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Thread: Training for Movies

  1. #1
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    Training for Movies

    I'm seeing more and more articles on workout regimens for actors preparing for action movie roles so I'm starting this Training for Movies thread to see where it goes with John Wick: Chapter 3: Parabellum. It'll be akin to our Celebrities studying martial arts? thread, but not necessarily martial.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
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    The next Bruce Lee indeed...

    ...we'll see about that.

    There are some nested vids that I couldn't copy&paste easily so follow the link if you don't know what these exercises are, you can see more demos. The more common ones had little .gif files which were easy to transfer here.

    How to Train Like Mike Moh, The Next Bruce Lee
    Moh plays Bruce Lee in Quentin Tarantino's new movie. Here, he explains how to get ripped like the martial arts legend

    Mike Moh was a teenager when he started practising martial arts. After a misspent youth spent imitating the Power Rangers, the Ninja Turtles and, of course, Bruce Lee, it seemed like the obvious thing to do, but little did Moh know that one day his childhood obsession would lead him to bagging the role of his hero on the big screen.

    No, Moh isn't about to don a turtle suit to play Rafael, he's the actor tasked with playing Bruce Lee in this summer's new Quentin Tarantino flick, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Being a fifth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, he certainly has the credentials to play the part, but if all it took play Bruce Lee was being good at martial arts almost anyone could do it. “I had to get really deep into not only who Bruce was, but how he ate and how he trained,” says Moh. And he had to do all that in just three months.

    To become Bruce Lee, Moh didn't call a celebrity trainer or just hit the gym and start benching. Instead, he studied Lee's martial arts training techniques and used his own knowledge of fighting to mimic Lee's workouts.

    For starters, Lee was a big fan of boxing, so Moh starts every workout with skipping. "Jumping rope is going to get your nerves and your joints and your muscles warmed up," Moh says. "It’s also going to help with your timing and your footwork.”

    Lee was also famous for his one-finger pushups. Moh doesn't touch those, but he does do standard pushups, archer pushups, and Superman pushups to prep to play the master.

    But, at the end of the day, you can only really play Bruce Lee if you have a set of abs rippling just below the surface. So Moh has incorporated hanging leg raises and windshield wipers into his workout to achieve the correct look.

    Moh finishes his workout by honing his hard-earned martial arts techniques with punches and kicks — and focusing on control. Brad Pitt is also in the movie, and the last thing Moh wanted to do was hurt his co-star. “For filming, we had to make sure that I was not only looking powerful and fast like Bruce himself, but also that my kicks were one-hundred percent controlled," he says. "The last thing I wanted to do was break Mr. Pitt’s ribs.”

    Before he's done, Moh wraps up the workout with some old-school conditioning, in the shape of 3 sets of burpees. However, he throws in backflips after several of his burpees. We did say he was inspired by the Power Rangers too, right?


    Mike Moh's Bruce-Lee-Inspired Workout
    by Men's Health UK

    Skipping, 100 reps
    Grab the rope at both ends
    Use your wrists to flick it round your body, jumping to clear the rope as it hits the ground
    Make the move more intense with double unders – letting the rope pass round your twice for every jump

    Standard Pushup, 30 reps
    Set up with your weight supported on your toes and hands beneath your shoulders, body straight.
    Take care to keep your core locked so a straight line forms between your head, glutes and heels.
    Lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground then explosively drive up by fully extending your arms.
    Isometric press-up wipers

    Archer Pushup, 20 Reps
    Get into a press-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
    Shift your body weight to one side, flexing the elbow on that side to lower your body until your chest almost brushes the floor.
    Push yourself back up to the start position and repeat on the other side.

    Superman Pushup, 10 reps
    Get down into a press-up position with your hands placed shoulder-width apart.
    Lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground then explosively drive up elevatig your whole body above the floor.
    While in mid-air extand your arms and legs out to your sides before returning to the centre to land softly with flexed elbows.
    Continue the downwards momentum into your next rep.

    Hanging Leg Raise, 20 reps
    Grab a pull-up bar and lower yourself into a dead hang.
    Let your legs straighten and pull your pelvis back slightly.
    Tense your core and raise your legs until your thighs are perpendicular to your torso.
    Hold then lower slowly back to the starting position.

    Windshield Wipers, 10 reps
    Holding a barbell or kettlebell or dumbbell above you, or while gripping a pull-up bar, keep your legs together and as straight as possible
    Raise your legs until they are parallel with the floor; then, maintaining this angle, bring your torso up to parallel with the floor.
    Your legs, still forming a 90-degree angle with your torso, should now be perpendicular to the floor. This is your starting position.
    From this position, keep your core braced and lower your legs with control to one side.
    Pause for a count, then bring them over to the other side. That’s one rep.

    Shadow Boxing, 3 rounds, 3 minutes each
    Adopt a fighting stance and bounce on your toes as you shadow box.
    Dip and weave to your heart's content.
    Cycle between low- and high-intensity punching for a HIIT style cardio workout.

    Burpees, 3 sets, 1 minute each
    From a standing position squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and place your palms on the floor.
    From there kick your feet back as far as you can while keeping your arms extended.
    As soon as your feet land jump them back in towards your hands, then jump up into the air.
    Land and immediately squat down to go into the next rep.
    A solid core is key to avoiding sagging hips when you kick your feet back.

