Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up: THE ADEPT, GUTTERSPAWN, and 3 more campaigns we love

By Josh Hilgenberg -06/19/2020 1:00

Welcome to The Beat’s crowdfunding round-up: a collection of some of our favorite campaigns from the week including one-shots, on-goings, anthologies and everything in-between! This week, we’re checking out the kung fu adventure, The Adept, a kids’ book featuring a non-binary main character, A More Graceful Shaboom, and more.

Let’s get started!

The Adept

Creators: Tasha Huo (writer), Charlie Stickney (writer), Yishan Li (artist), Gabriela Downie (letterer) Gene Ching (Action Choreographer), Conor Hughes (Action Layouts)
Goal: $10,000
End date: July 15, 2020
Goodies: A digital copy runs $5, physical editions are $17, while higher tiers include pins, variants, and unique swag.

A young woman with a broken past. The Shaolin Master that visits her dreams. A modern story of transformation and kung fu.

The Adept is the brainchild of Immortal Studios CEO & Founder, Peter Shiao, and adapted by Huo, Stickney, Li, and Downie, with Ching providing his knowledge of Kung Fu, and Hughes adding layout assistance. Over 42 pages, this first issue in what’s planned to be a limited series will introduce Amy, a young Chinese-American who’s lost her purpose and decides to come home – but is quickly swept into a Kung Fu story of the ages when she witnesses a kidnapping and is called to action. It’s an enticing story I can’t do justice – but fourteen preview pages of Li’s art will. Check those out on The Adept official campaign page.

Become a backer here.
I'm only copying the lead feature.