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Thread: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Wuhan Pneumonia

  1. #151
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    On a positive note...

    ...most of us should survive this.

    More than half of coronavirus patients globally have recovered
    By Natalie O'Neill March 4, 2020 | 2:51pm | Updated

    The coronavirus death toll is climbing worldwide — but so is its recovery rate.

    More than 50,000 people globally have bounced back from the flu-like illness since it was first reported in December, according to Johns Hopkins University.

    Of the more than 94,000 total cases reported as of Wednesday afternoon, more than 51,000 people have recovered, the vast majority of whom are in China, where the virus originated, according to the university.

    In total, its tracker showed the deadly virus, also known as COVID-19, has been reported in 73 countries, including the US.

    In Iran, where 2,922 cases have emerged, 552 people have recovered. The recovery rate in the US, where there have been 126 cases, was not immediately clear.

    People who don’t suffer from underlying conditions and are not elderly are generally expected to recover, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Saturday.

    “However, every once in a while you’re going to see a 25-year-old person, who looks otherwise well, that’s going to get seriously ill. But the vast majority of people who get into trouble do have these underlying conditions,” Fauci said.
    Coronavirus recovery rates expected to be high, health experts say
    By Kate Sheehy March 3, 2020 | 5:48pm | Updated

    A pedestrian wears a face mask in Manhattan.Stephen Yang

    So here’s the good news about the coronavirus.

    The average healthy person who gets the virus might suffer a dry cough, fatigue and fever and be sidelined for a week or two, experts said Tuesday.

    But after that, they should be fine.

    “You stay at home, you’re not going out, and if it gets more serious, you check in’’ at a medical facility or go to the ER, Manhattanville College Professor Anna Yeung-Cheung said of patients.

    “I’m not saying you shouldn’t be cautious,’’ she said. “I’m saying you shouldn’t go too crazy, like, ‘I’m dying.’”

    Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, predicted that the recovery percentage rate for the virus would likely reach “the high 90s.”

    “One of the problems with this is it’s an evolving scenario, and people jump to the worst-case scenario,” said Siegel, also medical director of SiriusXM’s Doctor Radio.

    “It’s too much doomsday stuff.”

    He said that at the end of the day, he expects the coronavirus death rate to be under 1 percent, albeit “a little worse” than the flu.

    Of the more than 92,000 people who’ve contracted the virus worldwide, mainly in China, nearly 49,000 have already recovered, while about 3,130 have died. Siegel said that as more cases inevitably surface, this will bring the survival figure up and the death percentage down.

    Yeung-Cheung said, “Each virus is like people — they have their personality.

    “The interesting thing about this virus is it’s not that difficult to kill, like Ebola and norovirus,” using a little Clorox solution or Purell, she said.

    The microbiologist added that the virus is unique in that the very young are faring better than they usually do with their compromised immune systems.

    “That’s a blessing in a way,” Yeung-Cheung said. “On the other hand, that means they can also [silently] carry it.’’
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #152
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Then again...

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    On a positive note...
    ...most of us should survive this.
    Perhaps I should recant...

    Coronavirus outbreak may have unleashed panic buying of Hostess Twinkies and Ding Dongs
    Brian Sozzi
    Yahoo Finance March 5, 2020

    Alongside those coronavirus prep bags being filled by shoppers with bleach and hand sanitizer may be boxes of long shelf life Twinkies and Ding Dongs.

    “We are seeing that,” Hostess Brands CEO Andy Callahan said on Yahoo Finance’s On the Move, when asked if he is seeing a bump in business as people stock up, should they be trapped at home due to the coronavirus outbreak.

    Added Callahan, “We are benefiting likely in the short-term due to traffic. That’s the great thing about Hostess, we are there to celebrate things. We are there to comfort things. So we are seeing a slight uptick in traffic. It’s too early to tell, a lot of our point of sale data lags.”

    Even without the bump in business, Hostess has been doing just fine.

    Fourth quarter sales rose 6.7% from the prior year to $216.7 million on the back of momentum for breakfast items such as Donettes. Adjusted operating profits increased 6.3% year-over-year to $52.4 million.