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    Training for Movies
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    As if we haven't heard enough about Bruce's training already

    Bruce is exceptional but I'm posting this in Training for Movies anyway (and also in Bruce Lee: A Life by Matt Polly)

    Bruce Lee’s fitness regime and diet made him a pioneer among athletes and martial artists alike
    Enter The Dragon star was ahead of his time, reaping benefits of strength and conditioning training 50 years ago
    Lee also drank protein shakes – including a blend of entire raw hamburgers – long before they became commonplace for modern athletes
    Nicolas Atkin
    Published: 7:33pm, 20 Jun, 2019

    Bruce Lee in 1971 film The Big Boss. Photo: Handout

    Bruce Lee is known as the “Godfather of MMA” but he was also a pioneer when it came to his training regime and diet – which included drinking a blend of raw hamburger meat.
    Biographer Matthew Polly’s Bruce Lee: A Life, which was released on paperback last month, details how Lee was the first martial artist to train like a modern athlete.
    The Enter The Dragon star reaped the benefits of strength and conditioning training 50 years ago, long before it became a habit of professional sports stars to hit the gym to improve their game.
    As with his jeet kune do fighting style, which consisted of taking bits and pieces from multiple styles and blending them into one, Lee took training methods from other athletic spheres and forged them all into his own unique regime.
    Polly writes that Bruce Lee recognised that strength and conditioning training was crucial to becoming the ultimate fighter. Whereas athletes to that point would simply practise their own sport, Lee was the first to integrate outside gym work to his routine.
    Accordingly, Lee employed training methods from boxing such as skipping and road running to improve his endurance. He would run four to five miles each morning and lifted weights three nights a week, installing a squat rack, bench press, dumbbells, grip machine and an isometric machine in his garage.

    To alleviate the increased muscle aches, soreness and exhaustion brought on by such rigorous training, Lee used an idea he got from a fitness coach with NFL team the LA Rams, buying an electric muscle stimulator from James Garvey, founder of FlexTone, in 1972.
    And 21 years later in 1993, the company sold muscle stimulators to Valencia Studios in California for the production of the Bruce Lee movie Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story.
    “Three minutes is like doing 200 push-ups,” said Lee, who discovered a unique way to use the technology to enhance muscle tone and definition, in tandem with his workouts.

    Lee was also an early pioneer of using protein shakes, drinking a high protein blend several times a day which contained protein powder, iced water, powdered milk, eggs, eggshells, bananas, vegetable oil, peanut flour and chocolate ice cream.
    He also used supplements long before they were commonplace for athletes, and even drank a blend of entire raw hamburgers.
    This approach to diet and fitness helped Lee with his martial arts but just importantly it helped him maintain his film star physique and good looks.

    Bruce Lee in Fist of Fury. Photo: Golden Harvest

    Lee went with lighter weights and higher repetitions to maintain a lean and ripped look, instead of getting big like a bodybuilder.
    According to Polly, Lee knew he needed to train hard to land leading roles in Hollywood, which was dominated by taller, muscle-bound white men.
    “His passion may have been the martial arts but his profession was acting,” writes Polly.
    Bruce is also on the cover of the latest Muscle and Fitness (July 2019). He's been dead for 46 years now. So bad ass.

    Learn how to keep that beach bod all summer long.

    Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC

    The July 2019 issue of Muscle & Fitness has all the workout Opens a New Window. and nutrition Opens a New Window. tips you need to keep that shredded beach bod all summer long. Plus, in our sprawling cover story, we explore the enduring pop culture legacy of Bruce Lee, one of the fitness Opens a New Window. industry's most influential figures.

    Lee’s physique impressed millions in the 1960s and '70s—now his secrets to killer strength and overall fitness are finally revealed. Lee, who died of a cerebral edema 46 years ago, took workouts Opens a New Window. found in magazines like M&F and modified them to his needs. We dive deep into both Lee's real-life fitness program, as well as Cinemax's must-see action spectacle Warrior, which is based on Lee's own ideas.

    The July issue stays hot with training advice from CrossFit star and former Fittest Woman on Earth Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, TEST Football Opens a New Window. Academy graduate Tuzar Skipper, and WWE superstar Natalya Neidhart.

    Todd Abrams and IFBB Pro League competitor Brandan Fokken are trying to keep fathers everywhere fit with their new venture, DadBod Inc. And MusclePharm athlete Davey Fisher will walk you through his summer shred program with his workout and nutrition tips.

    Now that you’ve got that beach bod, you’ll want to keep it while also have fun during the summer. To that end, we review beers that are high on flavor, but low on calories and carbs—so drink up. We've also got plenty of grilling tips for your next backyard bash.

    And since Muscle & Fitness includes FLEX, you'll also get the latest bodybuilding news, as well as even more workouts and nutrition tips. As Mr. Olympia rapidly approaches (have you bought your tickets Opens a New Window. yet?), four-time Sandow winner Jay Cutler discusses his role as the show’s honorary ambassador. You'll also get the true story behind the controversial Arnold Classic 1990, where Shawn Ray had his title revoked following a failed drug test.

    Whether you’re continuing the cut or beginning to bulk, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need right here in Muscle & Fitness Opens a New Window. and FLEX.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
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    Jason Momoa

    I would've expected more fish in his diet.

    Jason Momoa’s Aquaman Diet and Workout Plan
    JACOB OSBORN, 23 JUN 2019

    If you want to be as ripped as a DC superhero, the Jason Momoa Aquaman diet and workout plan is one way to do it. Like so many other muscle-bound stars, Momoa adopted a consistent diet and workout routine in preparation for the iconic role. And as anyone who’s seen the movie can attest, all those bodybuilding exercises and ab workouts definitely paid off.

