcome of the judicial investigation is known.” Bulgari and Porsche also have since cut ties.

    On Monday, Wu made his first statement in response to the allegations, writing on Weibo: “I didn’t respond earlier because I didn’t want to interfere with judicial proceedings … but I cannot bear it anymore.” He said he had met Du once at a friend’s party but denied the other details of her account. “If I’ve done any of the things [she claims], I will take myself to jail,” he added.
    Didn't know the age of consent was 14.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #150
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    Wonder what happens to Wu's endorsements now?

    Chinese Police Say Man Confessed to Defrauding Chinese Rapper Kris Wu in Sex Scandal
    The announcement from the Beijing police added a bizarre twist to a scandal that cost Wu endorsement contracts with brands including Porsche and Bulgari.


    JULY 22, 2021 9:22PM

    A man has confessed to defrauding a Chinese-Canadian pop singer, Kris Wu, over a teenager’s accusation he had sex with her when she was drunk, Beijing police said Thursday.

    The announcement added a bizarre twist to a scandal that cost Wu endorsement contracts with brands including Porsche and Bulgari. The former member of Korean boy band EXO has denied the accusation, which prompted an outpouring of support for the woman online and criticism of Wu.

    A man who saw rumors about the incident online contacted the woman in June and obtained information that allowed him to pretend to be her lawyer, police said in a statement. It gave no indication the woman was accused of taking part in the fraud.

    The man talked Wu’s mother into sending the woman 500,000 yuan ($77,000) and then, pretending to be Wu’s lawyer, tried to persuade the woman to send the money to him, the statement said. It said he tried unsuccessfully to obtain an additional 2.5 million yuan ($390,000) from the family.

    The man, identified only by the surname Liu, was arrested Sunday in Nantong, near Shanghai, after the singer’s mother complained to police that the family had been defrauded, according to the Beijing Public Security Bureau statement. It said he confessed.

    The woman had been quoted by the internet portal NetEase as saying Wu encouraged her to drink too much at a party in December and she woke up in his bed. In a statement on his social media account, Wu said he met the woman but denied encouraging her to drink and said other parts of her account didn’t happen.

    The woman was quoted as saying other women told her Wu seduced them with promises of jobs and other opportunities.

    Police are investigating allegations Wu “repeatedly deceived young women into sexual relations,” the police statement said.

    Brands cut ties with Wu the day after the NetEase report, reflecting their sensitivity to public opinion after the ruling Communist Party stirred up anger at shoe and clothing brands in retaliation for Western reports of human rights abuses in the mostly Muslim region of Xinjiang in the northwest.

    Wu, known in Chinese as Wu Yi Fan, grew up in Guangzhou in southern China and in Vancouver, British Columbia. He performed with EXO in 2012-14 and then launched a solo career.

    As an actor, he appeared in 2017′s XXX: Return of Xander Cage and two Chinese box office successes, Mr. Six and Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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