    Hostess Twinkie snack cakes and Donettes are on display at a store.. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

    Hostess shares are up 8% over the past year, outperforming the Dow’s slight gain and the S&P’s 500 7.5% gain. Since joining Hostess as CEO in 2018, Callahan has looked to streamline the business, ramp up product innovation. He also pulled the trigger on the $320 million acquisition of cookie maker Voortman.

    “Hostess has been increasingly improving its base for improved go-forward revenue growth — first, with Metropoulos & Co. and Apollo out of bankruptcy; and now, with Andy Callahan as CEO. We’re simply in late stage two of an operational turnaround, which we like,” wrote Jefferies analyst Rob Dickerson in a note to clients.

    Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and co-anchor of The First Trade at Yahoo Finance. Follow Sozzi on Twitter @BrianSozzi and on LinkedIn.
    I suppose there's some logic behind this. Twinkies don't go bad, amirite?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #153
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    Fencing steps up

    Handshaking Rule Suspended at USA Fencing Events
    03/06/2020, 6:30PM CST BY NICOLE JOMANTAS

    In response to concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Referees’ Commission has announced the temporary suspension of the section of Rule T.122 which states that fencers must shake hands with their opponent at the conclusion of a bout. Athletes must still perform the fencer’s salute at the start and conclusion of the bout. This action will be in place effective March 7, 2020 for all USA Fencing sanctioned tournaments and will remain until further notice.
    Coronavirus Updates

    USA Fencing is continuing to monitor the global situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). The top priority for USA Fencing is the safety and well-being of all members and participants in fencing events held both in the United States and abroad.

    At this time, the upcoming national and international events scheduled to be held in the United States during the coming months will remain as scheduled. If there are changes to national or international event calendar, updates will be made at

    We will continue to follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and are working in partnership with the Federation Internationale d’Escrime, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and local and state public health authorities in order to create a safe environment for all participants.

    Tips for Fencers, Coaches, Staff, etc.

    Stay home from practice or competition if you feel sick.
    Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer with 60-90% alcohol when restrooms are unavailable.
    Avoid direct physical contact with others (keep a six-foot distance when possible).
    Salute or elbow bump competitors, coaches and referees rather than shaking hands.
    Do not touch your face during a bout or training session.
    Do not share water bottles.
    Do not put your mouth on water fountains.
    Tips for Club Owners and Tournament Organizers

    Make sure to have hand sanitizer and tissues in high traffic areas throughout the training or competition space, including near bout committee tables, water dispensers, score tables, etc.
    Wash all shared gear and use sanitizng wipes on weapons in between uses. Read tips on how to wash masks.
    Keep sanitizing wipes near reels and other frequently touched equipment.
    As always, make sure restrooms and locker rooms are properly cleaned on a frequent basis.
    Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces regularly.

    The CDC recommends preventative actions regarding respiratory illnesses, including:

    Stay home when you are sick.
    Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

    If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #154
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    Coming victory

    I hope this is so...

    China sees 'coming victory' over coronavirus as global alarm spreads
    Kim Hjelmgaard
    Deirdre Shesgreen

    In Iran, a close adviser to adviser Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei died after contracting coronavirus. The head of a religious sect in South Korea got down on his knees and bowed deeply out of shame for his organization's role in the disease's spread. Italy has quarantined churches and urged doctors to come out of retirement.

    The new and frightening virus that has tightened borders, led to massive disinfection programs and roiled global markets has been detected in at least 70 countries with 90,000 cases and 3,100 deaths. China, where COVID-19 originated, remains the hardest-hit nation, with 80,151 cases and 2,943 deaths, but its ambassador to the United Nations said late Monday that it has turned a corner in battling the disease.

    "We are not far from the coming of the victory," said Zhang Jun, ahead of daily figures released Tuesday that showed new cases in China dropped to 125, a six-week low.

    But the optimism in China contrasts with a growing sense of alarm in other parts of Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. South Korea saw its largest daily increase in new cases Tuesday, with 851 new infections, bringing the country's total reported cases to 5,186. President Moon Jae-in called the outbreak "a grave situation."

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the leader of the World Health Organization, said the outbreaks in South Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan were the agency’s greatest concern.

    "We are in uncharted territory," Tedros said.

    Here is what is happening across the globe on coronavirus:

    Pope Francis tested negative for the coronavirus after suffering a slight cold which led him to cancel several public gatherings, newspaper Il Messaggero reported. The pope is 83. At least 52 people have died in Italy from the virus.

