演员计春华病逝享年57岁 曾演《少林寺》秃鹰
2018.07.11 13:39:37娱乐综合
摘要: 我国优秀运动员、武打明星、少林寺电影中扮秃鹰的计春华同志于上午10:37逝世,享年57岁 。

据都市快报报道,我国优秀运动员、武打明星、少林寺电影中扮秃鹰的计春华同志于上午10:37逝世,享年5 7岁。计春华,1961年7月20日出生于浙江杭州。1982年,出演张鑫炎执导电影《少林寺》中秃鹰一角 被观众所熟识。
goog trans:
Actor Ji Chunhua died at the age of 57. He played "Shaolin Temple" vulture
2018.07.11 13:39:37 Entertainment Comprehensive
Abstract: Comrade Ji Chunhua, a veteran athlete, a martial arts star, and a Shaolin Temple movie in China, died at 10:37 am at the age of 57.
Ji Chunhua
Ji Chunhua
According to the Metropolitan Express, comrade Ji Chunhua, a top athlete in China, a martial arts star, and a Shaolin Temple movie, died at 10:37 am, at the age of 57. Ji Chunhua was born on July 20, 1961 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In 1982, the corner of the vulture in Zhang Xinyan's directed film "Shaolin Temple" was familiar to the audience.
Ji Chunhua was our SEP+OCT 2015 cover master