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Thread: #metoo (An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch)

  1. #46
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    Thanks for contributing, Matt. I very much agree.

    And Gene, I am now seeing that the whole sexual harassment/rape/molestation thing IS worse in politics than anywhere else. Where else can someone (Moore) be a serial sexual harasser and/or pedophile and have a majority/extremely high percentage of colleagues (in the same political party) and constituents still fully supporting him? "He says he didn't do it, so I believe him." Of course. What else is he going to say? "I did do it, but you should still vote for me."

    Nowadays, people put the blinders on, as long as the accused is 'their man' or in their political party. Let it be anyone else, and it's "Let 'em burn in hell!"

    And there have been sexual assault accusations against Trump since long before he ever became a presidential candidate. But while Teflon Don is always quick to point the finger at others who are accused, he himself always gets a pass. It's gotten to the point of absurdity, and would actually be funny if it weren't so real. Trump now says that wasn't his voice on the tape with Billy Bush, even though he already admitted it was him last year. And his hard-core supporters believe him regardless. One thing Trump said IS true: Trump could walk up to some random person in New York City and shoot him openly in plain sight, and his supporters would still love him. Now change that scenario to him sexually assaulting any woman.

    At least Hollywood is taking this seriously and serious actions are starting to be taken. Even though I believe it comes from a monetary motive instead of a moral/ethical one. Hollywood is the epitome of artificial self-righteousness.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 12-06-2017 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #47
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    Jan 1970
    Could all be a dog and pony show to get people worked up and finally oust trump for his multiple acts of sexual harassment?
    I mean, that's an out there idea, but I've seen examples of CIA crazy moves in the past especially when they get in bed with the pentagon and have an idea.
    There is also a surprising amount of people who really don't care about it and there is a huge spectrum of what is being labeled as harassment.
    No actual criminal charges per se either. Lot's of emotional stuff though. Weird. Not to diminish sexual assault victims either, because I think that's being done by those who are making accusations over innuendo from 30 years ago. It seems the train is being used to force old congressmen out of office who can't even remember the events but they leave anyway because they are too old and too tired to deal with it.

    The Taylor Swift way was the most transparent I think. It was immediate and resolved in court. Boom! Not sure how trial by public humiliation is even allowed to become a thing.

    Also, does anyone else notice that Trump is almost never in the Oval office anymore? He's always in the dining room surrounded by others in his admin etc.
    I think they are keeping him on a super short leash and trying to stuff as much in their pockets as they can before they dump him, force him to resign or drag him out in cuffs.

    Let's get some popcorn and see what happens?
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #48

    Grabbing them by the Pusheeee.....


    David Jamieson may be on to something. The real agenda to Occupy Wall Street was to prevent a second Obama term. Could the funk that is being generated/orchestrated throughout the media really about preventing a second term of Trump?? I mean, since when does the media cut off it's arm, in this case d!ck, without being able to grow another one?


  4. #49
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Gotta hand it to TIME for their 2017 Person of the Year...

    ...should we post that article? Well, here's a link: THE SILENCE BREAKERS

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    And Gene, I am now seeing that the whole sexual harassment/rape/molestation thing IS worse in politics than anywhere else. Where else can someone (Moore) be a serial sexual harasser and/or pedophile and have a majority/extremely high percentage of colleagues (in the same political party) and constituents still fully supporting him? "He says he didn't do it, so I believe him." Of course. What else is he going to say? "I did do it, but you should still vote for me."
    Right?! And they said it was gay marriage that was going to lead to pedophilia.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    The Taylor Swift way was the most transparent I think. It was immediate and resolved in court. Boom! Not sure how trial by public humiliation is even allowed to become a thing.
    OK, confession time. I'm a T-swizzle fan.
    I moonlight in the concert industry, and she puts on a great show. Plus she really won me over with her Bad Blood video. And her testimony seals it:

    Taylor Swift’s Best Comebacks During Her Cross-Examination at Her Sexual-Assault Trial
    By Jordan Crucchiola

    Swift. Photo: Bruce Glikas/Bruce Glikas/Getty Images

    The day after Taylor Swift’s mom told the court that she wanted to “vomit and cry” upon learning about her daughter’s alleged groping at the hands of a radio DJ named David Mueller during a meet and greet, Swift herself took the stand to testify at the trial — which is a countersuit, as Mueller sued Swift first over her groping allegations, which allegedly led to him losing his job. But while her mom reportedly became emotional giving testimony about the 2013 incident, it sounds like Swift stayed beyond cool during her time on the stand, taking any chance she could to cut the opposition attorney, Gabe McFarland, down to size. Leaving behind any formalities like “sir,” Swift simply called Mueller’s attorney Gabe, and delivered a series of what can only be described as dry one-liners in response to some of his questions. Let’s take stock of these responses, shall we?