    Meanwhile, those who think Jason Momoa is one of those all-fitness, all-the-time kind of guys would be slightly mistaken. Even when he was baring his ripped physique in shows like Game of Thrones and Baywatch Hawaii or movies like Justice League, the actor allegedly took a casual approach to diet, in particular.

    However, that all changed when it came to Aquaman, which saw him adopting a much stricter training and diet routine. On the other hand, he did reportedly make room for a daily pint of Guinness beer, also known as his favourite beverage. Then production wrapped and he loaded up on bread and beer like it was nobody’s business. We’re not talking cheat days here, more like cheat months.

    Spoiler alert: if you want to look like Jason Momoa, you can’t binge out on carbs the way he does when not training for a role. After all, most of us aren’t born with the Hawaiian actor’s genetic disposition. That means you’ll have to stick with the Jason Momoa Aquaman diet and workout plan for a decent stretch of time if you want it to pay off, going light on cheat days or avoiding them altogether (at least at first).

    So are you up to the task? Let’s find out.

    Jason Momoa Aquaman Diet

    We have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that drinking Guinness beer was indeed part of Jason Momoa’s Aquaman diet plan. The bad news is that the occasional glass of beer was pretty much the only vice he allowed himself while training for the role. For some more bad news, we don’t suggest drinking beer when trying to whip yourself into shape. Sure, one could argue that it builds mass or takes the edge off. Heck, there are reports that it can even be beneficial to your heart. But at the end of the day, it’s beer.

    Otherwise, the actor took a more traditional route when building mass and then turning that mass into muscle. First and foremost, he cut all the processed carbs and junk foods out of his diet. You should likewise be prepared to say goodbye to Doritos, donuts, and anything else of that variety. In its place, you should be doing what he did by loading up on veggies and proteins.

    At the end of the day, the Jason Momoa Aquaman diet plan boils down to the three things that his personal trainer, Stuart Walton, values the most: nutrition, balance, and enjoyment. To that end, Walton didn’t force a new diet upon the actor as much as he did concentrate on the healthier foods Momoa already enjoyed. Walton furthermore employed a macronutrient intake method, which builds muscle without adding fat by monitoring the ratios between carbs, fats, and proteins.

    Here’s a breakdown of the Jason Momoa diet plan:

    Veggies – As any health expert can tell you, there’s no such thing as too much cauliflower or too many leafy greens. Do like Momoa does (while training) and eat your veggies!

    Fruit – According to Walton, the “Aquaman” actor would eat fruits either before a workout or before a long day of shooting for a healthy boost of energy.

    Guinness Beer – Momoa loves this stuff so much that he refused to go without his daily pint. Whether you should do the same is a question only you can answer.

    Peanut Butter – All-natural peanut butter is tasty, cholesterol-free, low in sodium, and a good source of heart-healthy fat. Just avoid the varieties that come loaded with extra sugar and you’re good.

    Honey Sandwiches – Momoa ate these before workouts. We’re not saying you should do the same, but if you do, go extra hard in the gym. We’ll just assume he was eating them on whole grain bread or something like freshly baked sourdough.

    Chicken – There’s nothing we can say about this ubiquitous source of protein that we haven’t said already. Eat it.

    Steak – And in today’s bit of shocking news, the six foot four, 234-pound muscle man known as Jason Momoa eats steak. Go figure.

    Fish – According to legend, the Hawaii-born actor loves himself some premium-grade sashimi. Aku—also known as skipjack tuna—is said to be a personal favourite.

    Supplements – Jason Momoa’s workout supplements included protein powder, mass gainer, and creatine. No muscle-building diet plan is complete without them.

    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
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    Continued from previous post

    Jason Momoa Aquaman Workout Plan

    Before starring in “Aquaman,” Jason Momoa appeared in “Game of Thrones,” “Conan the Barbarian,” “Justice League,” and other titles that are bound to conjure visuals of his ripped chest and abs. What we’re trying to say here is that the man knows which routines work and which ones don’t. And according to Momoa, an Accelerated Results 7 (AR-7) routine most definitely works.

    First adopted when he was working with personal trainer Eric Laciste, the Jason Momoa AR-7 workout plan potentially undermines everything you know about bodybuilding, depending on whose advice you’ve been taking. Stressing consistency and pacing over extreme lifting, it requires you to employ low weights and low reps, taking little to no rest between each set.

    By maintaining a high tempo, you’ll feel the burn sooner and furthermore reduce the amount of overall muscle or joint fatigue. As a direct result, you can work out up to three times a day if you’re up for it. And you are up for it, right? Right? Hello?

    At this point, you might be wondering: what’s that 7 all about? It’s actually a foundation of sorts, which can guide you through the whole routine. Specifically, you start with 7 sets of 7 reps and take 7 seconds of rest between each set. For the next go-round, drop it down to 6, meaning 6 sets at 6 reps with 6 seconds of rest between each set. For the final round, perform 5 sets at 5 reps with 5 seconds of rest between each set. All the while, you should be taking one to two minutes of rest between each round.

    Another advantage of the AR-7 workout plan is that you can knock out one specific exercise before moving onto another one. If you’re exercising in a crowded gym, this approach will spare you the hassle of waiting for some other dude to finish up with the bench press or medicine ball. By completing one exercise in its entirety before moving on to the next one, you can maintain the fast pace of the AR-7 routine. Of course, if you have the entire gym to yourself, feel free to adopt a circuit-style program.