    Australia’s Central Bank cut interest rates and signaled it was prepared for further monetary easing measures in order to make up for an economic slowdown in China caused by the virus. The U.S. Federal Reserve followed suit. Most global stock market indexes gained Tuesday, although Tokyo's benchmark Nikkei 225 lost 1.2%

    Iranian state media reported that 23 lawmakers now have the disease. The death of Mohammad Mirmohammadi – Khamenei's adviser – came as Iran announced the virus had killed at least 77 people among 2,336 confirmed cases. Public health experts worry that Iran’s percentage of deaths to infections, around 3.3%, is higher than other countries. Iran suffers from a chronic shortage of essential medical supplies, partly blamed on years of U.S. sanctions. It also stands accused of concealing information about the spread of the disease. Iran's supreme leader mobilized the army Tuesday to help tackle the outbreak. State media in Iran also reported that the head of country’s emergency medical services is ill with the virus.

    North Korea still claims zero infections, more than a month after the WHO declared the virus a Public Health Emergency of International concern and despite the metastasizing presence of it in South Korea. "Unfortunately, the international community has no idea if the coronavirus is spreading inside North Korea,” said East Asia expert Jessica Lee in a recent report for the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a think tank in Washington. "The fact that we know nothing about the level of infection or deaths within North Korea is extremely problematic and, left unchanged, could have serious public health implications."

    Britain's government forecast that about a fifth of the country's workforce could be off sick if the virus, at its peak, turns into a full-blown pandemic. Like other nations, Britain is drafting emergency plans that would see the government close schools, limit large-scale events and implement a policy of "social distancing" if necessary. Under a worse-case scenario it could also call in the army and give police and medical professionals powers to detain people suspected of having COVID-19. So far, Britain has fewer cases of the disease than some other nearby European countries such France, with only 40 confirmed infections.

    Ukraine confirmed its first case of the virus, on the heels of reported cases for the first time in Gibraltar, Morocco, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

    Amid mounting pressure on its health system, South Korea has started testing people for coronavirus via drive-through-type stations. Motorists are met by health officials in protective plastic suits who take samples from their throats and nasal passages. About 60% of South Korea's coronavirus cases have been traced to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a secretive religious community. One of the church's leaders, dubbed "Patient 31" by South Korea's Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is thought to have infected at least 31 people alone as she attended church services in Daegu, a city in southeastern South Korea.

    The world's top finance ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) nations held a global teleconference Tuesday over potential concerted action by policymakers to stem the damage the virus has caused to the global economy. Countries from Germany to Vietnam have cancelled large annual events from car shows to technology fairs. Commercial airlines have cancelled hundreds of flights. Tourism has ground to a halt. Large corporate employers have advised staff to work from home where possible. The virus risks a worldwide recession. Finance ministers and central bank governors said they stand ready to cooperate as needed.

    In France, President Emmanuel Macron tweeted that his government was requisitioning all current and future stocks of protective face masks. These are needed for health workers and those already sickened by the disease. France on Tuesday reported 204 cases, up 13 from a day prior, and a total of 4 deaths.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #155
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    Remember that HK Protest?

    Boycott Mulan, anyone? Brie Larson, The Rock face backlash after tweeting support for Disney film starring Crystal Liu Yifei
    Hollywood stars’ social media posts looking forward to release of Disney’s Mulan, starring Crystal Liu Yifei, prompt acid response from Hong Kong internet users
    That’s because in August, the Chinese-American actress voiced support for Hong Kong police – accused of acts of brutality – amid anti-government protests
    SCMP Reporter
    Published: 4:11pm, 9 Mar, 2020

    Workers man a promotional stand for the Disney move Mulan in an almost empty shopping mall in Beijing. The film’s release in China and Hong Kong has been postponed amid the coronavirus outbreak. Some Hong Kong film fans are unlikely to welcome its eventual release. Photo: AFP

    Hollywood stars Brie Larson and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson became the latest focus of Hong Kong’s anti-government protesters after showing their enthusiastic support for the upcoming movie Mulan on social media.
    Disney’s live-action remake of the popular 1998 animated film has been a lightning rod for many Hong Kong cinema-goers – and the target of a boycott campaign – since August 2019, when the film’s Chinese-American star Crystal Liu Yifei voiced support for the Hong Kong police, frequently accused of using excessive force and perpetrating brutality on citizens during the increasingly violent protests.
    So when Larson, best known for her portrayal of the superhero Captain Marvel and her Oscar-winning role in Room , showed her passionate anticipation for Mulan on Friday, many Hong Kong internet users were swift to respond.
    Under Larson’s tweet, “I cannot wait to see this movie. Every trailer has made me burst into tears.”, one of the most liked replies reads, “You know what makes Hong Kongers burst into tears every night? #HKPoliceBrutality, a #HumanRightsViolations that #Mulan lead actress #LiuYifei openly supports.”