    * After the alleged incident, Swift continued her meet and greet despite feeling stunned, because she says she didn’t want other fans to know what had happened. When Mueller’s attorney told Swift she could have taken a break if she was feeling so truly distressed, she shot back with, “And your client could have taken a normal photo with me.”

    * McFarland also tried to redirect accountability to Swift’s bodyguard, who he said could have reacted to protect her if an assault really did occur. She reminded McFarland that her bodyguard, Greg Dent, is not the one who supposedly assaulted her, saying, “I’m critical of your client sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my ass.”

    * Upon referring to the photo of Mueller and Swift from the night in question, McFarland told Swift that there is nothing visibly inappropriate going on. Swift, however, did not leave her media blackout or one of her many homes she owns in the United States to be gaslighted in Denver. “Gabe, this is a photo of him with his hand up my skirt — with his hand on my ass,” she told him. “You can ask me a million questions — I’m never going to say anything different. I never have said anything different.”

    * Further using the photo as evidence of no wrongdoing, McFarland told Swift that the front of her skirt showed no signs of displacement. Swift came through with the facts for him: “Because my ass is located in the back of my body.”

    * Mueller attended the meet and greet with his then-girlfriend, Shannon Melcher. McFarland pointed out to Swift that she was closer to Melcher than Mueller in the photo, at which point she reminded McFarland that no, she’s not confused about which hand might have been “latched” onto her: “Yes, she did not have her hand on my ass.”

    * When the lawyer asked how Swift felt about Mueller losing his job at a radio station following their encounter: “I’m not going to allow you or your client make me feel in any way that this is my fault,” Swift said. “Here we are years later, and I’m being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are the product of his decisions — not mine.”

    * Swift’s best response may have come when she explained why no one else saw Mueller grabbing what Swift called “a handful of my ass.” Swift with the logistics: “The only person who would have a direct eye line is someone laying underneath my skirt and we didn’t have anyone positioned there.”

    * This whole thing started because in 2015, Mueller sued Swift for millions of dollars in compensation for the loss of his job and damage to his reputation following the alleged assault. Mueller claims Swift’s team slandered him to his former employer, and therefore got him fired. At that point Swift countersued for sexual assault, seeking literally $1 in damages, and she asserts neither she nor her team are responsible for his termination. When McFarland asked Swift if she thinks Mueller got what he deserved, she said this: “I don’t feel anything about Mr. Mueller. I don’t know him.”

    Gabe clearly did not do his research before cross-examination, otherwise he would have known that Taylor Swift is the master of shady comebacks — after all, she did release her entire, long-awaited catalogue onto Spotify the same day Katy Perry released her latest album. Taylor doesn’t come to play, ever.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #50
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    David and mickey:

    Or it could be that Trump is a "useful idiot" being used by the real power behind the scenes to pass agendas that otherwise would have had far more opposition from the mainstream public. Since Trump has so many @ss-kissers in government and worshippers among his supporters, to them, nothing he does can be wrong. If Trump were to say, "I want someone to literally kiss my @ss," his cabinet would be jostling and shoving each other out of the way, hands raised, all yelling, "Mr. President, Sir! Let me be the one!" Then Paul Ryan would apply Chapstick and say, "I 've got first dibs! Mr. President, exactly how would you like that @ss kiss, Sir?"
    Last edited by Jimbo; 12-07-2017 at 01:20 PM.

  6. #51
    Greetings Jimbo,

    The one thing that I can say about Trump is that he is NOT on the inside track with anyone. There has been continued concerted effort to control him from within the government and to control perceptions of him through media. These guys are NOT his friends at all. His stand on human trafficking probably sent a rippled gasp to those powered elite that eventually found its way to Hollywood.