    As you build muscle and improve, you can adjust the weights accordingly. You should also change up the exercises as you progress, and focus on multi-joint movements. And if you want to do this routine the Jason Momoa way, target a specific muscle group each day of the week, five days in a row. Give those muscles two days of rest and then head back to the gym like the superhero-in-training that you are.

    We’ll now present a sample week from the Jason Momoa workout plan. You should perform three rounds of each specific exercise, resting one to two minutes between each round. Just a reminder, the AR-7 consists of the following routine:

    1st round: 7 sets of 7 reps, with 7 seconds rest of each exercise

    2nd round: 6 sets of 6 reps, with 6 seconds rest of each exercise

    3rd round: 5 sets of 5 reps, with 5 seconds rest of each exercise

    If you really want to go to extremes the way Aquaman did, you can perform these routines up to three times a day. We should also mention that Momoa reportedly did 100 push-ups and 100 squats as a warm-up for his chest workout, and hit the treadmill for some cardio after every session. Our muscles are getting sore just thinking about it.

    Jason Momoa in Acquaman costume

    Without further delay, here’s a sample week of the Jason Momoa workout plan:

    Monday (Chest)
    Flat Bench Press
    Incline Bench Press
    Incline Bench Dumbbell Press
    Plate Push-Up
    Chest Dips

    Tuesday (Back)
    Medium-Grip Pull-Up
    Reverse-Grip Chin-Up
    Close-Grip Pull-Up
    Seated Pulley Row
    Reverse-Grip BB Bent-Over Row

    Wednesday (Legs)
    Bodyweight Squat
    Stiff-Legged Deadlift
    Barbell Back Squat
    Bodyweight Jump Squat

    Thursday (Core)
    Medicine Ball Slam
    Kettlebell Swing
    Leap Frog
    40-Yard Sprint

    Friday (Arms & Legs)
    Barbell Military Press
    Bodyweight Dip
    Diamond Push-Up
    Dumbbell Curls
    Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

    And there you have it, folks: just about every muscle-building exercise you can think of, by way of a truly fast-paced fitness routine. Trust us when we say you’ll feel the burn when taking just 7 seconds between each rep, but that’s a good thing. Also, don’t forget to use the proper amount of weight for your particular physique, and to let your muscles rest over the weekends. For more inspiration, check out some Jason Momoa workout videos or go see “Aquaman” again.
    Training for Movies
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Halle's got bigger guns than me...

    ...that's not saying much.

    Halle Berry Just Revealed the Workout She Does for Insanely Sculpted Arms at 52
    All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a chair. ��
    By Tiffany Ayuda
    Jul 6, 2019


    As part of her weekly #FitnessFriday posts on Instagram, Halle Berry and her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas, shared five exercises for strong, sculpted arms.
    The 52-year-old John Wick 3 actress demonstrated exercises that target your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and back.
    Berry uses a set of dumbbells and a box in the workout, but you can use a chair or one end of your couch.
    If you're like the rest of us, you're probably wondering how Halle Berry seems to be getting stronger and fitter with age. Well, the truth is, her secret is actually something science has been telling us for years: Strength training is essential with age. Lifting weights not only helps you build muscle to reduce body fat and burn calories, but it also helps protect your bones and joints as you age.

    At 52 years old, Berry takes her workouts seriously, and she wants everyone to get access to the training she does, so she shares a #FitnessFriday post on her Instagram every week, highlighting the exercises and diet tips that help her stay in flawless shape. This week, the John Wick 3 actress demonstrated her favorite five arm exercises on Instagram, alongside her trainer Peter Lee Thomas. You'll need a pair of medium to heavy dumbbells—something you can lift for 10 to 20 reps per exercise—plus a box or chair. If you don't have a sturdy chair, use one end of your couch or your kitchen counter.

    Bicep Curl With Shoulder Press
    The first move is a compound exercise, which combines a bicep curl with a shoulder press. Berry slightly changes her grip with the shoulder press to target her rear delts. Compound exercises are great for strength training when you're crunched for time because they combine two or more exercises into one, targeting major muscle groups at once.


    Dumbbell Static Hold With Bicep Curl
    To hone in on her biceps even more, Berry performs a static hold with a bicep curl in the next move. Here, she's holding one dumbbell with her palm facing up and arm bent at a 90-degree angle. On her other hand, she's performing a bicep curl. Maintaining a static hold with one arm activates your bicep muscle in a different way from a curl, adding to the challenge.


    Double Dumbbell Static Hold
    In this exercise, Berry slightly changes her grip with the dumbbells to engage her bicep and shoulder muscles. This time, she does double the static holds with a hammer grip and then a 90-degree hold, pausing for a second or two between moves.


    Single Dumbbell Eccentric Curl
    You'll be surprised how much you can do with very little equipment, and Berry demonstrates just how easy it is by holding one heavy dumbbell with both hands in this variation of the bicep curl. By focusing on the eccentric phase of the movement—which happens when you lower the weight down—you force your biceps to create more tension against the resistance of the weight, further strengthening the muscles.


    Eccentric Close Grip Elevated Box Push-Up
    If you don't have a workout box like Berry, you can use a sturdy wooden chair or one end of your couch as an incline. This push-up variation focuses on using a close grip to target your tricep muscles during "the push" part of the exercise. Just like the exercise above, this move emphasizes the lengthening phase of the exercise, so you want to move slowly and with control as you lift your body up. Remember to keep your body lifted and in a straight line throughout the entire movement.


    Stay updated on the latest science-backed health, fitness, and nutrition news by signing up for the newsletter here. For added fun, follow us on Instagram.