    Brie Larson

    · Mar 5, 2020
    I cannot wait to see this movie. Every trailer has made me burst into tears.

    The Hollywood Reporter

    Disney's #Mulan is targeting a heroic U.S. debut of $85 million or more, according to early tracking

    #SOSHK Fight for Hong Kong
    You know what makes Hong Kongers burst into tears every night?#HKPoliceBrutality, a #HumanRightsViolations that #Mulan lead actress #LiuYifei openly supports.#BoycottMulan

    Embedded video
    12:26 AM - Mar 8, 2020
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    Another reply reads: “Disney is bursting into tears tooCrying face #LiuYifei has single handedly ruined the box office. Her decision to disrespect #HumanRights and openly supporting #China backed #PoliceBrutality in HK … well … led to big time #BoycottMulan.”
    Dwayne Johnson has been attracting similar feedback after he tweeted on Friday, “Been waiting for this one! Pumped to see it! Great job team @asadayaz”. Asad Ayaz is the president of marketing of the Walt Disney Studios.

    Dwayne Johnson

    · Mar 5, 2020
    Been waiting for this one! Pumped to see it! Great job team @asadayaz

    'Mulan' Tracking for Heroic $85M-Plus U.S. Opening
    Disney's latest live-action remake of a classic animated movie opens in late March.
    Lai King
    Mulan actress Liu Yifei supports police brutality in Hong Kong …

    Here's What to Know About the Mulan Boycott
    The actor playing Mulan in Disney's live-action reboot was met with a backlash after voicing support for the Hong Kong police
    1:50 PM - Mar 5, 2020
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    See Lai King's other Tweets
    Meanwhile, the Hong Kong branch of Walt Disney Studios has announced that the film’s release in the city, slated for March 26, had been postponed until further notice. “We will announce a new release date soon, depending on the situation surrounding Covid-19. Please stay tuned,” read a statement from the studio, referring to the global coronavirus epidemic.
    Unlike those in mainland China, Hong Kong cinemas have remained open throughout the epidemic; in the coming two weeks, at least 10 new films are scheduled to open in the city. Asked for comment on the postponement of Mulan’s release in Hong Kong, Disney’s Hong Kong office declined to add to its earlier statement.
    Mulan (2020)
    Hong Kong protests
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #156
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Italy’s massive coronavirus quarantine provokes panic and prison riots; stocks fall 11%
    Holly Ellyatt

    Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed a decree imposing restrictions to the movement of people in the region of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces.

    The measures affect more that 16 million people, banning them from moving in and out of those areas.

    Rumors that the extended quarantine measures Saturday night were to be implemented prompted scenes of panic among residents trying to get out before the restrictions came into force.

    Passengers get off the train arriving from Milan (Milan), at the Garibaldi central station train in Naples, southern Italy. The Italian authorities are taking all necessary measures to close the entire northern Italian region of Lombardy, which is home to around 16 million people, in an attempt to stop the COVID 19 coronavirus.

    Italy’s extended quarantine restricting the movement of people in its industrial northern heartland have provoked panic among residents and accentuated the country’s north-south divide.

    Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed a decree on Sunday imposing restrictions to the movement of people in the northern region of Lombardy — the epicenter of the outbreak in Italy — and 14 other provinces across the north, until April 3. The measures (an extension of a preexisting lockdown of 11 towns in Lombardy and Veneto) now affect more than 16 million people, banning them from moving in and out of those areas.

    The publication of a draft decree Saturday afternoon by a newspaper revealing the forthcoming, wider quarantine measures prompted panic among residents trying to get out before the restrictions came into force after midnight.