  7. #52


    Two weeks before you started this thread, I was going to start a thread on Stanley Kubrik's "Eyes Wide Shut" that softly dealt with mind control and s3xual programming, a la MK- Ultra, for the power elite worldwide. When I saw your thread, I realized that the energies are hitting us similarly. The damage control that is being played out is in keeping the public from seeing just how deep this matter goes. It is very deep. And if it can be directed against President Trump in a way that dethrones him and gives them a chance to breathe again, Great! This problem is not the deepest in Hollywood. It is global.

    Last edited by mickey; 12-07-2017 at 08:24 PM.

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post


    Two weeks before you started this thread, I was going to start a thread on Stanley Kubrik's "Eyes Wide Shut" that softly dealt with mind control and s3xual programming, a la MK- Ultra, for the power elite worldwide. When I saw your thread, I realized that the energies are hitting us similarly. The damage control that is being played out is in keeping the public from seeing just how deep this matter goes. It is very deep. And if it can be directed against President Trump in a way that dethrones him and gives them a chance to breath again, Great! This problem is not the deepest in Hollywood. It is global.

    Thanks, mickey!

    I do agree that this stuff goes WAAAAAYYY deeper and much higher than people are aware of. TBH, I wasn't sure I was ready to breach the subject that Eyes Wide Shut was trying to portray. As you say, it was dealt with softly, as I'm certain the reality is much worse than the movie.

    Bringing it back to a Hollywood example, I've often considered the extremely bizarre, over-the-top behavior/meltdowns of many of the former Disney child stars. Are their extreme meltdowns a result of more than the pressures of fame/public life/recreational drugs? Such as some type of programming breaking down?

    OTOH, even if Trump isn't on the inside track in Washington, it's a mistake to say that Trump isn't one of the elites. The difference is he OPENLY lacks empathy, impulse control, and is OPENLY narcissistic in the extreme. These and others of his traits clearly mark Trump as a sociopath or psychopath. Many others with those very same traits might be better at giving the outward appearance of 'normalcy' (i.e., faking it), like most(?) of the other presidents and world leaders. And anyone higher up behind the scenes doesn't have to worry about how they appear to the public, exactly because they stay behind the scenes.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 12-07-2017 at 05:53 PM.

  9. #54

    Grabbing Them By The Pushee Part II

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    it's a mistake to say that Trump isn't one of the elites....... Many others with those very same traits might be better at giving the outward appearance of 'normalcy' (i.e., faking it), like most(?) of the other presidents and world leaders.

    When the recording of then Donald Trump was made public, it was obvious (to me, at least) he was talking about the world that Kubrik softly alluded to, a world of seggual submissives. Clearly, he had opportunity to be a part of the elite and he turned it down. People were shocked at what he said during that recording; yet no one in government nor media expressed shock at what he was seeing (eyes wide shut). I believe his stand on human trafficking had a lot to do with what he saw at that function and it was his way of driving a stake back into the hearts and giblets of the people who were/are trying so hard to take him down. He knows how to fight.

    When it comes to media presence. Most politicians have had time to think about certain events it because they get the news a few days before the general public does. It appears that President Trump has not been given that courtesy and receives the info when the general public receives it, making him appear completely unpolished.

    Jimbo, if you have a moment, close your eyes and simply listen and visualize what he is seeing during that infamous recording. It is hard hitting. When I first heard the recording, I went, "My God! That world is real!"

    Last edited by mickey; 12-07-2017 at 08:22 PM.

  10. #55
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    I don't know, mickey. When I heard that recording, I wasn't shocked at all. All I heard was that Trump thinks he can do anything to anyone he wants to because he's a 'celebrity'. I did not see it as him alluding to some 'Eyes Wide Shut' scenario.

    IMO, the people in power at all levels are pretty much all bad guys (and gals). If they hadn't wanted Trump to win, he would not have won, regardless of votes (which he supposedly lost the 'popular vote', anyway). Not that Hillary would have been any good; she's one of them. That doesn't make Trump a hero, though. He only does something if it's to benefit himself, his bank account, or his ego. Even if he's not really a part of 'the club', Trump is definitely a part of other 'clubs'.

