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Thread: weed and meditation

  1. #1
    buddhistfist Guest

    weed and meditation

    Hello, I am having a little problem and if you guys could help me out I would really appreciate it.How does mixing meditation/chi gong with smoking marijuana awaken the kundalini? I have a friend who smokes alot of weed but he wants to start meditating again,would you advise against this?Also, if he used to meditate (got to a higher level than me) but he stopped and started to smoke weed would he be in danger of the kundalini awakening? Is there anything he can do to make sure the kundalini doesn't awaken,if he wants to meditate and smoke weed?(I figure after he begins meditating again after a while he will stop smoking) also, would I be wrong to teach him some new meditations while he is a weed smoker?

  2. #2
    joedoe Guest
    I have heard that smoking weed and spiritual practice are not good to mix, primarily because drug use can achieve similar states of conciousness but as it is an artificial means of getting there the person never learns to do it for themselves.

    I have also heard another theory relating to the way drugs can affect the chakras.

    Either way, my advice is that it is best not to mix them.

    You're fu(king up my chi

  3. #3
    prana Guest


    nicely said

  4. #4
    Nexus Guest
    It is my personal experience that drug use and spiritual practice should be mixed only with extreme caution. Usually the purpose of mixing a drug/herb is to achieve a certain type of experience or receive a certain kind of vision.

    I don't advocate the use of herbs such as marijuana mixed with spiritual practices such as meditation. Perhaps your friend should make it clear why he wants to do meditation and make it clear why he wants to smoke marijuana. Then see how similar those two reasons are, and if they are both in support of one another.

    - Nexus

  5. #5
    Repulsive Monkey Guest


    This topic is a perrenial in this forum, and for what it's worth I'll just say a little on the topic and then shut up. Drugs a dn meditation is hazardous and I feel it is lethal for anyone to condone or promote mixing the two. drug usage while in altered states adds the element of having less control over nuances in consciousness. Enlightenment is best reached without drugs as it is the easiest and most safest method. Drugs are a veil to the normal functions of the mind, and thus completely go against most meditation systems which involve the indiviual in trying to reduce the ego. How can one reduce the ego when most drugs have an embellishing effect? Imagine someone trying to reduce and passify the ego when on coke!! It doesn't pay to add more complications to ones practice when these subjects are diffcult enough to practice anyway.

    Prana do you wanna add to this tread?????

  6. #6
    Fish of Fury Guest
    i agree with what's been said so far.
    as weed may relax/alter your control, you may get energy movement without any understanding of it or ability to control it, which can be damaging.

    there's stories that Hitler was deeply into the occult, and tried using many drugs/chemicals to enhance spiritual development/perception.
    and we wouldn't want your friend to wind up like him... :(

    __________________________________________________ _________________________ "I'm just trying to lull you into a genuine sense of security!"

  7. #7
    sultanpro Guest
    Ok, but are we talking about being high and doing meditation? or someone who smoke's in general?

    I can understand being smoked out and doing meditation is not good, but what if you are
    not high at the time of doing the meditation?
    Is it bad if you are a smoker period!!?

    Skard 1

    Its not what goes in a man that defile's him, its what comes out.

  8. #8
    Nexus Guest
    It is not part of the Taoist perspective to become too attached to any one thing. Not being able to stop smoking altogether would be considered the inability to become disattached from smoking as it has become an essential habitiual trait of who we are. At this point we no longer have the willpower to just stop if we choose to, and so often we stop trying to stop altogether.

    This is why in the tao te ching we see something along the lines of this:

    To be sick of sickness is a sign of good health, therefore the wise man grows sick of sickness, and sick of being sick of sickness,
    'til he is sick no more.

    It is not healthy for the mind/body or the spirit to be allowing toxins to enter the body on a regular basis. Often why fasts are done to clean out toxins from the body as well that have accumulated over time through misuse and mistreatment of our bodies in our aging processes, as most everyone has done something along these lines in one lifetime or another :)

    - Nexus

  9. #9
    Ma_Xu_Zha Guest

    brain cells

    marijiuana doesnt kill brain cells but makes the cell walls harder and thicker over time thus not allowing the proper nutrient and o2 to reach. there are long term effect including memory loss, moodyness, sleeping disorders, appetitie problems, withdrawl and tolerance effects.

    It also de-motivates people.

  10. #10
    wisdom mind Guest

    cypress hill works pretty hard

    nuf said

    burn the wikked

  11. #11
    shaolinboxer Guest
    It also motivates people, decrease stress, helps with sleeping problems, increases appetite, decrease sinus pressure, and stimulates creativity.

  12. #12
    Nexus Guest
    Meditation can do all of those things also Lyle.

    - Nexus

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    fairfax, va, USA
    As someone who smoked weed in the past, I wouldnt say its all to negative-

    I does relax in some ways, I can help ease pain, and meditate to some degree.

    However, it is illegal, it is a poison, it can cause lung, throat, neck and brain cancers. It is true there are thousnads of chemicals besides THC within that makes it stronger than cigarettes.

    True mastery comes not from external sources such as week, becareful of the illusion.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern England

    I dunno...

    Everything in moderation. Didn't some old Chinese masters used to smoke opium? Or is that just some ridiculous rumour?
    And man, if they can smoke opium and be a master, I'm pretty sure you can have a few tokes on a j and still pursue your interests effectively. Depends whether you're in control of the drug or vice versa. What do you think?
    (I would like to know about the opium thing, not that I'm even considering that )
    '"4 ounces deflect 1000 pounds" represents a skill potential, if you stand in front of a 1000 pound charging bull and apply four ounces of deflection, well, you get the picture..' - Tai Chi Bob

    "My car has a lot of parts in there that I don't know about, don't know what they're called, haven't seen them and wouldn't know what they were if someone pointed them out to me .... doesn't mean they're not in there." - Evolution Fist

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Anchorage, Alaska
    Depends if you are interested in keeping a clear mind during your kungfu training and meditation training. When one makes the decission that they want to pursue that path they put substance usage behind them but until then there is no point talking about it as you can very well justify the use of mind-altering substances your entire life, never able to face the real reasons why you do them.

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