    Media reports said bars and restaurants emptied and thousands of people tried to leave the region in cars and trains, where there were reports of shoving and pushing by passengers.

    Violent protests have broken out in 27 Italian prisons against coronavirus restrictions with many inmates asking for an amnesty due to the virus emergency, news agency ANSA reported Monday, citing local sources.

    Some 20 inmates had managed to break out of Foggia prison in Puglia during a riot Monday morning, ANSA said citing local sources. Shop keepers in the area were told to close their shops in the vicinity of the prison.

    Prison unrest broke out in a prison in Modena Sunday after inmates were informed that visits from relatives had been banned to prevent the spread of infection. In the south, relatives of detainees in a Poggioreale prison in Naples clashed with police against the government ban.

    Relatives of the detainees in Poggioreale prison clash with the police to protest the government’s ban on visiting detainees to prevent infection with Coronavirus (COVID-19) in prisons.

    Italian stocks on the blue-chip FTSE MIB initially failed to open Monday along with other European markets. When the index did open, stocks were trading down around 2,290 points, or around 11% lower.

    Italy now has 7,375 confirmed cases of the virus and 366 deaths. The outbreak has been concentrated in Italy’s wealthiest northern regions of Lombardy (where there are 3,372 confirmed cases), Emilia-Romagna (with 1,097 cases) and Veneto and has highlighted Italy’s north-south economic and cultural divide.

    ‘Don’t come down here’

    The presidents of the southern regions of Campania, Puglia and Calabria — which have far few cases of the virus — have pleaded with their own inhabitants studying or working in the north not to bring the virus back down south, telling people “don’t come down here.”

    Those regions, as well as Basilicata and Molise, have signed decrees ordering anyone who does arrive from the affected northern regions into a self-imposed quarantine for two weeks. Puglia’s president said those who ignored the order were committing a crime and could be prosecuted.

    “I speak to you as if you were my children, my brothers, my nephews and nieces: Stop and go back,” Michele Emiliano, Puglia’s president, said on Facebook Saturday.

    “Get off at the first train station, do not catch planes for Bari and Brindisi, turn back in your cars, get off your buses at the next stop. Do not bring the epidemic that has hit Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna to your Puglia,” he said, appealing to the region’s citizens stuck in the affected areas.

    Medical officers check the temperature of a traveler of a bus coming from several Italian cities in Salerno, Italy on March 8, 2020.
    Anadolu Agency

    La Repubblica newspaper quoted Jole Santelli, the governor of Calabria, as telling people that “returning from the north in an uncontrolled way puts our country in danger. ... Don’t do it, stop!”

    “The government must block an exodus to Calabria, which risks triggering a disastrous bomb,” said Jole Santelli, the president of Calabria.

    Economists predict that Italy’s economy, weak before the outbreak, will go into recession and the government has already announced that it will spend billions of euros to try to mitigate the economic impact of the virus on businesses and to help the north’s beleaguered health-care system.
    Will U.S. Little Italy neighborhoods be affected like U.S. Chinatowns have been?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #157
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More baduanjin & covid-19

    Chinese nurse teaches coronavirus patients Qigong amid treatment
    Xinhua, March 7, 2020

    HOHHOT, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Some of Chinese medical staff have been teaching COVID-19 patients Qigong, a traditional Chinese system of deep breathing excercise, to help them stay active during treatment.

    A newly posted video on Weibo, WeChat and other social media platforms captured a hazmat-suited nurse teaching his patients Baduanjin, a traditional aerobics form, in a hospital ward in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

    The nurse in the video is Liu Dongming, one of the more than 800 medical workers from north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to help the epidemic control efforts in Hubei.

    Liu worked in Wuhan Youfu Hospital where most patients were with mild symptoms.

    "Some patients were under great psychological pressure and often stayed in bed," he told Xinhua in a phone call interview on Saturday. "My favorite sport Baduanjin might do some good to them, as the smoothing movements could comfort their body and mood," he added.

    Besides medical care, Liu taught his patients Baduanjin and urged them to practice. Sometimes his activities were limited by the hazmat suit, and he demonstrated it over and over again.

    "More and more patients started to learn and many of them felt refreshed after exercise," he said.

    As a nurse of Baotou Traditional Medicine Hospital, Liu fell in love with Baduanjin several years ago during a preparation for a regional Qigong competition, in which he won the third place.