  11. #56
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    Last night I looked around on YouTube for a video that gives a good, general overview of the hidden depravity of Hollywood. If anyone is interested in exploring this further, I strongly recommend checking out these videos:

    Hollywood Exposed (The Banned Documentary) Part 1

    Hollywood Exposed (The Banned Documentary) Part 2

    Ignoring the brief interruption during Part 1, in which the guy who compiled the various clips asks for people to subscribe, these are disturbing in the extreme, and I'm certain extend FAR beyond the Hollywood entertainment industry. IMO, this brief, 2-part documentary comes the closest to revealing the depths of the depravity in its various forms. And mickey: Eyes Wide Shut and Stanley Kubrick are mentioned in the second part.


    I did NOT embed or include links to these videos because I don't know if some of the content is appropriate to be posted here, even in THIS thread. Plus, I didn't WANT them directly linked. Also...when I watched them last night, I felt physically (and energetically) uncomfortable (slightly nauseated). Even having had some awareness of these things already, to see them talked about so graphically on video; in particular, the accounts from alleged eyewitnesses, plus some of the footage, insured that, although IMO this is important info on the subject, I will not be watching them again.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 12-08-2017 at 11:27 AM.

  12. #57
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    Bey Logan

    Crap. I've known Bey for over a quarter century. We've done some business and corresponded for years. I've never met him face to face. Anyone in the business of HK film knows Bey. He's been an important figure there for years. I really hope these accusations aren't true.

    Harvey Weinstein’s Hong Kong Associate Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Multiple Women (Report)
    4:48 PM PST 12/12/2017 by THR Staff

    Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images
    Bey Logan

    Bey Logan, who worked as Asia vp at The Weinstein Co. from 2005 to 2009, has been accused by seven women of sexually inappropriate behavior according to a local investigative news report.
    Bey Logan, a former Hong Kong-based Weinstein Co. vp and close associate of Harvey Weinstein, has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.

    In an exposé from Hong Kong investigative news site HK01 published on Wednesday morning local time, seven women accuse Logan of sexually inappropriate behavior. The Logan report is part of a three-part investigation by writer Selina Cheng on sexual harassment in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

    A British-born martial-arts enthusiast, Logan moved to Asia in the 1990s in the hopes of breaking into the Hong Kong film industry. Logan worked on a number of local films in the 2000s, before working for TWC from 2005 to 2009 as Asia vp. Since 2009, Logan has worked sporadically with Weinstein, co-producing 2016's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of Destiny, and has often accompanied the producer on his visits to Hong Kong, Beijing and other Asian cities.

    Among the seven women making allegations against Logan is Indonesian-Chinese former actress Sable Yu, who starred in the unfinished Logan-helmed film Snowblade.

    In 2011, Yu was the lead actress in Snowblade, a genre film involving "martial arts, violence, and nudity," according to Logan's own description in a written statement sent to HK01. Yu tells HK01 in an on-camera interview that Logan made her strip to her underwear on a daily basis so that he could inspect her body "for whether or not she had gained weight," apparently due to the amount of nudity the film required.

    On another occasion, Yu tells of a time Logan tweaked her nipple in front of the whole crew, an act that made her "livid." "This is very degrading to a woman," Yu says of the incident. "I felt that somebody literally threw **** in my face."

    Yu tells HK01 that Logan, whose wife is a lawyer, habitually threatened her with legal action when she tried to quit the film due to the psychological pressure.

    Logan apparently also exposed himself and more to Yu, she says. Yu recounts that once when the two of them were in an office alone, Logan told her that he was having an erection, and asked her, "Do you want to see my big dick?" After she declined, he proceeded to take out his ***** and grabbed her hand to touch it. "Do you want it?" he asked again, to which she also refused. Yu told HK01 that because she thought at the time it did not count as a serious violation of her body, she did not resist more vigorously.

    Hong Kong-based writer and producer Joe Fiorello corroborates to HK01 that Yu told him at the time about her concerns about the amount of nudity in Snowblade, as well as the nipple-tweaking and exposure incidents.

    Yu also told HK01 that she was traumatized by the Snowblade experience and that she's still seeking help from both a psychologist and a psychiatrist to this day.

