I have had a smallish realisation last night.

But this question aims at anyone who is interested in Qi-Gong or practises energy controls of other sorts. Wongsifu, Repulsive Monkey, ABandit, Fish, Mantis, and others I have left out....

When sleeping with the mind set at the mid heart, I am unable to get to sleep properly. Dreams are lacking, even sleep is fairly hard to come by. Usually the mind returns to its monkey state before I am able to fall asleep.

When sleeping, with the mind at the throat behind the adams apple, the mind sleeps with strong recollection of dreams. Perhaps this is the gateway to lucid dreaming, and the ability to recognise dreams.

A dumb dream, such as todays, a lizard decapitates a persons head with a sword. It then comes after me at a ferocious pace. I duck, and it lands, and again I follow it out of curiosity. I see it at the corner, it comes at me again, this time at my leg. I am shaken, fight it, and wake up in fear, that I am to be decapitated.

A dumb dream to most/all of you, but to me, a constant reminder of the torment a human being has to traverse in the path of death. In fear, one runs from the creatures that are out to kill you, a highly modified creature of the current/many past lifes, coming back to haunt you, creatures you are inclined to be curious, hurt, kill manifesting in its evil states. Or the constant attachment, the curiosity to watch this lizard, and hence causing this collapse into the lower states of mind, fear whatever. Remember this is how your karma is manifests, and the state of your mind at the end of this life, gives rise to the next.

So what does Qi-Gong have to say. Energy at your throats, heart ?

*** Again this question does not apply to anyone who is disinterested in Qi-Gong, I mean to offense if it is offensive in nature to anyone.