    His wife and 8-year-old son also became Qigong lovers encouraged by him.

    "I tried to teach more patients as well as my colleagues and would like them to benefit from this kind of Qigong," he said. Enditem
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #158
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    Will DC blow up next? Maybe that'll get our govt to act...

    But he's protected by the Psalm 21 protection policy, amirite?

    Priest with coronavirus handed out communion and shook hands with over 500 parishioners
    By Sky Palma Posted on March 9, 2020

    A priest in the Washington D.C. area has tested positive for the coronavirus and officials are now advising anyone who attended his services to self-quarantine.

    CBS affiliate WUSA is reporting that Rev. Timothy Cole attended three services last Sunday at Christ Church Georgetown, which were attended by 550 people. During those services, Cole shook hands with many of those people and handed out communion to them.

    Sam Sweeney

    BREAKING: A D.C. priest has Coronavirus. He offered communion and shook hands with more than 500 worshippers last week and on February 24th. All worshippers who visited the Christ Church in Georgetown must self-quarantine. Church is cancelled for the first time since the 1800's

    7:13 AM - Mar 9, 2020
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    In a message posted to Twitter this Monday, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser recommended that anyone who visited the church between February 24 through March 3 should self-quarantine for 14 days.

    “Visitors to Christ Church, Georgetown Episcopal on Feb 24th, and between Feb 28th and Mar 3rd could’ve been exposed to COVID-19, and DC Health recommends that anyone who visited on those dates isolate themselves at home for 14 days from the last time they visited the church,” he tweeted.

    In the meantime, Christ Church has suspended all services and all other church-related activities until further notice.

    Featured image via Christ Church Georgetown (Facebook)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #159
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    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    ON The Way In The U.S.A. and Beyond. Hopefully this vaccine will be fast-tracked before next Flu Season :

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Emerald City Comic Con postponed

    A Statement From Reedpop –
    Organizers Of Emerald City Comic Con

    March 6, 2020, [1:30]pm eastern-

    Each year the Emerald City Comic Con team works their hardest to do right by the thousands of fans that come together in Seattle. We want to create a space for you to gather, be yourselves and make memories with those who matter to you most. We have been closely monitoring the situation around the COVID-19 virus in Seattle, and, after many hours of conversation internally and consultation with local government officials and the tourism bureau, we have decided to move next week’s Emerald City Comic Con to Summer 2020 with date and detail announcement forthcoming. We did everything that we could to run the event as planned, but ultimately, we are following the guidance of the local public health officials indicating that conventions should now be postponed.

    Our hearts go out to the entire Seattle community, everyone impacted by the COVID-19 virus, and all of you, the nearly 100,000 amazing human beings who look forward to this event each year. Our team was incredibly excited to see you at Emerald City Comic Con next week, however, fans, artists, exhibitors and the rest of the community are what make Reedpop events so special and it is our duty to make sure that your safety comes first.

    We know that this decision is going to greatly impact many of our individual creators, small businesses and service workers. To those whose careers depend on ECCC - we will do everything that we can over the coming days and weeks to highlight your work and we ask that our entire community support you as we realize your personal livelihoods may be impacted.

    To all of our fans – you will receive a refund on your tickets, no further action is needed on your part. Due to the volume, we expect you will receive your refund in 30 days. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Reedpop remains determined and committed to running Emerald City Comic Con in 2020 and we are working closely with Visit Seattle and the Washington State Convention Center to secure alternate dates this summer. As we explore options for new dates, please know that our priority is to bring you an equally amazing event.

    We appreciate all the messages that we have received over the course of the past week. The feedback was invaluable in helping us determine next steps.

    Stay tuned to our website and social channels for additional information about when we will next see you in Seattle.
    Comic Cons

    Quote Originally Posted by PalmStriker View Post
    ON The Way In The U.S.A. and Beyond. Hopefully this vaccine will be fast-tracked before next Flu Season
    I'll believe in a vaccine when it's available. Otherwise, these claims are no different than the TCM claims. But thanks for keeping tabs on this one. There's so much news that it's hard to parse.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #161
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    Olympic torch ceremony downsized over coronavirus

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #162
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Yet another TCM claim - the Wuchang Model

    Define 'proves' here.
    TCM formula proves to be effective virus curb at community level
    By Zhang Yangfei | | Updated: 2020-03-05 19:38

    A pharmacist of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) arranges doses of TCM decoctions to help combat the novel coronavirus epidemic at Xiaogan Chinese Medical Hospital in Xiaogan city, central China's Hubei province, Feb 25, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Wuhan's Wuchang district in Central China's Hubei province has distributed a traditional Chinese medicine formula to local residents, and this measure has been proved effective in curbing the novel coronavirus epidemic at the community level.