    Tiffany Ayuda, a senior editor at Prevention and certified personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise, has specialized in fitness, health, and general wellness topics in her previously editorial roles at Life by Daily Burn, Everyday Health, and South Beach Diet.

    John Wick: Chapter 3: Parabellum
    Training for Movies
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Elizabeth Hurley

    This is slightly OT because I haven't seen her in a movie in ages. But the notion of Hurley with a chainsaw is kinda arousing...

    Elizabeth Hurley, 54, Gets Her Exercise from ‘Using My Chainsaw’ Instead of Hitting the Gym

    The actress said that she stays active with yardwork
    By Julie Mazziotta October 02, 2019 05:28 PM

    “Treadmill” and “elliptical” aren’t in Elizabeth Hurley’s workout vocabulary — she prefers to tone up with gardening.

    The 54-year-old actress said that she doesn’t go to a gym, and instead stays fit with yardwork.

    “I don’t work out, per se, but I am very active,” she told Extra. “I do a lot of exercise, but it’s really the gardening… cutting down a hedge, using my chainsaw to cut down a tree, logging, all of that stuff I do. So, I’m very active.”

    Hurley is big fan of unusual fitness techniques — in summer 2018, she tried out two kinds of workouts. One was “hula hoop practice,” which she did in a pink bikini, and the other was swimming — topless.

    “Attempting to swim off the calories,” she captioned the video.


    When she’s not serving as a lumberjack or hula hooping in her yard, Hurley works as a breast cancer advocate, and has been a global ambassador for Estée Lauder’s annual breast cancer campaign for over 20 years. Speaking at an event this week for the brand, Hurley urged women to get checked for breast cancer.

    “Early detection is absolutely vital,” she said. “We know that if cancer is detected and treated early, there is a 90% chance of full survival.”

    And Hurley told PEOPLE last year that she’s vigilant about having her friends check for cancer.

    “I personally talk to all my friends about breast health. I’ll say, ‘When was your last mammogram?’ And implore them to check their own breasts as well,” she said. “Sometimes they squirm, but it’s a conversation you have to have. So, I make it my mission.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Linda Hamilton

    How Linda Hamilton Got Back In Sarah Connor Shape For ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’: Her Trainer Explains
    By Mackie Shilstone
    October 21, 2019 3:34pm


    EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Connor may be sci-fi filmdom’s most badass female action hero this side of Alien‘s Ripley. While played subsequently by numerous actresses in sequels and a TV show, the role is most indelibly linked to the performances turned in by Linda Hamilton in James Cameron’s 1984 original Terminator, and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Cameron washed his hands of the series after the rights were scooped out from under him by Mario Kassar and Andy Vajna, until he had a change of heart and lent a creative hand to director Tim Miller on the upcomingTerminator: Dark Fate. Arnold Schwarzenegger continued to reprise his signature cyborg, but Hamilton demurred. She only seriously entertained coming back when Cameron did. Between Cameron’s first and second film, Hamilton transformed herself from a reluctant heroine with everywoman qualities, into a jacked action heroine. After setting the bar so high, could she be as convincing 28 years later? That was one of the key questions for the movie. It took a year, but she got there with the guidance of Mackie Shilstone, who has spent 43 years in the wellness sports performance industry helping to mold elite athletes and soldiers. The results will be on full display when Dark Fate opens November 1. Here, Shilstone –who is the father of Deadline’s Social Media Director Scott Shilstone — explains the process in detail, down to specific exercises and diet. He cautions aspiring Sarah Connors to get fully evaluated by a physician before even attempting something like what Hamilton endured.

    Though I have spent 43 years training 3,000 pro athletes, including 11 years with world champion tennis player Serena Williams, various sports teams, and volunteer work with special forces, a call I received from Hollywood director-producer and innovator James Cameron presented a daunting challenge.

    Aware of my reputation for extending careers through exercise and nutrition, Cameron said he wanted me to help Linda Hamilton to get as close as she could to the incredible physical shape her character Sarah Connor displayed in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Considering that movie filmed 28 years ago, and Hamilton was 61 when this offer came in, I wasn’t interested, frankly. But I was aware of and admired that Cameron’s movies were always built around themes of female empowerment, long before it was fashionable. And he said something that got me thinking. Cameron told me he wanted to change Hollywood’s mantra of “throwing female actors away, after the age of 40.”

    Still, I was skeptical that at her age, Hamilton would be able to survive the training long enough to get to the production in the shape Cameron needed her to be. I told Cameron I would accept, conditioned on Hamilton passing extensive medical and physiological evaluations, including cardiopulmonary stress testing for heart rate training guidelines, pulmonary assessment, laboratory studies, DXA Scan for body composition determination, vision screening, radiology scans, physical therapy and orthopedic assessment.

    She passed all the tests, and I met her in New Orleans – my hometown – where Hamilton had recently purchased a home. When Linda entered the one-year comprehensive performance program, she was a 61-year-old, out-of-shape female in need of body composition adjustment. That’s not an insult: it’s not unlike hundreds of similar women of the same age and stage in life. Post-menopausal women tend to accrue more visceral abdominal fat, and this places them at risk of Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. While many women don’t realize this, women in this age group have the same cardiovascular risk as a man – the result of changes in their estrogen-dominate hormone system.

    We started with three weeks of rigorous training to see if she could hold up under the training stress – both physical and mental. She did. But not without some concerns. Hamilton’s biggest concern was that the audience would compare her to what she looked like 28 years ago. The other apprehension was two-fold – that she would let me down by not living up the physical expectations I was accustomed to with my athlete clients. And most importantly, that she would not be physically able to handle the rigorous part – appearing weak – the age factor.