    Yu was not alone. The HK01 report includes six other women who reveal their encounters with Logan that veered toward either the sexually inappropriate or direct harassment. One of them, an Australian-Chinese actress based in Beijing who chose to remain anonymous, said she worked as Logan's interpreter on the set of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of Destiny in the Chinese capital in 2015. After a 20-hour day working on the Great Wall of China, Logan offered up his hotel room to the actress for a short rest, as she was not allocated one due to her Beijing residence.

    The actress recalls being woken up by Logan's presence in the bed. He then kissed her, tried to take off her clothes and put his head between her legs. She pushed him away and stopped him. "He wanted to perform oral sex on me, and took off my underwear," she tells HK01. "I said, 'no, don't do that.'" She said she felt his erection, and he told her, "I need something." The actress says she immediately left the hotel after saying no to Logan.

    Another woman, who also wished to keep her identity private, and who also experienced an "unpleasant" meeting with Harvey Weinstein, tells of the time when she and Logan were on location in Foshan, China. The women tells HK01 that Logan forcibly kissed her and pinned her down on the bed in her hotel room. She eventually escaped by answering a phone call.

    After the main investor of Logan's Snowblade pulled out in 2011, the project was halted and left unfinished. However, from 2012 until early 2017, Logan continued to host casting sessions for the female lead of the film. Allegedly, according to five women who attended the casting sessions and who spoke with HK01, he would often ask them to be half or fully nude.

    When pressed about these allegations, Logan said in a telephone interview with HK01, "I definitely never forced myself on anybody, never had to force myself on anybody."

    He added: "The complaints that you have… is the things that I tried to do, rather than anything that actually happened."

    In the same telephone interview, Logan described Yu as "crazy" and that he had "too many girlfriends." "I had consensual relationships with girls who perhaps fell in love with me and, you know, I wasn't being serious, that kind of thing, which I think is quite common," he said.

    "That is something in my own heart I have to atone for," he added.

    In a later written statement to HK01, Logan wrote: "I regret that any actions I might have taken could have caused distress to anyone. I was insensitive because my position and the industry's culture had allowed me to consider my behavior then acceptable."

    Logan also wrote that "most of the accusations now made and elicited in this article are either untrue or taken out of context... I categorically deny any criminal wrongdoing," he wrote.

    "I will now step back and take time to reflect on my behaviour and the values which I should uphold," he added.
    Thread: An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch
    Thread: An old Bey Logan interview with Chan Wai Man (copying this here because it's the only thread with Bey's name in the title, but I'll update on the Open Secret thread).
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #58
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    More on Bey Logan

    Here's a link to Bey's statement that he issued on Facebook last night.

    It's all over the press now.

    BY CHRISTINA ZHAO ON 12/13/17 AT 9:57 AM

    Seven women in Hong Kong have accused Bey Logan, a close friend of Harvey Weinstein and former Asia vice-president of The Weinstein Company, of sexual harassment.

    The allegations against Logan, who Weinstein has described as his “friend and colleague,” were revealed in three investigative reports published by HK01 magazine.

    Bey Logan pictured with some friends. The Hong Kong-based film producer, who was close friends with Harvey Weinstein has been accused by seven actresses in Hong Kong of sexual misconduct.

    The report details the accusations of seven Asian actresses, including Sable Yu, who starred in Snowblade, an unfinished film that was backed by Logan.

    Among the allegations, Yu claims Logan touched her breast on set in front of a film crew. “This is very degrading to a woman,” Yu said. “I felt that somebody literally threw **** in my face.” The actress added that the executive threatened her with legal action when she tried to quit the film.

    Yu also told HK10 that Logan made her strip to her underwear on a daily basis so that he could inspect her body while filming Snowblade in 2011. The report described an incident in Logan’s office, where he asked Yu if she wanted to see his *****. “He took his [*****] out and grabbed my hand to hold his [*****],” she in an interview.

    Another unnamed actress, said Logan sent her to Weinstein’s room at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, when the disgraced media mogul was in town to talk about starring in an Asian version of “Project Runway”. Sexual advances were then made by Weinstein inside the room, it is claimed.

    Harvey Weinstein attends the Middle East International Film Festival in Abu Dhabi on October 15, 2007.