    A residential community is the first line of defense in curbing the spread of the epidemic, said Tong Xiaolin, a traditional Chinese physician and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, after he arrived in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, on Jan 28.

    After consulting patients at local fever clinics, he developed a TCM recipe that was then distributed to residents for prevention and to patients while they were waiting to be diagnosed or admitted to hospitals at that time.

    The measure was later dubbed the "Wuchang Model", which is to use TCM to prevent and control the epidemic at a community level in the face of major public health emergencies, especially when medical resources are in short supply and no vaccine or specific medicine is available, said Xiang Yue, deputy head of Wuchang district.

    Such a model can help earn more time for patients to be treated and reduce mortality and severe illness, she added.

    Xiang said at the early stage of the outbreak, Wuchang was short on hospital beds, doctors and medical supplies, and no modern medicine showed efficacy in inhibiting the disease.

    "At that time, we thought we couldn't conjure up more beds, medical staff or materials, but at least we could help people start to take medicine first," she said.

    Two community health centers then prescribed some TCM recipes and sent them to medical staff and local people, and as a result, no one was infected after taking the medicine. "We felt TCM could be an effective way," she added.

    After arrival, TCM expert Tong checked patients and talked with local experts, then he formulated a general recipe in the hope of curbing the disease.

    Tong said ideally a TCM recipe is personalized according to each patient's condition, but with a large number of patients waiting to see a doctor, it was impossible for doctors to consult each patient carefully. "At this special moment, the priority is to let patients use the medicine first," he said.

    He said the initial symptoms of novel coronavirus infection were very similar, and the involvement of TCM at an early stage could help prevent the symptoms from becoming more severe.

    Tong also contacted a pharmaceutical company in Jiangsu province to produce the recipe in granules and the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences also developed a mobile phone software where patients could receive suggestions from online doctors by scanning a QR code, uploading pictures of their tongues and leaving comments of their symptoms.

    This method greatly reduced the work pressure of frontline community doctors and their risk of being infected, Tong said.

    Xiang said the decision to use TCM was more like a desperate move at first because there was no other way, but "now it proves to be a very correct choice".

    "People didn't trust it at first. They still wanted to geta hospital bed. But later they saw there were hundreds of people cured by taking TCM, so they began to believe in it," Xiang added.

    Tong said this model has fully demonstrated TCM's role in preventing the disease and also provided a new solution to dealing with major public health events.
    So what is the TCM medicine exactly?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #163
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Santa Clara County ORDERS cancellation of large events

    It's ramped up from 'calls for' to 'orders'

    More to come soon...

    County of Santa Clara Issues Order to Cancel Mass Gatherings Due to Increasing Rates of COVID-19
    March 9, 2020

    Contact: County of Santa Clara Emergency Operations Center/Public Health Department 408-808-7863

    SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CA — In light of significantly increasing rates of COVID-19 in Santa Clara County, the County’s Public Health Department is taking further steps to protect the health of our community.

    Today, the Public Health Department is announcing a mandatory order issued by the Public Health Officer requiring the cancellation of mass gatherings in the County. This order will take effect at 12:00 a.m. on March 11, 2020 and will remain in place for three weeks as more wi​despread testing becomes available and we are able to learn more about the spread of COVID-19. We are also announcing new, stronger guidance for the general public and for many specific groups designed to reduce the spread of the virus in our community.

    “This is a critical moment in the growing outbreak of COVID-19 in Santa Clara County. The strong measures we are taking today are designed to slow the spread of disease,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Santa Clara County Health Officer. “Today’s order and new recommendations will reduce the number of people who develop severe illness and will help prevent our healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. This is critically important for anyone with healthcare needs, not just those most vulnerable to serious illness from COVID-19.”