    Terminator 2: Judgment Day

    The studio budget provided for the creation of a home gym for training, and I soon realized that physiology aside, Linda Hamilton was not like most 61-year-old women. How many of them have the determination and willpower reminiscent of the Sarah Connor character she left behind nearly three decades ago? What was unique compared to other women I’ve seen in my prior hospital-affiliated wellness programs, was Linda’s attitude. Many women at that point tend to throw in the towel and accept what is. Linda had an inherit drive and determination to make a change. It is one that other women might use as a road map for their life – that you can affect positive change if you are willing to take a first step. What was that step? In the face of adversity, you must see opportunity to feel and look better, and take back ownership of your health.

    Every day, when I would come over to train, Linda had a smile on her face and an attitude that was infectious. I am 68, 5’8” and 142 pounds, and I took the steps with her. I think she drew strength at what I could do, physically and mentally, and she wanted to match or surpass it.

    One incident that solidified that point came while we were in the gym that we built in an annex of her home. I had ordered 6- and 8-pound medicine balls that we use for combative training – boxing, special forces – made of parachute material, all of the same diameter despite the weight. I taught her a rotational slam, where you place the ball close to the hip, cradled in both hands, then you rotate and slam the ball into a concrete or solid wall. You judge the power by the sound the ball makes against the wall. The ball comes off the wall fast, and you must catch it and immediately repeat another throw – so that it replicates the rapid fire of a machine gun.

    When Linda would marvel at the force that I could generate at my size, I would remind her that it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Linda’s first try knocked her down, when the ball hit her on the rebound. She picked that ball up and did it again. Same result. She got knocked down. I did the movement with her and soon we were slamming the door to the gym so hard it was off the hinges.

    Courtesy Mackie Shilstone

    We would start each session asking who in our lives we were knocking down today. Door broken, we moved to the wall adjacent to it. I was having a bad day. She knew it and said, you’re first up. My first shot smashed into the wall and literally shattered a large section. I apologized, but to this day she refuses to get it fixed. To her, it was a symbol of what can come from commitment. Linda never deviated from that message – commitment over contribution.

    The first three months of work encompassed six days per week, 1.5 to 2 hours of circuit training exercises, using a cable weight apparatus with arms, permitting functional human movement patterns. Then, core training using a stability ball, steady state and interval cardio training on an elliptical device, power training with a specially-designed medicine ball. All this with specialized pre-habilitation (injury prevention) exercises based on her bio-mechanical analysis.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #9
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    Continued from previous post

    Hamilton had two AM/PM additional, scripted, heart-rate monitored sessions on the elliptical lasting 45 minutes.

    A typical circuit session might include:

    Core: Gym Ball – Alternate between lower & upper exercises
    Lower Crunches – legs grip side of ball with heels on ground
    Lower Hyperextension – Upper torso stabilizing on elbows
    Upper Crunch – lifting 12 inches off the ball
    Upper Hyperextension – knees against ball, feet against wall
    Med Ball Warm-Up
    Chest throws
    Overhead two-arm slam down
    Resistance Tubing:
    Parallel to ground:
    Chest Press – arms below 80 degrees, abducted away from body
    Horizontal Abducted Row – below 80 degrees
    Close Grip Chest Press – arms at 90 degrees at sides, cord under armpits
    Close Grip Rows – arms to 90 degrees at sides
    Bow & Arrow – pull back parallel to ground, slightly seated position
    Legs: Forward Assisted Lunges – waist high attachment

    The exercise would not alone have achieved her goal without an equally rigorous nutritional regimen. Prescriptive meals were delivered to her home twice a week – with medically approved nutritional supplements to support preservation of lean muscle mass and mobilization of body fat – monitored by DXA scans every six weeks. Despite what has been alluded to in inadequate Internet reporting, at no time during my training with Linda did I provide her with any prescription medication. Every nutrient combination used was medically approved in advance and placed in her private medical record, which assisted in her dramatic transformation.

    A typical meal plan:

    • Egg white veggie & avocado omelet, fresh berries
    • Egg, veggie and ground turkey breast scramble
    • Scrambled eggs and veggies
    • Non/low-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries
    • May add oatmeal, whole grain/Ezekiel toast or fresh fruit to meals

    • Large green salad with ample veggies & lean protein, olive oil/vinegar side
    • Lean protein (grilled, baked, steamed, broiled, boiled, blackened or roasted using olive oil), steamed, roasted or grilled veggies (using olive oil), 1/2 cup brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potato
    • 6 oz protein with each meal
    • unlimited starchy veggies
    • Olive oil used in place of butter
    • Healthy fats with meals: avocado, olive oil, nuts/nut butter
    • Fatty fish (salmon/tuna) weekly

    Her dedication brought her remarkable results over the first three months, but we were hardly done. In the final nine months, Linda’s training became more functional to what would be required of her Sarah Connor character in the film. We moved to a high school football field. The purpose was to emphasize footwork. That encompasses short sprints, agility drills, and combat training. No way we were going to let a stunt double take her place. Or worse, put her in the position to get pushed around by a younger adversary.

    During that period, Hamilton was becoming an Industrial athlete. That meant many of the associated aches and pains that come with this non-profession athlete designation. Low- and mid-back discomfort, shoulder fatigue and lower-extremity aches and pains. Physical therapy onsite and chiropractic care addressed these issues when they arose.