    The HK01 report also contained various other accounts by actresses who had experienced similar harassment. One described being asked to go to castings naked and another claimed Logan had “forcibly kissed her and pinned her down on the bed” in a hotel room.

    “Over the years of my adult life, I have made advances to women. Sometimes they were rebuffed and sometimes they were reciprocated. I have had a too-carefree attitude towards physical encounters with women. I have made inappropriate comments lightheartedly or after a few drinks,” Logan said in a statement on his Facebook page.

    “I now see I was wrong and I have made mistakes for which I can’t forgive myself, and must live with them. I regret that any action I might have taken could have caused distress to anyone.

    “I was insensitive because my position and the industry’s culture had allowed me to consider my behaviour then acceptable.” he added.

    Bey Logan
    4 hours ago
    Regarding accusations made against me and covered by a recent article. At the time when the reporter confronted me, I was shocked and uttered responses off the record which come across as defiant and defensive. I apologize for the same. I have given my written statement and take this opportunity to express my regret for the hurt and embarrassment caused to my family and friends. My wife and I have separated, and I sincerely ask that the family's privacy be respected during this difficult time. Bey

    關於近日對我提出指控的一篇報導。當有關記者對我提出質詢時,我感到震驚。在認為是不作紀錄下,我說了些魯 莽冒昧的駁辯。對此我鄭重的道歉。我已經發表了書面聲明,並藉此機會對我的家人和朋友做成的傷害和尷尬表示 遺憾。我和妻子已經分開,我真誠地請求各位,在這個困難時期,尊重我家庭的隱私。 Bey
    Since leaving the Weinstein Company in 2009, Logan has continued to work with Weinstein on various projects. The two friends co-produced Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny in 2016 and often met up when Weinstein visited Hong Kong, China and other Asian cities.

    No compaint to police has so far been made regarding the allegations.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #59
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    One more on Bey Logan today until there's more developments

    Harvey Weinstein’s Hong Kong associate Bey Logan accused of sexual misconduct
    British-born martial arts enthusiast insists he never forced himself on women, and has expressed regret for any action that may have hurt others

    PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 13 December, 2017, 6:05pm
    UPDATED : Wednesday, 13 December, 2017, 11:25pm
    Niall Fraser

    Hong Kong has become embroiled in the Harvey Weinstein sex abuse scandal after multiple women alleged they were victims of sexual misconduct by an associate and former top executive of the Hollywood mogul’s operation in the city.

    British-born martial arts enthusiast Bey Logan, a former Asia vice-president of The Weinstein Company, has been accused of “inappropriate behaviour” by seven women, including Indonesian-Chinese former actress Sable Yu, who starred in the unfinished Logan-helmed film Snowblade.

    The Post understands that Weinstein himself – who visited Hong Kong regularly for business over a number of years – has so far not been the subject of any direct accusations of sexual misconduct by women in the city or the wider Asian film industry.

    Among the allegations are claims that Logan touched Yu’s breast in front of a whole film crew and that the executive – who worked for The Weinstein Company from 2005 to 2009 – “habitually threatened” her with legal action when she tried to quit the film due to psychological pressure.

    Responding to reports published on Wednesday in the Hollywood Reporter and a local Hong Kong news website, Logan, who had earlier issued a statement expressing regret for his actions, told the Post: “At the time I was confronted with the accusations, I was shocked and uttered responses off the record which came across as defiant and defensive. I apologise for the same.

    “I have given my written statement and take this opportunity to express my regret for the hurt and embarrassment caused to my family and friends.”

    None of the allegations made so far have been reported to the police or any other law enforcement agency.

    Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been embroiled in multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. Photo: Reuters

    Logan, who considers Weinstein a “friend and mentor”, is also understood to have communicated with the producer in recent days regarding the accusations he now faces.

    The former executive is also believed to have spoken to Weinstein when allegations of sexual misconduct first emerged against the movie mogul. The scandal later sparked a full-blown international movement by men and women claiming to be victims of sexual misconduct by film stars, producers and studio executives, under the “Me Too” social media campaign.

    The extent of Weinstein’s links to Hong Kong and Asia were illustrated earlier this year when a eulogy he wrote following the death of prominent entrepreneur and socialite David Tang was published in the Financial Times.