    It is important that all individuals, including those who are not at higher risk for severe illness, follow this guidance. Even individuals who are not a higher risk can inadvertently transmit the virus to vulnerable people.

    Earlier Monday, the Public Health Department announced the first death from COVID19 in the county. The person who passed away was an adult woman in her 60s, had been hospitalized for several weeks, and was the third case of COVID-19 reported by the County Public Health Department on February 28, 2020. She was the first person in the County confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 without any known history of international travel or contact with a traveler or infected person, suggesting she contracted COVID-19 in our community.

    Six more cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on Monday in the County of Santa Clara, bringing the countywide total to 43.

    For more information visit:​
    TCEC i
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #164
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Coronavirus-infected centenarian discharged from hospital after recovery
    Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-07 18:33:10|Editor: huaxia

    A medical worker from the military shows the nucleic acid test negative report of a 100-year-old man at the branch of Hubei's Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital at the Optics Valley in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, March 7, 2020. A 100-year-old man has recovered and been discharged from hospital Saturday after 13 days of treatment for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), becoming the oldest recovered patient to date. (Photo by Zhao Jiaqing/Xinhua)

    WUHAN, March 7 (Xinhua) -- A 100-year-old man has recovered and been discharged from hospital Saturday after 13 days of treatment for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), becoming the oldest recovered patient to date.

    He was among the group of more than 80 COVID-19 patients who were discharged from the branch of Hubei's Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital at the Optics Valley in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province and the epicenter of the outbreak.

    Born in February 1920, the elderly man just marked his 100th birthday.

    He was admitted to the hospital on Feb. 24 due to a coronavirus infection, with underlying health problems such as Alzheimer's disease, hypertension and heart failure.

    Due to his complicated conditions, medical professionals from the military held multiple consultations, and a variety of methods including antiviral treatment through traditional Chinese medicine and convalescent plasma therapy were adopted in the treatment.

    A 100-year-old man is discharged from the branch of Hubei's Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital at the Optics Valley in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, March 7, 2020. A 100-year-old man has recovered and been discharged from hospital Saturday after 13 days of treatment for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), becoming the oldest recovered patient to date. (Photo by Zhao Jiaqing/Xinhua)
    Give it up to the elderly!!!!!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Coachella & Stagecoach

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    This was inevitable given the course of COVID-19
    Coachella & Stagecoach in Talks to Move to October Due to Coronavirus
    3/9/2020 by Dave Brooks

    Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Coachella
    Festivalgoers attend the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 13, 2018 in Indio, Calif.

    It’s not a done deal but organizers should know in about 48 hours if the festivals can be saved, say high level sources.

    Officials with promoter Goldenvoice are working on a plan to try and move the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival in Indio, California, to the weekends of Oct. 9 and Oct. 16 in an attempt to save the event from cancellation amid concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, according to high level sources. The AEG-owned concert promoter is also working to move the Stagecoach country music festival to October as well, possibly to Oct. 23.

    Fearing that Riverside County officials will have to pull the 20-year-old event's permit to bring 250,000 fans over two weekends to Indio, California, conversations with city officials and talent agents began late Sunday as the hope for staging the festival in April began to diminish. Earlier Monday (March 9) three more cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Riverside County where the festival takes place.

    Postponing the massive festival series until October is a huge endeavor involving hundreds of artists and their representatives, as well as hundreds of contractors and vendors and tens of thousands of employees. Artists are frequenting touring during the fall months and while organizers aren't likely to get all the performers to agree to move, sources say that if enough of the big headline acts -- this year's Coachella headliners include Frank Ocean, Rage Against the Machine and Travis Scott -- then the festival can be moved. Stagecoach is being headlined by Thomas Rhett, Carrie Underwood and Eric Church.

    Organizers hope to know within the next 48 hours if the move is possible. If not, the 2020 versions of Coachella and Stagecoach will likely be canceled.

    Coachella is one of the largest music festivals in the world, with north of a half-million people descending on the desert each year. It was originally set to take place over two weekends next month, starting April 10 and wrapping up April 19.

    The news follows an announcement Friday that Austin’s annual South by Southwest will be canceled this year. The Winter Music Conference and Ultra Music Festival, both in Miami, have also been canceled. Globally, high-profile events including Tomorrowland Winter in France and Ultra Abu Dhabi have been shut down as well.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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