    The most unrelenting feeling was the result of 12 weeks of nothing more than train, eat, train, eat, train, eat, sleep – with one week off at the six-week mark to allow for restoration, so that we could push harder over the next six weeks. She allowed her life to exist around the performance system that I put in place and for all practical purposes we became training partners. Though our breaks between exercises were short by design, we spoke about our families and I felt like I became part of hers, and she part of mine.

    Any women reading this and thinking of replicating Hamilton’s regimen should first see a doctor and make sure it is safe. And they should know Hamilton, for Terminator 2 28 years ago, was quite ripped by body building standards. Especially her arms, or at least that is what I would hear most from envious women. At age 63, understanding the effects of sarcopenia – loss of muscle with age and dynapenia, and the associated loss of strength – was critically important. Education, and the technology learned from my prior experiences from wound care, provided the solution: the use of an amino acid blend – arginine, HMB, a metabolite of the anabolic amino acid leucine, and glutamine. This partially addressed this issue.


    Research demonstrated that the standard 0.8 grams per kilogram for protein requirements would not begin to address Hamilton’s needs with the associated intense training. Based on DXA scans every six weeks, the daily protein requirement was determined down to the gram, as with my athlete clients.

    It was fascinating to watch Hamilton’s progress in real time. One example was the use of a functional exercise to push away an opponent – like wresting for a weapon. It’s called the Chest Push. Using a stability ball (65cm), assume a standard push-up position – chest resting on the ball, hands on each side of the ball – with legs extended and spread in a wide base for stability. Press into the ball with your chest, then exhale and push up with hands. Return to the starting position and repeat 5-10 times.

    When we started, Hamilton fell off the ball – the inability to stabilize in an upright, extended position. By Week 12, she was performing 15.

    Courtesy photo

    The results? Even though you only had to look at her to see Linda’s metamorphosis back to Sarah Connor, we had her condition reassessed before she departed to the location sites in Budapest and Spain in June of 2018. It was amazing to see a 60-plus female drop 15% of her body fat mass. That is a number less than most healthy, athletic 20 year olds, with increase in lean muscle, stamina, and endurance. In our year together, Linda did not suffer any major injury setback during our project.

    Hamilton will rank as one of the best I have had the honor to help. Her drive, discipline, and commitment to excellence was matched only by her love of her craft and compassion, as she said, for anyone who follows with me in her footsteps.

    As for Cameron, the filmmaker who brought this challenge to our doorstep?

    Photo by Matt Baron/Shutterstock

    In one of his last communications, after he was provided with pictures of Hamilton just prior to the project’s completion, Cameron emailed me and borrowed words you would expect to hear from her co-star, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    “Linda, you look ripped and shredded,” he wrote.
    Still crushing on Linda, now so even more.

    Training for movies
    Terminator: Dark Fate
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #10
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Kumail Nanjiani

    DECEMBER 17, 2019 4:52pm PT by Chris Gardner
    Kumail Nanjiani's Trainer on the Actor's Transformation: "He Drank the Kool-Aid and Was All In"

    Jesse Grant/Getty Images for THR
    Kumail Nanjiani

    Grant Roberts of Granite Gym talks to The Hollywood Reporter about the actor's big and buff reveal, opening up on what went into prepping Nanjiani for 'The Eternals.'

    Attention Hollywood: There’s a new beefcake in town.

    Kumail Nanjiani surprised the internet on Monday (and was rewarded by going viral) after he posted two shirtless pics on Instagram unveiling his uber-buff new body. The Oscar-nominated screenwriter and star of The Big Sick and Silicon Valley detailed how, after being cast in Marvel’s The Eternals alongside Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek, he went to work with a team of trainers to transform for the superhero film directed by Chloé Zhao.

    “I would not have been able to do this if I didn’t have a full year with the best trainers and nutritionists paid for by the biggest studio [Walt Disney Co.] in the world,” Nanjiani shared with his 500,000-plus followers. “I’m glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before. It would have been impossible without these resources and time.”

    One crucial member of that team was personal trainer to the stars Grant Roberts, someone Nanjiani wrote “made me understand true physical pain for months and months.” The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Roberts on Monday afternoon after the surprise reveal.

    “Kumail walked through my doors in January, and he was pretty green to the idea of training. He had a concept in his mind, but we introduced him to something more dramatic and even traumatic,” said Roberts, who added that he takes clients on a full 360-degree plan at his Beverly Hills-based Granite Gym that includes exercise, nutrition, recovery and electric stimulation therapy. “There’s no one dimension to success. You’re constantly shocking the system, and that’s how growth and change occurs. The time in the gym is very intense, even if you’re training an hour or an hour and 15 minutes per day. The rest of the time outside the gym is just as important.”

    Roberts said Nanjiani trained, on average, four to five days per week, including some two-a-days. “We had a significant time period, close to a year,” Roberts noted of their plan to get Nanjiani into shape before the actor set off to London for filming. “We sent him away in peak physical condition, but he’s had to maintain that. I give him kudos for being able to do that, especially when he was working.”

    Nanjiani credited celebrity trainer and nutritionist David Higgins, celebrity personal trainer Ellis Patridge, trainer and nutritionist Gavin Eivers, trainer Tom Cheeseman, trainer Lance Callahan and wife Emily V. Gordon for helping him on his journey. Roberts, whose client list also includes Eva Longoria, Hilary Swank, America Ferrera, Scott Eastwood and Zachary Levi (whom he helped with the actor's own stunning transformation for Shazam!), called Nanjiani “fantastic” to work with.