    In the opening lines of that piece Weinstein, referring to Logan by name, wrote: “When I first went to Hong Kong 25 years ago, I came as a lover of Hong Kong cinema, especially martial arts movies. I met my friend and colleague, Bey Logan, who is a walking encyclopaedia of that genre.

    “I also met many other incredible people like Jackie Chan, John Woo, and the great producer Peter Lam. It was just an extraordinary group, but of all these people, no one stood out more than Sir David Tang (who wasn’t a ‘Sir’ at the time).”

    Since 2009, Logan has worked sporadically with Weinstein, co-producing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny in 2016. He often accompanied the producer on his visits to Hong Kong, Beijing and other Asian cities.

    A Facebook picture of Bey Logan with actress Sable Yu on the set of Snowblade.

    Sable Yu told the news website HK01 that when she was the lead actress in Snowblade, a film involving “martial arts, violence, and nudity,” Logan made her strip to her underwear on a daily basis so that he could inspect her body “for whether she had gained weight”.

    On another occasion, Yu claims Logan tweaked her nipple in front of the whole crew, an act that made her “livid”. “This is very degrading to a woman,” Yu said. “I felt that somebody literally threw s**t in my face.”

    Yu also alleged that Logan, whose wife is a lawyer, habitually threatened her with legal action when she tried to quit the film due to the psychological pressure.

    Logan is also accused of “exposing himself” and Yu said she was traumatised by the Snowblade experience and was still seeking psychological help.

    Allegations of sexual misconduct were made by six other women cited by the website, including an anonymous Australian-Chinese actress based in Beijing, who said she worked as Logan’s interpreter on the set of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drago n: Sword of Destiny in the Chinese capital in 2015, and was the subject of explicit advances by him in a hotel room.

    Another woman, also unidentified, was said to have experienced an “unpleasant” meeting with Harvey Weinstein, and claimed that Logan had “forcibly kissed her and pinned her down on the bed” in her hotel room. She eventually escaped by answering a phone call.

    A separate allegation involved casting sessions in which women were required to be either half-naked or fully nude.

    Addressing the reports, Logan told the website: “I definitely never forced myself on anybody, never had to force myself on anybody”, adding: “The complaints that you have … [are] the things that I tried to do, rather than anything that actually happened.”

    In a later written statement Logan gave to the Post, he said: “Over the years of my adult life, I have made advances to women.

    “Sometimes they were rebuffed and sometimes they were reciprocated. I have had a too-carefree attitude towards physical encounters with women. I have made inappropriate comments lightheartedly or after a few drinks.
    I have had a too-carefree attitude towards physical encounters with women ... I have made mistakes for which I can’t forgive myself BEY LOGAN
    “I now see I was wrong and I have made mistakes for which I can’t forgive myself, and must live with them. I regret that any action I might have taken could have caused distress to anyone.

    “I was insensitive because my position and the industry’s culture had allowed me to consider my behaviour then acceptable.”

    On Weinstein himself, Logan said: “Like everyone else who worked at or with The Weinstein Company, I have been shocked at the alleged behaviour of Harvey Weinstein towards women. “Throughout the years I have known Harvey, I have not witnessed, nor did anyone describe to me any details of, alleged sexual assaults.

    “Looking back, I should have been more vigilant and could have done more to protect the women who were placed in a vulnerable situation.”

    Logan added that he wanted to “take this opportunity to express my regret for the hurt and embarrassment caused to my family and friends”.

    This is just to include this on the Busted Martial Artists thread but I'll be monitor it on the Open Secret: Hollywood thread.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    I remember Bey Logan from way back when he was editor of the U.K. publication Combat Magazine, around the late '80s/early '90s. A British friend of mine in Taiwan gave me a bunch of the magazines that a friend back home had sent to him. IIRC, Logan was also in some extra features on some of the Dragon Dynasty (Weinstein Co.) Shaw Brothers releases.

    I can't say I'm really surprised. He sounds like that category of entitled Westerners with yellow fever who go over there thinking they can do whatever they want, because Asian women are more 'submissive' to white men (which, if you know anything, is mostly a stereotypical myth; many Westerners find out the hard way). Would Bey Logan have tried that with a non-East Asian woman back in the U.K.? I'm betting probably not.

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