    “I’m so impressed by him," said the trainer. "I can only do so much. He’s the one who has to push through, and it’s definitely painful and there are sacrifices. Kumail drank the Kool-Aid and was all in. I'm very proud of him.”

    As for Roberts, he knows what it takes to step in front of cameras. He moonlights as an actor, having appeared in a handful of films for client Clint Eastwood, including Million Dollar Baby, Invictus, Sully, The Mule and, most recently, Richard Jewell (playing the officer Will Jones). “I’m so disappointed,” Roberts said of the poor box office debut of the latter pic. “It’s a really great movie. I think it just went out at the wrong time of year.”

    kumailn's profile picture

    I never thought I’d be one of those people who would post a thirsty shirtless, but I’ve worked way too hard for way too long so here we are. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I found out a year ago I was going to be in Marvel’s Eternals and decided I wanted to transform how I looked. I would not have been able to do this if I didn’t have a full year with the best trainers and nutritionists paid for by the biggest studio in the world. I’m glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before. It would have been impossible without these resources and time. So big thanks to @grantrobertsfit who started working with me at the beginning of the year and made me understand true physical pain for months and months. Then, once we started shooting, a massive thanks to @davidhigginslondon and his team (@ellispartridge, @thebeardypt, @tomcheesemanfitness) for training me almost every day and making me strong, limber and injury free. I can almost touch my toes now. (And thank you for forcing me to do cheat meals David.) Matthews Street Catering for their delicious and healthy meals. And finally, the biggest thanks goes to @emilyvgordon for putting up with me complaining and talking about only working out and dieting for the last year. I promise I’ll be interesting again some day. #thirstyshirtless (Photo by @markupson.) (edit: I left off one very important person: @lancecallahan who trained me for 6 years and helped me build the foundation I could use to do this. Thank you!)
    If only I'd get cast in some Marvel project, then I could get that shredded.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #11
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Training for Movies

    I'm not really a football fan, although I worked Superbowl 50. I'm a Shakira fan. I actually stood right next to her once. She was doing an audience walk through at the start of her show and I was asked to act as security. She ended up stopping right next to me for a few mintues to visit with some young girl fans. She was absolutely gorgeous up close.

    How Shakira Is Prepping for Her Super Bowl Performance
    The singer's longtime trainer, Anna Kaiser is helping her get in her best shape before the show.
    By Renee Cherry December 10, 2019


    If Jennifer Lopez and Shakira are going to perform in the Super Bowl, you know it's about to be an insane show. With Super Bowl LIV about seven weeks away, both performers are going all-in on their preparation. The game's iconic halftime show musical performance, which has featured artists like Beyoncé and Lady Gaga in the past, is typically about 15 minutes long. Performers not only sing live that entire time, they also run through incredibly energetic, choreographed dance routines—with a casual audience of nearly 100 million viewers. To say the least, the gig requires a lot of prep.

    J. Lo has been rehearsing since September, fiancé Alex Rodriguez told Today. Shakira is likewise working hard, and her trainer Anna Kaiser gave Shape the details on her current fitness routine. (Related: The Quick 12-Minute Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere)

    Kaiser, who's also worked with Karlie Kloss and Sarah Jessica Parker, has been training Shakira for 10 years (since her She Wolf video). To help the singer get ready for her Super Bowl show, Kaiser says she's been taking Shakira through some of the workouts offered at her AKT studios, which are known for their focus on dance-based cardio. Kaiser says she's mainly incorporating two of her four signature workouts: "Dance", which alternates between choreographed dance sections and strength intervals, and "Tone", which Kaiser describes as "45 minutes of muscular endurance burnout" or "barre meets Pilates meets core conditioning." (BTW, here's why core strength is so important.)

    Shakira's schedule varies, but she'll typically fit in 4–5 workouts per week, explains Kaiser. On top of those workouts, Shakira often has dance rehearsals which are obviously exhausting workouts in themselves, adds the trainer. (Related: Strengthen Your Core with This Viral Dance Move Workout)

    In addition to her workouts, Kaiser says she has a hand in Shakira's diet. The trainer tells Shape she favors eating small meals throughout the day to keep energy levels up. "I work with Shakira's chef to create meals and snacks," she says. "It's all about real food, she doesn't like supplementing. She wants it to be really good, fresh food and no shortcuts." (Here's the expert take on eating small meals throughout the day.)

    Shakira is the type who likes to set new goals and focus on advancing toward them, explains Kaiser. The trainer says she gave the singer an InBody machine, a body composition analyzer that provides measures like skeletal muscle mass and body fat percentage. She also uses a heart rate monitor while she's exercising. "Knowing if your body is changing, if you're getting results, and how hard you're working in class is super important," explains Kaiser. Shakira has a constant desire to become "her best, strongest, most confident self," she says. (Related: 5 Smart Scales That Tell You More About Your Body Than Just Your Weight)

    As the big game draws closer, Kaiser says she plans on ramping up Shakira's training. "I will probably meet her at least one more time and do a sort of intensive preparation," she says. She can confirm that everyone's in for a hell of a show: "There's definitely going to be a performance."
    Training for Movies (slightly OT because the Superbowl isn't a movie obviously but I'm not about to launch a Training for the Superbowl thread at this time, and this is basically a celebrity workout...)
    Super Bowl LIV

    Past Superbowl threads:
    Superbowl 50
    superbowl XL
    Superbowl XLV
    Bruce Lee at the Superbowl
    Superbowl XLVII
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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